Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Stratford University Symptoms and Signs of Anxiety and Stress Discussion


  • Topic Biofeedback

Research your assigned topics. Discuss the following in your initial post for your assigned topic and cite at least one professional research for each topic:

  • Define your topic.
  • What are the techniques used in each of these therapies?
  • How can healthcare workers apply these therapies for patients experiencing anger, anxiety, and/or stress symptoms?

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NSG 376 University of Phoenix Health Information Technology in Nursing Discussion


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Informatics combines many technological and personal components. Please reflect, based on your readings this week, how your impression of informatics has changed over time. Do you remember when you were you first introduced to the concept of informatics? Did you believe informatics was here to stay? Why or why not?

Provide examples from your own clinical practice, current events, or professional journals. Handbook of Informatics for Nurses & Healthcare Professionals, 6/e Chapter 1.

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NUR 3846 Belhaven University Boosting Spiritual Resilience Questions


Resilient Factor 4: Religion and Spirituality
Southwick and Charney (2018) state, “There is no single best way to explore the spiritual dimensions of your life or to build a spiritual practice” (p. 131). Given that, they suggest the following 6 practical suggestions:
1. Set aside a time for prayer or meditation as part of your daily routine. This is often first thing in the morning, last thing at night, or both.
2. Make a regular habit of reading scriptures, sacred texts, or other writings pertaining to your chosen faith or practice.
3. Designate a physical place for your daily spiritual practice. This may be a room or small space in your home or a location in nature. It might even be in your car.
4. Practice a physically active form of spirituality such as walking prayer, yoga, martial arts, or liturgical dance.
5. Practice a creative form of spirituality such as chanting: singing or playing sacred music; painting or drawing with the goal of expressing sacred ideals; or writing spiritually inspired poetry.
6. Become part of a group that worships or practices together, such as a congregation, a scripture study group, or a prayer or a meditation circle. This community may come together in person or online.
Now, let’s think about a person who has experienced the challenge that you signed up… then,
• Question #1: Make a suggestion how to promote their levels of spirituality in a sensitive and appropriate manner considering the challenge
For example, Southwick and Charney (2018) introduced a moving prayer written by Patience Mason, the wife of a veteran who returned from Vietnam with PTSD (p. 132). Similarly, you can suggest a prayer, poem, song, movie clip, book, website, research article or blog (anybody reporting the effects of spirituality on resilience in the topic that you’ve been working on?), or any resource that you think can help them stay resilient by addressing their spirituality and cite it in the APA format. Please do not “force” a particular view or try to “convert” them to something else… let’s respect diversity and freedom 🙂

Resilience Factor 5: Social Support
Scientific evidence clearly indicate strong associations between social support and resilience / health as Southwick and Charney (2018, p. 145) describe under the section, “Social support protects against physical and mental illness”. They provide the following three tips to promote social support:
1. Try to attend social gatherings of any kind – join a hiking group or a book club, or enroll in a continuing education class; take part in religious services or help out at a community event.
2. Join a committee within an organization: As a committee member, you may be assigned specific tasks and goals, which will allow you to interact in a productive way with other group members.
3. Join a support group: Support groups of many kinds – including online support groups where the participants never meet in person, and perhaps do not even know each other’s identities – can provide the crucial social support that helps us recover after a trauma, or to endure an ongoing ordeal such as living with cancer or HIV/AIDS, or raising a child with special needs.
Let’s focus on the tip #3 for your team projects:
• Question #2: Identify a support group for the specific challenge that you signed up and provide information about it (make sure you cite the resource in the APA format).
For example, although I sometimes find their information somewhat not so reliable, there is a website called “Patients Like Me
(Links to an external site.)
” where you can become virtually connected with other people who are diagnosed with the same illness as yours, such as Cancer.

