Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Nursing Research Phenomenological Research & Grounded Theory Response Discussion


Instructions: Response should add to the discussion. For example, a probing question, further support with scholarly references, or respectful disagreement with scholarly references. Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Classmate’s Post:

  • Phenomenological research:
    • The point of Phenomenological Research is qualitative research that studies lived experiences from a group of people or community. “Typically, interviews are conducted with a group of individuals who have first-hand knowledge of an event, situation or experience. The interview(s) attempts to answer two broad questions (Moustakas, 1994): What have you experienced in terms of the phenomenon? What contexts or situation have typically influenced your experiences of the phenomenon (Creswell, 2013)? Other forms of data such as documents, observations and art may also be used. (Chambers, 2013) This displays the how phenomenological research conducts their research. This means that people with first hand experience can give information on given topic. It is important find individuals that have extensive knowledge about said experience.
  • Grounded Theory Research:
    • Is a very complex research style that is qualitative but also quantitative. “Grounded theory sets out to discover or construct theory from data, systematically obtained and analyzed using comparative analysis.” (Chun, 2019) This means that this type of research is collected from multiple different places such as purposive sampling, constant comparative analysis, memoing, and generating/collecting data. These are just come of the ways in this complex type of research.
  • Ethnographic Research:
    • Ethnographic research is conducted by using interviews, observations and documenting data to come to a conclusion. This method can be used in medical research and has been said to have great outcome. “Ethnography is a type of qualitative research that gathers observations, interviews and documentary data to produce detailed and comprehensive accounts of different social phenomena. The use of ethnographic research in medical education has produced a number of insightful accounts into its role, functions and difficulties in the preparation of medical students for clinical practice.” (Reeves, 2013)

Chambers, T., & → V. A. P. B. T. C. (2013, July 11). Phenomenological Research | Qualitative Research in Corporate Communication. Qualitative Research in Corporate Communication. (Links to an external site.)

Chun Tie, Y., Birks, M., & Francis, K. (2019). Grounded theory research: A design framework for novice researchers. SAGE open medicine, 7, 2050312118822927. (Links to an external site.)

Reeves, S., Peller, J., Goldman, J., & Kitto, S. (2013, June 23). Citations: Ethnography in qualitative educational research: AMEE Guide No. 80. Taylor Francis Online.…

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Purdue University Ocular Manifestations in Patients with Covid 19 Project


300 words minimum for each article!

I need to do a scholarly project with this question. What are the ocular manifestations in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?

The project should include a critical appraisal of each of the articles included in the review. I did the literature review from Pubmed, and I included 10 articles: List of articles selected for literature review:

1.Ocular manifestations and clinical characteristics of 535 cases of COVID‐19 in Wuhan, China: a cross‐sectional study.…


2.Clinical profile and prevalence of conjunctivitis in mild COVID-19 patients in a tertiary care COVID-19 hospital: A retrospective cross-sectional study.…


3.COVID-19: Ophthalmological Aspects of the SARS-CoV 2 Global Pandemic…


4.Ocular Manifestations of Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 in Northeast of Iran…


5.Characteristics of Ocular Findings of Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Hubei Province, China…


6.Ocular Manifestations of Coronavirus disease 2019…


7.A Review of Neuro-Ophthalmological Manifestations of Human Coronavirus Infection…


8.Ocular Findings in COVID-19 Patients: A Review of Direct Manifestations and Indirect Effects on the Eye…


9.Ophthalmic manifestations in the COVID-19 clinical spectrum…


10.Ocular manifestations of Covid 19 (SARS- CoV-2): A retrospective study. The results should include charts tables and graphics, based only on the critical appraisal of those articles.…

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Health Medical Homework Help. SLU Week 1 Integrating Seamless EHR and Queue Management System Capstone


Week 1 Assignment (for paper)

USE this template

Each week you will be working towards the completion of your Capstone Final Project. During Week One you will complete the following assignments:

This week, you will develop an APA formated short paper detailing the following:

  • Topic related to healthcare administration or management and your rationale for your choice.
  • An outline of the project including subtopics you will cover.
  • Proposed sources (where you plan to get your scholarly resources)
  • List of targeted companies for research (if applicable)
  • A personal Timeline of your project (use this timeline to develop as set of weekly milestones and goals so you can keep pace with the course). Attach the timeline as an appendix to your rationale paper.
  • FOLLOW this template – I attached below.

