Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. GCCCD Political Prisoners Prisons and Black Liberation by Angela Y Davis Discussion


I need an explanation for this English question to help me study.

The next step is to take your chosen letter and explore: (remember you will only use one of the letters for your first paper)

What is the purpose of this piece?

Why was it written?

What did the author hope to achieve by it?

What is the tone? Is it constant? Does it change? How so?

Who is the intended Audience? Why are the purpose and tone relevant to the audience?

Why does exploring the purpose, tone, audience help you break down the writing?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Topic: Education- Outline And Annotated Bibliography


Dear Students: Hopefully you are continuing your preliminary work for what will eventually be your 4-6 page Research Paper (with roughly 4-6 sources). Now it’s time to take the next steps beyond finding your first three sources by adding at least one more source and then (1) completing an Annotated Bibliography and (2) a Formal Outline for your paper. I ask that you complete these two assignments, detailed below, by no later than the beginning of our scheduled class period on Saturday, 7/24/21.

First Assignment:

An “Annotated Bibliography” is a bibliography that gives a brief summary of each of your minimum 4 sources to provide your reader with an evaluation of each source.

Please be exact in following the model provided via the links below:

1.Provide the MLA Heading for a College Paper with the listing of Your Name, My Name, The Class, and the Date

2.State your Topic, such as Internet Dating

3.State your given position on your Topic, your Thesis, such as Internet Dating while convenient and surprisingly romantic also comes with great risk.

4.Provide the precise MLA citation for your source, whether it be an article, book, or TEDTALK, and then put your summary below it. (This has to be done exactly, not just the pasting of an URL, so please consult a reference text such as OWL Purdue or simply Google “How to cite an article MLA style” and copy the model)

LibGuides: MLA Style Guide, 8th Edition: MLA Annotated Bibliography

Second Assignment:

Outline your Research Paper by reviewing the notes provided by the link below. You will note that this isn’t the same “Informal Outline” that we practiced for the Textual Analysis Papers, but rather a more Formal Outline for the purpose of Research Writing. *I’ll remind you that you are striving to write a paper of roughly 4-6 pages.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. JMHC Teacher as Player Play Session Set up In Classroom Analysis


I’m working on a english question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. (Links to an external site.)

Then, please create a scenario of children at play. This should be child-directed, pretend play. Meaning that the children are planning the play, setting up the materials, creating the situations, etc. They can be doing anything you’d like: playing in the sandbox, with blocks, dolls, etc. In your scenario include:

  • the setting – where they are
  • the number of children
  • the materials they are using
  • what they are playing – describe their play

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PHIL 1110 American Military University Financial Accounting Discussion


Goal: Reflect on how different professions use critical thinking.

Course Objectives: CO1 & 2


All professions use critical thinking to get the job done. No matter who you are or what job you have, every day brings problems that need to be rectified using critically thinking.

– Go the Program Guide in the APUS Library and find your program or the program you intend to study.

– Think of a problem that occurs or might occur in that profession and describe the critical thinking steps that would need to be taken to remediate or resolve the problem. Consider how the person determines the problem, the information needed, tools, options, and possible outcomes, as well as criteria used to make the decision.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Saint Leo University The Edge of Heaven Film by Fatih Akin Analytical Review


Must be more than1,000.

Introduction – 1 Paragraph

The introduction includes all the concrete details. It must define the film title, classification (narrative, documentary, absolute) and film genre, release date, director and main cast names wherever possible. Introductions might also include the source of the film and the date of viewing. Including the specific details about the film may be helpful for readers who are unfamiliar and provides basic contextual information. The introduction can include a concise, summary statement of the overall impact and importance of the film within the socio-cultural context.1 – 2 Paragraphs

The main body of your film review should begin with a clear and concise story summary. What is the story being told? How does the story progress? What characters does the plot follow? Avoid including extraneous plot details or getting deep into the Critical Analysis of film technique here. Focus on summarizing the main events and themes of the storyline. This is a synopsis of the film that should be no more than 2 paragraphs in length.

1 – 2 Paragraphs

The main body of your film review should begin with a clear and concise story summary. What is the story being told? How does the story progress? What characters does the plot follow? Avoid including extraneous plot details or getting deep into the Critical Analysis of film technique here. Focus on summarizing the main events and themes of the storyline. This is a synopsis of the film that should be no more than 2 paragraphs in length.

Evaluation and Conclusion – 2 or 3 Paragraphs

This is where your paper becomes more personal to you and your personal preferences. You can grab the attention of your readers by telling people about YOUR overall experience. Give your honest opinion and explain why you liked/didn’t like the film short. Did it meet your expectations? Tell your readers if the film is worth seeing or not. What made this film short stand out from others you’ve seen?

As you conclude and give your paper a sense of finality, be sure to include some critical thinking conclusion here – what social, political, or cultural values are reflected in this film? What is the moral or message of the film? Is the film relatable? What is the primary takeaway that audiences should contemplate/feel as a result of seeing this film? How was it enriching? Or not?

It is recommended that you think about the film in terms of its context (social/political/cultural climate) and its legacy. Will it endure the test of time and resonate with future generations?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SEC 510 GCU Philosophy of Classroom Management Essay


Classroom management includes organization, allocation, and coordination of time, space, and students’ attention. It is essential to develop a personal philosophy of classroom management that promotes human flourishing. Your philosophy of classroom management will continue to change and develop over time as you grow as an educator.

In a 750-1,000 word essay, describe your personal philosophy of classroom management, student engagement, and motivation. Explain how each was developed and what influenced your philosophy in each area.

Address the following in your personal philosophy:

  1. What is your philosophy of classroom management, including how you will manage the classroom actively and equitably, create engagement, and motivate students in your future classroom?
  2. What are the benefits of having effective classroom management and what effect do school variables (class size, student achievement, discipline, environment, etc.) have on student behavior and learning?
  3. What home, social, and educational experiences have shaped your personal philosophy of classroom management and student engagement?
  4. How does technology play a role in your philosophy? How does it inspire student learning and creativity, in both face-to-face and virtual environments?

Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Course Materials if you need assistance.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. EDU 522 GCU Education & Teaching Major Responsibility Essay


Educators are required to thoughtfully plan for instruction that considers the individual learning preferences in the classroom. Educators work to meet individual learning needs as they serve the students. Aligning a learning theory to instructional planning demonstrates purpose and commitment to the learning process.

Select three of the learning theories you researched in Topics 1 and 2 (Behaviorism, Cognitivisism, Constructivism, Sociocultural, Connectivism, Adult Leaerning Theory). In a 750-1,000 word essay, apply the learning theories to instruction within the curriculum you evaluated in Topic 4.

Include the following:

  • Brief description of each theory
  • How each learning theory would apply to instructional planning within the curriculum evaluated
  • At least two instructional activities that would be appropriate for each theory

Support your findings with 3-5 scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies [and professional standards]:

MA in Curriculum and Instruction

COE 3.4:
Candidates explore curriculum design and development grounded in research-based theories of learning. [InTASC 7(I), 9(c), 10(h); MC2]

The curriculum I had evaluated can be found here

Humanities Homework Help