Resilience Factor 6: Role Models
Southwick and Charney (2018) introduce the following principles to learn from role models (p. 172):
1. Observe the skill in a variety of settings. You will need to observe the skill numerous times.
2. Break the skill into simple segments: if you want to use modeling to learn a complex skill, it helps to subdivide the complex skill into simple natural segments and then focus on one segment at a time. If, on the other hand, you try to learn the entire complex skill (e.g., putting a golf ball, or trying to become more resilient) without breaking it into segments, you will likely be bombarded with too much information, will make many errors, and will have great difficulty mastering that skill. Breaking the skill into simple segments will take time and concentration.
3. Transform the simple natural segments into rules designed to guide behavior in differing situations.
4. Practice: you will find it helpful to practice in between observations. You may do this by imagining that you possess a particular attitude, personality style, or behavior that resembles that of your role model, or by actually enacting the desired attitude, style, or behavior in your own life. Both forms of practice appear to be effective, although real-life enactment is eventually required for successful imitation.
5. Obtain feedback: whenever possible, ask an expert, or someone with a trained eye, to point out similarities and differences in your behavior and the behavior that you are attempting to emulate. This expert can then recommend steps to correct deviations from the model.
To do so, we’d have to identify a role model first… so let’s focus on this.
• Question #3 Identify a role model who has experienced the specific challenge that you signed up and demonstrated resilience, and describe the story (make sure to cite the resource in APA format).
You may identify an author of a book, blog, website, TED talk, or maybe a movie about a person, etc. For example, here is a TED talk by Megan Washington, titled Why I live in mortal dread of public speaking
(Links to an external site.)
. Her story about how she has overcome her stutter with singing is quite inspiring!

Watch the ted below will help for this question

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Thomas Edison State College Community Analysis and Program Paper


The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to synthesize and apply the knowledge you have gained from all your courses toward the completion of a comprehensive community project for a chosen geographic/geopolitical community. The community can be a city, town, borough, county, or parish. You will critically analyze the health of the selected population using principles of epidemiology, and you will design an evidence-based and assessment-based intervention for health promotion/risk reduction. 

The objectives of Community Analysis and Program paper are to develop skills to:

Assess the social determinants of health and healthcare needs of a selected community.

Gather historic, demographic, and bio-statistical data on a community.

  • Analyze data to identify a wellness deficit or gap in care or services or social determinant of health that negatively affects the health and well-being of this community.
  • Diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of the community.
  • Research evidence-based approaches to address the identified gap in care or services or social determinant of health identified. 
  • Create a feasible, collaborative community intervention to address one wellness deficit or gap in care or services or social determinant of health identified in your analysis of this community.
  • [CO 1, CO 2] 

Identify the geographic/geopolitical community in the area where you live. Conduct a windshield survey of the geographic community. (Note: The time spent completing your windshield survey for this project can be used for your practice experience hours.) Use public information and databases to collect demographic and vital statistics data for the community you identified. Evaluate the data collected to analyze the health of the population and design an evidence-and assessment-based community intervention to address the wellness deficit or gap in care or services or social determinant of health identified in the analysis of this community. 


Community Assessment Background

Complete a Windshield Survey.

The Windshield Survey portion of your assessment should be completed by driving around the geographic community you selected (town, city, municipality, township, etc.). The Windshield Survey is composed of general qualitative observations that give you a snapshot of the community.

Refer to Chapter 11 in your textbook and consider the overall physical environment, levels of economic development and safety, access to food/grocery stores, recreation, health and social services, and public transportation. 

Collect demographic, health, and vital statistics data.

Demographic and vital statistics data for the community you selected can be obtained online from the selected geopolitical community administration. If data for a particular geopolitical community is not available, you can supplement the information with data from the state in which the community is located. 

  • All information needed for this project is in the public domain and accessible to you.

Writing the Community Analysis and Project Paper

  • Section I: Definition of Community—Identification and History
  • Give a brief description of the area assessed in terms of geographic location and history.

Describe significant trends and events related to current function and status of the community (e.g., was this a manufacturing community that has experienced plant closings and job losses?).

  • Section II: Assessment


  • Describe the following demographic and socio-economic characteristics of your geographic community:
  • Demographics

Population size and density

Racial and ethnic diversity

  • Percentage of households where language other than English is spoken

Educational levels for residents > 25 years of age

  • Current unemployment rate
  • Types of occupations of residents

Per capita income

  • Percent of households with incomes below the federal poverty level

Median value of homes

  • Average age of homes

Demographics conclusion and summary–interpret demographics information, compare to surrounding areas if appropriate.

