Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Ashworth College Significant and Non Significant Results Discussion and Response


Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Explaining Analysis

Imagine that you are talking with a friend about how you are currently taking a course related to analysis of research. Your friend is interested in hearing more about some of the research you are reading. Your friend does not have a background in research and asks you to tell him/her about the research in “layperson’s terms”. In your post, describe one of the research studies we have reviewed during the course in “layperson’s terms”. While you are looking at the study with your friend, s/he notices that some of the results from the study are “significant” (p<.05) and other results are “non-significant” (p>.05). Explain the difference between significant and non-significant results to your friend in “layperson’s terms”. Provide an example of significant and non-significant results from the study you are explaining.

Guided Response: Imagine that you are the friend of student and have just had the study explained to you. Explain how you think the results of the study that your friend described to you might be applied to the general population that was being studied. Propose one additional question to your friend about the research study that you would like the answer to. Respond to two of your classmates.



Thomas Lyons

Jul 28, 2021 at 12:01 PM

Throughout the last five weeks of HPR460: Analysis of Health Research, we have learned many different procedures that are applicable when conducting research in order to facilitate an appropriate analyzation of collected data. We have acquired a knowledge for the intricacies of each of the elements required, and how they piece together to collect valuable information that can help anyone researching a general or specific topic. Allow me to outline on of our previous research studies within the course.

A previous observational research study reviewed earlier during this course referenced the interest to increase physical activity for children during school hours. In beginning the study or investigation we must propose an explanation, or a hypothesis, based on the evidence limited before proceeding. Our hypothesis was that there will be an increase in the children’s physical activity if organized activities during their half hour recess were implemented. Now you get an idea of the subject at hand. The following procedures consist of developing your topic further by designating the study population, providing background information, and collecting data.

Observations during recess at each school on different occasions were conducted and information like the children’s willingness to participate in organized activities was noted. Through observing, we noticed that in the majority of the schools where there were organized activities, more children were participating and seemed to be enjoying themselves. By observing you can also try to distinguish what information collected is of significance and what is not. However, you noticed that their enjoyment during recess with organized activities had no true significance, as opposed to their activity levels being of importance which is the primary concern of the study.

Although some characteristics of a study may not be of significance in one area, it may factor into other areas where its significance is greater. A simpler way of explaining significance is with provided evidence that the results we have reached indicate that the sample also exists in larger populations. In this case, (p<.05) is used when statistically analyzing to specify that enough statistical evidence is presented in the population, and (p>.05) is used to show the non-significant results that were not as notable.



Ryan Sells

Jul 28, 2021 at 6:16 PM

Good afternoon,

One of the research studies from the class was the “Mental Disorders as Risk Factors for Substance Use, Abuse, and Dependence” study. The purpose of the study was focused on following up on how mental disorders may contribute to the start of substance abuse or reliance of substances compared to the same study that was held 10 years earlier. The researchers in the original study used a survey to gather participants across 48 states and administered a two-part interview to determine if the volunteer met the standards to participate in the study. 10 years after the first study, the researchers reached out to the original participants for a follow-up study, where they highlighted different factors that might have affected the study, noted how many participants returned from the first study, and provided the data collected on their study. The results of the study were broken down by categories and highlighted whether a participant had a mental disorder and if they did how it affected substance use, what type of substance, and how often they used the substance.

A null hypothesis is a hypothesis that is tested in the study. Results that are “significant” means that the evidence collected was enough to reject the null hypothesis which makes the results “significant”, but if the evidence is not enough to reject the null hypothesis, the results become “non-significant” (Lane, 2014). In the study, alcohol dependence with abuse showed results of p<.001, so I believe the results are “significant”.

I had a hard time with reading and understanding the p< data, so if my discussion is wrong, please let me know. Thank you.


Ryan Sells

Lane, D. M. (2014). Online Statistics Education: An Interactive Multimedia Course of Study (Part I: Chapters 1–10). Independently published.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Rasmussen College Twenty Two Year Old Male With A History Of Seizures Case Study


  1. Competency: Describe appropriate nursing interventions for clients with neurological diseases.

    Scenario: Peter is a 22-year-old male with a history of seizures. He is normally compliant with his medications, but he has been out of work for over a month and has not been able to afford his prescribed anti-seizure medication. Today, Peter was standing in line at a grocery store and suddenly fell down thrashing about on the floor. You witnessed the event unfold. As a nurse you immediately offer your assistance.

