Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. BCC Physical Lifestyle Changes While Diet Logging Discussion


Discussion – Fifteen Points

Did you change anything about your physical lifestyle during the time you were logging your diet? What is your favorite excuse for not eating properly? OR if you keep on a regular diet and exercise program, share with others, what you do and how you are motivated to do it.


Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. BCC Nutrition and Personal Total Maximal Heart Rate Question


I’m working on a nutrition multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Target Heart Rate/Level of Activity; go to page 159 or to the lecture portion on using the Karvonen formula to calculate Target Heart Rate (HR).  Calculate your Upper and Lower target HR using the formula. You must show your work. Then choose an activity level (see the RPE scale and lecture) that you think would allow you to reach your Target HR. Record your calculated Upper and Lower levels, and the RPE range for your preferred activity  in a word document. 

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Thomas Edison State Survival Measures and Cost Effectiveness Discussion


Apply the knowledge you gained from the readings related to economic evaluation and consider the following case study.

A controversial new device, the implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD), was used in a clinical trial to determine if it improved survival for heart attack patients over the standard drug treatment. The trial provided the following information: Two years after the first heart attack, 85% of the ICD patients were still alive, compared to 70% of the drug treatment group. No additional data were available after the 24-month trial.

In this assignment, explore how to utilize survival measures as a method of measuring cost and effectiveness. It is important to be able to consider just how many patients may be affected, what their treatment alternatives are, and the impact of using survival measures as a method of measuring cost and effectiveness.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. University of Nairobi Organizations Work Environment Essay


In Unit VII, you will submit an essay titled Team Building at ________. The final essay will be multiple pages and include four different components. In Units IV, V, and VI, you are completing a specific component/concept for the final essay. The final essay will not be simply adding the four components together, but will be a culmination of lessons learned in creating each component.

In Unit IV you wrote an essay analysis of your current work environment titled Team Building at _____: My Analysis. In Unit V your essay was titled Team Building at ________: Who We Are.

This week (Week VI) the essay will be titled Team Building at : Dealing With Change. The essay will be a minimum of two pages in length. Using content from the unit lesson and readings, provide explanations of the following:

An overview of your current work environment, and how leadership deals with change.

How does leadership help employees and other stakeholders deal with change? You are encouraged to use actual examples.

What are the main types of conflict that arise in your current work environment?

What affect diversity can, or has had on your work place?

How can, or could the leadership use diversity as a positive in development of teams and the teamwork process?

During your time with your organization, what have you witnessed in regard to these above items? What has changed and/or what is changing? What is there about these qualities that makes your place of employment unique? If you were in a leadership role in this organization, what changes would you make to create a win-win situation?

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Kean Higher Risk for Sexually Transmitted Infections Discussion


I’m working on a public health discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Young adults are at a higher risk for sexually transmitted infections than other age groups. In 200-300 words, mention one reason why you think this is the case and what can be done to reduce the risk by focusing on your reason. 

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. CTU Historical Foundations of The National Labor Relations Act Discussion Questions


Help me study for my Health & Medical class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Please respond to the following questions:

  • What are the historical foundations of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)?
  • Describe a real-world example of how the NLRA guides the activities of unions and employers.
  • What is the role of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), and how would someone file a claim with the NLRB?

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Colorado Technical University Medical Law and Ethics Discussion


I don’t know how to handle this Health & Medical question and need guidance.

A woman in her mid-thirties suffered from a rare malignancy in her brain and around her spinal cord. She had surgery, and most of the tumor mass was removed, but residual tumor remained in the brain and around the spinal cord. The doctors informed her that chemotherapy and radiation were possible treatment options but could cause serious problems such as sepsis, a permanent loss of IQ and stature, and even death. She wished to proceed with the therapy.

After undergoing aggressive chemotherapy and radiation, she did independent research and read of several drugs being administered for cancer in other states that were unapproved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and were illegal in their home state but were touted by physicians using them as “miracle cures.” The woman is considering suing her physician for failure to disclose alternative treatments, thus depriving her of informed consent.

A court awarded summary judgment to the physician.

Respond to the following questions about this case:

  • In your opinion, does the court’s decision seem warranted? Why or why not? 
  • Under the doctrine of informed consent, should a physician be responsible for informing patients of all treatment options, even if some of the treatments are illegal or not yet proven effective? Explain your answer.

Health Medical Homework Help