Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Purdue Global University Cost Comparison Discussion Paper


Post your cost comparison document from Unit 2. Assuming you might prescribe this drug for your patient, how would you minimize cost or assist the patient in getting the medication at the lowest cost possible. What resources are available to reduce drug costs? Find at least 2 resources for free or reduced cost medications.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. CHE 325 SNHU Aging and Wellness Polypharmacy Discussion


  • 4-2 Journal: Polypharmacy and AddictionAssignmentTask: Submit to complete this assignmentAfter completing the Module Four readings, compose and submit your journal assignment. Select only one of the topics (either A or B) listed below. Then, reflect on and answer the subsequent questions.

    (A) Polypharmacy

    • What does polypharmacy mean? Begin by defining this term, and providing one example.
    • What factors might complicate polypharmacy among older adults? Discuss one potential solution or polypharmacy prevention tool as related to the factors your provided.
    • Consider your own experiences: hypothetically, if asked by a health professional about your medications, would you consider occasional acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Motrin), or a daily vitamin in providing an answer? Why or why not?
    • Lastly, reflect on why you chose option A (polypharmacy) as opposed to option B (addiction).

    – OR -(B) Addiction

    • What are some common addictions among older adults and why is addiction a problem among older adults?
    • Addiction is often untreated among older adults; friends, family, and even health professionals may approach an older adult’s addiction from a perspective of, “They’re old—they have earned it,” or “Let them enjoy (cigarettes, alcohol, etc.).” Why might this be? What is problematic about this perspective?
    • What is one way to combat or treat addiction among older adults?
    • Lastly, reflect on why you chose option B (addiction) as opposed to option A (polypharmacy).

    To successfully complete this assignment, view the Journal Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. City Colleges of Chicago Harold Washington College CH9&10 Physical Education Discussion


Read chapters 9 and 10:

  1. A) What does using best practices in physical education meant to you? Use references to support your idea. B) How are the best practices for lesson design presented in chapter 10 preferable to the “roll out the ball and let them play” philosophy? Provide specific examples and references.
  2. Which of the 11 teaching styles in physical education would you use to teach a new skill? Why? Provide a specific example (i.e. movement concepts (over, under, around) – guided discovery) Choose one website from the Technology section in chapter 10. Discuss what you learned about the website, what you liked about the website, and how it could help you as a future physical educator. Be sure to reference the website.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Aspen University Nurse Interview Nursing Assessment Report



Case scenario

J.P. is a 75-year-old retired factory worker who is being seen in the home setting for a yearly health assessment provided by his insurance company.

Subjective Data

No complaints at this time

Enrolled in Silver Sneakers

Eats out much of the time


Has one daughter who lives in another state

Retired automotive parts factory worker

Drives to and from activities

Objective Data

Vital signs: T 37 P 80 R 18 BP 140/68

Weight: 200

Weight: 5 feet, 6 inches


  1. How should the nurse proceed with the interview portion of the assessment?
  2. What are the components necessary to complete the interview?
  3. Develop a problems list for subjective findings.
  4. Develop a problems list for objective findings.
  5. What teaching should the nurse consider from the problems list?
  6. What interventions might be included in the plan of care for this patient?

Your report should be coherent and precise, and should address all the required components in a research-based manner using text support and outside research to create a set of responses to the supervisor prompts above.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. St Thomas University Week 1 Disease Screening Experiences Discussion


I’m studying for my Nursing class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

iconDisease Screenings

Share your experiences with disease screenings and how you would respond to patients who are apprehensive about getting screened for certain diseases.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. ST Thomas University Week 1 Clinical Experience Discussion


iconWeekly Clinical Experience 1

Describe your clinical experience for this week.

  • Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they?
  • Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and possible differential diagnosis.
  • What did you learn from this week’s clinical experience that can beneficial for you as an advanced practice nurse?
  • Support your plan of care with the current peer-reviewed research guideline.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Personal Health Life Expectancy Rate & the Six Dimensions of Health Discussion


I’m studying for my Health & Medical class and need an explanation.