    Please refer to the scenario above and answer the following questions.

    1. What would be the priority nursing intervention to care for Peter? Please explain the rationale for your response.
    2. Bystanders are insisting that you place something in his mouth to keep him from biting or swallowing his tongue. Is this an appropriate action? Why or why not?
    3. You have asked someone to call 911. What do you anticipate reporting to the emergency medical personnel when they arrive on scene? Please explain the rationale for your response.
    4. Peter remains a little groggy after the seizure ends. You explain that the ambulance is on its way, and that you will stay with him until it arrives. Peter asks you to help him up off of the floor. Is this an appropriate action at this time? Why or why not?


    • Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
    • Logical, original and insightful
    • Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format
    • Submit document through Grammarly to correct errors before submission

    APA Online Guide
    Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
    Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. New York University Health Disparities Discussion




There are health disparities that exist and need to be addressed in my community. One primary concern is the Hispanic/Latin American population. There is a growing population of Latin Americans in my community who don’t receive adequate health care. When compared to other ethnicities in my community, studies report that approximately 33 percent of Latin Americans are without basic health insurance, and lack understanding on how to receive public health assistance (Fitisemanu, 2015). Health indicators appear to be correlated to ethnicity, demographic information, and health care access. As such, lower socioeconomic conditions, inadequate employment, insufficient understanding of health concerns and available solutions, lack of health care access, and cultural and linguistic barriers are the primary obstacles causing health disparities (Fitisemanu, 2015). As a mental health worker, reducing ethnic-based, health disparities in my community is essential. After reviewing “Step 2” of the Strategic Prevention Framework on SAMHSA’s website, it is important to build and mobilize community members and resources to strengthen the prevention team, and increase awareness of health disparities among the Hispanic population (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration [SAMHSA], 2019). In order to build capacity to appropriately address improving health related outcomes in the Hispanic population, it’s important to incorporate multidisciplinary team members from a variety of ethnicities, backgrounds, and experiences. Particularly, engaging Latin American, community stakeholders and raising awareness for this specific population is essential to impacting health outcomes. As such, including neighborhood residents of predominantly, Latin American communities is essential. Likewise, incorporating multi-cultural, service providers can help direct a variety of strategies in recommended settings. Further, as a collaborative team, reducing health barriers can begin with a meaningful discourse on existing barriers, discuss how to enhance existing programs, generate ideas and strategies to facilitate future interventions, and incorporate cultural competency-based interventions (SAMHSA, 2019). There are a few program ideas that mental health workers can be involved with to help reduce health disparities. One program is to assist health care professionals by providing culturally and linguistically, appropriate resources. The online, Multilingual Library Interpretation and Translation Toolkits offers training videos, and culturally competency resources to learn from (Fitisemanu, 2015). This can help improve cultural and linguistic barriers. Likewise, providing resources for state programs to serve financially disadvantaged individuals with Medicaid, CHIP, the Primary Care Network (PCN), and sliding-scale options for medical and dental services can help community health clinics in my community (Utah Department of Health, 2021). Additionally, fostering partnerships with Health Clinics of Utah and Safety Net clinics can help those without health care insurance, and assist individuals with finding health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (Fitisemanu, 2015). Another program to help improve health outcomes in this population is through mother and baby programs. This includes promoting free, maternal and infant health programs, offering informational resources to prevent communicable diseases, and improving infant care to reduce accidental deaths. These can be offered in various, locally-frequented facilities and through multimedia platforms to reach this population. Additionally, designing more recreational facilities and parks with safe walkways can help this community with fitness and independence (Fitisemanu, 2015). These are some of the ways a mental health worker can be involved in reducing health disparities in my community.


Fitisemanu, J. (2015). Health status by race & ethnicity 2015. Utah Department of Health.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (2019, June).

Utah Department of Health. (2021). Health and human services consolidation information.


