Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Daytona College Assessment of Men Depression & Suicide Homicide PPT


I’m studying for my Nursing class and need an explanation.

In need of a power point on  Assessment of Men: depression and suicide, homicide

I only need two information slides, a title slide,  and a reference slide. Slide 1- Descibe the healthcare needs of the population. Slide 2-  describe recommendations for the health and wellness of this population. 

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. CCN Focusing on My Specialty Presentation


  1. In a PowerPoint Presentation, address the following.
    1. Introduction to the presentation
    2. Identify and describe a theory or theoretical model, and explain its relevance to your nurse practitioner specialty.
    3. Describe an issue or concern that is related to your nurse practitioner specialty, and explain its impact on health care outcomes
    4. Explain how the theory or theoretical model can be used as a framework to guide evidence-based practice to address the issue or concern, and discuss the unique insight or perspective offered through the application of this theory or theoretical model.
    5. Conclusion to the presentation
    6. References

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HIMS 65 UMDC Healthcare Data & Statistics Discussion



Peer # 1

With the number of Covid cases fluctuating in the hospital during the coronavirus pandemic, it is quite vital for me, as a Guest Service Representative, to be aware of accurate statuses of patients to determine if they are able to have visitors. It is also in the best interest of the patients and the visitors that the appropriate personal protective equipment is provided, if need be. Thankfully, we use the Epic Electronic Medical Records system which provides a feature that gives me the current status of patients without accessing their complete file and breaking HIPAA regulations. Said regulations are enforced because confidential information of a patient should not be accessed unless the purpose involves their treatment of care (Gillman, 2020).

Prior to switching to the new Epic EMR system, the previous medical record system did not auto-populate updated Covid status. This was a critical time to have a quality EMR  system such as Epic as it was the early period of the mandated lockdown. This caused much confusion between the hospital front desk staff unknowingly granting access to flagged patients and unit clerks continuously checking for updates while managing their responsibilities.

With the hospital policy allowing one visitor per patient a day, the census data sheet with the Covid status, allowed me to determine which patient would and could not have visitation privileges. The census data sheet was printed early in the morning with data last updated from a few hours prior.  However the root of our issue of mistakenly allowing visitors to see a Covid-positive patient was caused by the lack of updated status results throughout the day. Meaning new updated census sheets had to be reprinted every few hours. Having access to accurate data such as Covid statuses has played and continues to play a big role in protecting not only the visitors, but the employees, and the patients themselves as those who could receive visitors were at risk of potential exposure from their loved ones visiting.

Gillman, K. (2020, September 17). Access to patient medical records: When is it not okay? Retrieved August 19, 2021, from

Peer # 2  (100 words minimum)

Any organization’s data is one of its most important assets. It’s critical to have experts on staff who know how to gather, store, retrieve, and display data that supports clinical and commercial choices. Healthcare data refers to information on an individual’s or population’s “health problems, reproductive results, causes of mortality, and quality of life.” Clinical measurements, as well as environmental, socioeconomic, and behavioral information, are all included in healthcare data. Health communication and health information technology (IT) are critical components of health care, public health, and how we see health in our culture. These processes define how professionals and the general public look for, comprehend, and use health information, and have a substantial effect on their health choices and behaviors. An example of a scenario where healthcare data would have been useful is when a patient visits a hospital for his/her diagnosis and treatment but apparently his/her doctor is out of the country and on leave. With the aid of healthcare data, it would be easier for another doctor and nurses to track down his/her past medical histories,  diagnosis, and prescription which will make it easier for them to proceed with new diagnosis and treatment that will also be recorded in the system. Health professionals can deliver more efficient, higher-quality, safer, and customized treatment and care coordination when they have access to a patient’s current health data. Patients who examine their own health data have a better understanding of how their health is changing over time.EHR (Electronic Health Records) is the most often used kind of big data in medicine. Every patient has his or her own digital record, which includes information such as demographics, medical history, allergies, and laboratory test results, among other things(Gunter et al, 2005). Records are exchanged through secure information systems and are accessible to both public and private sector suppliers


Gunter, Tracy D; Terry, Nicolas P (2005). “The Emergence of National Electronic Health Record Architectures in the United States and Australia: Models, Costs, and Questions”. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 7 (1): e3. doi:10.2196/jmir.7.1.e3. PMC 1550638. PMID 15829475.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. American Sentinel University Aurora Motivation and Organizational Climate Essay


otivation & Organizational Climate

Evaluate the organizational climate and motivation of a unit where you currently or previously worked.  Describe how leaders and managers evaluate the level of motivation and organizational climate.  Analyze two actions found in the literature that leaders could employ to improve the management of workplace issues (motivation, conflict, scheduling or discrimination).   