Please submit this assignment as ONE word document with a clear heading above each section of the assignment. For example, Topic and its rationale is a heading, etc. There will be four headings (see above). Title you file LAST NAME_ INITIAL CAPSTONE WEEK ONE.

If you are doing a work-related project of identifying a problem and working toward a resolution, you will still follow the above steps. If you choose this option, you will follow the same steps as those for the research paper. In essence, your research paper will be the identification of a problem, the analysis of the problem, the solution design, and the implementation of the solution. This assignment is due by Sunday 11:59 pm (Eastern Time)

The topic: Must be related to health care administration. You can choose any health care related topic or issue, however you focus needs to be on administration, examples include: management, leadership, policy development, advocacy, technology implementation among others. (include as many as possible).

To enter the assignment, click on the title “Week 1 Assignment” above.


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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. St Thomas University Pharmacological Management of Cancer Discussion


Drug Paper

For this assignment, you will select a disease process that is of interest to you and write a paper on the pharmacological management of the disease. The paper should:

  • Provide a brief overview of the disease process,
  • Discuss the pathophysiology of the disease state,
  • Discuss the pharmacological agents used to treat the disease and information related to the role of advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) when prescribing these pharmacological agents.
  • Each student will write a title for this topic: For example, “Pharmacological Effects of Anti-Hypertensive Medications in the Management of Hypertension.”

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. St Thomas University Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research Report


Critical Research Appraisal Assignment 


You will critically appraise a research design

Content Requirements: 

You will select one research report with a qualitative design and one with quantitative design and answer the following questions regarding the following categories:

  1. Discuss what is meant by the term Qualitative Research
    • Briefly, describe the characteristics of qualitative research and identify nursing issues/phenomena that lend themselves to a qualitative research approach.
    • Compare and contrast three different qualitative research methodologies.
    • Briefly, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research evidence for informing nursing practice.
    • Communicate how this research design used in research.
  2. The study, sampling, data collection, analysis, rigor, findings and limitations
    • Identify the purpose of the study.
    • Briefly, describe the design of the study and explain why you think it is either appropriate or inappropriate to meet the purpose.
    • Identify ethical issues related to the study and how they were/were not addressed.
    • Identify the sampling method and recruitment strategy that was used.
    • Discuss whether sampling and recruitment were appropriate to the aims of the research.
    • Identify the data collection method(s) and discuss whether the method(s) is/are appropriate to the aims of the study.
    • Identify how the data was analyzed and discuss whether the method(s) of analysis is/are appropriate to the aims of the study.
    • Identify four (4) criteria by which the rigor of a qualitative project can be judged.
    • Discuss the rigor of this study using the four criteria. 
    • Briefly, describe the findings of the study and identify any limitations.
    • Use the information that you have gained from your critique of the study to discuss the trustworthiness and applicability of the study. Include in your discussion any implications for the discipline of nursing.
  3. Discuss what you understand by the term Quantitative Research – Use the following dot points to guide your discussion (give reasons for your argument and support with references):
    • Describe the characteristics of quantitative research.
    • Identify nursing issues/phenomena that lend themselves to a quantitative research approach
    • Differentiate between observational and interventional research designs and also between experimental and quasi-experimental designs.
    • Briefly, outline the difference between inferential and descriptive statistics and their relationship to levels of measurement.
    • Communicate how this research design used in research.
  4. Critique the Quantitative Research Report – Use the following headings to guide your critique (in all discussions and explanations give reasons for your argument and support with references):
    • The study
      • Identify the purpose and design of the study.
      • Explain what is meant by ‘blinding’ and ‘randomization’ and discuss how these were addressed in the design of the study.
      • Identify ethical issues related to the study and how they were/were not addressed.
    • Sampling
      • Explain the sampling method and recruitment strategy that was used.
      • Discuss how the sample size was determined – include in your discussion an explanation of terms used.
    • Data collection
      • Briefly, outline how the data was collected and identify any data collection instrument(s).
      • Define the terms validity and reliability and discuss how the validity & reliability of the instruments were/were not addressed in this study and why this is important.
    • Data analysis
      • Outline how the data were analyzed.
      • Identify the statistics used and the level of measurement of the data described by each statistical test – include in your discussion an explanation of terms used.
    • Findings and limitations
      • Briefly, outline the findings and identify any limitations of the study
      • Use the information that you have gained from your critique of the study to briefly discuss the trustworthiness and applicability of the study. Include in your discussion an explanation of the term statistical significance and name the tests of statistical significance used in this study.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HSE 330 SNHU Policy Legislative Changes Lower Drug Cost Now Act Discussion


