Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NSG 456 University of Phoenix WK2 Informed Consent Discussion 2


I need an explanation for this Nursing question to help me study.

We must remember that consent has three essentials parts including: disclosure of information, decisional capacity, and voluntarism. As we know, the researcher must be aware of many things before conducting a study. Let’s take one of those and talk a little more about it. Let’s talk about voluntarism. Recruitment of participants is a critical aspect of research. They have to recruit to find participants in order for them to volunteer. However. the recruitment can’t be considered coercion. You also can’t provide too much of an incentive – or that can be construed as coercion. However, you can provide compensation for participants that is considered ethical and is not considered coercion.

How can you know the difference between coercion and a reasonable incentive – if you were writing a grant and want to provide an incentive for participation to the target audience you were trying to recruit to volunteer? Can anyone provide an example? 

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. California College San Diego Culture Influence on Behavior Discussion


I’m working on a health & medical question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Question: Consider how culture has influenced our behavior and particularly our biology. For example, treating childhood diabetes allows these children to grow up, have children and pass the gene on to their offspring, also in the gene pool. A hundred years ago children would die of diabetes and never reproduce, thereby never contributing the trait to the gene pool and reducing the number in the gene pool. Because of our ability to keep these children alive longer, we have changed our gene pool and subsequently, our biology. Now, use your own examples. Be sure to use concepts from the lecture, including heredity, genetic drift as the biological agents, and when culture has influenced biological change in humans.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Capella University Observed Data Inaccuracies and Recommendations Memorandum


  • Write a memo (1-page) to a HIM director explaining data entry inaccuracies and deficiencies in the EHR system that potentially impact clinical care. Include an explanation of the findings and their importance. Provide evidence-based recommendations to address identified issues. Provide EHR Go supporting activities as attachments to the memo.A range of decision support models can serve as the basis for a clinical decision support system. Rules-based systems are effective in helping users make yes or no decisions. More complex decision types require more complex methodologies. Recognizing the relationship between decision support models and CDS systems is critical to making sound decisions about how to apply a CDS to accomplish a particular result. To appropriately interpret CDS system results, system users need to be able to see the big picture. They need to understand the concepts underlying CDS systems.Given the high degree of user resistance, selecting a clinical decision support system is often a challenging task. The frequency with which IT projects fail has been the subject of much research and speculation. The same holds true for clinical decision support systems. The evidence-based health care industry places a high value on using clinical data to identify best practices and high-quality clinical outcomes. At the same time, putting a CDS system into practice is far more difficult than it would appear. Many CDS system implementation issues are specific to system users. For example, some CDS systems support the work of physicians. These individuals may not be open to accepting guidance from an unknown—and in their eyes unproven—expert system. In fact, evidence shows a high rate of physicians reject CDS system advice in favor of the physician’s professional experience and preferences.The health care industry has come to understand how critical user acceptance is to successful CDS implementations. The advantages of system implementation are reduced or eliminated when users do not use the system or do not use it properly. CDS systems require significant input from the clinical staff, who generally are busy. When clinical staff are not excited about embracing the system and prepared to invest time in making it successful, then clinical managers must step in. They must dedicate staff to closely monitor the accuracy and integrity of the system’s expert advice.In this second course assessment, as a data analyst, you will have the opportunity to do just that—?monitor the CDS system’s advice for accuracy and integrity. During the course of your work you regularly review and correct information contained within the system. You know that incorrect information in the system can literally have life or death consequences for patients. You want to bring to your boss’s attention the volume and type of incorrect information you’re seeing. Your plan is to write a memo to the HIM director about your findings and their importance. You also know that your boss will appreciate your recommendations for resolving the issues you’re uncovering.Demonstration of Proficiency
    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

