Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SPED 574 University of Phoenix W4 Teaching Strategies Essay


SPE/574: Characteristics Of Intellectual/developmental Disabilities

Wk 4 – Social Interaction and Inclusion Paper [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Social competence and interaction can be challenging for exceptional learners, just as the teaching of social skills and providing an inclusive environment might be challenging for a teacher. Developing a “tool belt” of strategies for promoting social skill development and an inclusive classroom environment will be very helpful for both the teacher and learners.
    Create a list of 5–7 methods, strategies, or techniques, with a brief description for each, that a teacher can use for promoting social interaction and classroom inclusion for learners with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
    Write a 275- to 350-word paper that explains the following in relation to promoting social interaction and inclusion:

    • Impact of social abilities on instruction and learning
    • Importance of peer relationships in learning
    • Teacher strategies to foster relationships

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Drugs, Behavior and Modern Society Discussion


Topic 2 DQ 1 (Obj. 2.2 and 2.3) DQ 1

What is meant by the neurochemistry of a drug? Identify one neurotransmitter and describe its physiological function in the human brain. Provide an example to support your description.

This discussion question is informed by the following CACREP Standard: 5.C.2.g. Impact of biological and neurological mechanisms on mental health.


Levinthal, C. (2016). Drugs, behavior, and modern society (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Publishing ISBN-13:9780134003047

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. KCCML Equal Employment Opportunity at Work Discussion


Log onto the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission website at and complete the following tasks:

1.  In one paragraph, explain the purpose of the EEOC.
2.  In one paragraph, summarize the history of the EEOC.
3.  Summarize and write 4-6 sentences explaining each type of discrimination, and what you learned about the following types of discrimination (from the home page of the website, scroll down to the employers section and click on discrimination by type):  age, disability, equal compensation, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race/color, religion, retaliation, sex, and sexual harassment.  Provide specific details to support your answers. 

4. Describe how each type of discrimination can directly impact your major field of study (Teaching and Learning, Leadership, Online Teaching and Learning, Allied Health Teaching and Leadership, or Career College Administration).

Read the article “What Can You Do” on page 222 in your textbook.
5. Create a list of five ideas you can implement in your workplace, for helping to affirm diversity.  Your ideas should provide evidence of critical thinking.  Be creative. Week 7 Final What You Can Do.pdf 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Intellectual Property Myths Psychology Discussion


Analyze cross-cultural research. Complete the following in your paper:

Explain the value of cross-cultural research, in general.

Summarize the research design.

Summarize the findings from the research.

Evaluate its conclusion.

Discuss the applicability of the research.

Discuss if the study adequately handled the different cultures without bias.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. The Wild Party School of Theatre Production Film Review


Watch “The Wild Party” (School of Theatre Production) – LIVE – and write a 500-word essay/review of what you watch. Write about what you are inspired to write. You might focus on a particular character and their journey, or you might focus on the architectural structure of the musical, or you might focus on the way space is used in the production, etc. You have a lot of latitude to write about what interests you. Find some aspect of the piece/production/performance you can dwell on and unpack.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HIST 11 Collin College Significant Legacy of The Vikings Discussion


PART 1: Answer the following prompt in 300 words. Based on the textbook and the sources below what do you think was the most significant legacy of the Vikings?

Abbo of Fleury: The Martyrdom of St. Edmund, King of East Anglia, 870 (Links to an external site.)

Three Sources on the Ravages of the Northmen in Frankland, c. 843 – 912 (Links to an external site.)

The Discovery of North America by Leif Ericsson, c. 1000 from The Saga of Eric the Red, 1387


Classmate 1 (Jeremy)

The Vikings were a peoples from northern Europe in a region which is known as Scandinavia. These people gained wealth and their living off of raids and plundering European cities. They invaded much of Europe, plundering towns, gaining influence over towns, and even settling in a few instances. They were mostly infamous for laying siege upon costal cities, where their small boats would make shore and large numbers of raiders would advance upon the city. They even went inland and laid siege upon villages inside of continental Europe and Britain, traveling by rivers on their boats. They did so to gain riches and return home with all the splendors.

In the source: The Martyrdom of St. Edmund, King of East Anglia the author recalls a story in which St. Edward, the King of East Anglia would not submit to the heathen Danes unless they would first submit to his Sovereign Lord, Christ Jesus. Barbarian King Ivar upon hearing this, confronted St Edward and beat him personally with a rod and tied him to a tree. St. Edward was later executed by the Vikings.

