Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. DDHA 8750 PU Volume to Value Executive Brief Discussion


How might health care executives choose a value-based care model for their organization? What would you, as a current or future health care executive, need to consider in making this choice? Are there other leaders within your organization who you would want to involve in making this decision?

Questions such as these are critical for your role as a current or future health care executive. Ensuring that your organization makes the best choice of a value-based care model, while informing the board of directors and other departments, is a critical responsibility of your role. Practice in developing executive briefs that may be presented to the board of directors for a health care organization is meaningful in helping guide necessary and sufficient information to enact initiatives for health care delivery.

For this Assignment, review the resources for this week. Consider how you, as a current or future health care executive would choose a value-based care model for your health care organization. Reflect on those key points that you would highlight as most critical in an executive brief for your board of directors.

The Assignment: (1–2 pages)

  • Write an executive brief that you would present to the board of directors that highlights your choice of value-based care model. Provide your rationale for choosing this model over others for your organization.
  • Be sure to incorporate feedback and recommendations suggested by your colleagues in this week’s Discussion.

Please see resources below and attached.

Gehardt, W., Korenda, L., Morris M., & Vadnerkar, G. (2015). The road to value-based care: Your mileage may vary. Westlake, TX: Deloitte University Press.

MILLER, H. D. From Volume To Value: Better Ways To Pay For Health Care. Health Affairs, [s. l.], v. 28, n. 5, p. 1418–1428, 2009. DOI 10.1377/hlthaff.28.5.1418. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jun. 2021.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. University of Mississippi Main Campus MyPlate Food Groups Exercise


Make Your Own MyPlate Objective:

T o practice the MyPlate eating pattern in your personal life.

Overview of what you will do:

Pick a meal over the next few days that you think will best exhibit the MyPlate principles. Take a picture & upload the picture to Blackboard in the assignment below, along with answers to a few questions about the meal. Your grade will be based on how well you follow the general portion distributions of MyPlate, include all of the food groups in your meal/picture, answer the questions, and follow the meal guidelines listed below.

Meal Guidelines

1. All parts of the meal must be visible in the picture. Don’t say “there was a glass of milk not pictured” in your description – show the milk in the picture!

2. The meal must be plated as if you are about to eat it. This may mean that you need to use several individual dishes. Please don’t post a picture of a food in a serving dish or the plastic container that you bought it in!

3. The meal should contain all of the food groups used by MyPlate. If you have a milk allergy, I would prefer that you use a milk substitue (like calcium-fortified almond milk or soy cheese or anything else in the “dairy” group of MyPlate). However, I realize that these foods can be quite expensive, so if you do not already use them, it may be difficult for you to purchase them just for this project. If that is the case, you can email me prior to the due date to obtain an exception for this food group.

4. Each food group should be present in roughly the correct proportion recommended by MyPlate.

5. While you technically do not have to prepare the meal yourself, please be aware that restaurant meals rarely come in the right proportions and will probably be difficult to manipulate for full credit.


Here are some examples for you to get an idea of what a MyPlate meal can look like. Note that it doesn’t have to be have the food groups partitioned off. You can estimate the amounts and mix foods together. The most important thing is that you have a little grain, a little protein and lots of fruits and/or vegetables, and a serving of dairy (unless you have a milk allergy and prefer not to have a milk substitute).

Tuna-Avocado Open-Faced Sandwiches with Slaw and Oranges

Example 1

Tuna-Avocado Open-Faced Sandwiches with Slaw and Oranges

Photo credit to the Food Network.

Link here to the original article.

Note that in this picture the grain and the protein are together, but you can imagine that they would each take up about 1/4 of the plate.

Herbal Chicken Sandwiches

Example 2

Herbal Chicken Sandwiches

Photo credit to the Food Network.

Link here to the original article.

Note that in this picture, the fruits and vegetables aren’t actually on the plate – they are in the green smoothies made with Granny Smith apples, avocado and fresh herbs. Instead, we have the dairy (Greek yogurt topped with raspberry jam) on the plate! But the same MyPlate principles and portions are still followed.

Pesto spaghetti squash with eggplant, apple compote, corn cakes, water.

Example 3

Pesto spaghetti squash with eggplant, apple compote, corn cakes, water.

Photo credit to the Pima County Food Alliance.

Link here to the original article.