After you assessed your community in the Part 4 assignment for this topic, explain if there were health disparities or not. Explain why health disparities exist in communities. Using “Step 2” of the Strategic Prevention Framework on the SAMHSA website, how can you, as a mental health worker, work to reduce or eliminate health disparities?

After you assessed your community in the Part 4 assignment for this topic, explain if there were health disparities or not.

As a mental health provider, I must be willing to explain different things at different times. We need to know if there are any health disparities in my community or not. According to J. J. Kronenfeld (Ed.). (2013). “Health disparities are different inequalities in health care and access the health care through different things such as race, religion, ethnic, and socio economical challenges” (Kronenfeld, 2013). There helath despraites in my area. GThe desparities are mainly caused by different religous beliefs.

Explain why health disparities exist in communities.

Health disparities exist in different communities mainly because people have different beliefs. This does occur on a regular baiss. It can be changed if people can get onthe same page.

Using “Step 2” of the Strategic Prevention Framework on the SAMHSA website, how can you, as a mental health worker, work to reduce or eliminate health disparities?

We must be able to use different ways to reduce or eliminate health disparities. According to A Guide to SAMSHA’s Strategic Prevention (2021) “We must iuse use different stakeholders from different backgrounds as well as develop a prevention team, and raise community awareness will help alleviate health disparities in all sorts of communities” (A Guide to Samsha’s Strategic Plan, 2021).


A Guide to SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework…

Kronenfeld, J. J. (Ed.). (2013). Social determinants, health disparities and linkages to

health and health care. ProQuest Ebook Central


Lewis County has tremendous health disparities when it comes to the rest of Washington State.”Lewis County is ranked among the least healthy counties in Washington.” (County Health Rankings, 2021). Unfortunately, there are disparities in every aspect from obesity, to smoking, to inactivity, etc. I would have to say the lack of education is a major factor that contributes to all aspects of the disparities. With only 88% having completed high school and only 58% having some college education; the misinformation about how to stay healthy is incredibly rampant. With a lack of education there is a lot of mistrust on how to stay healthy; there is also a tremendous fear of change. In my community change is seen as a bad thing and not “how things have always been done,” which is leading to a lot of health problems.

I mainly focused on obesity in my area; when only 54% of the community (unlike the state average of 86%) have access to exercise opportunities, coupled with misinformation about food consumption and eating healthy that leads to 33% of adults over 20 being obese.

When looking at the SAMHSA website understanding the culture of the community is going to be key in transforming the health disparities. “Capacity for prevention includes two main components: resources and readiness.” (SAMHSA, 2021). When there are adequate resources in the community and the community is ready to make changes, things will happen, but if there are not enough resources or the community doesn’t respond to those resources nothing will change. Right now we need more resources and we need the community to be educated in those resources. Like most things, there needs to be buy-in from the community, because no matter how amazing the resources are, if the community distrusts or doesn’t see the value in those resources, there will be no change.


A Guide to SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework

County Health Rankings and Roadmaps. (2021). Lewis County, Washington.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. EDP UNIVERSITY OF Puerto Rico Faye Glenn Abdellah Summary & Presentation


1. Busque la información del teorizante asignado el Libro sugerido: Modelos y Teorías en Enfermería si no tienen la facilidad del libro busque información por la red confiable.

2. El trabajo escrito incluye Portada, Introducción y Conclusión (mínimo 2 párrafos de 5 oraciones cada uno)

3. Haga un resumen considerando los siguientes aspectos:

a. Nombre de la teorizante

b. Datos biográficos (que hizo, contribuciones…)

c. Nombre de la Teoria

d. En que se basa su teoría

e. Describa sus principales supuestos o metaparadigmas

f. Analiza cómo se utiliza o porque es importante la teoría en nuestra profesión

4. El trabajo debe ser en Power Point, verificar ortografía y síntesis.

5. Entregado en la fecha asignada. Fuera de fecha perderá 5 puntos diarios.

6. En la presentación oral se evaluará lo siguiente:

a. Dominio del tema.

b. Tono de voz (claridad y dicción)

c. Vestimenta

7. Trabajo listo para: fecha de entrega

8. Referencia en formato APA (no menos de 2 referencias

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. UMGC Cultural Competency Tool Kit Project



Cultural Competency Organizational Assessment and Solutions

Scenario: Cross, Bazron, Dennis and Isaacs (1989) defined cultural competence as “a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together as a system, that system, agency or those professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations”. Cultural Competency is vital to the sustainability of a healthcare organization and its capability to provide high-quality healthcare to the community it serves. Cultural competency consists of a blend of ethics, values, morals, healthcare organization’s mission and commitment hat all employees, patients and visitors shall be treated equally.

