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Health Medical Homework Help. RU Nursing Pediatric Discussion


Assignment Content

  1. Pediatric Denver II Assessment Assignment Complete Denver II assessment on a child between the ages of 0-6. Fill out the worksheet and document finding. Take the child’s height, weight, head circumference (if under 3 years of age), and vital signs. Write 250-500 words summarizing your assessment findings and the observations you were able to make. Remember to maintain HIPPA standards when discussing your client. Write an additional 250 words including evidence-based practice education for the parents/guardians based on what you noted. Discuss TWO interventions/ recommendations for the child to improve on. These interventions/recommendations should be from TWO separate categories (social, language, cognitive, physical). This could include education on how to catch the child up to their age range or what to expect in the coming year and how to help their child learn. Here are some slides explaining how to complete a Denver II assessment:… f

  2. ile:///C:/Users/tamba/Downloads/DenverIItest_form_e.pdf

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Health Medical Homework Help. NURS FPX8035 Capella University The Amalgamation of EBP in Nursing Discussion


Apply steps of EBP in a 4-6 page paper. The goal is to create a culture of evidence in the setting presented.


The ultimate goal of EBP is to create a culture of evidence in an organization or practice setting. This assessment allows you to finalize the steps on EBP in relation to a health care challenge scenario, and to incorporate the importance of interprofessional communication and collaboration to appropriately assess and address the health care needs of patients and to promote and advance the health of populations.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Apply the steps of the evidence-based practice process to a health care challenge.
    • Analyze the internal and external evidence related to a health care challenge.
    • Develop a continuing evaluation plan in relation to the outcomes from an intervention in EBP.
  • Competency 4: Acknowledge your own strengths and weaknesses in relationship to writing as a doctoral professional.
    • Apply selected resources to improve doctoral writing skills.
  • Competency 5: Apply knowledge of your own role and those of other professions to appropriately assess and address the health care needs of patients and to promote and advance the health of populations.
    • Describe strategies to sustain the evidence-based practice improvements in collaboration with professionals in health care and other fields.
  • Competency 6: Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
    • Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.


The following resources are required for the assessment.


Write a paper in which you complete the steps of the EBP process and work toward creating a culture of evidence. These instructions provide the scoring guide criteria along with explanatory details as needed.

Analyze the outcomes of an intervention in the EBP process.

  • Restate the PICOT question and provide a transition to Step 5 of the EBP process. In this step, an evidence-based intervention has been implemented and data about the outcomes has been gathered. Review the information provided, showing results for the evidence-based practice change that was implemented in 2020 compared to baseline data from 2018 and 2019. Analyze both qualitative and quantitative outcomes.

Develop a continuing evaluation plan in relation to the outcomes from an intervention in EBP.

  • Discuss additional data that needs to be collected and methods for doing so. Was the data collected enough to show whether the evidence-based intervention was successful? When should the same or other data be collected to continue evaluating the intervention? How often?

Describe strategies to sustain the evidence-based practice improvements through collaboration with professionals in health care and other fields.

  • Recommend strategies to sustain this EBP. This may include how to teach providers or staff about EBP, how to facilitate changes in attitudes and behaviors, and how to lead the changes. Make recommendations about how the organization can create a culture of evidence.

Apply selected resources to improve doctoral writing skills.

  • Include an appendix after your reference page in which you identify a writing improvement and/or a writing resource used based upon the feedback you have received via Smarthinking during the course. Include evidence of the implementation of a tool such as the MEAL plan, outlining, reverse outlining, and/or various resources explaining the appropriate use of evidence. Identify how you used this tool to improve your paper.

Additional Requirements

  • APA Format: Citations and references in APA format.
  • Paper Length: 4–6 pages, not including title and reference pages.
  • Writing: Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Capella University Leadership in Healthcare Issue Analysis Action Plan


  • Create a leadership action plan (8-10 pages) that will help to address the specific incident but will also help to drive safety and quality improvements throughout the organization.

Prepare an issue analysis of an incident that occurred in a health care organization and create a leadership action plan (8-10 pages) that will help to address the specific incident but will also help to drive safety and quality improvements throughout the organization.

In this third assessment in the course, you will assume the role of a newly promoted quality manager at your local hospital. This role requires you to address deficiencies by improving organizational culture, providing leadership oversight, and cultivating staff relationships within the organization. While you have many priorities in this new role, one of your first is to analyze a recent incident that occurred within the organization and to create a leadership action plan with recommended strategies and tactics to address not just the specific incident, but to drive safety and quality improvement throughout the organization.

This assessment differs from the first assessment in that with this assessment, as the quality manager, your focus is broader. Rather than focusing only on identifying specific actions the organization can take to remedy a particular incident that occurred, you are concentrating on what steps you will take as the quality manager to influence the organization’s leadership to cultivate a fair and just culture. You will determine what departments, what leaders, and what personnel you will collaborate with to improve quality for the whole organization. In this type of culture, safety is at the forefront of everyone’s job and all associates welcome the opportunity to highlight issues—without fear of reprisal—so that they can be addressed at a systemic level throughout the organization.

