Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Austin Community College The Oresteia Trilogy Discussion Board


I’m working on a literature discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Discussion board

when you finish, can you reply to this discussion board as well:

To be honest, I have difficulty sympathizes with most of the characters  and their actions. While I wouldn’t say I sympathize, I do respect  Athena as she seems to be the only character who is able to be  reasonable in her judgment. I found it difficult to understand both  Clytemnestra and Agamemnon. I can understand the feeling that Agamemnon  is a “tragic” hero, he does appear to be a strong commander of the Greek  Armies, however I do deeply struggle with him sacrificing his daughter  for the war. Because of this, I can understand Clytemnestra’s deep anger  with Agamemnon. Yet still, as shown through the practices of Athena, I  still do not believe we are meant to find justification is the revolving  murders taking place. While we may be able to sympathize with  Clytemnestra because of the death of her daughter, I think the depiction  of her adultery is meant to cause the audience to lose sympathy for  her. While I do not necessarily agree with this opinion, I do think this  is a common trait used to paint characters in an unfavorable light.

reply to this as well:

The most sympathetic character in this trilogy, according to my perception, is the prophetess Cassandra, because she makes other characters and the audience empathize for her suffering. I believe this is the character that was designed to be the easiest to have compassion. Clytemnestra and Agamemnon were complex characters in terms of understanding them as an audience. Agamemnon was meant to be a tragic hero, especially because of the action he took to sacrifice his daughter. On the other hand, I find Clytemnestra to be the most interesting character, by which I do not mean likable since she was a liar and a murderer after all. I find it despicable to have an affair, which, in my opinion, is not justified by the long time she had to wait for her husban. 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ETHS 121 Burbank American Master Narrative Limits American Identity Discussion These are the sources 


Did I submit all the unit 2 activities on time? Did I complete BOTH the discussions?Did I meet the standards of BOTH the discussions?Did I reply to my classmates by providing them further assistance, insight or appreciation of their work by explaining HOW their post helped you?Did I submit the assessment on time?  (Remember that everyone gets an extension on Sunday, so submitting on Sunday is NOT late.)Did I meet all the criteria for the assessment? Did I simply restate the question into statement?Did I dedicate 4-6 unit centered sentences to my explanation?Did I use at least 3 unit language terms/concept in BOLD in my explanation?When I read the explanation, does it read as if I am taking the whole unit and applying it to my explanation?Did I use the required supportive details from the unit?Did I introduce the unit support?Is the Unit support relevant to the essential question?Did I dedicate 3-5 sentences to comment after each selected support and did I make sure I am connecting my comment to my unit centered explanation?How did I demonstrate Mastery? (Explain how you interacted in week 4 and in Week 5)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UE Effects of School Shootings in the Community Essay


This is
for my disasters and crisis class. I want to talk about different school shootings. how they have affected the communities and how we need to be prepared for them by having a preparedness plan in case we have anymore/how to avoid them from continuing.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of Central Florida The Fall of Rome Essay


Read the selections on the “Fall” of the Roman Empire in The West in Question 8 (Section 1) and Mathisen’s on pp. 494-8.  What are the chief theories?  Do you agree with Peter Brown that the end of the Roman Empire should be considered a “change and continuity rather than a “decline and fall”? 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Harvard Business School Two Branches of Christianity Holy Communion Question


Hello, i have an essay exam question but i dont know what is it yet because it is a timer for 12 minutes only and once i open it it start counting becuase of that i need atutor who can write a paragraph for a quick. The question will be about religion and i will give it to you once i open it. Please br serious i will field if i do not recive help. thank you

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Diablo Valley College Career Informational Interview Write Up


For this assignment, choose 1-2 individuals who work in a career that you are interested in and conduct informational interviews with them. This doesn’t have to be your perfect career, just something you might consider.

Use your network, the networking activity from class, or reach out to individuals that you find through the various career search engines that have been discussed. The individuals can be from the same occupation (nursing), similar occupations (nursing & radiation therapy), or completely different occupations (nursing & environmental engineering). You would be surprised how these contacts have the potential to lead to internships, better career insight, and possible mentors in a field that you are interested in learning more about.

Consider reaching out to friends, friends of friends, emailing individuals at companies, LinkedIn, former teachers, etc. Use your creativity & initiative to step out of your comfort zone. Ideally, this assignment encourages you to reach out & talk to professionals who have jobs in areas that you might be interested in. Many professionals remember what it was like to be uncertain about venturing into the professional world and are open to discussing it with other motivated young people.

I am always upfront with my students that this whole assignment could be completely made up and contrived. I won’t know if you actually do the informational interview. I would encourage you though, to think about the opportunity that you may be missing as I have seen these lead to internships & job opportunities. The more effort you put into these assignments, the more you are showing yourself that you are committed to figuring out your life & making sure you avoid regret.

In a minimum of 800 words, answer any or all of the following questions. The purpose of this assignment is to make connections and to understand how to reach out to those that can give you further guidance in realizing and actualizing your career goals. Ask them the most important questions that come to mind (and listed in the text) and reflect and answer the most relevant questions below in your essay. You can also use the questions listed here (Links to an external site.).

  • How did you select the individual to interview?
  • Through what source did you find them?
  • How closely does their career match the career you are considering?
  • What are some of the positives and negatives of their job?
  • Do they see growth in their career? Opportunities for advancement?
  • What advice or career insight did they give you overall?
  • What majors do they recommend specific for that career?
  • What activities or professional networking resources do they recommend?
  • How does their work/life balance meet & match your expectations?
  • What are some strategies, additional skills, or certifications that can help you get your foot in the door?
  • What are the most important things to know about this career?
  • How did they end up in their career?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. TU Social Science Graduate School Expectations and Future Career Goals Essay


You will be writing a paper entitled “Graduate School Expectations and Future Career Goals” that will be at least five (or more) pages long. The purpose of this paper is to assist you in critically analyzing your education and experiences up to this point in your life, explore your current and long-term needs, educational goals, and prospective careers. Please follow the outline/directions that are provided in the previous link. Please use subtitles and cite any sources that you utilize from the Internet, journals, brochures, etc. Please use the materials at the links provided in an early document or additional materials as appropriate to strengthen your paper.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Sociology White Collar Crimes Essay



Part 1. Revision

This week you’ll improve on your week 2 work by revising based on feedback from your professor and the strategies outlined in the revision reading above.

This week only the content paragraph are needed

For instructions and examples of website citations and references please review the class Announcement Board and/or the Purdue OWL (Purdue OWL)

Part 2. Add your Introduction and Conclusion

After reading about how to construct a solid Introduction and Conclusion, write yours and add them to your paper. Here’s what you should have in this week’s Word document:

  1. Introduction
  2. Content paragraph with a definition of White Collar crime from the textbook and a description of any White Collar crime of your choice from the FBI site (with APA formatted in text citations)
  3. Content paragraph on any second White Collar crime of your choice from the FBI web site (with APA formatted in text citations)
  4. Content paragraph on any third White Collar crime of your choice from the FBI web site (with APA formatted in text citations)
  5. Conclusion
  6. References

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Los Angeles Valley College Influences of Drug Abuse in The US Essay


n a 750-1000 word paper (double-spaced), present support for how ALL three factors influence drug abuse: 

Psychological influences 

Biological influences 

Social-Cultural influences 

This assignment is to extend their understanding of the factors that influence drug abuse in the United States.  When writing your essay, try connecting all the factors if possible, but at minimum you should be expected to discuss all the factors as they relate to drug use in the United States. 

In addition, incorporate any statistics you find on the internet to lend support the influences they discuss. 

Humanities Homework Help