Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ENGL 110 UCLA Trifles and Body Awareness Interpretation Essay



For this essay, we will practice our critical thinking and research skills simultaneously. In terms of critical thinking, we will interpret the two plays we have read (Trifles and Body Awareness) through the lens of gender (Links to an external site.). (What do these plays tell us about gender, gender roles, and gender norms? How are these different aspects of gender portrayed in each play, which were first staged about 100 years apart?) In addition, we will use research to further explore how gender is portrayed to support our thesis in our essay.

Essay Prompt:

How is gender portrayed in Trifles by Susan Glaspell and/or Body Awareness by Annie Baker?

Essay Requirements:

  • Develop a thesis that responds directly to the prompt.
  • Citations (a total of at least 6 in-text citations and 3 works cited):
    1. Cite one or both of plays Trifles or Body Awareness) at least four times total.
    2. Cite at least one research text from outside class that supports your thesis. (This may be the same text from your Midterm, but this is not required.)
    3. Please refer to and cite at least one more text (e.g. another research text(s), other readings from class, or another work of imagination that you have read, etc.)
  • Please provide a title to your essay.
  • Use MLA format for citations (MLA Formatting Guide (Links to an external site.)).
  • See grading rubric for further details
  • at least 2-4 pages

Things to Consider:

  • Do I want to discuss one play or both?
  • What aspect of gender do I want to discuss?
  • How the two portrayals of gender differ or overlap, considering they were written and performed one hundred years apart?
  • Are there certain characters that I want to focus on to discuss gender (i.e. it does not have to be female characters!)?
  • Are the gender issues they raise relevant today?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Arizona State University Areas of Health Sociology Final Project


Create your own personalized set of guidelines that shows what behaviors you could incorporate into your daily life and what changes you could make in order to operate optimally in each of the 6 areas of health. Use 2 quotations from the the textbook, PowerPoints, or videos that pertain to each of the 6 areas:







Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ED 111 UCSB Piaget and Vygotsky Theories Discussion


Answer each question: both from the perspective of Piaget’s theory, and then for Vygotsky. Then, compare and contrast them – what’s similar between the two, and what’s different?

What changes in development?

What is the role of the child?

What role do adults play?

Describe the classroom environment for each theorist. – This last question refers to the fact that many early education and kindergarten classrooms are based on one of these theories (or sometimes a combination of both). Try to describe what you would expect to see and experience in a classroom that primarily uses Piagetian concepts vs. one that primarily uses Vygotskian concepts.  (Be sure to mention the specific concepts being used and how they are being used in the two types of classroom).

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PCN 680 GCU Five Contemporary Approaches in Treatment Paper


As a working professional, you need to be able to supplement the evidence-based treatments with contemporary treatment approaches.  (“Contemporary” does NOT mean evidence-based (e.g., CBT). In fact, this is stated in the syllabus: “As a working professional, you need to be able to supplement the evidence-based treatments with contemporary treatment approaches.”

You may also consider approaches such as neurofeedback, emotional freedom technique, acupuncture, and animal-assisted therapy. If you search for “alternative therapies for PTSD (or trauma),” you may get some useful results.

Lastly, you may find some ideas on the website for the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health):

Write a 1,000-to 1,250-word paper, in which you address the following:

Describe five contemporary approaches and discuss appropriate times, ages, and strategies to use.

How do you decide when to use which approach?

Look at current research practices (minimum of five peer reviewed studies).

  1. Analyze the effectiveness and duration of treatment.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. REL 231 Northern Virginia Community Journaling about Buddhism Religion Discussion


Reflect on what you have learned about each religion, how your understanding and attitude to the religion has changed as a result of what you’ve learned here. Share with me your more informal and personal thoughts and feelings regarding the new ideas and practices you are being introduced to: what did you find most interesting? Most valuable? Surprising? What most impressed you? What inspired you? How can you relate your learning to your own life and/or the world around you? 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Sustained Dialogue Strategic Plan Community Health Worker Paper


Please think about the questions listed below. You will need to engage in discussion, ask questions for clarification, and respond to questions directed to you.

The question: 

“Drawing on your community persona (community health worker), please offer suggestions, insight, and discussion into the development of a strategic plan based on sustained dialogue. For this exercise, you are free to use your imagination about some “pending” community development issue. In framing this discussion, consider how community leaders might be approached about this issue and how sustained dialogue may be useful (or not useful) in improving development efforts surrounding your issue”

Through the use of sustained dialogue, we can overcome seemingly difficult, if not insurmountable, challenges associated with moving groups of people (and leaders) in a positive direction. Indeed, one of the most emphasized points is the notion of strategic plan development. In this particular example, five stages were required, which were:

  1. the decision to engage
  2. mapping and naming
  3. probing problems and relationships
  4. scenario building
  5. acting together


Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Michelangelo Di Lodovico Buonarroti Artists of The Italian Renaissance Essay


I’m working on a art report and need support to help me learn.

choose an artist whose work/stlye intrigue you. write a 2 pagedouble soaced, paper about Michelangelo. based on personal feelings and research. Topics of suggestion statement includes but not limited to : biography,life style, careers,art style/techniqques, artists message/mission statement, where theartist can be found today, is the artist’s work still relevanttoday, historical influences of the artists, etc:. If the artist is deceased than the student will write about where we can see the artist’s work today.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PSYC 101 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Stages of Smoking Paper




You will be required to complete two brief Web papers on topics of your choice. These papers will give you an opportunity to expand upon some of the discussion forum assignments and delve a bit deeper into a particular topic or idea that interests you. You should choose a topic that we have covered in the course, and find three relevant sources of information, for instance, reputable websites or scholarly research journal articles, that expand upon this topic. The Web papers should be brief—three pages each—and include:

  • a brief introduction, including any relevant information from the text, lesson notes, and discussion forums
  • a brief conclusion or statement that reflects your personal interpretation or analysis of what you have learned.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. JMHC Teacher as Player Play Session Set up In Classroom Analysis


I’m working on a english question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. (Links to an external site.)

Then, please create a scenario of children at play. This should be child-directed, pretend play. Meaning that the children are planning the play, setting up the materials, creating the situations, etc. They can be doing anything you’d like: playing in the sandbox, with blocks, dolls, etc. In your scenario include:

  • the setting – where they are
  • the number of children
  • the materials they are using
  • what they are playing – describe their play

Humanities Homework Help