A new community health center has opened in your county offering basic healthcare services, preventative care and education to migrant workers, illegal residents, and recent immigrants. To ensure the health center promotes and establishes a culturally competent environment, as the health center’s chief privacy and compliance officer (CPCO), you have been tasked to develop a cultural competency training toolkit.

Deliverables: The final product to be submitted is robust cultural competency training toolkit for the department- and organization-wide use. Your final submission must include the following. Submit as Microsoft Word document along with an accompanying Microsoft PPT presentation by the end of Week Five but no later than Tuesday, by 11:59 PM EST. This is an individual assignment.

  • A 1-2 page proposal for language assistance as an effort to offer additional pay for bilingual employees willing to serve as a designated language interpreter
    • Process identifying language interpreters
    • Determine supplemental pay
    • Schedule of interpreters (be sure schedule does not interfere with regular work schedule)
    • Process to locate identified interpreters when needed
  • Design an actual twenty (20) to thirty (30) minutes virtual training session for departmental and organizational use on Cultural Competency (the intent is future mandatory automated training)
    • Presentation can include clip art, links to additional sources
    • Topics must include cultural competency discussion on employees and patient care and aligned with the mission, vision, and values of the organization; define and discuss cultural competency; compare and contrast cultural competency and diversity, ethics, health disparities; impact on decision making; and measures to establish and maintain a culturally competent organization and environment.
  • Using Microsoft Excel, Word or a survey software, design a tool for attendees to assess the cultural competency training
    • Identify a list of cultural competency related domains and accompanying knowledge, skills, and abilities for attendees to measure the effectiveness of the virtual training session
    • Integrate data analytics to assess, evaluate and/or recommend local state and federal cultural competence (and/or related) regulatory compliance measures.

References & Resources:

Cultural Competence in Health Care: Emerging Framework for Practical Approaches:

Tools for Assessing Cultural Competence Training:

Movie “Language Barrier”:

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. WU HEENT Focused Soap Note


    Focused Notes are a way to reflect on your practicum experiences and connect the experiences to the learning you gain from your weekly learning resources. Focused Notes, such as the ones required in this practicum course, are often used in clinical settings to document patient care.

    For this Assignment, you will work with a patient with a HEENT condition that you examined during the last three weeks, and complete an Episodic/Focus Note Template Form where you will gather patient information and relevant diagnostic and treatment information and reflect on health promotion and disease prevention in light of patient factors such as age, ethnic group, past medical history (PMH), socioeconomic status, and cultural background. In this week’s Learning Resources, please refer to the Focused SOAP Note resources for guidance on writing Focused Notes.

Note: All Focused Notes must be signed, and each page must be initialed by your preceptor. When you submit your Focused Notes, you should include the complete Focused Note as a Word document and pdf/images of each page that is initialed and signed by your preceptor. You must submit your Focused Notes using SAFE ASSIGN.

Note: Electronic signatures are not accepted. If both files are not received by the due date, faculty will deduct points per the Walden Late Policies.

To prepare:

  • Use the Episodic/Focus Note Template found in the Learning Resources for this week to complete this assignment.
  • Select a patient that you examined during the last three weeks that suffered from any HEENT condition. With this patient in mind, address the following in a Focused Note:


  • Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding her personal and medical history?
  • Objective: What observations did you make during the physical assessment?
  • Assessment: What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses. List them from highest priority to lowest priority. What was your primary diagnosis and why?
  • Plan: What was your plan for diagnostics and primary diagnosis? What was your plan for treatment and management, including alternative therapies? Include pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments, alternative therapies, and follow-up parameters, as well as a rationale for this treatment and management plan.
  • Reflection notes: What would you do differently in a similar patient evaluation?

