Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. TESU Assistant to The Secretary of Health and Human Services Paper


Imagine that you have recently been hired as a research assistant to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. To keep the administration informed on healthcare issues, your supervisor has asked you to research options for changing the Medicare system. Current concerns stem from the fear that if Medicare remains an open-ended entitlement program, its share of the federal budget will continue to increase over time.

Using your best economic reasoning, prepare a brief memo to the secretary highlighting the concern with one of the issues identified below. The memo should discuss the origin of the issue, its impact on the physician, as well as its impact on the ability to provide quality care to the patient. Then, identify a proposed solution.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HSCI 425 CSUN Health Finance Discussion


Article AnalysisStudents will be required to explore the HFMA web site for articles of significant size in the HFM Journal or HFMA Leadership magazines. Editorials, blogs, or opinion pieces are not accepted. Analysis should answer the following questions in narrative form:

1.What key questions or problems does the author raise and why?

2.What information, data, or evidence does the author present to support the purpose of the article?

3.What key conclusions is the author coming to? Are those conclusions justified?

4.What are the implications of the author’s reasoning for the field of health administration

Article analysis assignments must be typed, doublespaced, using 12 point Times New Roman font, with 1” margins, and your name and paper title as a header in the upper right hand corner. A copy of the article must accompany the analysis. Papers will be graded based on grammar, format


Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Walden University Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder Report


Assignment: Study Guide Forum

    Abnormal brain development or damage at an
    early age can lead to neurodevelopmental disorders. Within this group of
    disorders, some are resolvable with appropriate and timely
    interventions, either pharmacological or nonpharmacological, while other
    disorders are chronic and need to be managed throughout the lifespan.

    For this Assignment, you will develop a study
    guide for an assigned disorder and share it with your colleagues. In
    sum, these study guides will be a powerful tool in preparing for your
    certification exam.

    Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

To Prepare

  • Your Instructor will assign you to a specific neurodevelopmental disorder from the DSM-5.
  • Research your assigned disorder using the Walden Library. Then,
    develop an organizational scheme for the important information about the

The Assignment

Create a study guide for your assigned disorder.
Your study guide should be in the form of an outline with references,
and you should incorporate visual elements such as concept maps, charts,
diagrams, images, color coding, mnemonics, and/or flashcards. Be
It should not be in the format of an APA paper. Your guide
should be informed by the DSM-5 but also supported by at least three other scholarly resources.

Areas of importance you should address, but are not limited to, are:

  • Signs and symptoms according to the DSM-5
  • Differential diagnoses
  • Incidence
  • Development and course
  • Prognosis
  • Considerations related to culture, gender, age
  • Pharmacological treatments, including any side effects
  • Nonpharmacological treatments
  • Diagnostics and labs
  • Comorbidities
  • Legal and ethical considerations
  • Pertinent patient education considerations.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Miami Dade College Ageism Gerontology Paper


  1. Read the Elder Care: A Resource for Interprofessional Providers article, and answer the following questions:
    1. Where did the term ageism originate?
    2. Does ageism cause harm to persons? How?
    3. How can we reduce the amount and occurrence of ageism?
    4. Are clinicians involved in ageism?
    5. Have you witnessed any ageism in your experiences as a student nurse or as a nurse?
    6. Read the points that are listed on page two; are there any that catch your eye that seem very relevant?
  2. Your paper should be:
    • One (1) page or more.
    • Use factual information from the textbook and/or appropriate articles and websites.
    • Cite your sources – type references according to the APA Style Guide.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HLT 490V Grand Canyon University Evidence Based Practice Proposal Presentation


The PowerPoint presentation should cover the following:

  1. All major sections referenced in your Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Final Paper.
  2. Include  a slide that summarizes plans for disseminating evidence. Outline  potential professional organizations, conferences, journals, or  employers where you could present your findings. Identify one  significant professional publication or conference in your dissemination  plan most suited to presenting your findings and explain why you chose  this professional venue over another. 
  3. Include a slide that  explains how participating in ongoing evidence-based research will  deepen your knowledge and expand your skills. Describe how you will  continue to incorporate new findings into practice.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Grand Canyon University Importance of Education in Healthcare Essay


Write a 500-750-word essay on the influence patient education has in health care using the experiences of a patient. Interview a friend or family member about that person’s experiences with the health care system. You may develop your own list of questions.

