Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. America Public University Counter Narcotics Mission Plan Research Paper



This is a research paper of 8-10 pages including research and analysis designed to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. It focuses on the effectiveness of various intelligence collection disciplines applicable to the U.S. counter-narcotics mission. The exclusive use of required texts and readings from this course is preferred, but you can use properly vetted outside resources to supplement your analysis. In this assignment, you will show that you understand and are able to evaluate the coursework.

Address the following question. Be sure to use at least 5 sources to support your argument and use the proper citation format. In reviewing course materials for your paper, be sure to consider the videos as well the readings.

· Evaluate the effectiveness of various intelligence collection disciplines applicable to the U.S. counter-narcotics mission by developing a counter-narcotics strategy against a drug trafficking organization. Choose a DTO (either a specific one such as “the Sinaloa Cartel” or a general one such as “a DTO operating in Colombia”). First, develop a counter-narcotics plan that incorporates the use of each of the intelligence disciplines, being sure to discuss which agencies will participate in the operation for each discipline. Second, look at the plan from the viewpoint of the drug trafficking and delineate how you (as a DTO) will change your methods of operation to avoid the law enforcement efforts.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PSYC 370 American River College Netiquette in Online Communication Discussion


  • After reading the article (link above):
    • Discuss why netiquette is important in online communication, and how students can apply this to the discussion forum. 
    • Also, which element is most important and why? 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PHI 413V Grand Canyon University Fetal Abnormality Case Study


Based on “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality” and the required topic study materials, write a 750-1,000-word reflection that answers the following questions:

  1. What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons, and which theory of moral status is it compatible with? How is this related to the intrinsic human value and dignity?
  2. Which theory or theories are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? What from the case study specifically leads you to believe that they hold the theory you selected?
  3. How does the theory determine or influence each of their recommendations for action?
  4. What theory do you agree with? Why? How would that theory determine or influence the recommendation for action?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Keiser University Humanities Mondays & Emotions Discussion


I don’t know how to handle this Humanities question and need guidance.

  1. Research has shown that Monday is the highest negative-affect day across most cultures. However, in some countries, negative affect is lower on Friday and Saturday than on Sunday. What are two explanations for this discrepancy?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Grossmont College Kids Are Kids Until They Commit Crime Questions


Juvenile Justice Unit

Quote Integration and MLA Format


The Modern Language Association (MLA) has rules and guidelines for both in-text citations and work cited pages. When you write a paper that uses outside sources, you will be expected to follow these guidelines. You will also be expected to introduce quotes correctly and paraphrase properly. The exercises below are meant to help you practice quote integration, MLA format, and paraphrasing.


Directions: The passage below is from “Antisocial Networking” by Hilary Stout. In the exercises that follow, you will use it to practice quote integration, paraphrasing, and MLA format.


(1) Children used to actually talk to their friends. Those hours spent on the family princess phone or hanging out with pals in the neighborhood after school vanished long ago. But now, even chatting on cell phones or via e-mail (through which you can at least converse in paragraphs) is passé. For today’s teenagers and preteens, the give and take of friendship seems to be conducted increasingly in the abbreviated snatches of cell phone texts and instant messages, or through the very public forum of Facebook walls and MySpace bulletins. (Andy Wilson, the 11-year-old boy involved in the banter above, has 418 Facebook friends.)

(2) Last week, the Pew Research Center found that half of American teenagers — defined in the study as ages 12 through 17 — send 50 or more text messages a day and that one third send more than 100 a day. Two thirds of the texters surveyed by the center’s Internet and American Life Project said they were more likely to use their cell phones to text friends than to call them. Fifty-four percent said they text their friends once a day, but only 33 percent said they talk to their friends face-to-face on a daily basis. The findings came just a few months after the Kaiser Family Foundation reported that Americans between the ages of 8 and 18 spend on average 7 1/2 hours a day using some sort of electronic device, from smartphones to MP3 players to computers — a number that startled many adults, even those who keep their BlackBerrys within arm’s reach during most waking hours.

In the exercises that follow, I will use language from the first paragraph of the above passage, and you will use language from the second paragraph.


  1. Perhaps the easiest way to introduce a quote is to simply share the title of the work, the name of the speaker, and a basic verb.


Example: In “Antisocial Networking,” author Hilary Stout explains that “the give and take of friendship seems to be conducted increasingly in the abbreviated snatches of cell phone texts and instant messages” (Stout).


Choose a quote from the second paragraph, and integrate it in the same fashion.



  1. Another way to introduce a quote is to use a colon. When you do so, your lead-in must be a stand alone independent clause:


Example: In “Antisocial Networking,” author Hilary Stout explains how social relationships have changed in recent years: “the give and take of friendship seems to be conducted increasingly in the abbreviated snatches of cell phone texts and instant messages” (Stout).