Support your discussion and opinions with facts and relevant examples from personal nursing practice.

Reading and Resources

  • Review chapters 1-3 in Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2017). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
  • Deschamps, C., Rinfret, N., Lagacé, M. C., & Privé, C. (2016). Transformational leadership and change: How leaders influence their followers’ motivation through organizational justice. Journal Of Healthcare Management, 61(3), 194-212.
  • Jefferson, T., Klass, D., Lord, L., Nowak, M., & Thomas, G. (2014). Context and the leadership experiences and perceptions of professionals. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 28(6), 811-829. [Found in ProQuest Central, linked on the library gateway page, A-Z list of collections]
  • Review chapters 4 & 6 in Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2017). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
  • Krive, J. (2013). Building effective workforce management practices through shared governance and technology systems integration. Nursing Economic$, 31(5), 231-249
  • Stewart, K. R. (2017). SBAR, communication, and patient safety: An integrated literature review. Medsurg Nursing, 26(5), 297-305.
  • Review: IOM Future of Nursing Report
  • Review: Campaign for Action Resources

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NRS 430 Professional Dynamics


Professional Development of Nursing Professionals

Review the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Write a 750‐1,000 word paper discussing the influence of the IOM report on nursing practice. Include the following:

  1. Summarize the four messages outlined in the IOM report and explain why these are significant to nursing practice.
  2. Discuss the direct influence the IOM report has on nursing education and nursing leadership. Describe the benefits and opportunities for BSN‐prepared nurses.
  3. Explain why it is important that a nurse’s role and education evolve to meet the needs of an aging and increasingly diverse population.
  4. Discuss the significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health‐illness continuum.
  5. Discuss how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Howard Community College Ethical Decision Worksheet


Patient Care Section

Ethical Dilemma Activity

This assignment is designed to prepare students to make ethical decisions when faced with dilemmas in the clinical setting.

  • Ethical dilemmas and decision-making require critical thinking and self-analysis.
    • It is necessary to identify your core beliefs and your positions on the ethical issue or dilemma.
    • It is important to discuss in detail both your core beliefs and the origins of your core beliefs with depth and clarity.
  • Ethical dilemmas often require ethical analysis when the corrective action is in question.

Key Terms to Understand When Making Ethical Decisions:

Core Beliefs: Those fundamental principles that consciously or unconsciously influence one’s ethical conduct and ethical thinking. Even when unacknowledged, core beliefs shape one’s responses. Core beliefs can reflect one’s environment, religion, culture, or training. A person may or may not choose to act on their core beliefs.

Ethical Perspectives/Concepts: The different theoretical means through which ethical issues are analyzed, such as ethical theories (e.g. utilitarian, natural law, virtue) or ethical concepts (e.g. rights, justice, duty).

Complex Multilayered Context: The sub-parts or situational conditions of a scenario that bring two or more ethical dilemmas (issues) into the mix/problem/context/ for student’s identification.

Cross-relationships among the issues: Obvious or subtle connections between/among the sub-parts or situational conditions of the issues present in a scenario.

Ethical Decision Making Assignment Details 

  • Each student will use the worksheet provided to write his/her version of the following ethical decision making steps for the assigned dilemma. The worksheet will be submitted as a file upload in the Canvas Assignment. 
  • Each student will post to the discussion board his/her original final part of step c only (Choose and defend the solution with thoughtful reflection and clarity).
  • Each student will reply (provide feedback) to at least one other member of the group. The reply to a fellow group member should demonstrate evidence of thoughtful reflection and provide insights, alternative perspectives, or other consideration.
  • Identify the ethical concerns relating to the specific issue or issues. Describe the ethical issue in full detail and demonstrate clarity concerning what is to be decided, anddiscuss complex context and cross-relationships present relative to the dilemma.
  • Identify your core beliefs and positions on the ethical issue or issues. Discuss/analyze in detail your core belief and origins of the core beliefs.
  • Apply alternative ethical perspectives to your own perspective and consider the fullimplications of the application (identify and apply relevant ethical perspectives and concepts to develop alternative solutions and consider the implications of alternate solutions completely).

