Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. WMA The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Development Programs Discussion


Please analyze and support the role of play as the developmentally appropriate mode of learning for young children by answering the following questions:

  • Define play, defend play-based learning, and explain how play promotes Social-Emotional, Cognitive, Physical, and Language Development.
  • How can teachers support play in their classrooms?
  • Summarize the importance of play in children’s lives, the importance of creativity through play, and the importance of hands-on learning.
  • Humanities Homework Help

    Humanities Homework Help

    Humanities Homework Help. PSYCH 106 CSUN Genotype Phenotype & Dominant Recessive Inheritance Discussion


    answer questions 1-13 in full sentences.

    1. Describe the differences between genotype and phenotype.
    2. Describe the differences between dominant-recessive inheritance, incomplete dominance, and polygenic inheritance as it relates to phenotype and genotype.
    3. What are the differences between monozygotic and dizygotic twins?
    4. Describe the process of fertilization and conception.
    5. What are three stages of fetal development and the time periods associated with each?
    6. What are the main developmental accomplishments at each of the three stages of fetal development?
    7. Which stage of fetal development would be considered a “critical period” whereby the baby is most vulnerable to teratogens with regard to structural complications?
    8. How do chromosomal disorders occur?
    9. What are the causes, characteristics, and complications of Down Syndrome?
    10. Describe some of the most common teratogens for developing and developed countries and the implications to the developing fetus.
    11. Describe the consequences to the fetus of exposure or lack of exposure to iodine, rubella, AIDS, maternal and paternal smoking.
    12. Define anencephaly, spina bifida, & Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
    13. Name 3 types of childbirth methods.

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    Humanities Homework Help

    Humanities Homework Help. SW 381 SDSU Client with Anxiety Case Analysis Behavior Change Interview Paper


    hello there…I have a paper that needs to be re written… and I will prove more info regarding this paper and what need to be done… its for my social work 381 class and ill be sending the details on what need to be done on this paper after the bid……..

    Humanities Homework Help

    Humanities Homework Help

    Humanities Homework Help. PSYCH 106 CSUN Erik Erickson Theory of Development & Psychosocial Experiences Essay


    Parenting choices are often based on what we are familiar with from our own family or childhood experience. However, decisions are often made without any regard to why we are responding a certain way. Babies do three primary things in the first couple of months after birth; they eat, cry, and sleep.

    For this post, I want you to assume that I am a new mom who knows nothing about child development or caring for a child. Assume you are my nurse, or mentor, and advise me on how I should respond to and care for my new baby using at least two different theoretical approaches. Be sure your advice is based on learning from the readings, or presentations, and not based solely on your personal experience.

    You may have a personal preference toward a particular theory and that is fine, but your advice should start with a statement such as, “Based on Erik Erikson’s theory of development……….” Please note that Learning Activities are intended to promote critical thinking within the course. I am looking for you to connect theory with practice for this blog entry.

    Do not just describe the theory, but rather how that theory would guide the daily caretaking of a young infant. Based on the theory, how should I respond to the baby’s needs in the area of eating, sleeping, and crying? What specific strategies would each theorist recommend and why? Be sure to include both theoretical and practical advice based on what you learned in the reading and lectures for this chapter, and/or previous chapters.

    Humanities Homework Help

    Humanities Homework Help

    Humanities Homework Help. CU Behaviorism and Humanistic Psychology Schools of Thoughts Comparative Essay




    This assignment focuses on starting a research log to collect notes to use for academic writing and research. A research log is a tool used to gather and organize information from various sources you have read. For this assignment, you will write notes in a research log about scholarly resources you have read during this course, and use those notes to compare two different schools of thought about human nature and behavior.


    A research log is valuable to your writing and research processes for many reasons. One benefit of a research log is you can use it to reflect upon information from various sources you have read over time without the need to read through the entire source again. Additionally, you can use a research log to identify themes in research which is a skill you will apply during the Week 10 assignment for this course, and throughout your academic program. To know more about this, view the following resources on Campus:


    Write a 2–3-page essay that compares and contrasts two different schools of thought in human nature and behavior. Select two schools of thought for your essay from this list.

    • Mental testing movement.
    • Behaviorism.
    • Psychoanalytic theory (psychoanalysis).
    • Humanistic psychology.
    • Cognitive psychology.
    • Psychobiology.

    Address the questions below to compare and contrast how your two selected schools of thought about human nature and behavior differ from each other.

    1. What factors do the two schools of thought about human nature and behavior share with each other in terms of their principles, values, subject matter, research approaches, and applied methods?
    2. What factors distinguish the two schools of thought about human nature and behavior from each other in terms of their principles, values, subject matter, research approaches, and applied methods?

    Remember, the focus of this comparison essay is comprehensive theories of human nature and behavior, and not psychotherapeutic techniques, for example, cognitive behavioral therapy or psychoanalytic therapy.


    Length: 2–3 pages.
    References: At least 4 references to this week’s readings.

    Humanities Homework Help

    Humanities Homework Help

    Humanities Homework Help. San Diego State University Electroencephalography Discussion



    After you study the class material (slides, the study guide), be sure to consult the reading/video links on correct EEG signal acquisition procedures posted in Week 8. Watch this video and write a short comment (between 250-350 words in length) in response to the following questions (the actual EEG part starts at around 2:45):

    1. How would you rate the quality of the electrocap application (what is missing? What is the correct procedure?)
    2. How does the EEG signal look to you? Does it look as it should? Why not?
    3. Can you conclude that the EEG that you see is actually generated by Stephen Colbert’s brain? If not, why? How can you tell?

