Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. FITM The Task of the Artist & The Darkling Thrush Discussion


After reading Conrad’s “ download” respond to the following prompt:

Conrad outlines his notion of the role of the writer as artist and the role of writing in society. In your initial post, explain your understanding of Conrad’s definition of the artist’s task and then apply it in relation to Hardy’s poem “ download,” which we read on the first day. In your analysis of the poem, discuss the theme, imagery, and diction as support for your interpretation.

Response parameters: A minimum of 250 words

Be aware that you will not be able to see your classmates’ initial postings until you post yours.

Respond to at least one of your classmates (around 100 words).

Try your best to engage with your classmates using one or more of the following strategies:

1. Summarize what you think your classmate has articulated in their initial post.

2. Point out where you are in agreement with your classmate’s post but be specific. Highlight a specific example or point they made.

3. Point out where you are not in agreement with your classmate’s post but be specific. Explain your count-point.

4. Quote directly from the reading that you are both responding to make in order to make it clear what exactly in the text you are referring to.

5. Ask questions.

6. Build upon a point made by a classmate.

7. Draw upon your own experiences to explain how you connected.

8. Reach out to your fellow classmate and be encouraging, enthusiastic, interested, inquisitive, thoughtful, and respectfu

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UMGC IMADR Promoting Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Discussion


I’m working on a social science writing question and need support to help me learn.

Review Chapters 4 and 5 covering the topics of civil liberties and civil rights.

Browse the Internet and identify 2 organizations that are well regarded nationally and address issues related to civil liberties and civil rights. You might choose an organization concerned with racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, ethnocentrism, ageism, or other barriers to civil rights. Be sure that the organizations are reputable.

Identify the full name of each organization, the web address of the home page.

Describe, in 3 – 5 sentences, each organization’s mission

Explain, in another 3-5 sentences, how the work of the organization contributes to civil liberties and civil rights.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. DAV Public School Novella on Gun Control Paper


Learning objective:  students are to utilize each other as resources and collaborate on a group project that is related to the topic of this module.

This assignment is a “wild-card”, meaning that it can be anything you want.

Your assignment must (a) show clear engagement with the readings on gun control (in the book Debating Gun Control), and (b) it must show sincere effort and creativity.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. BUSM 165 UCI TikTok as a Creative Company Paper & Presentation


The information is on pages 23 to 24 (Individual Presentations (30%)), and I need the 7 – 10 pages PowerPoints, and 10 minutes speech draft.

I choose Tiktok (the mobile app) as my topic. The formula of the reference is Havard reference style.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of California Irvine American Life Prior to The 1950s Discussion


I need help with a History question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Read Chapter 26 “ The Affluent Society “ in the attached book “The American Yawp” :

And, watch video “Crisis in Levittown”

How did American life change in the 1950s? Include at least two specific changes from life prior to the 1950s, and in the post-WWII period. Be sure to consider that some of these changes affected groups of Americans in different ways.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Managing Change in an Organization Summary


Briefly describe the three theories(Lewin, Kotter, McKinsey) and then explain how the theories of Lewin, Kotter, or McKinsey are applicable to managing change in an organization. 

  • Is there a theory that is more relevant to your current workspace? Lewin
  • Textbook
     Block, P. (2011). Flawless consulting: A guide to getting your expertise used (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Florida International University Managing Boundaries in the Helping Process Discussion


Managing Boundaries in the Helping Process

Managing boundaries is an everyday reality faced by human service professionals, particularly those who live and practice in small communities. Helpers who work in rural communities may have greater challenges in dealing with multiple relationships than those who work in urban areas.

Assignment Scenarios

Scenario 1

A human service professional discovers that all of her bank accounts are at the local bank where a client works as a teller. This client has access to the human service professional’s financial information and may be able to ascertain who the human service professional’s other clients are in town when checks are deposited.

Scenario 2

A human service professional sees one of his clients at the local grocery store. The client is with one or more other persons. The human service professional, who is mindful of confidentiality, must decide how to respond. If he doesn’t acknowledge the client, will the client feel snubbed? On the other hand, what if the human service professional approaches the client to say hello and the client doesn’t want others to know that he or she is working with the human service professional?

Scenario 3

A human service professional has been invited to a dinner party hosted by a friend. She is not aware of the fact that the friend’s son is dating one of her new clients, who also attends the party. Upon seeing her client at her friend’s party, the human service professional must decide how to respond. This scenario can be taken in a number of directions. For example, what if the client has concerns with the human service professional’s friend because the son constantly complains about him/her? What if the client identifies as being gay and is romantically involved with the friend’s son, but his parent (the human service professional’s friend) does not know that he is gay?

Scenario 4

A former client wants to become “friends” with you on social media. You understand the importance of ethical practice and attempt to avoid blurred boundaries, dual relationships, breaks in confidentiality, and privacy issues. You mistakenly add this former client to your “friends” list and are unsure how to proceed.

Assignment Directions

For this assignment you will discuss each scenario in terms of managing the boundaries of the helping process.

Please be sure to address all of the following in your assignment:

  • Discuss the importance of following ethical guidelines in human service practice.
  • For each of the four scenarios above:
    • Identify the ethical problem.
    • List the NOHS Ethical Standard that aligns with the ethical problem.
    • Develop a strategy to resolve the ethical problem.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Florida International University Impact Of the Exclusionary Act on Asian Americans Essay


You are going to choose a historical or current law that impacts a culturally diverse group. Begin by choosing a culturally diverse ethnic group (Native Americans, South Asian Americans, Bicultural children and families, Latino/a Americans, Arab/Muslim Americans, and African Americans) that you will focus on for this paper. Be sure to select a group that you have not researched for a previous Assignment.

Please answer the following:

  • Identify the culturally diverse ethnic group you have selected.
  • Briefly discuss the historical background and changing demographics of this group.
  • Identify a historical or current law that affects this group and describe the law in detail.
  • Explain how the law you have chosen impacts the culturally diverse group.
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of this law? Explain your answer, including how this law represents a good or bad law when it comes to regulating culturally diverse groups.
  • Recommend changes to the current law that would positively impact multicultural service delivery (either nationally and/or internationally, including global perspectives) for your chosen culturally diverse group. Provide specific suggestions.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Cleveland State University Opioids Addiction as a Social Problem in the US Research


Students will select a health or mental health policy topic including these dimensions:

  1. Who is affected and who is impacted (data and demographics)
  2. Social values involved in the social problem.
  3. Health disparities of the social problem.
  4. Historical and current policy (or absence of policy) surrounding the social problem identified in part one.
  5. Prior advocacy efforts by stakeholders.
  6. Current advocacy efforts by stakeholders.
  7. Unintended and or unforeseen consequences of historical and or current policy.
  8. Implications for Social Work Practice

Humanities Homework Help