Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. University of Nairobi Mental Health Nursing Interpersonal Process Recording Worksheet


It will be carried out with two students working together. This is a “role play exercise,” in which one student is the student nurse, and the other will role play as a client. In this assignment, the nursing student will be demonstrating the therapeutic nurse-client relationship and analyzing the therapeutic and nontherapeutic techniques used. You will take turns in the roles.

This is not about always having therapeutic responses. It is about learning from practice and review. It is expected that you will think of other ways to respond or interact with the client that may be more therapeutic after the interaction is terminated. After the conversation is over, you will complete in IPR form.

The client roles are:

  • Mr. Jones is a 69-year-old retired engineer. He was admitted to the in-patient psychiatric unit the previous day. His daughter had called the police when he locked himself in his bathroom and refused to come out. She thought he was suicidal. He was brought to the hospital by the police and was admitted on involuntary status. He has been reticent since admission but told his daughter he had no reason to live since his wife died.
  • Diagnosis: Major Depressive Disorder
  • Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for suicide.
  • Mrs. Alvarez is a 34-year-old female who has lived in this country for the past 10 yrs. She is a stay at home mom with three small children. Her husband works two jobs to support the family. Lately, she has been extremely anxious and fears that her children will become ill or injured. This seems to be an unrealistic concern, but she has been unable to sleep well and has lost 15 lbs. in the past month. She is a voluntary admission and states she knows she needs help.
  • Diagnosis: Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Nursing Diagnosis: Ineffective coping

IPR Form Explanation

The IPR is completed with the form to guide you, and the rubric to explain the grading process for content.

IPR Form

  • The first column is for you, the nursing student’s, comments/ questions, and responses. You may want to include the introduction process. It is understandable if the initial conversation is more superficial to establish rapport. You may not want to include all of this but move on to the more focused interaction. Your nonverbal communication is included here.
  • Then, the conversation will move to a focus on the client’s feelings, concerns, issues as he/she has identified them. After the introduction, it may be beneficial to establish with the client a short- term goal for the interaction.
  • The second column is for the client’s comments, questions, responses. Also, the nonverbal reactions of the client are included in this column.
  • The middle column is for you to write what you are thinking or feeling.
  • The last two columns are for you to document the technique that you used in that portion of the conversation. If it is a non – therapeutic response, you are to write the response and think of how you could revise to more therapeutic response. You can change any response if you think of how you could have responded differently but, identify and change all non – therapeutic responses.

Remember, this is an assignment that will assist you in all communication with others.

Explanation of the Rubric Criteria for Interpersonal Process Recording (IPR)

  • Communication (20 verbal entries, ten nonverbal, ten techniques)
  • Criteria 1 Nursing Interaction (verbal and nonverbal) – Nursing statements and questions demonstrate a positive, caring approach and show insight into the client needs. These interchanges will include the introduction process, but not the more superficial interchanges. Nonverbal communication techniques are also recognized. Thoughts and feelings are identified and documented.
  • Criteria 2 – The client verbal statements and questions are documented. Nonverbal communication is also observed and interpreted. You may also identify defense mechanism(s) used by the client.
  • Criteria 3 – All communication techniques used are identified (using titles previously reviewed).
  • Criteria 4 – All non-therapeutic techniques to be identified and changed to a therapeutic method. If in the review of the interaction, a more appropriate or therapeutic approach (verbal or nonverbal) is identified, document how this response/ statement would be changed

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:IPR Form Explanation

The IPR is completed with the form to guide you, and the rubric to explain the grading process for content.

IPR Form

  • The first column is for you, the nursing student’s, comments/ questions, and responses. You may want to include the introduction process. It is understandable if the initial conversation is more superficial to establish rapport. You may not want to include all of this but move on to the more focused interaction. Your nonverbal communication is included here.
  • Then, the conversation will move to a focus on the client’s feelings, concerns, issues as he/she has identified them. After the introduction, it may be beneficial to establish with the client a short- term goal for the interaction.
  • The second column is for the client’s comments, questions, responses. Also, the nonverbal reactions of the client are included in this column.
  • The middle column is for you to write what you are thinking or feeling.
  • The last two columns are for you to document the technique that you used in that portion of the conversation. If it is a non – therapeutic response, you are to write the response and think of how you could revise to more therapeutic response. You can change any response if you think of how you could have responded differently but, identify and change all non – therapeutic responses.

