Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NURS 6053 Walden University Hospital Organization Change Implementation PPT


As a professional, you will be called upon to share expertise, inform, educate, and advocate. Your efforts in these areas can help lead others through change. In this Assignment, you will propose a change within your organization and present a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose

  • Review the Resources and identify one change that you believe is called for in your organization/workplace. (HOSPITAL RELATED)
    • This may be a change necessary to effectively address one or more of the issues you addressed in the Workplace Environment Assessment you submitted in Module 4. It may also be a change in response to something not addressed in your previous efforts. It may be beneficial to discuss your ideas with your organizational leadership and/or colleagues to help identify and vet these ideas.
    • ( CHANGES THAT ARE CALLED FOR Improve technology. Advance nursing training
      Lack of employee health and well being promotion.
      Limited opportunity to decision making.
      Passive aggressive behavior,
      Favoritism at work,
      Poor leadership
  • Reflect on how you might implement this change and how you might communicate this change to organizational leadership.

The Assignment (5-6-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation):

Change Implementation and Management Plan

Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation of 5 or 6 slides WITH video that presents a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose.

Your narrated presentation should be 5–6 minutes in length.

Your Change Implementation and Management Plan should include the following:

  • An executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting your organization/workplace (This can include the work you completed in your Workplace Environment Assessment previously submitted, if relevant.)
  • A description of the change being proposed
  • Justifications for the change, including why addressing it will have a positive impact on your organization/workplace
  • Details about the type and scope of the proposed change
  • Identification of the stakeholders impacted by the change
  • Identification of a change management team (by title/role)
  • A plan for communicating the change you propose
  • A description of risk mitigation plans you would recommend to address the risks anticipated by the change you propose

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Central Georgia Technical College Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Discussion


I need help with this paper on a CABG that need to be turned in tomorrow and the guidelines or tips the teacher gave were this, – Clearly explain the steps of the surgery from the medical, not lay persons, perspective

2- Replace general terms with medical terminology. Such as ‘vomit’ instead of ‘throw up’

3 – Include the heart cath as part of the work up.

4 – Grammar, sentence structure, punctuation

5 – Convert to APA format

6 – Citations, on separate page, should have hanging indent (paragraph section under special indentations)

7- Johns Hopkins University

Overall, more scientific, medical explanation of the surgery

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. WU Wk 9 Pandemic Preparedness FEMA Health Challenges & Crisis Response Case Study


As a future leader in the field of public health, you may face many chronic health threats to various systems. As you work to combat these threats and ensure community wellness, you are likely to become an agent of social change. This objective may be more challenging, although more critical, to achieve in matters such as in public health emergencies and outbreaks. For leaders, outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics elicit critical and timely attention to situations in public health.

In this week’s article by Osterholm, the author presents a possibility of another pandemic. Using this Learning Resource as well as 2–4 additional resources you may find from the Walden Library, current events, etc., consider your leadership perspective during a pandemic influenza outbreak in the United States.

As you collaborate with your group, individually, select one of the following leadership roles that would respond during this outbreak:

  • Director, FEMA
  • Director, CDC
  • Governor of an afflicted state
  • Incident Response Commander
  • Response Leader, American Red Cross (or other non-governmental organization)

After selecting your leadership role, use a systems approach to work with your group to establish immediate response in preventing another pandemic.

(2–3 pages)

Then, using your leadership assignment for the case study, collaborate with your colleagues to create a Group Case Study Analysis that includes:

  • An explanation of how the challenges identified in the individual case analyses collectively affect crisis response by the system and the individuals within it
  • An explanation of how transformational and transactional leaders might influence outcomes within this case
  • A summary of how poor leadership might affect the outcome of the case

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Grand Canyon University Components of Health Care Finance Systems PPT


The purpose of this assignment is to use health care economics to assist in developing a financial plan to support the viability of your health care organization.

Imagine that your CFO has asked you to present a high-level financial overview to the other administrators using the information found in the organization’s annual report (found in the study material, “Unity Health Care 2017 Annual Report”). Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 12-15 slides (not including title and reference slides), that includes the following:

  1. Where does the company stand financially?
  2. How do the components of the health care finance system interact to provide the results you are given?
  3. Discuss the short-run and long-run costs of production. How do they fit into your overview?
  4. Include a supply curve on one of your slides. Discuss how you determined which factors affected the position of the supply curve.
  5. Develop a financial plan to support the viability of your organization.