  • Windshield Survey 

Summarize windshield survey observations with a focus on health and wellness.

  • Important available community resources to help families achieve optimal levels of wellness can be listed in the Appendix.
  • Representation
  • Describe the local government structure.
  • Who are the state representatives and what is their party affiliation?
  • Who represents the members of this community in the United States Congress?
  • Vital and Health Statistics
  • Summarize the most current available data with comparison to state and/or national rates for perspective, including the following information: 
  • Incidence and prevalence of five most common major chronic diseases (identify chronic diseases)
  • Death rates for five leading causes of death
  • Infant mortality rates
  • Incidence of births to mothers < 20 years of age
  • Incidence and prevalence of five most common reportable communicable diseases
  • Crime/violence statistics; may include child abuse statistics

Vital and health statistics conclusion

(Tables may be utilized for succinct presentation and easy comparison. See also Demarco, Chapter 7.)

Vital and Health Statistics Summary

  • Summarize and analyze the findings.
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Based on the community variables you assessed, describe at least two Healthy People 2030 social determinants that may negatively affect the health of this community and how you reached that conclusion. 

Section III: Problem Identification and Plan

  • Community Plan
  • Critically evaluate all data and information collected to identify a wellness deficit or gap in care or services or social determinant of health that negatively affects the health and well-being of the population in this community. Clearly describe the relationship between your evaluation and problem identification.
  • Based on your assessment, what are some important strengths and weaknesses of this community?
  • Describe at least one evidence-based approach to address the identified gap in care or services or social determinant of health.

Create a feasible, evidence-based, collaborative community intervention to address the wellness deficit or gap in care or services or social determinant of health identified in the analysis of this community. Describe how this intervention builds on identified community strengths.

  • Section IV: Implementation and Evaluation

Describe the methods you would use to implement the intervention. 

  • Describe methods you would use to evaluate the outcome of the intervention.
  • Who could be instrumental and able to implement your plan for this community?
  • Section V: Conclusion
  • In one paragraph summarize your geographic community and proposed intervention, and projections for the ability of this community to reduce the identified gap(s) in care or services or reduce the effect of a social determinant of health. 
  • Note: These directions and the grading rubric for this assignment will be used to evaluate and grade your assignment. (See the Evaluation Rubrics area of the course.) Please refer to the details of each rubric when preparing your assignment.
  • If you have questions about the requirements for the paper, be sure to discuss them with your mentor well in advance of the final submission. Consult the Course Calendar for this paper’s due date.

The following links provide online writing and research aids to help you with your paper assignments.

OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue University

APA Style Guidelines

Information Literacy for TESU Students (an online guide from the New Jersey State Library to assist you in starting your research, searching databases for articles, citing sources, using ILLiad to request books or articles, etc.)

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NUR 2092 Rasmussen College Health History of an American Woman Discussion


While this is only a partial health history, summarize in 3 -5 pages the information you gathered.

Include your answers to the following questions in the summary:

  1. Was the person willing to share the information? If they were not, what did you do to encourage them?
  2. Was there any part of the interview that was more challenging? If so, what part and how did you deal with it?
  3. How comfortable were you taking a health history?
  4. What interviewing techniques did you use? Were there any that were difficult and if so, how did you overcome the difficulty?
  5. Now that you have taken a health history discuss how this information can assist the nurse in determining the health status of a client.

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Walden University Wk 8 Challenges Faced in Social Work Blog Post


I’m trying to learn for my Social Work class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Post a blog post that includes:

  • An explanation of potential challenges for evaluation during your field education experience
  • An explanation of personal action plans you might take to address evaluation in your field education experience

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Miami Dade College Ethnic Composition Demographics of Patients Discussion


Analyze and document the ethnic composition demographics of patients currently served at the clinical site you are visiting: CLINICAL SETTING IS A DAYCARE

How is the ethnic composition of the clinical site(DAYCARE) being addressed? Is there staff able to communicate and relate to the clients?