I’m working on a social work discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

7-1 Discussion: Consequences of Policy/Legislative Changes


have now explored how new legislative actions are implemented and the

groups they may impact. Using your specific legislative action proposed

in your final project, discuss intended or unintended consequences that

might occur. Provide the basis for these assumptions.

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. ELAC Wk 1 FEMA The 2005 Hurricane Katrina & the Katrina Landfall Discussion


Week 1 Discussion Forum

This week, explain the various responsibilities and services of FEMA when a disaster occurs in the United States. Do some research on past disasters, and describe how FEMA supported the community and disaster efforts. Address 2-3 of the following.

  • How did FEMA help people prepare for the disaster?
  • What services did FEMA provide to the community?
  • Who else participated in the disaster relief efforts?
  • How much monetary damage was caused by the disaster? Or, how much did FEMA spend in relief?
  • What was public perception of FEMA and the response they provided? 

Provide links to your sources for others to reference.     

Support your answer with evidence from the disasters that you researched.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. BEHS 320 UMGC Week 5 Post Traumatic Disorder in & out of the Military Paper


My topic is PTSD!!!! In and out of the military 


Part 2: Outline due in week 5

Instructions: This serves as an outline for the final paper to be submitted in week 8, and follows from our topic choice in week 4. Basically, you will be following up on your own and the professor’s feedback and suggestions on your topic, which we completed in week 3 to find the background material for your paper.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NSG 407 SCC Week 1 Aggregate Community Windshield Survey Project


Aggregate Community Windshield Survey

There are two parts to the windshield survey assignment. In Week 1 you are required to submit a draft of your survey. In Week 2 you will submit your final windshield survey based on feedback from your instructor and your continued work.

In a Microsoft Word document of 3-4 pages formatted in APA style, you will describe the aggregate and community in which the aggregate is located. Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.

Describe the Aggregate

Begin the assignment by describing your aggregate. Include the following information:

  • Name of the aggregate
  • Geographical location and size
  • Population
  • A brief history
  • Basic vital statistics
  • Crude birth rate, infant mortality rate, life expectancy, leading causes of death, and any other relevant statistical information related to the health of the aggregate from the windshield survey.
  • Explain, giving at least two reasons, why you selected this particular aggregate for your Capstone project

Windshield Survey

With the use of public transportation or by driving a vehicle around the community, you can assess the common characteristics of the community of your selected aggregate.

Key observations to make during a windshield survey include the following:

  • Age and condition of the homes in the community
  • Location and condition of parks and other recreational areas
  • Amount of space between homes and businesses
  • Neighborhood hangouts
  • Transportation in the community
  • Quality of streets and sidewalks
  • Types/numbers of stores and other businesses
  • People out in the community
  • Race/ethnicity
  • Cleanliness of the community
  • Billboards or other media displays
  • Places of worship
  • Availability of services—doctor, dentist, social centers, recreation centers, hospitals

Health Medical Homework Help