Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UCF Visual Analysis Activity Exercise


I need support with this English question so I can learn better.

Hello, Please read the instructions below very carefully


Find a data visualization to analyze that you find interesting, unusual, or just outright bad. The visual should represent quantitative (numerical/statistical) data. The visual can be one you think is good or one you think has problems. Once you’ve found one you’d like to work with, analyze the visual by answering the following questions:

  • What type of visual is it?
  • Is the visual appropriateness of the type for the data? Why do you think so?
  • What is the purpose of the visual and who is the audience? How do you know, and what specific elements of the visual led you to your conclusion?
  • Is the color use effective? Distracting? Does the color use make the visual more or less effective? Why?
  • Does the design of the visual contribute to or detract from the clarity and accuracy of the visual? What specific elements support your conclusion?
  • What is one specific change you would make to improve this visual?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of Central Florida Chapter 6 Visual Design Statistical Analysis Worksheet


Hello, please read the instructions carefully

Chapter 6: Visual Design

Chapter 6 focuses on the “D” (for Design) in PAD. The section you are reading discusses the visualizations used in PTC documents. Topics include creating visuals and types of visuals.

Joanna Wolfe Presentation: Narrative Numbers

Watch the following presentation before completing the exercise below–no need to stick around for the Q&A. Think through the points made in this presentation as well as in your textbook as you work to create your own, simple, data-visualization.

assignment-icons-content.png EXERCISE


This exercises asks to you collect data and create a data visualization that communicates that data graphically.

Step 1 – Collect Data

At home, or wherever you are working, collect a set of quantitative (numerical) data. While everybody loves a good pie chart, try to collect a different data than just “how many” of a thing to make your visuals more interesting and of different types. For example:

  • How long does it take to get to a specific floor in the elevator vs. climbing the stairs based on multiple tries?
  • What’s the ratio of books to other stuff on your shelves?
  • How much time do ducks spend foraging vs. just wandering around?

Think about the various processes that take time or require resources (e.g., how many almonds you eat in an hour, or the average time it takes to drink a soda). Think about the items you have around you and what they are used for (e.g., what apps do you check on your phone in an hour). Quantitative data is all around you–every time you do something, check something, or observe something, you are generating data. And so are the things around you–e.g., stoplights, phones, dogs, and squirrels. Select an item or items around you (including yourself) and collect the data it generates.

Step 2 – Create a Visualization

Once you have your data, draw a data visualization that represents your data. To pick the type of data visualization, go back to the Design chapter you read and review the visualization types. You can use any medium you want to create your visualization–pens, crayons, markers, or, if you are already familiar with creating visualizations digitally, use an app like Canva (Links to an external site.).

Step 3 – Share your Visualization and Comment

If you draw your visualization, you can submit a picture taken with your phone to the below. Include your name in the title. When you share your visualization, answer the following questions about it, along with the image:

What does the data visualization show?
Why did you pick that visualization format?

Step 4 – Review and Comment

After sharing your work, use the Reply button below to comment on at least two of your peers’ visualizations, addressing the following:

  • Is it clear what the visualization represents?
  • Is the type of visual appropriate for the data? Can you think of other types of visuals that might be useful?
  • Does the design and color use make the visual easy to read?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Leadership Brand Visioning Summary


Please complete the two parts of the assignment. Regarding my workplace, I am a university lecturer.

Important note: i have completed a leadership identity reflection exercise last week that you are going to use for this week assignments (attached).

First, you will need to do the leadership brand discovery using the brand discovery worksheet. You need to conduct an “interview” with at least three colleagues, friends, leaders, and/or associates from your workplace who have considerable insight into your role and day-to-day work. In no more than 250 words, provide a summary of your findings from the interviews that identifies the primary ways in which others see your leadership brand and perceive the value you bring to the workplace.

after that, Follow the instructions in the brand visioning file to begin the creative process of identifying the leadership brand for which you wish to be known (what matters to me, how others sees me, what i believe i can be and want to be, and brand statements).

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. POL 2302 CSU States and Localities & Government System Question


Question #1

Contrast the differences and similarities between a direct democracy and a representative democracy.

Question #2

Relate the ways that state governments interact with the federal government per the requirements of the U.S. Constitution. How and why do state constitutions vary from state to state?

Question #3

Summarize the formal and informal methods used for changing laws and state constitutions.

Question #4

Describe the evolution of state constitutions throughout the history of the United States.