Is the demographic composition being enlarged by encouraging more involvement or is creating a different culture environment?

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Ashworth College Significant and Non Significant Results Discussion and Response


Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Explaining Analysis

Imagine that you are talking with a friend about how you are currently taking a course related to analysis of research. Your friend is interested in hearing more about some of the research you are reading. Your friend does not have a background in research and asks you to tell him/her about the research in “layperson’s terms”. In your post, describe one of the research studies we have reviewed during the course in “layperson’s terms”. While you are looking at the study with your friend, s/he notices that some of the results from the study are “significant” (p<.05) and other results are “non-significant” (p>.05). Explain the difference between significant and non-significant results to your friend in “layperson’s terms”. Provide an example of significant and non-significant results from the study you are explaining.

Guided Response: Imagine that you are the friend of student and have just had the study explained to you. Explain how you think the results of the study that your friend described to you might be applied to the general population that was being studied. Propose one additional question to your friend about the research study that you would like the answer to. Respond to two of your classmates.



Thomas Lyons

Jul 28, 2021 at 12:01 PM

Throughout the last five weeks of HPR460: Analysis of Health Research, we have learned many different procedures that are applicable when conducting research in order to facilitate an appropriate analyzation of collected data. We have acquired a knowledge for the intricacies of each of the elements required, and how they piece together to collect valuable information that can help anyone researching a general or specific topic. Allow me to outline on of our previous research studies within the course.

A previous observational research study reviewed earlier during this course referenced the interest to increase physical activity for children during school hours. In beginning the study or investigation we must propose an explanation, or a hypothesis, based on the evidence limited before proceeding. Our hypothesis was that there will be an increase in the children’s physical activity if organized activities during their half hour recess were implemented. Now you get an idea of the subject at hand. The following procedures consist of developing your topic further by designating the study population, providing background information, and collecting data.

Observations during recess at each school on different occasions were conducted and information like the children’s willingness to participate in organized activities was noted. Through observing, we noticed that in the majority of the schools where there were organized activities, more children were participating and seemed to be enjoying themselves. By observing you can also try to distinguish what information collected is of significance and what is not. However, you noticed that their enjoyment during recess with organized activities had no true significance, as opposed to their activity levels being of importance which is the primary concern of the study.

Although some characteristics of a study may not be of significance in one area, it may factor into other areas where its significance is greater. A simpler way of explaining significance is with provided evidence that the results we have reached indicate that the sample also exists in larger populations. In this case, (p<.05) is used when statistically analyzing to specify that enough statistical evidence is presented in the population, and (p>.05) is used to show the non-significant results that were not as notable.



Ryan Sells

Jul 28, 2021 at 6:16 PM

Good afternoon,

One of the research studies from the class was the “Mental Disorders as Risk Factors for Substance Use, Abuse, and Dependence” study. The purpose of the study was focused on following up on how mental disorders may contribute to the start of substance abuse or reliance of substances compared to the same study that was held 10 years earlier. The researchers in the original study used a survey to gather participants across 48 states and administered a two-part interview to determine if the volunteer met the standards to participate in the study. 10 years after the first study, the researchers reached out to the original participants for a follow-up study, where they highlighted different factors that might have affected the study, noted how many participants returned from the first study, and provided the data collected on their study. The results of the study were broken down by categories and highlighted whether a participant had a mental disorder and if they did how it affected substance use, what type of substance, and how often they used the substance.

A null hypothesis is a hypothesis that is tested in the study. Results that are “significant” means that the evidence collected was enough to reject the null hypothesis which makes the results “significant”, but if the evidence is not enough to reject the null hypothesis, the results become “non-significant” (Lane, 2014). In the study, alcohol dependence with abuse showed results of p<.001, so I believe the results are “significant”.

I had a hard time with reading and understanding the p< data, so if my discussion is wrong, please let me know. Thank you.


Ryan Sells

Lane, D. M. (2014). Online Statistics Education: An Interactive Multimedia Course of Study (Part I: Chapters 1–10). Independently published.

Health Medical Homework Help