Remember, this is an assignment that will assist you in all communication with others.

Explanation of the Rubric Criteria for Interpersonal Process Recording (IPR)

  • Communication (20 verbal entries, ten nonverbal, ten techniques)
  • Criteria 1 Nursing Interaction (verbal and nonverbal) – Nursing statements and questions demonstrate a positive, caring approach and show insight into the client needs. These interchanges will include the introduction process, but not the more superficial interchanges. Nonverbal communication techniques are also recognized. Thoughts and feelings are identified and documented.
  • Criteria 2 – The client verbal statements and questions are documented. Nonverbal communication is also observed and interpreted. You may also identify defense mechanism(s) used by the client.
  • Criteria 3 – All communication techniques used are identified (using titles previously reviewed).
  • Criteria 4 – All non-therapeutic techniques to be identified and changed to a therapeutic method. If in the review of the interaction, a more appropriate or therapeutic approach (verbal or nonverbal) is identified, document how this response/ statement would be changed 

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Miami Dade College Preventative Strategies for Prevention of UTIs Question


TOPIC/PROBLEM: Examine preventative strategies for the prevention of UTIs in the elderly hospitalized patients.

1.Explain the Background of your problem, definition of the variables. Include any pertinent background and history pertaining to your problem or topic of interest and what has led you to believe this problem is of great significance to the nursing profession. The aim of this section is to help the reader understand the concepts and definitions of your topic of study.

2.Include suggestions for improvement/change (Aim) to whatever it is you are researching. For example, If you are proposing policy changes to current urinalysis protocols, how will this policy impact the organization and stakeholders? Patient and/or population expected to benefit directly from improved flow or process. Risk of participation is same as receiving usual care. If risk or burden is higher than with usual care, consider research & IRB

Health Medical Homework Help

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Health Medical Homework Help. Grand Canyon University Essential Communication Skills Essay


I need support with this Health & Medical question so I can learn better.

Identify what you think are the three most important skills for effective team management by a public health leader. Discuss why you selected these as priorities and provide examples of how these skills can contribute to effective team management and supervision. 

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. University of Harvard Various Types of Health Inequalities Paper



Health inequalities

In well-structured paper address ONE of the topics using data and examples from course readings and independent research using peer-reviewed resources to support your arguments. Health inequalities are differences in health outcomes between populations; health inequities occur when those differences are avoidable. The Global Burden of Disease Study housed at the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) maintains a website to help researchers and the public visualize and compare burdens of disease around the world. (Note: Structure this paper in a scientific format that includes an introduction, methods, results, discussion).
– Let us know once you decide on the topic.
– 30 minutes of work are added to create outline

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Miami Dade College Covid Data Tracker for Dade County Discussion


In practice, epidemiology will circle around, passing from qualifying outbreaks to assessing risk, to prevention, and back to qualifying outbreaks again. Just because an epidemic has been halted does not mean that it will not flare up again in the future.

What is currently being done at your clinical site regarding the recent COVID-19 virus pandemic?

What resources, plan or educational programs are being conducted at the clinical site as it relates to COVID-19?

Visit the website for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( Visit the COVID Data Tracker for Dade County for this week and what the forecast is predicting, include the report in the journal.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Cancer bone project


i need a protofolio that covers all the subjects we covered in class including some ted talks about cancer ( for the ted talk you need to be specific and say what you learned) the point of the protofolio is to proof to the teacher that we learned allot form this class. And writing about a specific subject in Bone cancer ( please send me the subjects that you want to talk about so I can get pre approval from the teacher.

And last thing is 15 minutes presentation about the written project ( please write explanation under each slide where i can talk for 15 min in total)

Health Medical Homework Help