Using Loom, record your presentation and submit the Loom file to the instructor.

Refer to the study materials for additional guidance on recording your presentation with Loom.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

MPA Health Care Management

4.3: Analyze how components of the health care finance system interact with each other.

MBA Health Systems Management

5.1: Develop financial plans to support the viability of health care organizations.

Government and Policy for U.S. Health Leaders

Higbea, R., & Cline, G. (2021). Government and policy for U.S. health leaders (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284207767 (Available as a custom eBook – includes only Chapter 6)

Essentials of Health Economics

Dewar, D. M. (2017). Essentials of health economics (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284054620

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NRNP 6645 CUMS Organizational Risk Management Interview Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy Paper & PPT


The purpose of this assignment is to gain real-world insight into how risk management programs operate within health care organizations.

Select a local health care organization where you can conduct an interview with an employee who is involved in risk management processes. This organization can be your current employer or a different health care facility in your community. Acute care, urgent care, large multi?provider private medical clinics, assisted living facilities, and community/public health clinical facilities are all ideal options to complete the requirements of this assignment. Select an individual who can provide sufficient information regarding how their organization manages risk within its facility to answer the questions below.

In your interview, address the following:

Risk management strategies used in the organization’s risk control program, along with specific examples.

How the facility’s educational risk management program addresses key professional, legal, and ethical issues, such as prevention of negligence, malpractice litigation, and vicarious liability.

  • Policies the facility has implemented that address how to manage emergency triage in high?risk areas of health care service delivery (e.g., narcotics inventories, declared pregnancy policies, blood-borne disease sector, etc.).
  • Challenges the organization faces in managing and controlling high-risk health care (e.g., infectious diseases, nuclear medicine, abortion, class 4 narcotics/opioids, etc.).
  • Strategies the facility utilizes to monitor, evaluate, and maintain compliance within its risk management program.
  • After conducting the interview, compose a 750?1,000 word summary analysis of the interview that includes the questions above, in conjunction with the interviewee’s responses. In addition, include the following elements in your response:
  • An assessment of the organization’s risk management program, including how it attends to high-risk health care and legal concerns.

Action steps you would take to improve one area of the organization’s risk management program, along with your rationale for doing so.

Cite appropriate references as needed to support your statements and rationale.

  • Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
  • ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Topic: Assignment

In a 5- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation, address the following. Your title and references slides do not count toward the 5- to 10-slide limit. 

Provide an overview of the article you selected.

What population       (individual, group, or family) is under consideration?

What was the specific       intervention that was used? Is this a new intervention or one that was       already studied?

What were the author’s       claims?

Explain the findings/outcomes of the study in the      article. Include whether this will translate into practice with your own      clients. If so, how? If not, why?

  • Explain whether the limitations of the study might      impact your ability to use the findings/outcomes presented in the      article. 

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. RTSUNJNBP Coconut Water Composition Questions


I’m working on a Nutritional Sciences exercise and need support.

Coconut water has become popular recently, whether in a smoothie recipe from Pinterest, or in the gym bag of many exercisers. Use what you learned about sports drinks from the article on coconut water below to assess if coconut water, in your opinion (remember to support your opinion) is the ideal sports drink? Think about how it may or may not fit into a sports nutrition plan for different athletes. you may use other websites to support your claim but must include where you got your research from.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Drexel University Effect of Greening Vacant Land on Mental Health Sampling Approach Discussion


what is the key elements of the article from a Methods perspective.?

  • How would you describe the sampling approach based on the types we just talked about in class?
  • How did they implement a clustered approach to their Randomization to the intervention?
  • E.g. How was the master list established? Then how was randomization accomplished?
  • How did these methods influence internal and/or external validity in your opinion?
  • Health Medical Homework Help

    Health Medical Homework Help

    Health Medical Homework Help. Atelectasis Presentation


    make a 8 or 7 slides about atelectasis .

    Atelectasis :

    1. Introduction/Objectives

    2. Definition

    3. Causes/Risks Factors

    4. Clinical Manifestation

    5. Assessment & Diagnostic Findings

    6. Medical & Surgical Management

    7. Nursing management

    8. Health Education

    9. Sample case for possible nursing diagnosis

    note: the writing should be in academic way dont use hard words

    Health Medical Homework Help