Choose a quote from the second paragraph (feel free to use the same one), and integrate it in the same fashion.



  1. One more way to introduce a quote is to do it seamlessly. When you do this, you just use the author’s language to finish your own thought, but you use quotation marks to indicate which words are the author’s.


Example: Many of my friends only seem to only communicate “in the abbreviated snatches of cell phone texts and instant messages” (Stout).


Choose a quote from the second paragraph (feel free to use the same one), and integrate it in the same fashion.



  1. An alternative to quoting an author is to paraphrase. Paraphrasing means to state the same thing as the author but use different words. When you paraphrase, you must still cite your source.


Example: As Hilary Stout notes in “Antisocial Networking,” many kids today do not even like to talk on their cell phones anymore; they prefer to send text messages or post on friends’ pages (Stout).


Choose a sentence from the second paragraph (feel free to use the same one), and paraphrase it.

Formal research papers should end in an MLA format work cited page. Click here for an example of a work cited page. There are very specific rules for how you are supposed to list sources and format the page.

  • Notice the citations are in alphabetical order by author’s last name (if no author alphabetize by the title of the article)
  • Notice the hanging indentation which means the top line is aligned on the left and the others are indented below it
  • Make sure to call it Work Cited and have it centered at the top

You can also paste the information into and it will make the citation for you.


Directions: Below, you will find a list of each of the sources we studied in this unit along with the information you will need in order to produce a proper entry on a work cited page. You will also find a generic example of the format you must use for each. Utilizing all of this information, produce a correct citation for each work.


Source #1: Pro Treating as Juveniles

  • Name of Author: Marjie Lundstrom
  • Title: “Kids Are Kids Until They Commit Crimes?”
  • Title of Publication: Sacramento Bee
  • Date Published: 01 march 2001
  • Pages: 45-46


Last name, first name. “Title of Article.” Title of Publication, date of publication

Create your citation in the box below


Source #2: Pro Treat as Juveniles

  • Name of Author: Paul Thompson
  • Title: “Startling Finds on Teenage Brains”
  • Title of Publication: Sacramento Bee
  • Date Published: 25 May 2001
  • Pages: 47-48



Last name, first name. “Title of Article.” Title of Publication, date of publication

Create your citation in the box below

Source #3: Treat Them as Adults

  • Name of Author: Jennifer Jenkins
  • Title of Article: “On Punishment and Teen Killers”
  • Title of publication: Information Exchange
  • Date Published: 02 August 2011
  • Pages 49-50



Last name, first name. “Title of Article.” Title of Publication, date of publication


Create your citation in the box below. Click here for help.


Source #4: Pro Juvenile

  • Name of author: Gail Garinger
  • Title of article: “Juveniles Don’t Deserve Life Sentences”
  • Title of publication: New York Times
  • Date published: 14 March 2012
  • Pages: 51-52



Last name, first name. “Title of Article.” Title of Publication, date of publication


Create your citation in the box below


Source #5: Brain Article: Pro Juvenile

  • Name of author: No author
  • Title of article: “Adolescence, Brain Development and Legal Culpability”
  • Title of publication: Juvenile Justice Center
  • Date published: January 2004
  • Pages: 1-4



“Title of Article.” Title of Publication, date of publication


Create your citation in the box below

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CUNY Lehman College Racialization of Women of African Phenotype Questions



  • ➢ Answer (minimum 10 full sentences in length) any five (5) questions.
  • ➢ To get full credit, you must answer each question in its entirety.
  • ➢ Make sure your answers are specific and do not generalize or make assumptions.
  • ➢ Please include the number of questions you are answering.

1.Discuss why the intersectionalities of race/ethnicity and gender are important in analyzing the construction and use of the term “Jewish American Princess.” You might find it helpful to discuss how Jewish women are positioned as the “other” by the use of the term “JAP.” (From ‘Kike’ to ‘JAP’- Beck, Evelyn Torton)

2.What is meant by the “Doctrine of Incompetents” and the “Doctrine of Discovery”? Discuss the ways in which the US government classified Indians and stole their land. In addition, discuss one of the many treaties that the US government has broken with Native Americans. (Law and Treaties-Vine Deloria Jr.)