Question #5 is a “Journal”

Describe the pros and cons of both a direct democracy and a representative democracy. Do you believe the United States should change to a direct democracy or remain a representative democracy? Explain your answer.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Columbia Southern University States and Localities Questions


***Questions are based off of chapters 1 and 2 of Governing States and Localities, 7th Edition textbook***

Question 1

What is the only national or federal city in the United States? What makes this possible, and what are some unique characteristics of this city per the U.S. Constitution and federal law?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 2

In your own words, summarize the development of federalism in the United States from 1789 to present.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 3

Analyze the impact of state and local politics on the daily lives of citizens.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length

Question 4

Describe the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal and state governments. Then, describe how federalism impacts all levels of government to include local, state, and the federal governments.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 5 is a “Journal”

The Founding Fathers designed a form of government based on federalism in the United States. What are the pros and cons of such a political system? Should U.S. federalism be changed in any way or remain the same? Explain your answer with analysis of these areas with details and specific examples.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Grossmont College Epigenetics News Article Discussion


I need help with a Anthropology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.


When we think of the traits that we have we often think of them as being products of our genes.  However, we never think of the fact that there are factors that control for the expression of our genes.  Epigenes are important chemical tags siting on our DNA that are responsible for the activation or deactivation of the genes that we have. 

For this discussion board I would like you to look for a news article on epigenetics.

You will need to do the following for points:

  1. Give a short summary of what the news headline is about. Your news headline can deal with any aspect of epigenetics.  Make sure you give a citation or simply provide a link to the website that you used. 
  2. As part of your summary you will have to say how the epigene(s) that you looked at is/are responsible for gene regulation.  Alternatively, you can talk about how environmental factors can influence the epigenes.

When constructing your response make sure you keep them concise and to the point.

Here are a few links that would help you.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Ambria College of Nursing Ethics Case Study Dixon City Fraud Reflection Paper


Here is the link and passcode for the ethics case:

password: atqhfeb14

INSTRUCTIONS: After watching the video case, please write a 3-5 page reflection paper answering the following questions. This needs to be in paper format, not simply answers to questions!

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. San Diego State University Ethics and Neutrality in Abortion Case Analysis


Case Analysis: Note this assignment has a twofold purpose: (1) To provide an opportunity for students to analyze a case based and (2) to collaborate with colleagues (classmates) about a recommendation of what to do. Also this assignment has two parts, each of which is a group project. In the first, each group will recored themselves presenting their case via powerpoint or google slides and upload the recording in the assignment link. The second part is a group written paper about your case. Please see below for specific directions.

You have been assigned to a team which will write a case analysis based on a legal dilemma following the ethical/legal decision making process as discussed in class lectures and the textbook. Some teams will present in week 3 and others in week 4. Your professor will assign your week.

Note: the uplink for this assignment is found in Week 4: make sure all names of group members are recorded on the assignment’s cover page.

In keeping with acceptable professional standards you are encouraged to consult with student colleagues, practicing professionals, attorneys or any written materials in the development of the analysis and recommendation.

Use the following guidelines to write your 4-6 page analysis ensuring all five points are addressed.

Be sure you reference relevant professional resources you have utilized to prepare your case along with any other information pertinent to your case.

The Five Areas to be discussed are listed below:

  1. Description of the Situation: brief overview of the case
  2. Dilemma/Competing Issues (Identify the problem/dilemma): The dilemma/competing issues could be a function of ethics vs. laws, ethics vs. institutional policies, or ethics vs. a community norm; but most likely the tension will occur around the underlying moral principles of Autonomy, Non-malfeasance, Beneficence, Justice, or Fidelity. Include professional/community standards of practice as well as specific legal or ethical standards. Site the legal and/or ethical references in the appropriate ethical or state statutes.
  3. Personal Values/Morals: Evaluate the rights, responsibilities, and welfare of all those affected by the situation.
  4. Generate potential courses of actions and their consequences: Describe the limitations associated with each.
  5. Recommended Course of action: state your recommend course of action. Define how your recommendation(s) is in the best interest of the student and satisfies the legal/ethical dilemma.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. San Diego State University School Counseling Documentation Review Essay


Practicum Reflection:

Candidates are expected to complete 8-10 hours of practicum experience as part of this course. This is part of the 100 pre-internship observational hours required by the Credentialing Commission. All experience should be logged and annotated on the approved log sheet to be submitted when exiting the program. Appropriate field experience may include many types of activities in the pre-school through grade 12 public schools such as juvenile court cases, SARB meetings, District Suspension hearings, school board meetings, IEP & 504 meetings, and observations of disciplinary actions by an assistant principal or principal.

A two page reflection must be submitted on or before the date provided in your course outline. Focus your reflection on a brief summary of experiences and how those field experiences will make you a more effective professional school counselor. Your essay should focus on how your students will be different as a result of the impact of your field experiences.

Humanities Homework Help