    • Competency 1: Examine analytics and decision support.
      • Explain the benefits and risks associated with CDS systems.
    • Competency 3: Apply common performance improvement models.
      • Recommend evidence-based strategies for maximizing the benefits and minimizing the risks associated with CDS systems. 
    • Competency 4: Apply data extraction methodologies.
      • Edit patient information accurately.
      • Explain how editing patient information affects data extraction for CDS.
      • Recognize incomplete or missing data in the patient chart.
      • Explain how chart inaccuracies impact patient care and clinical decision making.
    • Competency 6: Communicate effectively in a professional manner.
      • Write a clear, well organized, professional memo that is generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
      • Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.
    • Preparation
      Independent Research
      If you are less familiar with EHRs and CDS systems, you may wish to conduct additional independent research. The suggested resources provide a good starting point. You may also wish to consult the Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide for research tips and help in identifying current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources.  Instructions
      The first step in completing this assessment is to do the two assigned EHR course activities. You will be submitting these as attachments to a memo you are going to write to the HIM director about inaccuracies and deficiencies you’ve identified in the EHR system. The work you complete in the EHR Go activities will inform what information you include in your memo.  
    • In the first activity, you will practice editing patient information. You will also reflect on the implications of errors on the availability of patient data for clinical decision support.
    • In the second activity, you will review in detail data in a patient chart. You will use critical thinking skills to determine what is present, deficient, incorrect, or incomplete in the chart.
    • Here is the background information you need to complete the second part of your assessment. Your facility has recently implemented an EHR system. As a data analyst, you have been reviewing and correcting information within the system and identifying multiple deficiencies. You know that it is your responsibility to bring the amount and type of incorrect information to your boss’s attention. You have decided to create a one-page memo that:
    • Explains your findings.
    • Describes the importance of these findings.
    • Makes evidence-based recommendations for improvements.
    • Keeping your memo to one-page may not seem long. It is, however, the reality in today’s health care workplace. It’s unlikely that busy executives will read more than a one-page memo—?if that. You will need to be highly selective and include only the most critical information.You will include the reports from the EHR activities as attachments to your memo. Note: Your boss always wants to know the source of your information. Be sure to cite your sources and include a separate reference page with your memo. 

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College Global Health Question Commentary Essay


Commentary Essay

Students must watch one of the following videos (conferences or panels) related to debates and discussions around Decolonizing Global Health (the web links are at the end). You have to write a commentary essay about the topic covered in the video. You must take a stance on the topic and develop your commentary based on specific information from the video that was relevant and interesting for you about the topic. 

Your arguments must reflect your understanding and opinion about the topic, but you also need to support your arguments with literature. Therefore, you also need to include references to at least two readings from the syllabus. Because you will be trying to show your perspective and make a valid argument, referencing sources will be helpful and will help you to strengthen your perspective. 

The paper must contain a title, an introduction (state your thesis), a body (develop a well-argued commentary addressing your thesis), and a conclusion (bring all of the points you have made supporting your thesis).

Format. This paper is a 3-4 pages essay (not including references), 1.5 spaced, Times New Roman 12. The sources are cited and referred at the end of your paper correctly in APA style.

Some relevant considerations when writing a commentary essay:

Purpose: The purpose of commentary is not simply to report things but to give readers a way to make sense of them. A commentary will help you write critically about a topic and will help you analyze this topic within a larger societal context.

Audience: Your audience for this paper should have a stake in the topic. For example, if you discuss your understanding of Decolonizing Global Health, your audience could be Global Health organizations or Global Health Educators. If you are discussing Decolonizing the Health Care System, your audience could be health care providers or those who develop health policies.

Genre: For this paper, your genre is in the form of a commentary.

Stance: Your stance should be formal in that you are writing to an academic audience who will be making meaning of your topic. However, you may use the pronoun “I” to discuss your position.

Give readers something to react to, think about, or use to make sense of the topic.

You will not take a neutral stance; you have a perspective.

You are attempting to analyze and explain what is going on about that topic.

You are asking your readers to consider one possible way of making sense of what has happened in the past and what is going on in the present.