3.How is the racialization of women of African phenotype different from the racialization of their male counterparts? Discuss the media’s role in creating and circulating negative stereotypical images of those who embody the African phenotype, as expressed by Orfelia (21). (Race-Gender Experiences and Schooling- Nancy Lopez)

4.How have Asian American men been “feminized’ in the United States? Support your answer with the cases referred to Yen Le Espiritu during pre-World War II, during World War II, and in the contemporary period. (All Men Are Not Created Equal- Yen Le Espiritu)

5.Using Barajas and Pierce’s study, discuss the importance of the concept “assimilation” (e.g., dominant American culture, values of individualism, and meritocracy) and the experience of successful college age Latinos. Also, discuss the limitations of this concept regarding the research findings. (The Significance of Race and Gender in School Success among Latinas and Latinos in College- Heidi L. Barajas & Jennifer L. Pierce)

6. Use the following quote to analyze how women are not only victims of (e.g., discuss the case of Bonnie Jouhari, p. 61) but also the creators (e.g., discuss ‘From Stormfront Ladies only’ p.68) of white supremacy media, as depicted by Daniels in chapter five. “Women are not only the victims of white supremacy online; they are also creators of and participants in white supremacy online” (Daniels, 2009:61). (Cyber Racism-Jessie Daniels)

7. Discuss the difference between “Indentured Servants” and “Chattel Slavery”. Also, discuss Steinberg’s arguments about why the Southern planters’ (in colonial time) attempt to enslave the Indians was unsuccessful, and why ‘white servitude’ by importing ‘indentured servants’ from Europe was not favorable? (The Ignominious Origins of Ethnic Pluralism in America- Stephen Steinberg)

8. Use the following quotes to analyze the construction of hereditary slavery for Africans in Brooklyn, NY as depicted by Wilder in chapter one. “They believed Africans to be poorer workers, culturally inferior, and physically offensive. Yet, as the century progressed, the supply of Africans increased while the importation of indentured Christians declined” (pp 10). ” It was not hate but an equally vulgar greed that drove local Christian farmers to enslave Africans” (pp 12).”…; however, by the end of the century, many Africans were Christians but not free” (pp 15). (A Covenant With Color: Race and Social Power in Brooklyn- C.S. Wilder)

9. Have you ever experienced (or saw someone) being stereotyped because of your (or his/her) race or ethnicity? How can racial stereotypes harm societies, as well as groups and individuals? (Open Questions, write your experiences if any)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HIS 144 Grand Canyon University Immigrant to The United States Paper


Create a journal entry reflecting on what your life would have been like as an immigrant to the United States from 1830 to 1920. Don’t write the assignment in a word flow of what it would have been like IF you were an immigrant. Write the journal entry as though you actually were that immigrant.

Be sure to include the physical, mental, and social issues you may have encountered.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. I need to do a voice over but what’s needed is the power point and the current affair slides.


For this video, choose one item that addresses a current issue and makes connections to class concepts. The item may be print or video—for example, an article from the current edition of a newspaper or magazine, a segment from a news or talk show, a YouTube video, vlog, or any program that features current affairs.

  • Your item (up to 2 minutes) will be embedded in a PowerPoint that you will use to supplement your presentation.
  • You may use clips of a video, pause a video as necessary to identify concepts, or use a clip for a full 2 minutes. However, you cannot use over two minutes of video in your own presentation.
  • Items cannot be more than 90 days old.
  • Clips and articles can be embedded in a PowerPoint that you will use to supplement your presentation or you can share your screen and show these separately during your presentation.
  • Remember, your PowerPoint is there to guide you during your presentation. Do not overload this with text.

Submit a 4-5 minute video in which you:

  1. Use any software you are comfortable with, including Panopto, in order to record yourself speaking and presenting a PowerPoint at the same time. You and your PowerPoint must be visible during the entirety of the presentation. This cannot just be a recording of your face presenting and it cannot just be a voice over with your PowerPoint – Video and screen option should be selected on any media you use.
  2. Clearly identify the argument. Present the premises and conclusion in your chosen article or video clip and explain their importance. Did the speakers/writers use deductive or inductive reasoning?
  3. In your article or video clip, identify three of the following: vague/ambiguous language; credibility; cognitive bias; rhetoric; logical fallacies; generalizations; arguments from analogy; cause and effect reasoning; and value judgments about morality, law, or aesthetics.
  4. Explain why you think the argument fits this concept. Also, identify if this was purposeful and why, and how this affects the strength of the argument.
  5. Provide a conclusion to your video. Was the argument convincing? What is your position? (30 seconds max)

Length: 5 minutes maximum

You will be graded on:

  • Your ability to identify arguments made about relevant issues in our world today
  • How well you identify class concepts. Accuracy and a clear explanation are required
  • Your use of terminology from the textbook/class lectures
  • Your ability to showcase your critical thinking skills
  • Your ability to use Panopto, Screen cast-o-matic or any other media to complete your presentation
  • Your presentation skills and delivery

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of California San Diego A Saute and A Sessone Short Dance Video


I don’t understand this Dance question and need help to study.

video of yourself demonstrating the following:

1. A releve’ into a develope’ with each leg.

2. Pirouette endehors to the right, pirouette en dedans to the right, and repeat to the left.

3. 4 Pas de bourree’ under, and 4 Pas de bourree’ over.

5. A saute’ and a sessone.

Humanities Homework Help