Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Walden University Rewarding Stimuli Questions



  1. Organisms have the tendency to experience more heightened emotions in response to dangerous than to rewarding stimuli because the consequences of an injury may not be reversible. This phenomenon is called:

1 points


  1. Mood congruity refers to the improvement of cognitive performance in functions such as attention or memory when there is agreement between the subject’s mood and the information being sought out.

1 points


  1. Which of the following brain areas has been implicated in fear conditioning:

1 points


  1. A client who has suffered a stroke and who understands spoken language but is unable to produce fluent speech has most likely suffered damage in this brain area:

1 points


  1. Distancing ourselves from a problem can improve the odds of coming up with a solution as unconscious processes continue to operate on the problem. The process is known as:

1 points


  1. How does anxiety affect performance of cognitive functions dependent on the central executive:

1 points


  1. The Subjective Expected Utility theory of decision making proposes that decisions are formed by weighing the value of the alternative options and the probability that this value will be attained.

1 points


  1. Creativity is positively correlated with fluid intelligence.

1 points


  1. Overestimating the national percentage of people who vote Republican by a person living in a solidly Republican district is an example of the effect of _________ on decision making.

1 points


  1. Prior experience with dealing with a set of problems can sometimes impede solution of a new class of problems. This phenomenon is known as:

1 points


  1. The neurotransmitter system most activated by rewarding stimuli is:

1 points


  1. Participants in an experiment designed by Kahneman and Tversky were presented with two choices. Based on your knowledge of decision making, which option do you think that most participants selected?

1 points


  1. Chronic stress can induce morphological changes in neurons in the hippocampus and induce decrease in volume of this brain structure.

1 points


  1. The set of unique sounds that makes up all words in a language is known as the:

1 points


  1. The following brain area has been implicated in mediating fluid intelligence:

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Art Report


I need you to create an Art Report.

There are 2 pictures and a youtube video you need for this assignment.

Do Exactly as the rubric says and I do not want to be complicated. Explain every single thing and be very clear in what you are saying. Do not say something you did not explain or cannot explain.

Make Everything You Are Saying VERY CLEAR !!!

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of North Texas Chapter 3 Major Agents of Socialization Essay


1. Name and briefly describe three major agents of socialization discussed in chapter three, and how do they have the greatest impact on attitudes and behavior of the growing child and developing adult. (about one page, single-spaced)

2 Which agent of socialization has had the most effect on your life, and how (go into some detail)?3

3. Which stage of socialization do you presently occupy, and how are you thinking about and preparing yourself for the next upcoming stage? (about one page, double-spaced).

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. St Petersburg College Abrahamic Religions Discussion


Can you help me understand this Religion question?

Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are known as the Abrahamic Religions because each traces its genealogy from the Prophet Abraham. Because of this background, there are beliefs and practices that are common to all three. In fact, they each worship the same God, even if they use different names and/or titles. For this topic explore some of the different names and/or titles for God that are used by each faith and provide an explanation for their use

Identify a couple of the names and/or titles used for God within the Tanak of Judaism. Present what each of your selections mean and why are they used. 

– Identify a couple of the names and/or titles used for God within the New Testament of Christianity. Present what each of your selections mean and why are they used.
– Identify a couple of the names and/or titles used for God within the Quran of Islam. Present what each of your selections mean and why are they used.-

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Response needed


Please respond to the following question:

If you were designing the Interpersonal Assignment, would you keep it the same or would you design it differently? If you would change it, describe what changes you would make? (Keep in mind that the goal is to create interaction between students, so changing it to be an independently done project is not a viable option) should b 260 words

below is the interpersonal assignment

Interpersonal assignment

1.As a team, choose an interpersonal communication topic mentioned in your text.

2.Review the information in the text on the chosen topic. Discuss your agreement or disagreement with the author’s conclusions. Explore your own, and other’s, personal experiences that relate to the topic.

3.Next, contact the library and find an article from a scholarly journal (preferably produced by a communication, psychological, or sociological organization) that directly relates to the subject matter. Also find at least 3 additional sources from books and/or popular magazines. Look for credible sources.

4.Compare and contrast the information from all sources. Do they support or contradict each other? Was there information from any one source that you feel should have been included in the others? Address any issues you believe are relevant. Give your opinion of the information in each of the sources.

5.Using your sources, create a 6-8 minute oral presentation discussing and analyzing the concept from the textbook, the journal, the videos, and personal experiences of the team members. Be sure to include the conclusions you have made. A correctly compiled list of references is required. You may present this either in speaking or PowerPoint form, which you will upload to YouTube. Do not use google as it requires a sign-in.

6.All aspects of the research and construction of the presentation should be shared equally by both

members of the interpersonal team.

7.After the presentation each team member will be required to complete a self-evaluation and a peer evaluation. The evaluation forms will be given to you on the day of your presentation and must be turned in prior to the next scheduled Module. The peer evaluation will allow you to grade your partner on his or her helpfulness on the entire project. The evaluations will be averaged with the earned grade.