Note that this is a vegetarian meal!

Pan-Seared Salmon with Kale and Apple Salad

Example 4

Pan-Seared Salmon with Kale and Apple Salad

Photo credit to the Food Network.

Link here to the original article.

Note that there is no dairy here. You should either add a glass of milk to your picture or obtain prior approval from Ms. Parkes to skip the milk group.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NURS 4030 CU Remote Collaboration and Evidence Based Care Presentation


This will be a power point presentation not a video

Create a 5-10 minute video of yourself, as a presenter, in which you will propose an evidence-based plan to improve the outcomes for a patient and examine how remote collaboration provided benefits or challenges to designing and delivering the care.

As technologies and the health care industry continue to evolve, remote care, diagnosis, and collaboration are becoming increasingly more regular methods by which nurses are expected to work. Learning the ways in which evidence-based models and care can help remote work produce better outcomes will become critical for success. Additionally, understanding how to leverage EBP principles in collaboration will be important in the success of institutions delivering quality, safe, and cost-effective care. It could also lead to better job satisfaction for those engaging in remote collaboration.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 2: Analyze the relevance and potential      effectiveness of evidence when making a decision. 
    • Reflect on which evidence was most relevant and useful       when making decisions regarding the care plan.
  • Competency 3: Apply an evidence-based practice model to      address a practice issue. 
    • Explain the ways in which an EBP model was used to       help develop the care plan.
  • Competency 4: Plan care based on the best      available evidence. 
    • Propose an evidence-based care plan to improve the       safety and outcomes for a patient.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly      communication strategies to lead practice changes based on evidence. 
    • Identify benefits and strategies to mitigate the       challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration to plan care within the       context of a remote team.
    • Communicate in a professional manner that is easily       audible and uses proper grammar, including a reference list formatted in       current APA style.

Professional Context

Remote care and diagnosis is a continuing and increasingly important method for nurses to help deliver care to patients to promote safety and enhance health outcomes. Understanding best EBPs and building competence in delivering nursing care to remote patients is a key competency for all nurses. Additionally, in some scenarios, while you may be delivering care in person you may be collaborating with a physician or other team members who are remote. Understanding the benefits and challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration is vital to developing effective communication strategies when coordinating care. So, being proficient at communicating and working with remote health care team members is also critical to delivering quality, evidence-base care.


The Vila Health: Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Based Care simulation provide the context for this assessment.


You may wish to review Selecting a model for evidence-based practice changes. [PDF] and Evidence-Based Practice Models, which help explain the various evidence-based nursing models.

For this assessment, you are a presenter! You will create a 5–10-minute video using Kaltura or similar software. In the video:

  • Propose an evidence-based care plan that you believe      will improve the safety and outcomes of the patient in the Vila Health      Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Based Care media scenario.
  • Discuss the ways in which an EBP model and relevant      evidence helped you to develop and make decision about the plan you      proposed
  • Wrap up your video by identifying the benefits of the      remote collaboration in the scenario, as well as discuss strategies you      found in the literature or best practices that could help mitigate or      overcome one or more of the collaboration challenges you observed in the      scenario.

Be sure you mention any articles, authors, and other relevant sources of evidence that helped inform your video. Important: You are required to submit an APA-formatted reference list of the sources you cited specifically in your video or used to inform your presentation. 

The following media is an example learner submission in which the speaker successfully addresses all competencies in the assessment.

Make sure that your video addresses the following grading criteria:

  • Propose an evidence-based care plan to improve the      safety and outcomes for a patient based on the Vila Health Remote      Collaboration on Evidence-Care media scenario.
  • Explain the ways in which an EBP model was used to help      develop the care plan.
  • Reflect on which evidence was most relevant and useful      when making decisions regarding the care plan.
  • Identify benefits and strategies to mitigate the challenges      of interdisciplinary collaboration to plan care within the context of a      remote team.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NUR 509 STU Advanced Practice Screening for Diseases & Preventive Measures Essay


Share your experiences with disease screenings and how you would respond to patients who are apprehensive about getting screened for certain diseases.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. PUB 540 Grand Canyon University Calculating Odds Ratio Case Study Questions


Data can be qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative data are helpful to generate a hypothesis and gather information if little is known about an expected association. Focus groups, key informant interviews, and case studies are types of qualitative data collection methods used to identify common themes from which to build a hypothesis. Quantitative data collection and analysis are used to test a hypothesis and make comparisons to determine the direction and strength of a potential association. The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is cross-sectional panel survey used to collect quantitative data on adult behaviors and risk factors. It is one of the largest U.S. health data collection efforts. The data can be used to analyze associations on a state or country level.