Approach your readers as co-thinkers, you are asking them to look at the world from your perspective (whether they ultimately agree with you or not). Even through your perspective, you must negotiate differences fairly but maintain a well-argued position.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Clinical Decision Support Systems Presentation


  • Create a slide presentation (20 minutes; 12-15 slides) on clinical decision support (CDS) systems for a new hire orientation. Address CDS functions, users, and the distinctions among coded, non-coded, structured, and unstructured EHR data entry. Include audio recording and speaker notes with presentation.Clinical decision support (CDS) systems have been a discussion topic in the health care and research communities for the past 20 or 30 years. While these systems have demonstrated potential, few have been implemented in a health care setting. A CDS system is actually multiple solutions and technologies with the underlying goal of transforming health care data into useful information.A CDS system, or intervention, is an application that analyzes data to assist health care providers in making clinical decisions. Most CDS applications are components of electronic health record systems. They can also, however, stand alone. A number of types of CDS systems exist along with various tools to enhance the decision-making process. Some CDS systems support administrative activities. Others involve clinical details and protocols and treatment processes.A successful CDS system implementation requires the ability to identify CDS end-users and their roles in mitigating risks and issues. Another critical factor in successful CDS system implementations is the ability to select a CDS system that supports organizational goals and stakeholders. Now, imagine that you are a data analyst. The HIM director has asked you to deliver a presentation on the CDS system at a new hire orientation. The HIM director hopes your presentation can provide new hires with a solid foundational understanding of a CDS system, or intervention. In particular, she wants you to address CDS functions and the importance of CDS users. These individuals are critical to system acceptance, resolution of system issues, and other performance strategies. In your presentation, you will want to incorporate what you have learned in the EHR Go preparatory activities that are part of this assessment. In addition, you will be submitting a voice-over narration with your slides and speaker notes.Preparation
    EHR Go
    As soon as your faculty member provides the information you need, create an account to access the EHR activities planned for the course. If you need help with your EHR Go account, please contact the EHR Go help desk or phone at 1-877-907-2186. Direct questions related to the content of the learning activities to your faculty member.Before beginning your assessment, do all the assigned EHR course activities. This will help to ensure you have the skills and experience necessary to complete the assessment. Also, as you use various EHR applications, pay attention to your experiences and lessons learned. This information will inform your completion of the assessment.Complete these specific EHR Go activities for Assessment 1:

    • This first activity introduces basic navigational skills to review and enter data in an EHR.
    • This second activity focuses on what the EHR can do and how it can be used.  
    • You will need information from these two activities to complete your first assessment. Independent Research
      If you are less familiar with EHRs and CDS systems, you may wish to conduct additional independent research. The suggested resources provide a good starting point. You may also wish to consult the Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide for research tips and help in identifying current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources.  Audio Recording of Your Presentation
      To prepare for the audio recording of your presentation:
    • Set up and test your microphone or headset using the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer. You only need to use the headset if your audio is not clear and high quality when captured by the microphone. 
    • Practice using the equipment to ensure the audio quality is sufficient.
    • Microsoft PowerPoint allows you to record your narration with your slides. If you choose to record your presentation using this tool, simply submit your presentation to the appropriate area of the courseroom. Your narration will be included with your slides. 
    • Consult the Using Kaltura [PDF] for guidance in how to record your presentation and upload it in the courseroom if you elect not to use Microsoft PowerPoint to submit your slides and narration.
    • Instructions
      As a data analyst, you are ready to begin work on a task your boss, the HIM director, assigned to you. You will deliver a presentation on the CDS system at the new hire orientation. In particular, your boss wants you to emphasize CDS functions and the importance of CDS users. These are the individuals who are critical to system acceptance, resolution of system issues, and so on. You have a total of 30 minutes for your presentation (20 minutes = presentation; 10 minutes = Q & A). You expect it will take 12- to 15-slides to cover your content. You also want to keep in mind that these new hires may be a bit overwhelmed by the volume of information that has been presented to them since they started. With this in mind, you plan to make sure that your slides are not too text heavy and know that you will include additional information in your speaker notes. Your speaker notes will spell out what you will say during the presentation. The slides will cover the highlights. You also want to be sure to incorporate examples in your presentation to illustrate your points. You plan to liberally make use of what you’ve learned in the EHR Go activities for this assessment and the independent research you’ve conducted on CDS systems. From past experience, you know your boss always wants to know the source of your information, so you will make sure to include references to current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources.Here is the outline you’ve prepared for your presentation that your boss has approved. You’re now ready to begin building your presentation.Welcome (1 slide)
    • How will you open your presentation in a way that engages your audience? For example, consider a compelling quote, a startling fact or statistic, or a thought-provoking question
    • CDS Systems Definition (1 slide)
    • What is a CDS System?
    • CDS Functions and Users (2–3 slides)
    • What are the three to five major functions of a CDS system?
    • Who are the main users of CDS systems?
    • How do these users contribute to successful CDS system implementation and usage?
    • CDS Functions’ Contribution to Patient Outcomes (1 slide)
    • How do CDS functions contribute to patient outcomes? 
    • Coded vs. Non-Coded vs. Structured vs. Unstructured EHR Data Entry (4 slides)
    • What is coded data entry? Why is this important to new hires? (1 slide).
    • What is non-coded data entry? Why is this important to new hires? (1 slide).
    • What is structured data entry? Why is this important to new hires? (1 slide).
    • What is unstructured data entry? Why is this important to new hires? (1 slide).    
    • How can you present this information in a table, chart, graphic, et cetera to help new hires keep these terms straight? (1 slide).   
    • Clinical Implications of Structured vs. Unstructured Data Entry (1 slide)
    • What are the clinical implications of structured vs. unstructured data entry?
    • Key Takeaways (1 slide)
    • What are the three or four most critical takeaways that you want new hires to retain from your presentation?
    • Closing (1 slide)
    • What do you anticipate are the three to five questions new hires will have about your presentation? 
    • Note: This will help prepare you to respond effectively to the new hires’ questions.  
    • References (1 slide)
    • What credible resources did you draw on for your presentation in case new hires want to learn more? 