  1. Grading for the assignment will be as follows: (1) presentation and reference list – 50 %, (2) evaluations – 50%. The entire presentation is worth 15% of your class grade.
  2. The presentation can be recorded to YouTube as a live presentation, or as a power point presentation with voice over.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. St Petersburg College Sacred Spaces Rock hewn Churches of Lalibela Discussion


 Describe each sacred space in terms of history, purpose, meaning, features, and usage. This conversation should focus on how the sacred space is an example of the religious tradition that utilizes it. For example, think about the following questions during your research: Why was this structure made? Why is it in this specific spot? Who was responsible for building it? What does space mean to the people of the religion? Why and how do the adherents of the religion use it? Are there specific activities, props, and/or dietary aspects associated with this space? Are there certain times when this space is utilized? To what extent do the people participate in events at this space? You do not need to address all these questions; rather, the idea here is that you have demonstrated extensive cross-cultural knowledge through a description of the space, its history, its use, and its meaning for the adherents of a particular religious tradition. 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Social Science Question


**** Attached is the case study needed to complete this assignment. ***

For this assignment you want to reread the client case study presented on the Course Project Introduction page located in Module 01. You will also want to review your Intake and Assessment Notes for details needed for this section.

Your treatment plan should include the following:

  • Summary of the professional’s conclusions related to the client including the reason for referral and highlights of the assessment
  • Definition of the problem discussed in terms of those that are immediate, underlying, and working or long-term
  • Recommendations for a plan of action, including goals that have been agreed upon with the client along with suggested times for follow-up

Your treatment plan goals need to be measurable and labeled as short-term or long-term. They should connect together to achieve an ultimate action. For example, you might work with a client whose final goal is to resume shared custody of his child. This is clearly a long-term initiative that will require steps for completion. Perhaps the client needs to find safer housing and maintain stable employment. These would be considered two short-term goals to help meet the long-term one. Each part of the overall goal should be broken down into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Each goal should consist of the following:

  • A measurable action labeled as short-term or long-term
  • Specific actions necessary to meet the goal
  • Possible resources available to carry out the goal
  • Projected dates to complete the action
  • Additional parties that might be needed to help complete the goal

Example of treatment plan with measurable goals

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Creative Art Project Proposal


The goal of the creative art project is to provide you with an opportunity to create an original work of art and show how much you learned in this class. You can choose any visual form or medium and show your creativity and imagination. You are required to submit a creative art project in order to pass the class in order to meet the University’s Foundations of Knowledge and Learning Core Curriculum Fine Arts requirement. It is worth 18% of your final grade. Make sure to carefully review the scoring rubric at the end of the syllabus for all required elements.

Step 1 – Choose an Artist

First, you need to choose an artist (painter, sculptor, photographer, etc.) whose work is interesting and inspiring to you. Do not copy his/her work but use it as a starting point for your project. For example, if you choose Boticelli’s The Birth of Venus, you may use the same mythological theme in a different medium such as sculpture, mosaic, or song.

Step 2 – Research

  1. Research the time period of your artist.
  2. Research the artist’s biography.
  3. Research the artist’s techniques, ideas, and inspirations.

The more information you know about the artist, the better you will understand the work that inspired you to create your project. Select 1 work by this artist that you particularly admire. You will be required to submit an image of this artwork at the end of the semester along with the project itself.

Step 3 – Proposal

  1. Decide on a medium (pain, clay, etc.).
  2. Type your project proposal (about 400 words) including the following information:
  • Artist.
  • Artwork you have chosen.
  • The medium.
  • How you will show “the spirit” of the artist and the chosen artwork.
  • What social angle applies to the work

EXAMPLE: Here is a pdf file containing a proposal from a previous semester that earned an “A” to help give you an idea of what is expected. Example is attached.

Proposal: REQUIRED, you must get approval for your project or your project won’t be accepted.

  • Well-developed paragraph (at least 400 words) free of grammatical and spelling errors.
  • Addresses chosen artist/artwork/movement used as basis of project, the medium, and intentions to capture “the spirit of” that artist and specific artwork.
  • Contains steps to how you will create your artwork and a timeline for how long you estimate it will take
  • Contains an image of the inspiration artist/artwork/movement
  • Identifies social angle of artist/artwork/movement

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Music Theory Question



This is Music Theory Paper, Expertise needed.


You must answer a set essay question provided by your lecturer. Your essay must include relevant musical examples (such as score excerpts, transcriptions, and/or references to recordings) which support your main argument.

This essay must include a bibliography of at least 10 sources. At least 6 of your references must be sources other than websites. (Oxford Music Online and articles from databases such as J-STOR are permitted as sources, Wikipedia is not). Your submission must be laid out according to the AIM Style Guide. You will lose marks for poor presentation, grammar and incorrect referencing.

Please note: Your submission must not be built on an assignment you have previously submitted (self-plagiarism). If self-plagiarism is identified, your actions will incur penalties as outlined in the Student Handbook. Consequences include a request for resubmission and penalty, or worst case, an automatic fail grade.

You can choose one topic from the four given.

And here’s details about them:

It depends on the question you’re doing. For Questions 2 and 4, you can just look at any particularly relevant aspects (harmony and structure being two important factors). For Question 3, whatever aspects allow you to examine the extramusical content, which will vary depending on lied choice. For Question 1 an overarching approach is best.


Must use piece analysis, for example, harmony, structuure,etc.

Means that you must analyze the piece.

  • Duration
  • Dynamics
  • Harmony
  • Melody
  • Structure
  • Texture
  • Timbre


Here is musical analysis guide.…


No matter which topic you choose from the four given, the musical analysis with the piece being screened and put into the essay must be used.


Humanities Homework Help