Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HS 311 Purdue Global University Unit 2 Ordinal Data Discussion


I don’t understand this Health & Medical question and need help to study.

For each topic, find a health science example of it in a published research study or news article.
Summarize how your topic is used in the example.
Do you think a different data type would be better?
(Please note: You may wish to use the Library to find your example for this Discussion Board. A librarian is available should you need assistance.)
Although not required, it is recommended that you plan your reply posts so that you reply to topics that you did not cover within your main post.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Grand Canyon University Treatment for Substance Use Disorders PPT


Develop an 8-10-slide PowerPoint presentation (not including title page and reference page) relating to the different levels of care and major approaches of treatment for substance use disorders. Your presentation must include the following:

  • All levels of care for treatment of substance abuse disorders
  • Evidence-based interventions
  • Medication assisted therapy
  • Treatment of co-occurring disorders
  • Include at least three scholarly references

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. MN 577 Purdue University Risk Factors for Anemia in Pregnancy Case Chart


Select a case study of interest to you from the listed scenarios.

Download and complete the Pregnancy Case Review Chart

  • Make sure to address all sections. Do NOT leave any section blank.
  • Include relevant subjective and physical objective findings.
  • Identify appropriate diagnostic and laboratory testing needed.
  • List at least three differential diagnoses with rationales for choosing.
  • Identify usual medications, treatments, or patient education needed.
  • Determine referrals for collaborative care.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HS 320 Purdue Global University Unit 4 Differentiate between Endo and Exotoxins Discussion


Generate 2 responses to original discussion posts, each response must be at least 300 words + 3 references no older than 5 years.

Here is the original DIscussion topic : 


Differentiate between Endo- and Exotoxins. Using specific examples of bacteria, explain how the toxins they produce contribute to the virulence of those organisms. 


According to Pommerville, endotoxins are lipopolysaccharides. They are metabolic poisons. They are produced by gram-negative bacteria that are part of the bacterial cell wall and consequently are released on cell disintegration; composed of lipid-polysaccharide-peptide complexes (Pommerville, 2018).

Example of endotoxin: Salmonella Typhi. Virulence factors are clustered in some areas of the chromosome such as adhesion, invasion, and toxin genes. A protein that permits non-phagocytic cells is also produced and excreted by the bacterium, where it is capable of intracellular living (Al-Khafaji, Al-Bayati, & Al-Dahmoshi, 2021).

Exotoxins are bacterial metabolic poisons. They are composed of protein that is released to the environment. When an exotoxin enters the human body, it can affect various organs and systems (Pommerville, 2018).

An example of an exotoxin is whooping cough. I chose this example because I am allergic to the whooping cough vaccine. According to Carbonetti, pertussis toxin is a secreted protein exotoxin. It is an important virulence factor produced exclusively by B. pertussis. Pertussis toxin is transported across the bacterial outer membrane by a type IV secretion system (Carbonetti, 2010).

One difference between endo- and exotoxins: Endotoxins are produced by Gram-negative bacteria, while exotoxins are secreted by both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.

Class, you know how some people get faint at the sight of blood? Well, this happens to me when I think of toxins being released. I don’t know why but it makes me feel woozy… ?


Al-Khafaji, N. S. K., Al-Bayati, A. M. K., & Al-Dahmoshi, H. O. M. (2021, January 8). Virulence factors of Salmonella typhi. Retrieved from

Carbonetti, N. H. (2010). Pertussis toxin and adenylate cyclase toxin: key virulence factors of Bordetella pertussis and cell biology tools. Future microbiology, 5(3), 455–469.

Pommerville, J. (2018). Fundamentals of microbiology (11th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.


Exotoxins are produced inside of some bacteria as part of the growth and metabolism then they are released into the surrounding media. Endotoxins are part of the outer portion of cell wall of gram-negative bacterial. Endotoxins are released during bacterial multiplication and when gram-negative bacteria die the cell walls undergo lysis (Tortora, et al., 2016).

There are a lot of differences between exotoxins and endotoxins. Bacterial source of exotoxins is mostly from gram-positive bacteria while bacterial source of endotoxins is from gram-negative bacteria. Exotoxins are metabolic product of growing cell and endotoxins present in lipopolysaccharide of outer membrane of cell wall and released with destruction of cell or during cell division. Exotoxins are proteins and usually with two parts (A-B) and endotoxins are lipid portion of lipopolysaccharide of outer membrane. The effect of exotoxins on body are specific for a particular cell structure of function in the host, mainly affects cell functions, nerves and gastrointestinal tract. Endotoxins’ effect on body are general and it includes fever, weakness, aches and shock. Exotoxins is heat-unstable and usually can be destroyed at 60-80 degrees. Endotoxins are stable and can withstand autoclaving. The toxicity of exotoxin is high and toxicity of endotoxin is low. Exotoxins do not cause fever while endotoxins cause fever (Tortora, et al., 2016).

