Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. North Carolina State University Hospital Trends Discussion


Assignment 1 : Discuss hospital trends based on an online article

Assignment Details:

  • Research Hospital Trends online from reputable sites and find an article on hospital trends that interests you.
  • Create your Initial Post in the Ch. 8 Discussion Board
    • Give a summary of the article and relate it back to Chapter 8, include a page number.
    • Provide a FULL WEB LINK so that classmates and the instructor can access your article for further information.
  • Respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.
    • Find another article in the discussion board that one of your classmates has posted that interests you.
    • Read it and relate it back to the chapter with an informative discussion.
  • Click on this link or use the Collaboration menu button to access the Ch. 8 Discussion Board.
  • Original posts and responses must be informative, accurate, thorough and complete. Research the topics first so you have something to say!
  • Do not plagiarize; summarize and paraphrase the information you research and use in this assignment.
  • Use correct grammar, punctuation and sentence structure.
  • View Rubric to see the grading criteria for this assignment.

    Chapter 8 Graded Assignment 2: Table or Chart: NC Hospital Research

    As you should have learned from your reading in Chapter 8, not all hospitals in the United States are the same. They can vary greatly by hospital type which can be defined by attributes such as ownership, revenue/profit structure, type of patient served, etc. You should have also learned that hospitals can have multiple classification types that define them (not necessarily just one). The chapter also discussed accreditation of hospitals, which is important for reimbursement (if deemed status is achieved) and quality standards.After reading the text and learning about the various types of hospitals and accreditation, please visit the American Hospital Directory website (opens in a new window) [plain text URL:]. As you will see, the link provided takes you to a comprehensive listing of hospitals in North Carolina. Use this web link and your textbook to complete the following tasks:

    • Select five (5) NC hospitals to research further (you will click on the name of your selected hospital from the web link above for more details.
    • Create a table or chart and provide the following information:
      • Name of hospital
      • Type of control (this is where the website outlines the “type” of hospital)
      • Definition of this type of hospital based on details from your textbook (if it lists multiple types, define all for completeness)
      • Type of facility
      • Joint Commission Accreditation status (provide current status date and compliance rating (this may be something like “Accreditation with Full Standards Compliance”))

    Assignment Details:

    • Use Chapter 8 from your textbook and the provided web link as your resources.
    • Refer to the applicable formatting instruction sheet (see top of Lesson section or Course Resources).
    • Do not plagiarize; summarize and paraphrase the information found and used.
    • Click on the title of this link to open it.
      • Please submit your completed Word document in this link.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Capella University Care Coordination Efforts Nursing PICOT Question


You completed assessment 1 and 2– this is a summary of 1 and 2 that is needed for assessment 3. PLEASE CONSIDER

At the completion of your intervention, produce a 5-8 minute video discussion of your care coordination intervention for a peer-reviewed media platform.


As an advanced practice health care provider, it’s likely that you will be asked to give a presentation at some point in your career. Now that you have completed this project, it’s time to disseminate the outcomes in the form of a recorded professional presentation. A professional presentation style requires the confidence and ability to convey the right image that you want your audience to see. Unfortunately, it’s easy to miss some of the opportunities available to help you present yourself in the best possible light and, as a result, enjoy the success you deserve. Remember to be forthright about what happened during the project and about how data were collected and analyzed, and present the findings so stakeholders and external parties clearly understand the steps in the process. By completing this final activity, you can help others recreate this type of project and enhance outcomes in other patient care settings.


In Assessment 3, you will build on the work you completed in Assessments 1 and 2.

Read the following:

Assessment Summary

This assessment requires you to prepare a 5–8 minute video discussion of your care coordination intervention. Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact to request accommodations. If you are unable to record a video, please contact your faculty member as soon as possible to explore options for completing the assessment.

You have completed the intervention and achieved enhanced outcomes. Now you need to disseminate your findings and provide recommendations to sustain the results of your intervention. You have been asked by nursing leadership to produce a scholarly video for a peer-reviewed media platform. The video will include 5–8 minutes of scholarly discussion covering the topics listed below.

Grading Criteria

The numbered instructions outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the Disseminating the Evidence Scholarly Video Media Submission Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. You may also want to review the performance level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

  1. Analyze care coordination efforts related to clinical priorities based on a PICOT question.
    • Provide the PICOT question and a brief introduction of the issues.
  2. Describe the change in practice related to services and resources that will be available for the interprofessional care coordination team.
    • Describe the key care coordination efforts.
  3. Explain efforts to build stakeholder engagement within the interprofessional team.
    • How did you lead the change in practice?
    • Summarize how you encouraged and built stakeholder engagement.
  4. Recommend next steps that that support thoughtful resource utilization and a safe environment in care coordination.
    • Propose how you will sustain the current outcomes with the coordinated care interprofessional team.
    • Make recommendations on moving forward that support thoughtful resource utilization and a safe environment.
  5. Produce a video that provides insight, understanding, and reflective thought about care coordination.
  6. Communicate audibly and professionally, using proper grammar and including a reference list formatted in current APA style.

