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Health Medical Homework Help. MN 504 Perdue Global University Evidence Based Clinical Questions


Assignment Details

Evidence-Based Clinical Question Search Assignment


The purpose of this Assignment is to give you a practical application to implement your PICOT idea, supported by the evidence-based research you have obtained in during your systematic review. You will apply evidence-based research findings discovered from your clinical question, and then integrate those to support your suggested change in nursing practice.


  1. Identify your refined PICOT question.
  2. Using PubMed and the Cochrane collaboration database, do a systematic review of your clinical question.
  3. Describe your systematic review and include an errors analysis.
  4. Determine an evidence-based quantitative article from the search that contains an evidence-based randomized control trial.
  5. Summarize the case study selected.
  6. Describe the study approach, sample size, and population studied.
  7. Apply the evidence from this review to your practice specifically in your overview.
  8. Evaluate the outcomes, identifying the validity and reliability.
  9. Discuss if the study contained any bias.
  10. Determine the level of evidence identified in the review

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Health Medical Homework Help. SIM 432 American Sentinel University Community Level Interventions Powerpoint


Activity 12

Community Level Interventions

Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

  • 14 to 20 slides. Add title and reference slides.
  • Follow Rules of 7.

the windshield survey summary will require you to apply what you have learned through your basic windshield survey of Sentinel City® to a target population of your choosing. You will complete your project by comparing data from Sentinel City® with similar data from the city where your target population lives.

Your presentation will include 9 parts, which are described in detail below and include details in the speaker notes.

I. Introduction

Provide a brief introduction that identifies the demographics for the city where your target population lives.

II. Description of Your Target Population

Compose a detailed description of your chosen target population. In this section, you will describe the demographic characteristics of your chosen target population, including the population’s socioeconomic status, vital statistics, education level, religion, and occupations. Include a table, graph, and/or figure display that includes relevant demographic data for your target population.

III. Comparison of Sentinel City Demographic Data

Compare the demographic data of Sentinel City® with the demographic data from the city where your target population is located. You should present this information in a clear to understand table.

IV. Key Health Concerns or Issues

Present a list of the top 3 health concerns for your target population. Provide a brief description of these concerns and include data from your target population city that supports the rationale for selecting these health concerns. Select one of the 3 health concerns you identified and state why you decided to develop an intervention that addresses these particular health concerns/issues. Include the Healthy People 2020 objective that relates to your identified health concerns.

V. Community Health Nursing Diagnosis

Develop a community health nursing diagnosis based on your analysis of the demographic and health status data that you gathered.

Your community health nursing diagnosis should be written using the following format (Nies & McEwen, 2011, p. 101):

Increased risk of (disability, disease, etc.) among (community or population) related to (disability, disease, etc.) as demonstrated in or by (health status indicator, or etiological/causal statement).


Increased risk of obesity among school age children related to lack of safe outdoor play areas for children as demonstrated by above average BMI rates.

Increased risk of depression among persons with a physical disability related to the lack of handicap accessible facilities and social isolation as demonstrated by high suicide rate

VI. A & B. Intervention to Address the Diagnosis

Describe your proposed intervention that will address the community health nursing diagnosis for your target population. You may choose to develop your own intervention or modify one that was recommended by the Task Force on Community Preventive Services (TFCPS).

To view recommended interventions, visit the TFCPS website and select the topic you plan on addressing for your intervention. (Note: at the bottom of most topic pages on the TFCPS website there is a sample on how to cite the webpage. After reviewing the topics, click the “Resources” tab then click “Fact Sheets”. Here you may find fact sheets to share with your mentor at your practice learning site.)

Whether you modify an existing intervention or develop one of your own, you must discuss why this intervention will or why you needed to modify it because it would not work for your target population. Include advantages, population fit, and barriers in use of the intervention. You should include the long-term goals, two measurable objectives, and the required resources such as: time, equipment, finances, etc. [Note: you are not required to carry out your intervention]

VII. Evaluation Plan

Describe your method for evaluating the objectives of your intervention (for example, pre/post-test, survey, questionnaire, phone interview). Include one long term goal and two short-term measurable objectives.

Example of goals and measurable objectives:

Goal – To increase my potential for promotion at my place of employment

Objective – Complete all undergraduate nursing courses with a B+ or higher

Objective – Complete the American Sentinel University BSN program before 2020

Goal – To learn about public health nursing

Objective – Describe community health levels of prevention

Objective – List the 8 subsystems of a community

VIII. Summary of Sentinel City®

Summarize the assets (strengths) in Sentinel City® pertaining to the 8 community subsystems. In addition to the “people” (the core) of the community, there are eight subsystems that come together to form the assessment data for your windshield survey, which will contribute to your overall community assessment of Sentinel City®. The eight subsystems within every community include: 1) physical environment, 2) safety and transportation, 3) health and social services, 4) education, 5) recreation, 6) politics and government, 7) communication, and 8) economics.