Please watch the video and write a response on why you think these countries have such a high life expectancy rate?

Please consider all six dimensions of health (physical, social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, environmental).

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. FIU Leukemia Disease Question


This assignment must be completed and submitted on a Microsoft word document. Also, this assignment must be submitted to the course Turn It In assignment dropbox area by the assigned due date, for review and grading. Failure to submit via Turn It In assignment dropbox area will cause a “0” numeric grade. No assignments are accepted via course email and/or FIU email. No EXCEPTIONS!!

Disease/ Disorder Research Assignment is worth 100 points (15%) of your course weighted grade. The assignment must be in APA format (i.e. font size 12 font, font names that should be used are times new roman or Calabria (not both), normal margins (no more than 1 inch), double spaced). The assignment requires a min. of 5-10 pages or 1,000-2,500-word count (Excluding title and reference pages). A minimum of two (2) references are required in proper APA format. References can come from a refereed peer-reviewed journal article, course textbook, and/or a credible internet source.


Choose a disease or disorder to research and complete and submit a Written Report on a word document. The disease or disorder can be associated with one of the chapters covered in this course.

Example topics:

Epilepsy, Spina Bifida, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s Disease, Congenital Heart Disease, Hemophilia, Cardiovascular disease, Celiac Disease, Crohn‘s Disease, Lung Cancer, Leukemia, Hodgkin’s Disease, Asthma, Tuberculosis, Glomerular Disease, Cirrhosis of the liver, Diabetes (Type 1 & 2), ALS, Leprosy, AIDs, Fibromyalgia, Muscular dystrophy, etc.

  • If you want, you can use one of the example topics, however, you are not required to use the example topics provided. In addition, you are not required to obtain approval from the instructor for your disease or disorder topic of choice. Make sure that you are addressing all criteria within the assignment

Use the following questions below as a template and address all questions within your written assignment.

  • The Disease/Disorder Research Assignment is worth 100 points (15%) of your course weighted grade. A minimum of two (2) references are required in proper APA format. References can come from a refereed peer-reviewed journal article, course textbook, and or an Internet source. The following below should be included in your assignment:
  • This assignment requires 5-10 pages or 1,000-2,500-word count (Excluding Title and Reference Page). The assignment MUST be typed and submitted on a Word Document, font size 12 font, font names that should be used are times new roman or Cambria (not both), normal margins (no more than 1 inch), double spaced.

The following must be included in your written paper:

  1. Title Page:
  • Title of your disease or disorder
  • Visual of the disease/disorder
  • Include first and last name, panther Id, date, course
  1. General detailed overview of the disease or disorder
  • History
  • What part of the body does it affect?
  • How does the disease or disorder affect the body?
  • Include pathological information: How does this disease affect the body system? How would the body system function normally?)
  • Forms or other types of the disease or disorder
  1. Explain the Causes
  • What causes the disease or disorder?
  • How is the disease or disorder transmitted?
  1. Explain the Incidence
  • How many people does this disease or disorder affect?
  • Does it affect a certain age group?
  • Does it affect a certain ethnic group?
  • What is the Mortality Rate?
  1. Explain the Signs and Symptoms of the disease or disorder
  2. Explain the Diagnosis
  • What tests do the doctors run to determine whether a person has the disease or disorder?
  1. Explain the Treatment
  • What are the treatment options?
  • Is there a cure? If not, how can one maintain a level of health?
  1. Explain Prevention
  • Are there any ways to prevent this disease/disorder?
  1. Conclusion
  • Discuss relevant information? (First aid, current research, Foundations, etc.) related to your disease/disorder.
  • Discuss the reason why you chose this disease/disorder (a case you read or experienced/story of someone living with this disease).
  1. Reference Page:
  • Must include a minimum of TWO references (APA format). Your references can be from refereed journal articles, textbooks, and or credible Internet sources.

Health Medical Homework Help