For this assignment, use the “BRFSS Web-Enabled Analysis Tool” and the “Calculation Odds Ratio” worksheet. Refer to the “Odds Ratio Interpretation” document for assistance as needed.

You are required to cite to a minimum of two sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NUR 2680L Miami Dade College Hialeah Community Health Analytical Review


Hello, so I have always done all my work with you and have absolutely had great help from you. I am hoping you could help me with this paper that I need. Attached is all the QEP paper instructions. It does ask for an area, the area I need it on is Hialeah. Zip code: 33013. I want it to include the Hispanic community.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Oxford University Arterial Blood Gases and Fluid Volume Deficit Project


I need help with a Nursing question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Apply Nursing Process when Answering

Remediation 1

1. Arterial Blood Gases – Respiratory Acidosis/Alkalosis, Metabolic Acidosis/Alkalosis
2. Fluid Volume Deficit
3. Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone

Remediation 3

1. Patient education regarding use of inhalers (metered dose, spacers, etc)
2. Patient education regarding oral corticosteroid use
3. Care of client with chest tube

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Prince Georges Community College Mental Health Weekly Questions


  1. Name the three factors that determine whether or not a person experiences a crisis in response to a stressful situation.
  2. What is the goal of crisis intervention?
  3. What is the definition of diagnostic overshadowing?
  4. What is the definition of social distancing?
  5. What are the symptoms of a person with agoraphobia?
  6. What is the primary nursing intervention for a person in panic anxiety?
  7. What are the elements that determine one’s response (and subsequent adjustment) to a stressful situation?
  8. What is associated with the onset of an adjustment disorder?
  9. How do alternative medicine and complementary medicine differ?
  10. Caring for Patients With Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders in General Practice Settings

Identify the following key terms associated with caring for patients with mental illness and substance use disorders in general practice settings with the descriptions or definitions listed below.

a. diagnostic overshadowing

b. patient-centered care

c. screening


e. social distancing

f. stigmatization

g. suicide prevention

h. trauma-informed care

_____ 1. A concept that requires nurses and other healthcare professionals to listen to and empower the patient in decision making around his or her care and establish a collaborative partnership

_____ 2. An attitude of devaluing a person because of a particular characteristic or illness

_____ 3. An evidence-based approach referring to screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment

_____ 4. A phenomenon in which a person’s physical symptoms are attributed to his or her mental illness

_____ 5. Methods of assessment for suicide risk and for differentiating between

suicide ideation and attempts

_____ 6. Care that assesses for and demonstrates sensitivity to the impact of trauma history on

current behavior and relationships in every aspect of nursing intervention

_____ 7. The identification of clinically significant symptoms that require further assessment

and intervention

_____ 8. An aspect of stigma that refers to the tendency of healthcare workers and others to avoid people with mental illness or addiction.

***** APA style citation (sources should not be more than 5 year old)

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Herzing University Online Unit 6 WK3 Relationship Between Patient and Ability to Pay PPT


Your research paper includes in-depth analysis of your capstone topic. For this assignment, you will present your research using a summary style format, by designing a PowerPoint presentation. When sharing research with an audience, it is important to effectively summarize key points and convey the highlights of a research topic. Your rough draft presentation should include the following elements:  

  • 6-15 slides of content. Note: Final presentation will require 15 slides of content. Slide count is not a graded component for the rough draft. Content will be graded according to the rubric (please review). 
    • Introduction and conclusion slides. These should function similar to an abstract and conclusion for a research paper, informing your audience of the topic, and summarizing evidence/results/outcomes in a conclusion.  
    • Use key points or bullet points to convey information. Avoid long paragraphs.  
    • Graphics may be used but are not required. Use only if they enhance slide design and support the information being explained. Ensure any graphics are of high resolution and are cited appropriately.  
  • Speaker’s notes or voiceover is REQUIRED. Verbal delivery should enhance the information provided on slides.  
  • Third person should be used at all times. 

Health Medical Homework Help