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. St Thomas University Relationship between Mental Health and Religion Discussion


Purpose:Analyze and apply critical thinking skills in the psychopathology of mental health patients and provide treatment and health promotion while applying evidence-based research.Scenario:

A 44-year-old white Australian man who was not religious was referred to outpatient psychiatric treatment. He had been playing with an Ouija board for two months when he started to believe that a spirit had entered his body through his rectum and was controlling him. He thought the spirit made him move and speak in a certain way.

He sought help from a local church, where he was told it was a psychiatric problem and that he was not really possessed. Two exorcisms at a local church failed to achieve any improvement. 


Remember to answer these questions from your textbooks and NP guidelines. At all times, explain your answers. 

  1. Discuss the relationship between mental illness and religion.
  2. Is this classified as psychopathology?  Support your response.

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Aurora University Impact of Social Work’s Historical Events Report


Based on this module’s materials, discuss how historical events that occurred in the field of social work impacted the development of the recovery philosophy. Please include in your answer:

  1. Describe the historical event, and who was involved (what population, advocates, or other stakeholders).
  2. Discuss your understanding of the impact of that historical event on how society views recovery today. Feel free to present information from other readings, if needed (there is more information on many of the historical events discussed in the book on the internet.)
  3. Do you feel that the recovery philosophy empowers all populations equally? Explain why you feel this way.
  4. What challenges does the field of social work face in helping individuals achieve recovery?

A Brief History of Social Work (for Social Work Month 2015) – YouTube

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Harvard Business School Mother Baby Nurse Residency Discussion


Help me study for my Health & Medical class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

I am applying for a residency nursing job at Mother and Baby unit in the hospital. They need me to submit an admission essay, telling them what inspires me to do what I want to do as a nurse in that unit. Could you please help? I am a working student that has a newborn baby, I do not have time to write. You can formulate your own sorry, that is believable to them. Thank you.

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Grand Canyon University Public Health Issues Response


***Make a Comment***

PHNs work with patients, either directly or indirectly, who experience a multitude of public health issues such as mental illness, substance abuse, food insecurity, poverty, housing instability, and poor health on a daily basis. PHNs receive education and gain experience to address public health needs. For example, community assessment, health research, epidemiology, factors that contribute to public health issues, health disparities, leadership, change strategies, and navigating legislative processes. The combination of nursing skills and PHN knowledge and experience places PHNs in a unique role to advocate for patient populations through policy, law, and regulatory processes. PHNs can also use their knowledge to assume leadership roles in government public health agencies. As a starting point, PHNs can begin by evaluating their organization’s internal and external partnerships that address public health problems such as housing, nutrition, access to health care and medications, and other needs (Williams, Phillips, & Koyama, K., 2018).

Health Medical Homework Help