Choose and defend the solution with thoughtful reflection and clarity.


– Dilemma 1: As a new technologist on an evening shift, you encounter a patient for a chest x-ray who is dirty, appears to have been drinking alcohol, and who is making inappropriate comments and proposals of a sexual nature. The patient has not made any physical contact or gestures and does not appear to be a danger to you. You have a job to do to complete the x-ray, but you are uncomfortable with the situation. 

– Dilemma 2:  As you are performing an abdomen examination on a young adolescent patient who seems quiet and shy, a fellow technologist comes into the room behind the control panel, but within hearing distance of the patient, and begins to discuss a personal relationship problem at home.Your coworker seems upset and emotional.  Some of the discussion seems inappropriate for a young adolescent to hear.  You are concerned about your coworker but you are distracted from the care of your patient and concerned about the exposure of the young patient to an inappropriate conversation.

– Dilemma 3:You have finished your 2 years of training and education to become a radiologic technologist and you are excited about entering the field. You study hard and pass the certification examination and are now an official RT.The next day one of your classmates calls you and begins to grill you about what questions were on the examination. You have been very close friends with this particular student and now facing a dilemma. You want to help the fellow student because you believe she may not be successful on the exam. 

– Dilemma 4: While working at a Trauma Center on a very busy evening shift, you witness a fellow technologist making multiple errors while x-raying an injured 10 year old girl (cropping pertinent anatomy from images, repeating multiple images, not applying collimation or shielding). You are in the adjacent x-ray room that shares control panel space preparing and setting up equipment and supplies to perform an exam on another trauma patient but have concerns.


Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Grand Canyon University Public Health Questions


1)Compare the various types of ANOVA by discussing when each is most appropriate for use. Include specific examples to illustrate the appropriate use of each test and how interaction is assessed using ANOVA.


CLA. 2020. What Statistical Analysis Should I Use? Retrieved from

  • What is the distribution requirement of the dependent variable?
  • Discuss the differences between a one-way ANOVA, repeated measures ANOVA, factorial ANOVA, and ANCOVA?

3)When analyzing public health data, describe the steps you would take to determine what statistical test to conduct. Discuss the impact of data type on test selection.

4)UCLA. (2021). Choosing the Correct Statistical Test in SAS, Stata, SPSS and R. Retrieved from

  • Looking at the chart, what are some things you should consider when choosing a statistical test?

4)The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBSS) is a national survey monitoring health behavior among youth and young adults. It is administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For this assignment, use the “Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Dataset” provided to practice calculating and interpreting the t-test. Refer to the instructional videos in the topic resources and the Using and Interpreting Statistics: A Practical Text for the Behavioral, Social, and Health Sciences textbook as a guide.

Part 1

Refer to the topic resources to review the documentation, questionnaires, and general information pertaining to the YRBSS and YRBS. Then use the 2015 “Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Dataset” and conduct a two-sample t-test to determine if weight (in kg) differs by sex. Submit the SPSS output for the t-test.

Part 2

Create an 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation to discuss the findings for the t-test. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice-over or a video. Refer to the topic resources for additional guidance on recording your presentation with Loom. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning and an additional slide for references at the end.

Include the following:

  1. Identify which of three t-tests was selected and explain why this is the best statistical test and whether the assumptions were met.
  2. What are the null and alternative hypotheses?
  3. What is the decision rule?
  4. What is the test statistic and p-value?
  5. Interpretation of the t-test results (What was done? What was found? What does it mean? What suggestions are there for the creation of a health promotion intervention?).

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HIMS 650 UMDC Week 6 EHR Implementation Plan Paper


Step 3: EHR implementation plan

Now that you have developed the project charter, established project objectives and goals,  identified project stakeholders, project team, and project manager in the previous step, your next assignment is to develop a plan for EHR implementation that should include tasks to be performed, tools to be used for monitoring the project tasks (Microsoft Excel), and milestones for determining the project progress.  

Before proceeding to this step, your supervisor also referred you to the following resources:

Four Crucial Members of an EHR Implementation Team

How To Implement an EHR System in 6 Essential Steps

EHR Implementation Plan: Your 8-Step Checklist

EHR Implementation Roadmap 

Olson, B. D. (2016). Chapter 27: Project Management. Health Information Management: Concepts, Principles and Practice. 5th Edn. AHIMA press.

Health Medical Homework Help