    Please note that better grades will be given to comments with a higher quality of response (i.e. analytical substance), better understanding of the EEG methodology, higher overall clarity of thought and higher quality of writing.The goal of this homework is to apply your knowledge of the EEG method to evaluate its practical application and interpretation as popularized in the media.

    Humanities Homework Help

    Humanities Homework Help

    Humanities Homework Help. Chicago State University the Education System Is Ineffective Essay


    Compose an argument of at least 1250 words that synthesizes at least 3 readings from our “Unit 2: Classical Argument” readings (Weeks 5, 6, 7) and includes an original thesis/argument.

    Alfie Kohn “From Degrading to De-Grading”
    “Everything You’ve Heard About Failing Schools Is Wrong” by John Taylor Gatto
    “Preparing Minds for Market” by Jonathan Kozol

    Humanities Homework Help

    Humanities Homework Help

    Humanities Homework Help. CRJ 201 CUNY Specialized Roles of The Police Worksheet


    1. Please read and summarize “Specialized Roles of the Police”. You must use the reading worksheet to summarize the chapter. Please upload your summary to Blackboard. Reading Worksheet.docx
      Specialized Roles of the Police.pd
    2. I will attach the reading worksheet and the pdf of the reading

    Humanities Homework Help

    Humanities Homework Help

    Humanities Homework Help. Fresno City College African American History Questions


    I’m working on a african studies test / quiz prep and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

    can osmeone help me anserw these

    Which of the following helped strengthen the institution of slavery?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 5Question 51 pts

    Which of the following statements best characterizes the relationship between African Americans and American Indians during the colonial period?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 6Question 61 pts

    The vast majority of white southerners __________.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 7Question 71 pts

    The Islamic slave trade in West Africa dealt mostly in __________.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 8Question 81 pts

    Which of the following statements is true about black officeholders during Reconstruction?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 9Question 91 pts

    Which of the following states was one of the first states to abolish slavery?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 10Question 101 pts

    Which of the following was the first known kingdom in western Sudan?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 11Question 111 pts

    During the American Revolution, African Americans __________.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 12Question 121 pts

    With which of the following would Andrew Johnson have agreed?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 13Question 131 pts

    Which of the following was true of slavery in West Africa?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 14Question 141 pts

    Growing demand for __________ led to the expansion of the slave labor system in the Chesapeake.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 15Question 151 pts

    The Declaration of Independence __________.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 16Question 161 pts

    _______ were often apprehensive about emancipation.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 17Question 171 pts

    Under the terms of the Missouri Compromise, __________ entered the Union as a slave state.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 18Question 181 pts

    What did the Fourteenth Amendment accomplish?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 19Question 191 pts

    How long did a typical crossing from Africa to the Americas take?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 20Question 201 pts

    The term miscegenation refers to _________.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 21Question 211 pts

    For most of the seventeenth century, __________.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 22Question 221 pts

    Which of the following best characterizes the response of southern white people to the efforts of former slaves to acquire an education?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 23Question 231 pts

    Which of the following was the earliest civilization in Africa?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 24Question 241 pts

    Why did most white people not want black people to enlist in the army?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 25Question 251 pts

    Which of the following contributed the most to the high mortality rates among slaves making the crossing to the Americas?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 26Question 261 pts

    Low-country plantations focused on the cultivation of __________.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 27Question 271 pts

    Which of the following statements best describes the triangular trade system produced by the Atlantic slave trade?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 28Question 281 pts

    Former slaves understood that __________ was inseparable from freedom.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 29Question 291 pts

    At the outset of the War for Independence, __________.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 30Question 301 pts

    Which statement best characterizes the power and status of women in ancient Egypt?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 31Question 311 pts

    The term homo sapiens refers to __________.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 32Question 321 pts

    Most former slaves became Methodists or __________.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 33Question 331 pts

    Which of the following helps explain why the 32 people of African descent who arrived in Jamestown in the early seventeenth century were not considered slaves?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 34Question 341 pts

    Overall, roughly __________ of enslaved Africans died during the Middle Passage or during “seasoning” on a Caribbean island.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 35Question 351 pts

    The Ku Klux Klan was originally a club for __________.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 36Question 361 pts

    In the decades following the Civil War, the __________ became the most important African-American institutions.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 37Question 371 pts

    Sectional tensions came to a head when __________ applied for statehood in 1819.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 38Question 381 pts

    In November 1775 __________ offered to free slaves who joined his army.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 39Question 391 pts

    The availability of large numbers of slaves in West Africa was a result of __________.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 40Question 401 pts

    Which of the following was true of black political leaders during Reconstruction?

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 41Question 411 pts

    In the late twentieth century, Afrocentricists regarded ancient __________ as an essentially black civilization.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 42Question 421 pts

    The first draft of the Declaration of Independence denounced __________.

    Group of answer choices

    Flag question: Question 43Question 431 pts

    Which of the following was a major component of the trans-Saharan trade?

    Group of answer choices

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