You may find it useful to review the short document CQI Importance and Features [PDF] as you gather your thoughts about the key elements you want to include in your assessment, Issue Analysis and Leadership Action Plan.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 4: Apply leadership strategies to quality improvement in a health care organization.
    • Apply the IHI Triple Aim to develop a health care leadership strategy that focuses on optimizing health care system performance.
    • Propose evidence-based leadership strategies that will help to establish a safety and quality culture.
    • Propose evidence-based leadership and collaboration strategies to enlist the aid of key organizational leaders in establishing a safety and quality culture.
    • Determine opportunities to enlist the governing board’s aid in fostering a fair and just culture.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.
    • Write a clear, organized, persuasive, and generally error-free issue analysis and leadership action plan that promotes a culture of safety and quality and is reflective of professional communication in the health care field.
    • Provide citations and title and reference pages that conform to APA style and format.


To help prepare for successfully completing this assessment:

  • Select one of the three incidents from the Vila Health: Patient Safety simulation you completed in Assessment 1. These are common incidents you are likely to encounter in the health care field. These included a patient identification error, a medication error, and a HIPAA/privacy violation. You may select one of the incidents you worked with in the previous assessments or select another one. Pick one that holds the most interest for you.
  • Consider these analysis questions once you have selected the incident on which you will focus:
    • What information do you possess about the issue? (Note: You may not be able to answer all of these questions; just include the information you know.) Consider:
      • Who was involved?
      • During what process (clinical, communication, operational) did the issue occur?
      • When did the issue occur? During a particular shift? On a particular day? During peak hours? Under certain clinical circumstances?
      • Where did the issue occur?
    • What additional data about the incident would you like to collect and analyze?
    • Which best practices may not have been adhered to that may have contributed to the issue? (Note: This information will prove useful to you as you complete your analysis and leadership action plan.)


Write an analysis and leadership action plan for the issue you selected that will enable you to address the issue on an organization-wide basis. Please make sure to include all of the following headings and answer all of the questions underneath each heading.

Issue Summary
  • How would you summarize the key elements of the incident that occurred?
  • What is your goal in addressing the issue?
  • Which two to three key items will be your focus? For example, you may elect to focus on nursing staffing levels if being short staffed in nursing is contributing to compromises to patient safety.
IHI Triple Aim
  • What is the IHI Triple AIM?
  • How does the IHI Triple Aim apply to this specific incident?
  • What IHI Triple Aim elements will you incorporate into your organizational improvement strategy?
  • What is culture?
  • Why is culture a critical organizational priority for safety and quality?
  • Based on the knowledge you have about the selected issue, what do you know about the existing organizational culture?
  • What are some of the evidence-based strategies you are considering you could employ to cultivate a culture of safety?
  • Which key departments need to be directly involved with the corrective action process?
  • What is your rationale for selecting these departments? For example, you may want to involve nursing because many of errors involve nurses and obtaining their buy-in is critical to achieving the organizational priority.
  • Which specific senior leader, front line staff member, and clinical expert will you include in your action plan and hold accountable for implementation?
  • What are the implications of not engaging with all departments toward making safety and quality top of mind?
  • How might you involve other departments in addressing the specific issue and the cultural issue?
  • Which specific leaders within the organization could assist you in addressing this issue and in making patient safety and quality top of mind throughout the organization? Examples for you to consider include the chief nursing officer, the chief medical officer, the patient safety officer, et cetera.
  • What role do you expect these leaders to play in addressing the specific issue and the issue of culture?
  • What best practices would you employ to enlist their aid in the improvement effort?
  • What role does the organization’s governing board have in terms of quality and safety in the organization?
  • How could you enlist the governing board’s aid in your improvement initiative?
  • What additional information could you provide them to increase their involvement in the organization’s safety and quality improvement efforts?
Leadership Action Plan
  • What are three evidence-based actions you recommend that would help to solve the incident that arose?
  • What are three evidence-based best practices you recommend to address the issue on an organizational level?
  • How will you summarize your analysis of the incident and your leadership action plan?

Remember that health care is an evidence-based field. You will need to cite a minimum of two credible references to support your analysis and action planning process.

In addition, in the health care field, your analysis and action plan would not typically be written in APA format. Do ensure that it is clear, persuasive, concise, organized, and without errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Do provide citations and title and reference pages in APA format. Other leaders in your organization are going to want to know what sources you relied on to prepare your analysis and action plan.

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Project Translation and Planning


Please read through every part, take your time, and answer each section.. If you have questions, please ask me. This must tie into all of the last three assignments for Transplant Tourism. It must all make sense together, so here we go please don’t skim through the details, read through EACH SECTION. I will put the rubric again so you can see what I’m being graded on. Take your time, you have until Monday. Thats 5 days.

In this week’s assignment, you will work through the planning and implementation stages of the project. This will require you to determine goals, resources needed, and to select an evidence-based practice (EBP) model.

Start with the solution that you determined would be most effective in resolving the stated problem and define the intended outcomes of implementing the change (i.e., what is your improvement goal?). In order for quality to improve, a change must occur. That change must be quantifiable, in other words, it must be measurable.

