Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. IIT Kharagpur Preparing for a Regulatory Visit Compliance Procedures Discussion


Discussion – Preparing for a Regulatory Visit


You are the compliance officer at New Community Hospital. Yesterday a patient was left alone in restraints and later found deceased. The family is outraged. As the compliance officer you now have to prepare for visits from governing and regulatory agencies. How will you prepare for this visit? (Submit 1pg Due Date 8/24/2021, 11:59PM)

Course Project – Writing Compliance Procedures

Module Content

As a continuation to examining your policies, review for procedures that may relate to them.

In a 4-page paper, describe the procedures for each of the two compliance plans. NOTE: procedures are not the same thing as policies. Policies (Module 03) sets the parameters for decision-making, while procedures explains the “how”. The procedures should be step-by-step instructions, and may include a checklist or process steps to follow.

Break each procedure section into 2 pages each.

Remember to support your procedures for each of two plans with a total of three research sources (1-2 per procedure), cited at the end in APA format.

Write your procedures in a way that all employees will understand at a large medical facility where you are the Compliance Officer.

Remember, you chose two compliance policy plans under the key compliance areas of Compliance Standards, High-Level Responsibility, Education, Communication, Monitoring/Auditing (for Safety), Enforcement/Discipline, and Response/Prevention. (Check them out if you forget! Remember, you may have written about different policies for the two different compliance plans.) (Due Date 8/28/2021, 11:59PM)

Rubric is givengiven below:

Module 04 Course Project – Writing Compliance Procedures

Grading Rubric

Communication of Compliance Procedures

Described two compliance procedures (one for each compliance plan) in a way that all employees understand, with developed details on key components, such as responsibility, communication, monitoring, auditing, enforcement, and safety.

Compliance Procedures

Created two compliance procedures (one for each compliance plan) that addressed developed details of key compliance areas, such as standards, responsibility, communication, monitoring, auditing, enforcement, and safety.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Rasmussen College Appendicitis Discussion


Need help with my Nursing question – I’m studying for my class.

Discussion Topic


Select appropriate nursing interventions for clients with lower gastrointestinal disorders.

Choose from the selection of GI disorders here (no duplicate disorders)


Patient and family education is important in increasing adherence. To provide education to patient and families, you are going to create a poster about a gastrointestinal disorder that will be displayed in a physician’s office.


Please be sure to include the following in your poster design.

  • Overview of the disorder
  • Causes of the disorder
  • Diagnostic tests to diagnosis the disorder
  • Assessment findings
  • Multidimensional nursing care interventions for the disorder
  • Reply to TWO other students’ posts (one scholarly reference outside the course text per reply)

For assistance with research, refer to the Nursing Research Guide.

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Rasmussen College W8 Gastritis Signs Symptom Diagnostic Tests & Causes Brochure


Discussion Topic


Select appropriate nursing interventions for clients with lower gastrointestinal disorders.

Choose from the selection of GI disorders here (no duplicate disorders)


Patient and family education is important in increasing adherence. To provide education to patient and families, you are going to create a poster about a gastrointestinal disorder that will be displayed in a physician’s office.


Please be sure to include the following in your poster design.

  • Overview of the disorder
  • Causes of the disorder
  • Diagnostic tests to diagnosis the disorder
  • Multidimensional nursing care interventions for the disorder

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. RC Nursing Apendicitis Poster



Select appropriate nursing interventions for clients with lower gastrointestinal disorders.

Choose from the selection of GI disorders here (no duplicate disorders)


Patient and family education is important in increasing adherence. To provide education to patient and families, you are going to create a poster about a gastrointestinal disorder that will be displayed in a physician’s office.


Please be sure to include the following in your poster design.

  • Overview of the disorder
  • Causes of the disorder
  • Diagnostic tests to diagnosis the disorder
  • Assessment findings
  • Multidimensional nursing care interventions for the disorder
  • Reply to TWO other students’ posts (one scholarly reference outside the course text per reply)

For assistance with research, refer to the Nursing Research Guide.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Rasmussen College Acute Appendicitis Brochure


Need help with my Nursing question – I’m studying for my class.

Discussion Topic


Select appropriate nursing interventions for clients with lower gastrointestinal disorders.

Choose from the selection of GI disorders here (no duplicate disorders)


Patient and family education is important in increasing adherence. To provide education to patient and families, you are going to create a poster about a gastrointestinal disorder that will be displayed in a physician’s office.


Please be sure to include the following in your poster design.

  • Overview of the disorder
  • Causes of the disorder
  • Diagnostic tests to diagnosis the disorder
  • Assessment findings
  • Multidimensional nursing care interventions for the disorder

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HS 311 PG Frequency Distribution from Collected Data Statistics Essay


Unit 2 Assignment: Creating a Frequency Distribution from Collected Data

Audio/visual Assignment Introduction

To see the grading rubric, go to Course Resources / Grading Rubrics

Unit outcomes:

  • Identify and apply common types of variables and measurement scales.
  • Create and examine a frequency distribution.

Course outcome:

HS311-2: Research the types of data and organization of data within the health industry.

In your own words, briefly describe the purpose and utility of a frequency distribution. Then create a frequency distribution using the Unit 2 data in Course Documents. Create separate tables for the men, women, and combined (for a total of three tables). In a minimum of 500 words, identify the data type you worked with and justify how you determined the number of classes and class width. Also discuss what information you can gather from the distribution and identify any differences between the men and the women and how they compare to the entire group. 

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Purdue Global University Health Outcomes Miami Dade County Question


Based on Miami Dade County – zip code : 33183

Using the “How Healthy Is Your Community?” search tool, in the County Health Rankings & Roadmap website, look up your county’s health ranking report.

  1. Choose a health problem in your community according to your county’s health ranking report.
  2. Write a brief summary regarding the health issue you have chosen, including statistics.
  3. Using the health problem as an example, discuss the first steps you will take to assess the needs of your community to address the issue. Include:
    1. A short description of the geographic community you will target.
    2. The population groups you will focus on (specific age group, minority groups, etc.)
    3. Suggest sites where the assessment could be conducted (schools, healthcare institutions, worksites, nonprofit organizations, etc.)
  4. Choose at least 3 of the 10 essential health services you will use to address this issue. Provide a short description of how each essential public health service will be applied.


County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. (2021). State reports.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HS 315 Purdue Global University Unit 2 Public Health Discussion


Topic: The 10 Essential Public Health Services

During the Unit 1 Discussion, you listed at least three unique ways that public health personally impacts your daily life or community. Now that you have read about the 10 essential public health services, please do the following:

  1. Categorize your three daily interactions with the public health system into the 10 essential public health services.
  2. Describe why you believe each of these interactions fits into the essential services you identified. Remember that each interaction you listed may fit into more than one of the 10 essential public health services.

Health Medical Homework Help