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Glendale Community College Advertisements of Alcohol & Cigarettes Essay


Essay question: Movies, T.V. advertisements and family or friends often encourage people to drink, smoke or use drugs by making these behaviors seem appealing, cool and sophisticated.  What are they not telling you about alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs?

  • Times New Roman font, size 12, double spaced, 2 pages is the essay length
  • Sources – textbook and 1 website required
  • References – written on separate page after the essay using APA Format 

Essay Outline as followed: 

I.  Introduction; Paragraph 1: What is the essay about? (approx. 5 sentences)

  1. First point/idea overview
  2. Second point/idea overview
  3. Third point/idea overview (if necessary) 

II. Body Paragraph 2: Topic sentence for first point/idea

  1. Supporting detail #1
  2. Supporting detail #2
  3. Supporting detail #3

III.  Body Paragraph 3: Topic sentence transitioning to second point/idea

  1. Supporting detail #1
  2. Supporting detail #2
  3. Supporting detail #3     

IV.  Body Paragraph 4: Topic sentence transitioning to third point/idea (if necessary)

  1. Supporting detail #1
  2. Supporting detail #2
  3. Supporting detail #3

V.  Concluding Paragraph 5: Analysis/What was the point of the essay? What does the information reveal?

  1. Summary of first point/idea
  2. Summary of second point/idea
  3. Summary of third point/idea  

This is the textbook material on this essay question: 

Although some people are unaware, alcohol is categorized as a drug because, just like other drugs, it contains chemical substances that can cause changes in people’s behavior or body. Because it slows reactions of the brain and body, alcohol can also be categorized as a depressant. In slowing the body’s normal reactions, alcohol may cause confusion, decreased alertness, poor coordination, blurred vision, and drowsiness. Considering that it is a strong depressant, consuming excessive amounts of alcohol may drastically affect heartbeat and breathing, even causing death in extreme amounts.The U.S. loses $100-$200 billion per year due to alcohol-related crimes, lost productivity, treatment programs, injuries, and medical expenses. The last step on the road to recovery is rehabilitation during which the recovering alcoholic undergoes a learning process on how to cope without alcohol. These learning sessions may include counseling during which the recovering addict is enlightened on the dangers of alcoholism. Certain cases may warrant medication to prevent the patient from relapsing.Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is one of the most renowned support groups for alcoholics across America; it consists of recovering addicts who encourage and support other alcoholics who are currently undergoing treatment. Those living with alcoholics can find help from Al-Anon and Alateen. Al-Anon enlightens adults on how to assist their family and friends’ alcoholic recovery process. Alateen focuses on teens residing with alcoholics. Apart from the usual effects associated with cigarettes, use of smokeless tobacco may cause damage to teeth, gums, tongue, and the lining of the mouth. This is because it is often chewed and set between the teeth and lower lip, from where the users will achieve their “high”. Because it stimulates the activities of the nervous system, nicotine is categorized as a stimulant. For smokers, it enters the bloodstream through the lungs, while for those using snuff or “chew” it enters the bloodstream through the nose or lining of the mouth. Nicotine immediately reaches the brain from where it upstages various neurotransmitters that transmit signals between cells. This action affects memory, learning, movement, appetite, and mood.Short-term effects of nicotine are dependent on the amount of nicotine used and history of tobacco use. The major short-term effects of nicotine use are increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and changes in the brain that may lead to addiction. At first, the symptoms of nicotine poisoning may be more pronounced through clammy skin, dizziness, nausea, and rapid pulse. For frequent users, they may experience a 30-minute feeling of pleasure and reward because the nicotine stimulates the area of the brain responsible for producing these feelings. The feelings contribute to addiction by making tobacco use appealing to the user.A nicotine substitute might be necessary to help tobacco addicts slowly get off their nicotine addiction and eventually reduce their withdrawal symptoms. With the exception of nicotine, this substitute does not contain any of the harmful chemicals found in other tobacco products. Examples of nicotine substitutes include nicotine patches and nicotine gum as well as nasal sprays and inhalers all of which are illegal for use by teens without a prescription. Nicotine substitutes are not the ultimate cure for tobacco addiction as users are still susceptible to the negative effects of nicotine.

Health Medical Homework Help