Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ERAU Pros and Cons of Globalization Report


A.) Drawing from “The Pros and Cons of Globalization,” summarize at least three of the pros and three of the cons of globalization.…

B.) In your professional career, do the pros of globalization outweigh the cons? Or do the cons of globalization outweigh the pros? Explain why.

A.) Citing “Jihad vs. McWorld,” how does Barber (1992) define McWorld? Define and discuss one of the four imperatives that make up the dynamic of McWorld.…

B.) Which one of the four imperatives have you experienced, seen, or heard about most frequently in your life? Explain your experiences with this imperative.

A.) Drawing from “World Religions: A Common Journey,” how are “sacred places” defined? What are some examples of sacred places? https://search-alexanderstreet-com.ezproxy.libprox…

A.) Drawing from “The Future of World Religions” by the Pew Research Center, summarize the future of one major religion. Be sure to address projected change in global population as well as age distribution and fertility rate.…

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Art 110 St. Thomas University Art Visual Analysis Report


The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to ask questions about artwork you experience in your daily life. Consider the questions we have discussed in class when investigating what is art, and how we interact with art in our lives. What questions can help you better understand how to view, experience, and interact with artwork in your own environment? You will also be asked to compare your selected artwork to a work in the online text book or a work shown in class.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Pace University The Dark and Light of Evita’s Legacy Report


Please submit on Page, double space about the dark and light of Evita’s Legacy:

1- Please identify and discuss the on the text what is the contradictions of Evita writings and feminist on Maria Flores

2- Please identify and comment the legacy of Evita on Nicolas Fraser and Marysa Navarro.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Acaydia School of Aesthetics. LLC Intentional Teaching Chapter Reflection


You will need the book Epstein, Ann S. (2014). The Intentional Teacher. National Association for the Education of Young Children. Washington D.C. ISBN #978-1-938113-06-2. I do not have the book Epstein, Ann S. (2014). The Intentional Teacher. National Association for the Education of Young Children. Washington D.C. ISBN #978-1-938113-06-2

Chapter 11-Reflections on Intentional Teaching

It comes Full circle. Final thoughts about intentional teaching?

Reflect and discuss the following:

  1. After reading this chapter, please share two specific(2) topics that you found to be the most interesting (DO NOT just provide the main headings from a section of the text)
  2. What about these topics interested you? Again, be specific
  3. How will you use the knowledge in your virtual student teaching? If you have already used this knowledge, please share your experience. (Be specific – don’t just say it will help you be a wonderful teacher)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of California Santa Barbara Socio Cultural Aspects of Illness Discussion


I have three discussion questions that need to be done. They’re nothing too crazy and don’t need to be more than a few paragraphs. The questions will be provided when the tutor is chosen.

One on witchcraft, one on illness narrative and social life of pain, and one on language in your life.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SEC 516 Grand Canyon University Analyzing Standardized Testing PPT


Most states require secondary students to pass standardized assessments in English language arts and math. Teachers are instrumental in their students’ success in standardized testing situations. It is the responsibility of teachers to properly prepare students and the testing environment before tests are administered. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze standardized testing to improve student performance and confidence.

Research a state standardized assessment for secondary students. Create a digital presentation of 10-12 slides for a teacher professional development, including the following:

  • Describe the universal testing conditions required or allowed.
  • Explain the accommodations permitted and how you will implement the accommodations to meet the needs of students with IEPs and 504s, and English language learners.
  • Explain how to prepare the classroom to maximize student confidence and success.
  • Locate sample or practice tests and explain how they can be implemented in a classroom. (Include links and resources.)
  • Provide 2-3 examples of instructional activities to prepare students for testing based on their intellectual, social, and emotional developmental needs.
  • Describe how student interest and prior knowledge will be utilized in preparing students for testing.
  • Identify challenges that can be anticipated in testing preparation and implementation. How would you prepare for the unexpected?
  • Title slide, reference slide, and presenter notes.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Acaydia School of Aesthetics LLC Childrens Ideas About the Environment Questions


You will need the book Carter, Margie & Curtis, Deb, (2014, 2nd edition). Designs for Living and Learning; Transforming Early Childhood Environments. Redleaf Press, Minnesota. ISBN #978-1-60554-372-7. i do not have the book .

From Design for Living and Learning Book- Chapter 11 ” Seek Children’s ideas about environments

Chapter 11- Seek Children’s Ideas about environments

Look inside.. What did you see? What inspires you? Watch, listen, ask and adapt.

Please discuss the following:

  1. After reading this chapter, please share two specific(2) topics that you found to be the most motivating and inspiring (DO NOT just provide the main headings from a section of the text)
  2. What about these topics interested you? Again, be specific
  3. How will you use the knowledge in your virtual student teaching or in the future in the classroom? If you have already used this knowledge, please share your experience. (Be specific – don’t just say it will help you be a wonderful teacher)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. A1 Business and Technical College Greek Tragedies Discussion


I’m working on a literature exercise and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Please write 150 words on Pentheus’ and Dionysus’ respective ways of “protecting” the city. What kind of traditions and norms must be respected to make Thebes strong and secure — military power and social order, or piety and respect for the gods?

If it is useful, you may address who their respective followers / supporters in (or outside) the city are, and how orderliness or disorderliness among these followers will lead or not lead to the stability of the city. OR you may address how long-lasting or permanent the stability of the city will be if one or the other of their orders is followed. Think about the end of the play, in other words, and who is responsible for it. 

Humanities Homework Help