Include your recommendations for improving/strengthening specific subsystems in Sentinel City®. Discuss other recommended changes or additions needed to improve the health of the population living in Sentinel City®.

IX. Reference List

Include references that were used as you developed your plan.

For the purpose of this assessment cite the Sentinel City® demographic data as follows:

U. S. Census Bureau. (2010). American FactFinder fact sheet: Sentinel City, USA Retrieved January 31, 2014, from·

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Health Medical Homework Help. Capella University Electronic Health Record Systems Reflection Paper


  • Complete three EHR Go activities relating to medication reports, order verification, and risks and clinical warnings. Write a reflection paper (1-page) addressing key lessons learned relating to EHR accuracy and standards, data mining, and legal and ethical considerations surrounding EHR-CDS usage.Data mining is the process of discovering and extracting patterns within a set of data. Its main goal is to transform data into meaningful information, typically for decision-making purposes. Identifying patterns within data helps to depict the data and to predict future behaviors or patterns. Information such as this helps to improve quality of care, reduce costs, and support organizational services, such as disease management and resource utilization. Historically, conducting this kind of research was extremely labor intensive. With the advent of electronic health record systems and clinical decision support (CDS) systems, health care professionals now have access to large volumes of highly standardized and electronically stored data.One type of CDS system involves itemizing a set of symptoms and circumstances and then searching the potential range of diagnoses as the source of those symptoms. A set of internal organizational guidelines govern the use of these activities within the CDS system. The high-level concept is to build an application capable of integrating the information and then identifying a potential diagnosis in the same way a human expert would make a diagnosis. A wide range of potential ethical and legal issues relate to the creation, implementation, and use of CDS systems. Clinical decision support assists with analyzing and interpreting health data and then offering recommendations based on that data. An example of a legal and ethical issue related to the proper use of these systems involves practitioners’ ethical responsibilities. Do practitioners fully understand the implications of following the software recommendations when treating a patient?The three EHR Go activities that form the bulk of this assessment show that data analysts need to be knowledgeable about a large amount of material. At the same time, it’s not sufficient to have a grasp of this information in isolation. Professional data analysts need to be able to integrate this information into a meaningful whole. They need to be able to see the big picture. How do the pieces of information relate to each other? As an example, incorrect data in the health record affects data mining activities. This, in turn, affects statistical results, which may result in a bad clinical decision. Alerts, warnings, and recommendations exist to help improve documentation but care also needs to be taken to ensure data security. In this third course assessment, you will complete EHR Go activities related to EHR accuracy and standards, data mining activities used to extract useful information for improving patient care, and the legal and ethical considerations surrounding EHR and CDS usage. In the second part of this assessment, you will integrate the key takeaways you’ve learned from completing the activities into a meaningful whole by writing a brief reflection paper. Demonstration of Proficiency
    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

    • Competency 1: Examine analytics and decision support. 
      • Recognize internet, cybersecurity, and mobile device security threats, including the sharing of patient information without written consent. 
      • Describe strategies for developing standards and guidelines to protect electronically accessible health information.
    • Competency 2: Apply report generation technologies to facilitate decision making.
      • Explain data mining’s role in measuring CDS systems’ accuracy and efficiency and in generating reports.  
      • Recommend EHR-CDS functions that support effective clinical decision making relating to medication.
    • Competency 4: Apply data extraction methodologies.
      • Use EHR-CDS functions to create a medication report based on patient chart information. 
      • Use EHR-CDS functions to assess potential contraindications, and warnings and precautions information.
    • Competency 5: Evaluate data used for medical staff credentialing.
      • Describe a clinician’s role in overriding CDS system information.
    • Competency 6: Communicate effectively in a professional manner.
      • Write clear, well organized, professional documents that are generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
      • Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.
    • Preparation
      Independent Research
      If you are less familiar with EHRs and CDS systems, you may wish to conduct additional independent research. The suggested resources provide a good starting point. You may also wish to consult the Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide for research tips and help in identifying current, scholarly and/or authoritative sources.  Instructions
      Your third assessment consists of two parts:Part 1: Complete these three EHR Go activities
      These three activities form the bulk of this assessment:  
    • For this first activity, you will use EHR-CDS functions to create a medication report based on patient chart information. You will then use the created report to make recommendations about how to improve EHR-CDS functions for more effective clinical decision making.
      • EHR Go: Medication Report.
      • Enter your answers for this activity directly into a Word document. Also, copy and paste the medication report into the same Word document. 
    • In the second activity, you will use clinical decision support functions, such as CPOE, to enter physician medication orders.  
      • EHR Go: Verifying Orders.
      • Add your answers for this activity directly into the Word document you’ve created for your EHR Go activities. 
    • In the third EHR Go activity, you will analyze a physician’s actions, document an EHR, and recommend physician performance requirements for using EHR clinical decision functions. The recommendations and standards will focus on physician order entry, medication warnings, and alerts.
      • EHR Go: Risks and Clinical Warnings
      • Add your answers for this activity directly into the Word document you’ve created for your EHR Go activities. 
    • You will create one document that contains your answers to each of the three activities. Remember to copy and paste the medication report you created for the first activity into your document.Part 2: Write a one-page reflection paper on the topics covered in the EHR Go activities
      Be sure to address these three questions in your reflection paper:
    • What is the relationship between the three EHR Go activities you completed?  In other words, how do the concepts you learned relate to each other?
    • What were your two or three most important takeaways about the concepts of EHR accuracy and standards, data mining, and legal and ethical considerations?
    • What is a remaining question you have about these concepts?

