Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. San Jose State University Elderly People Interview


You will interview a community-dwelling adult (not someone living in a long term care facility) who is at least 65 years of age. If you are 65+ yourself, be sure to interview someone who is different from you in some major way (such as sex, race/ethnicity, health status, and/or educational level). Telephone/face time/zoom/ etc. may be used unless interviewing an elder you live with and see on a regular, safe basis. Tip: focus on the present with some on the past depending on the questions but students make the mistake of not looking at the rubric and write mostly about their youth and this paper is about them now not when younger.

The person you interview can be a family member, a co-worker, someone you know from a religious or community organization, or someone completely new to you. It is strongly recommended that you consider talking to someone of a different ethnicity. Interview does not have to be in person due to risk of COVID-19 so do not put anyone at risk.

Conducting the Interview.

Tell the respondent that you are taking this course. They will be helping you by talking about past/present life experiences. Assure respondent that you will not use person’s name or breach confidentiality without their permission. Person can refuse to answer any questions and can stop the interview at any time. If the respondent is in reasonably good health, you can probably plan on getting what you need to know for this assignment in one session. However, if respondent is frail, you may need to have more than one session. During your interview, you should encourage the person to talk in a conversational way; if respondent is reluctant to discuss a topic, do not force an answer. You may give my number if the elder has any questions regarding this assignment.

DO NOT INCLUDE THE LIST OF THE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS in your paper~ You will be asking what is stated in this assignment and the rubric so that’s what I will be giving points for and grading–address the issues you’ll see listed on the following page and any questions you add that are not part of the assignment will not be graded:

The interview report will be graded on the basis of organization, clarity, and appropriate use of terms and concepts from class. I will pay particular attention to your discussion of gender, race, discrimination, culture, class, and education and how you integrate course objectives, lectures, discussions, readings, etc.

Cover the following issues and discuss the implications including the person’s strengths andlimitations in each category (you might even try asking what strengths or limitations the person relates to in each category as their answers may be different than what you think. (for ex: if elder is living with a son or daughter, you might think that might not be a good idea but they do!). physical functioning (e.g., chronic illnesses, ADLs/IADLs) psychological functioning (e.g., sad, grieving, happy, grateful, anxious, memory issues) relationships and roles (e.g., family ties, support network, class/gender issues)

4.cultural background (e.g., diversity, religion, values, discrimination)

5. economic situation (if the elder is reluctant to answer, do not push but make sure stated in paper why information wasn’t included in your paper)

6. housing situation and living arrangements (e.g., home (single story, 2-story, apartment –low income or not, retirement community, neighborhood- do they feel safe or not)A tip to capture all the information needed for this paper is to write down your questions in advance using simple everyday words (most elders do not talk about “functioning” or “social roles”)

You can either take notes during the interview, ask for permission to tape the interview, or set aside time to write notes immediately afterward but do not hand in your list of questions. This is an essay paper and instructor’s questions will be the expected answers addressed in your paper not your own questions that you make up.

Discuss the STRENGTHS and LIMITATIONS of the person in each area above, based on your conversation and observation. If the elder was reluctant to talk about a topic, say so. (You may be able to make some inferences based on observation. For example, if respondent doesn’t want to talk about finances, you can guess the economic status from observing the neighborhood, the house, and elder’s appearance or you might ask about the cost of prescription medications.) The strengths and limitation may be typed as you cover each topic or in a separate paragraph including all 6 topics at the end of your paper.

How is the identity of the elder you interviewed (e.g., religious, gender, ethnic, racial, class, sexual orientation, disability, and/or age) shaped by culture and societal influences within the context of equality and inequality?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UCB Contemporary Marriage in the United States


1) Answer the following questions about contemporary marriage in the U.S. It is very important for your grade for this question that you reference class readings to support your answers and clearly indicate where information and arguments are coming from. You should be bringing in material from a minimum of three different readings to answer these questions. The best responses will be able to show mastery of this material by synthesizing information from a variety of different sources from the class reading list.

– What are current trends in marriage and what researchers call “alternatives to marriage”? Describe the central themes.

– What conditions need to be in place for the typical U.S. couple to marry?