Suggested interview questions:

  1. Did a patient education representative give you instructions on how to care for yourself after your illness or operation?
  2. Did a health care professional, pharmacist, nurse, doctor, or elder counselor advise you on your medication, diet, or exercise?
  3. Who assisted you at home after your illness or operation?
  4. Do you know of any assistance services, i.e., food, transportation, medication, that would help you stay in your home as you get older?

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HCA 5304 CSU Advanced Motivational Strategy & Organizational Design Presentation


Motivational Strategies and Organizational Design

For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation from the point of view of a manager at a health care facility. While answering the following prompts in your presentation, apply motivation strategies to motivate your employees. In the notes section of slides in which you have implemented strategies, please explain how you did so. Your PowerPoint presentation should utilize narration for every slide. The script for each slide should be added to the notes section of each slide. Be creative. Imagine the scenario provided below for this assignment.

You have noticed that your team does not seem to be very engaged in educating themselves about different types of organizations in their health care field. There is value in learning about this. You decide to create a presentation not only to motivate your employees to participate in continuing education opportunities but also to educate them on certain topics.

For your presentation, address the information below.

  • Contrast three different health care service organizations.
  • Summarize components of organizational design.
  • Apply and identify motivation strategies implemented by health care managers that can be used to motivate employees.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. University of California Los Angeles Introduction to 3Ps and Clinical Course Expectations Paper


introduction to the “Three Ps” (Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and Physical Assessment) and the clinical course expectations.

If the link above does not work, copy and paste this URL into your browser:

This assignment has two parts; reflections and goals. The goals section has two subparts: 3P goals and clinical goals. They do not need to be in APA format, but please choose a format that is organized and visually pleasing. You are not limited to a word document; PDF are acceptable..

  • Reflection: 150-250 words
    • Reflect upon what was learned and briefly write about your thoughts. Include:
      • If no material was new to you, what do you wish was covered instead? How to find preceptors and how the school is planning on helping students.
      • what are your greatest concerns or greater perceived challenges for the second half of the FNP program? Challenges, work-life school situation
  • Goals: (Separate from the above 250 word count)
    • provide three specific goals to help guide your success in two areas
    • Goals for the 3P courses: (three goals, bullet points are acceptable)
    • Goals for clinical experiences: (three goals, bullet points are acceptable)
  • When writing your goals, try to keep in mind principles of SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant/realistic, and time-oriented)

Some Examples: (but remember you need 3 of each goal type)

1) My first 3P goal is to study pathophysiology for 6 hours every week by setting aside 60 min every night from 8-8:30 for six nights a week.

2) My first clinical goal is to contact 7 different clinics each week to look for a pediatric preceptor until I have found someone.

3) My second clinical goal is to decrease my work to part-time so that I can do 40 extra hours in my pediatric rotation in October-December 2022 so that I can be more marketable in a pediatric practice after graduation.

My goal will be the same as above, make more time to study, and look for a preceptors for peds, OB, and primary care.


  • Length: 150-250 words for the reflection, and provide at least three SMART goals for the 3P courses and three goals for the clinical courses
  • Format: No APA required, however, please follow professional grammar and spelling conventions. Extra points are given to original, unique styles that are organized, professional, and visually pleasing.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Rasmussen College Preparing for a Regulatory Visit Health & Medical Discussion


Discussion – Preparing for a Regulatory Visit 


You are the compliance officer at New Community Hospital. Yesterday a patient was left alone in restraints and later found deceased. The family is outraged. As the compliance officer you now have to prepare for visits from governing and regulatory agencies. How will you prepare for this visit? (Submit 1pg Due Date 8/24/2021, 11:59PM) 

Course Project – Writing Compliance Procedures 

Module Content 

As a continuation to examining your policies, review for procedures that may relate to them.

  • In a 4-page paper, describe the procedures for each of the two compliance plans. NOTE: procedures are not the same thing as policies. Policies (Module 03) sets the parameters for decision-making, while procedures explains the “how”. The procedures should be step-by-step instructions, and may include a checklist or process steps to follow.
  • Break each procedure section into 2 pages each.
  • Remember to support your procedures for each of two plans with a total of three research sources (1-2 per procedure), cited at the end in APA format.
  • Write your procedures in a way that all employees will understand at a large medical facility where you are the Compliance Officer.

Health Medical Homework Help