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Capella University Experienced Health Care Workers & Family Members Essay


Complete an interactive simulation that includes interviews of a patient, family members, and experienced health care workers. Then, develop a care coordination strategy and a care plan for the patient based on the information gathered from the interviews. Make sure to use 3-5 references within the past 5 years in APA format

Note: Each assessment in this course builds on your work from the preceding assessment; therefore, complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.Whether designing care plans directed by patients’ needs and preferences, educating patients and their families at discharge, or doing their best to facilitate continuity of care for patients across settings and among providers, registered nurses use accredited health care standards to realize coordinated care. This assessment provides an opportunity for you to explore health care standards with respect to the quality of care, investigate opportunities and challenges in care coordination, and develop a proactive, patient-centered care plan.The National Strategy for Quality Improvement in Health Care (2011) focuses on improving patient care, maximizing health resources, and reducing preventable hospital readmissions. Care coordinators reduce readmissions of those suffering from chronic conditions (such as congestive heart failure, pneumonia, asthma, and diabetes) and are responsible for providing quality care in a fiscally responsible manner. While this may seem a reasonable task, shifting the way we use health care resources can be a challenge. Consequently, you must be cognizant of effective strategies for reducing preventable readmissions and understand the barriers that nurses face when coordinating care for patients with chronic illnesses.Reference
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2011). 2011 report to Congress: National strategy for quality improvement in health care. AHRQ.…Note: Complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.Preparation
As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

  • To what extent does a needs assessment support nursing diagnoses?
  • Which standards or benchmarks drive outcomes in your current professional practice?

What action might you take in response to care plan goals or outcomes that are not being met?

To prepare for this assessment, complete the following simulation:

Vila Health: Care Coordination Scenario I.

In this simulation, you will obtain the information needed to develop a care coordination strategy for Mrs. Snyder and her family. You may use an intervention developed as part of your first assessment. Locate applicable current standards and benchmarks as you determine the best way to develop this strategy.Note: Remember that you can submit all or a portion of your draft to Smarthinking for feedback before you submit the final version of this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.Requirements
Develop a proactive, patient-centered care plan for the patient, using the information gained from your simulated interviews. Focus on care coordination and national care coordination initiatives.Care Plan Format
Use the Patient Care Plan Template [DOCX] provided.Supporting Evidence
Cite 3–5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence to support your plan.Developing the Care Plan
The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your care plan addresses each point, at a minimum. Read the Patient Care Plan Scoring Guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.

Assess a patient’s condition from a coordinated-care perspective.

Consider the full scope of the patient’s needs.

Include 3–5 pieces of data (subjective, objective, or a combination) that led to a nursing diagnosis.

Develop nursing diagnoses that align with patient assessment data.

Write two goal statements for each diagnosis.

Ensure goals are patient- and family-focused, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and time-specific.

Consider the psychosociocultural aspect of care.

  • Determine appropriate nursing or collaborative interventions.
  • List at least three nursing or collaborative interventions.
  • Provide the rationale for each goal or outcome.
  • Explain why each intervention is indicated or therapeutic.

Cite applicable references that support each intervention.

  • Evaluate care coordination outcomes according to measures and standards.

Indicate if the goals were met. If they were not met, explain why.

  • Describe how you would revise the plan of care based on the patient’s response to the current plan.

Support conclusions with outcome measures and professional standards.

Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar and mechanics.

Express your main points and conclusions coherently.

Proofread your writing to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it difficult to focus on the substance of your plan.

Support main points, claims, and conclusions with credible evidence, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.

Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save your patient care plan to your ePortfolio.Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Develop patient assessments.

Assess a patient’s condition from a coordinated-care perspective.

Develop nursing diagnoses that align with patient assessment data.

Competency 3: Evaluate care coordination plans and outcomes according to performance measures and professional standards.

Evaluate care coordination outcomes according to measures and standards.

Competency 4: Develop collaborative interventions that address the needs of diverse populations and varied settings.

  • Determine appropriate nursing or collaborative interventions.

Explain why each intervention is indicated or therapeutic.

  • Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.
  • Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar and mechanics.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HCAD 670 UMGC Healthcare Administration Discussion


Discussion 3 Questions –


Instructions: Please answer using your own words in a minimum of 400, maximum 550 words (2.5-3 paragraphs). PER QUESTION 3 in total. Referenced with Three (3) peer-reviewed journal articles or qualified text publish within the past five years and follow APA Manual 6th or 7th editions scholarly writing guidelines PER QUESTION. APA in-text Citation formatting is required. When writing replies, please provide your experiences, new ideas, add probing questions to engage readers and new literature on the topic to enhance the learning opportunity.


1.How Good Are Your Leadership Skills:

Address ALL questions in part 1 a minimum of 400, maximum 550 words & 3 references minimum

Part 1:

Take How Good Are Your Leadership Skills Quiz. Share with your peers what specific skills you need to improve or develop to become a stronger leader. Make sure to support the comparison of your skills to the required one for a healthcare leader using the content resources.

Part 2:

Address ALL questions in part 1 a minimum of 400, maximum 550 words & 3 references minimum

Reflect on the results of your leadership skills assessment. In the context of Disaster Preparation, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery, discuss which of your leadership skills could you improve upon. Explain what you are going to do to accomplish this task.

2. Diversity and Leadership

Address ALL questions in a minimum of 400, maximum 550 words & 3 references minimum

What is diversity? What does it mean to you? Why is it important, or is it? Have you had a remarkable or memorable diversity experience? Remember that diversity pertains to more than ethnicity and gender. There is socioeconomic diversity, academic diversity (especially in healthcare), geographic diversity, and religious-spiritual diversity.

3. Internet of Things Security:

Address ALL questions in a minimum of 400, maximum 550 words & 3 references minimum

Review the journal article Internet of things security: A review of risks and threats to healthcare sector: and discuss three cyber threats to the healthcare industry. Additionally, discuss the human element of cybersecurity threats and the roles that humans contribute to mitigating cyber threats.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Ashford University CTU Healthcare Information Systems Question


Write a paper of 3-4 pages, not including the title page and reference page, that addresses the following:

As the manager of the CTU Health Care information systems department, the chief information officer (CIO) has asked you to complete the following:

  • Analyze the implications and challenges of cost, quality, and external forces on electronic health record (EHR) or electronic medical record (EMR) selection and implementation within your department.
  • Conduct research on 1 major external threat facing the EHR today.

Note: Use APA style and cite at least 2 scholarly references published within the last 5 years.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Broward Community College Poverty in America Discussion


Use the website

at least (3) three of the following factors and discuss their
relationship to the reality of poverty in America. Write a two to three
paragraph discussion, citing your sources,.APA 7TH edition


  1. Subjugation
  2. Disadvantaged Areas
  3. Work- and Employment-Related Hardships
  4. Lack of Adequate Health and Well-being
  5. Resources
  6. Stigma & Shame
  7. Social Isolation
  8. Unrecognized Voice & Participation
  9. The Struggle

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. UAB Depression Screening in Outpatient Using a PHQ9 Screening Tool Project


Hello Class,

this week is
when you will proudly submit the hard work that you have completed on the DNP
Scholarly project proposal in this seminar. Last week you assessed the
project related to the DNP Essentials and determined if there were any gaps in
the project. The goal this week is to complete a careful review with a
special focus on the APA formatting in the body of the proposal and
also in the appendices. For those of you that may have had trouble
with the references section, be sure to reach out to the writing center for
help. Remember that to achieve a
pass for the proposal assignment, every section on the grading rubric must meet
the passing standard and will earn 300 points. If any section does not
meet the passing standard the submission is assigned a failing grade

-This is not a new paper to write on. we are just finalizing in putting all the sections as per the instructions in the template.-

-I am attaching the original. Template and the one we have been working on this far. Please go through the template again and make any changes on what we have done so far.

Health Medical Homework Help