Create an implementation plan in which you:

  • Explain how you will measure the change and how you will know when you have reached your improvement goal.
  • Create a list of outcomes required to reach your outcomes goal. This will allow you to determine the actions needed and the priority of tasks that will result in the desired outcome.
  • Determine who will be responsible for each outcome (typically each is assigned to a team member who is motivated in seeing the successful implementation of the plan).
  • Determine the actions needed to take place for each outcome to occur. Questions to consider when determining what action needs to take place:
  • Who do we need to talk to?
  • Departments
  • Stakeholders
  • What needs to be decided?
  • What resources are needed?
  • Budget
  • Personnel
  • Supplies and equipment
  • What milestones need to be set to know we’re on track?
  • When do we need to check on the progress of those milestones?
  • Overall timeframe for the project
  • What potential setbacks do we need to plan for?
  • Risk management plan
  • Do any tasks need to be done before taking this action?
  • Establish budget, roles, and responsibilities (who will be responsible for what).
  • Determine how you will monitor progress, which provides you the means of tracking actions as they are completed and will make you aware of actions that are late or off track.
  • Select an established EBP model to guide the implementation of the plan, and discuss why it is appropriate for your project.

Remember that without a measure, progress becomes a matter of opinion and opinions can easily change over the course of an implementation timeline.**

  • Create an evaluation plan. Your evaluation plan will define the standard of measurement for progress and will include:
  • Measurable outcomes (both short-term and long-term – formative assessments and summative assessments)
  • Data to be collected and how and when it is to be collected
  • Established evaluation points where data can be evaluated and adjustments made to the implementation plan as a result.

You must cite a minimum of two scholarly reference sources to support your responses.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

  • Minimum 1,050-word paper; your paper must be organized using APA Level I headings for the assignment requirements noted above.

Rubric, what we will be grading on:

  • Defines an improvement goal and explains how it will be measured.

    18% of total grade

  • Implementation Plan Part 1 – Outcomes, Roles, Timeline, Milestones

    18% of total grade

  • Implementation Plan Part 2 – Budget and Resources

    18% of total grade

  • Selects an EBP model to guide the implementation and provides rationale to explain why it is appropriate to the project.

    18% of total grade

  • Develops an evaluation plan that includes how data will be monitored and collected, the short-term and long-term goals – the standards for evaluating each, and the points of evaluation.

    18% of total grade

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Ashford University Patient Privacy Rights Discussion


Help me study for my Health & Medical class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.


With the HIPAA laws, much emphasis has been placed on the patient’s privacy rights and the requirements of the health care organization (a covered entity) to ensure privacy of protected health information. Discuss the following:

  • When there is a breach of privacy, has a breach of fiduciary duty occurred? 

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. PUG Cultural Diversity & Effective Communication Strategy Paper


Topic #1: Identify how ethics and cultural diversity can impact team building, conflict resolution, and creating effective teams?

Topic #2: Describe the change management theories, techniques and leadership styles that can help create an effective communication strategy?

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HU Borderline Case Ethics of Patient Care Discussion


For this discussion, you will be applying defining attributes to an actual patient case. Please listen to the NPR podcast, If You Have Dementia, Can You Hasten Death As You Wished? (4:00 minutes). Additionally, review Wilkinson’s (1997) defining attributes in Developing a Concept Analysis of Autonomy in Nursing Practice.

Initial Post
Please respond to the following prompts:

Review Wilkinson’s (1997) defining attributes and describe how the NPR podcast, If You Have Dementia, Can You Hasten Death As You Wished? case story meets the definition of a borderline case.
Describe the ethical issues the case raises.
If it were changed to meet criteria for a model case, what ethical issues would come to the forefront?
Your initial post should contain two- to three-paragraphs with three- to four-sentences per paragraph. The post should integrate a minimum of three readings and/or other evidence-based research articles no more than three years old and use APA formatting for citations and references..

Reply Posts
Compare and contrast your ethical viewpoint, using a minimum of two scholarly sources using APA style, with two of your colleagues.

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Moraine Valley Community College Lifetime Fitness & Wellness Reflection Paper


Reflect on your understanding of lifetime fitness and wellness. Including the seven dimensions of wellness. What dimensions are strengths? What dimensions are weaknesses? what aspects of health and fitness interested you most? Include research on cardiovascular disease and how your decisions and choices affect your risk. 4-5 pages in APA format

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. RC Nursing Childhood Obesity Interventions Research Paper


Assignment 1 ( 2 pages)

Choose a problem in your clinical setting and write a PICOT question. Be sure to use the PICOT format to give the specifics and then write the question. To support your question, locate and attach a research article that addresses your topic of choice. Pls see Module 2 Assignment PICOT as an example.

Assignment 2 ( 2 pages)

Choose a problem in your clinical setting and write a PICOT question. Be sure to use the PICOT format to give the specifics and then write the question. To support your question, locate and attach a research article that addresses your topic of choice. Pls see Module 2 Assignment PICOT as an example.

Health Medical Homework Help