There are three types of exotoxins, A-B toxins, membrane-disrupting toxins and superantigens. One examples of membrane-disrupting exotoxins is clostridium perfringens and other species of clostridium which cause gas gangrene and food poisoning. One exotoxin (cytotoxin) causes massive red blood cell destruction which is called hemolysis and exotoxin (enterotoxin) is related to food poisoning and causes diarrhea. All endotoxins produce the same signs and symptoms which include chills, fever, weakness, generalized aches and shock or even death. One example of endotoxins is salmonella typhi which cause typhoid fever (Tortora, et al., 2016).


Tortora, G. J., Funke, B. R., & Case, C. L. (2016). Microbiology (12th Edition).

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HS 312 Unit 4 Correlation and Regression Statistical Technique Discussion


Generate 2 responses to original discussion posts, each response must be at least 300 words + 3 references no older than 5 years.

Here is the original discussion post : 

Topic 1

(for last names beginning with A–H): t test

Topic 2

(for last names beginning with I–P): ANOVA

Topic 3

(for last names beginning with Q–Z): Regression and Correlation

Although not required, it is recommended that you plan your reply posts so that you reply to topics that you did not cover within your main post.


Dear Class and Professor,

Good evening everyone, I am assigned t tests today and t tests are used in statistics to compare the means of two groups. The t test is important in experiments when the subjects have to be divided into two separate groups. This makes it possible for the researchers to obtain two different type of results from one experiment. I found an article about commonly used t tests in medical research and how students used it for hypothesis testing. They provided examples on a t test done on the body mass index (BMI), of males with high blood pressure versus males with a normal range blood pressure. As long as the standard deviation remains unknown than the t test remains the best option. Otherwise, another test type would have to be considered. If there were to be more than one sample, related or not, the t test would also has to be altered slightly to better fit the experiment. There is a t test for every situation to ensure the most fitting results and that the experiment was done correctly.



Commonly used T-tests in medical research Pandey R M – J … (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2021, from;year=2015;volume=1;issue=2;spage=185;epage=188;aulast=Pandey;type=0.

Kim, T. K. (2015, December). T test as a parametric statistic. Korean journal of anesthesiology. Retrieved October 18, 2021, from

Post 2

For this week’s discussion board, I will be writing about correlation and regression. Correlation is the relationship between two variables placed under the same condition. Regression is similar but is a statistical technique where one of the variables will depend on the other. Correlation is a single statistic and regression deals with two variables. There was an example about spending more time on a treadmill, will inevitably increase the calories that you burn. For the correlation to increase one variable and not the other would be running faster on the treadmill, will lead you to increasing your speed will lead to decrease the time that it would take for you to run the distance for your workout. THe only time that there would not be any correlation, would be for something that does not affect the speed such as running shoes and the time it takes to run 5 miles.

What is the difference between correlation and linear regression? GraphPad. (2019, October 3). Retrieved October 17, 2021, from

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Purdue Global University Unit 4 Pathogenicity and Virulence Essay


Unit 4 Assignment: Pathogenicity and Virulence

View a video introduction to the Assignment by clicking here. Be sure to adjust your audio settings. A transcript of this video presentation is available in Course Resources.

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

  • Discuss major virulence factors of microorganisms
  • Discuss the mechanisms of manifestations of infection
  • Describes public health impact on prevention and treatment

Course outcome practiced with this Assignment:

HS320-5: Analyze the role of microbes in human disease and public health.

PC- 2.2: Formulate innovative solutions for identified initiatives.


  • Write an essay comparing both pathogenicity and virulence among microorganisms.  Provide examples.
  • Show how microorganisms vary in both their pathogenicity and virulence using the opportunistic infections as examples.
  • Show how these characteristics influence the prevention and treatment for public health.
  • Formulate at least two innovative solutions for reducing the spread of infection in personal life and in public.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Thomas Edison State University Contemporary Healthcare Problems Report


Reflect upon a contemporary healthcare problem from an economic perspective. Identify a related economic theory applicable to the problem and a proposed solution. Include economic reasoning to support your choice, including the pros and cons of this recommendation that will be used to address areas of concern in the delivery or financing of healthcare. In 1500 to 2200 words (6 to 8 pages), develop a paper in APA style, including title and reference pages, that addresses the following prompt. Be sure to provide scholarly sources that were not listed in the course material.

Health Medical Homework Help