They were a seafaring people, most famous for their tightly packed ships, brimful of warriors eager to weak havoc. An account from when Paris was invaded by the Vikings in 885, “The Northmen came to Paris with 700 sailing ships, not counting those of smaller size which are commonly called barques. At one stretch the Seine was lined with the vessels for more than two leagues, so that one might ask in astonishment in what cavern the river had been swallowed up, since it was not to be seen.” The Vikings used the advantage of numbers by having many people on many ships in order to over run those defending the city. This method was widely successful.

In conclusion, Vikings, are known for their brutal methods of living, making a life off of raiding and plundering using extreme methods of violence to do so. Their expertise knowledge of seafaring also gave them an edge over those they fought.

Classmate 2 (Coco)

For good reason, Vikings are remembered as some of history’s greatest shipbuilders. Vikings were skilled carpenters who built ships that were faster, slimmer, and lighter than their contemporaries.

The Vikings traded and raided their way across Europe and even as far as North America, leaving their imprint on nearly every land they conquered. So much so that many aspects of their heritage and culture can still be found today. Here are a few things we can thank the Vikings for: language, shipbuilding, skiing, and providing the foundation for the City of Dublin

The Viking long ship was perhaps their most famous invention. The Vikings were among the greatest shipbuilders of all time, and their longships were technologically advanced for their time. The cutting-edge ships, which are faster, lighter, and more streamlined, could travel further than any other ship in the world. Because of the invention of the keel, they were also more flexible and manoeuvrable, as well as far more seaworthy than any previous vessel. The Viking keel provided stability to the longship and allowed a mast to be secured to the ship. The unrivaled invention enabled the Vikings to cross oceans while carrying weeks of supplies on board. Because of the shallow design of the longship hull, the Vikings could also travel up rivers, giving them the opportunity to attack unsuspecting people.

Along with their engineering and carpentry abilities, the Vikings were excellent navigators and are widely regarded as the first people in the Western world to invent a practical magnetic compass. Despite the fact that the Chinese had invented it much earlier, trade had yet to bring a working magnetic compass from the East to the West. As a result, the Vikings held a monopoly on navigational prowess in the West for centuries.

Although they did not have an empire, the Vikings had a significant geopolitical, cultural, and religious impact on our world. Their impact can still be felt over a thousand years later

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Earth and Environmental Science Sources Analysis


For this assignment, you will download a copy of each of your sources. This assignment is graded as Complete/Incomplete. In order to get “Complete,” you must:

  • You will submit ALL the sources you used.
  • You need to submit at least 4 sources. You will need to use reputable sources, not wiki sites or blogs. At least 1 of your sources should be an academic journal article, and at least 3 other online sources of your choosing.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. NKU The Environmental Issues and Racial Diversity Discussion


please watch this video and write the Discussion  Based on  YouTube:  Environmental justice explained Respond to the following: 

Why are environmental issues sometimes both a social and a social justice problem? Explain using a current environmental

Why do you think it is important to have a sociological imagination?issue.


Response to Dr.

Both history and biography are essential for the sociological perspective because to have a better understanding of human behavior you must place it within its broader social context. The sociological perspective stresses that people’s social experiences shape their behavior. Where you live or the groups to which you subside with could cause an effect on your behavior and reasoning. The sociological perspective allows you to gain a new perspective on social life, and enables you to grasp a connection between history and biography.

History refers to each society being linked to a broad stream of events, such as gender roles. Social location can relate to a membership an individual might have because of their location in history and society.    

  • New Question (or My CTQ/DB Topic)

Why do you think it is important to have a sociological imagination?  

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Ohio State University Art Multiple Articles Summary


Summarize three short articles 

Elizabeth Maupin, Sentinel,Theater Critic. “Theater Review ‘how to Succeed in Business without really Trying’: [3 STAR Edition].” Orlando Sentinel, Mar 11, 1993, pp. E1. ProQuest,

Collins, Glenn. “Charles Saxon, 68, a Cartoonist for 92 Covers of the New Yorker: [Obituary].” New York Times, Dec 07, 1988. ProQuest,

Grove, Valerie, and Peter Brookes. “The Grand Old Man of St Trinian’s: Cartooning Legend Ronald Searle has been Compared to Goya and Hogarth. as He Turns 90, He Tells Valerie Grove that Champagne is the Secret to a Long Life and that He has no Regrets about Fleeing Family and St Trinian’s Fame Ronald Searle: Here’s to Life at 90.” The Times, Feb 20, 2010, pp. 1. ProQuest,

Humanities Homework Help