Important Note: You do not need to submit the transcript of your video, but do address each scoring guide criterion in the video, including a discussion of authors in the literature who support the ideas presented. Please submit a separate APA-formatted reference list for the resources discussed in your reflection.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. St Petersburg College The Four Temperaments Discussion


I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

After opening the Keirsey website link, select the Four Temperaments.

Read about the four temperaments, review the matrix and each of the self images. As you scroll to the bottom of this web page, you will see the descriptions of the 16 personality types. Select one type, read about it and then select one of the famous people from the collection. Describe one or more of their character traits (you might know it or need to look it up) and align it to the character description. This will allow us to see the application of this personality type.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. MHA 506 Ethical Marketing: The New Health Care Economics


Hello I’m looking for a tutor to help with my Ethical Marketing Class. All instructions are in the attachments. All assignments will be ran through plagiarism checker. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I look forward to working with you! Please note each assignment has an due date.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. MCCG 2100 Miami Dade College Documentation Audit Tool Checklist Paper


Class Name: MCCG2100: Clinical Documentation

Topic: Internal Audit Plan Part 2 & 3 Paper

For this assignment I need you to read the instructions
for part two and three. Those are what needs to be completed and
separate word documents. I have completed part one which you will see
down below you will use this as a continuation for parts two and three.
This is an internal audit assignment for medical billing and coding.

You must incorporate the credible source that I have outlined in part one see attachment below.

– Then complete part two in a word document. See the instructions below.

– Then complete part three in a word document. See the instructions below.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Rasmussen University Contemporary Nursing Evidence Based Strategy Paper


Imagine you are a member of a Quality Improvement (QI) committee (in a healthcare setting of your choice) and that you have been asked to present a nursing issue for a quality improvement project.

For your initial post:

Describe the healthcare setting you selected and identify a nursing issue that needs attention. Describe one evidence-based strategy to address the issue. Support your position with credible resources/examples/evidence and provide APA references.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Diabetes Proposal CDC Statistics Report


Begin your initial post with a one-sentence summary of your proposal topic (diabeates). Then, explain the affected populations and their specific needs for your program proposal. Discuss any issues you are having as you work on your draft of this section of your project.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. SNHU Diabetes a Chronic Health Problem with Devastating Effects Essay


In Milestone One, you will submit a draft of your introduction (Section I). Milestone One will encompass the introduction and an annotated bibliography
of at least five peer-reviewed sources that you intend to use. Select a specific issue confronting your healthcare organization that you can effectively address
through your capstone program proposal.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Introduction
This should include a brief statement of the problem, purpose of program, and its impact on your selected healthcare issue. Identify the issue to be
addressed and include an accurate and detailed overview of the issue, including a discussion of the effect of your identified issue on population health
outcomes, vulnerable populations, and your organization’s healthcare reimbursement policies and procedures. In general, include all information that
you think is necessary to establish a comprehensive analysis and foundation for understanding your chosen issue and proposed program. This section
should also describe your target audience (such as healthcare executives, administrators, and clients) in relation to this proposal and why your proposal
would be relevant for this audience. For example, how might your proposal help hospital administrators make effective and ethical decisions surrounding
patient safety and quality?

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. LAUB Mass Incarcentration Questions


Mass Incarcentration: The Whole Pie

Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2020Report showing the number of people who are locked up in the United States and whyPrison Policy Initiative

History of Mass Incarcentration:

The History of Mass IncarcerationFrom Alexis de Tocqueville to Ronald Reagan, the forces that have shaped the current state of our prison system.Brennan Center for Justice

Human Stories and Mass Incarcentration:

The human stories behind mass incarcerationThe United States locks up more people than any other country in the world, says documentarian Eve Abrams, and somewhere between one and four percent of those in prison are likely innocent. That’s 87,000 brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers — predominantly African American — unnecessarily separated from their families, their lives and dreams put on hold. Using audio from her interviews with incarcerated people and their families, Abrams shares touching stories of those impacted by mass incarceration and calls on us all to take a stand and ensure that the justice system works for everyone.Eve Abrams

1. Describe Mass Incarcentraqtion and its impact on the social, economic and enviornmental lives of families. Be detailed with examples.

2. What role does gender, economics, and race place in promoting mass incarcentration?

3. What role can you play in practice to address the challenges faced by clients most vuverable to mass incarcentration? Think of your skills, social work knowledge, theories, values and training to answer this important question.

Health Medical Homework Help