-What does marriage mean for people today? What do they expect from it?

– What major differences are there, if any, in these patterns (from the three questions above) by social class, sexual orientation and race/ethnicity?

2) Please read the following short article “California Is Seeing A COVID-19 Baby Bust. What is Causing It?” (Links to an external site.)by Sonja Sharp. Los Angeles Times, May 24, 2021

Covid Baby Bust article_Exam 2.pdf

The article highlights several themes that our course readings provide additional context for understanding. Choose three themes from the list below. Very briefly, explain how each shows up in the article. Then, for each theme, bring in additional context from course materials that help to answer the question asked in the article’s title “what is causing it?” The bulk of your answer should focus on providing this context and making connections between material in the readings and the themes you choose. Make sure to reference class readings to support your responses.


-Declining fertility rates in industrialized countries.

-Social and family policies.

-What people think are appropriate conditions for childbearing, and their ability to reach them.

-Economic and other social structural factors.

-A cultural focus on individualism.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Collin College American Civilization Discussion and Responses


PART 1: Answer the following prompt in 300 words.

Over the last two years massive Mayan cities and temples have been found in Central America. What does this tell us about our knowledge of past civilizations and in particular about what we know about the American Civilizations?

New Discoveries about the Ancient Maya Excavations at Nakum, Guatemala (Links to an external site.)

‘Game Changer’: Maya Cities Unearthed In Guatemala Forest Using Lasers (Links to an external site.)

Lidar reveals the oldest and biggest Maya structure yet found (Links to an external site.)

Lasers Reveal a Maya Civilization So Dense It Blew Experts’ Minds


Classmate 1 (Craig)

In Mesoamerica, the period between the years 200 to 900 CE was called the “classic era”. According to The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, the Ancient Mayan civilization formed slightly before this period (~100 CE) and lasted until ~800 to 900 CE (193). It was a period of innovation, discovery, and political experimentation. During this time, Mayans built large expansive civic centers consisting of palaces, temples, tombs, irrigation canals, and even highways. Famous Mayan cities such as Tikal, Uaxactún, Copán, Bonampak, Dos Pilas, and others have amazed archeologists and quite frankly all of us. Modern-day technological advancements such as lidar (light detection and ranging radar) have uncovered new Mayan enclaves and the number is astonishing. According to Diane Davies, an archaeologist and Maya specialist based in the United Kingdom, “the total population in this period was once estimated to be a few million but in light of the new lidar data, she said it could now be closer to 10 million” (Fortin, 3). “This is a game-changer,” says Thomas Garrison, an archaeologist at Ithaca College who is one of the leaders of the project. It changes “the base level at which we do Maya archaeology.” (Kennedy, 1). Scientists used to spend years mapping ancient archaeological sites due to forestation which has encroached and obscured these sites over thousands of years. With lidar, scientists are able to map several hundred square miles in a matter of hours. The NPR article further states “By raining down laser pulses on some 770 square miles of dense forest in northern Guatemala, archaeologists have discovered 60,000 Maya structures that make up full sprawling cities” (Kennedy, 3). Scientists have literally just now discovered large areas of Guatemala are covered in Mayan settlements. Furthermore, with this new technology, scientists have more insight into how the ancient civilization functioned shedding light on farming practices and infrastructure, and also Mayan warfare. The new discoveries are an indication archeologists past and present know very little about Mesoamerican civilizations and there is so much more to learn.

Classmate 2 (April)

First off, I found these articles fascinating and exciting. I love that in the twenty-first century we are still making discoveries as significant as this about our history.

What these articles tell us about our knowledge of past civilizations is that we didn’t know nearly as much as we thought we did about our neighbors to the South. Thanks to the advent of LiDAR technology, scientists and archeologists have the ability to survey and map large areas of land in a much shorter period time than traditional excavation. What they have discovered is a civilization larger, older, and more advanced than previously believed.

We now know the Mayan civilization didn’t begin as a collection of small villages and grow slowly over time. From the beginning of their society, the Mayans existed as a vast network of city-states, connected by elaborate causeways. They were capable of designing and building monumental structures. Not all of these buildings were constructed in large settlements or organized by kings or other members of the ruling class. Thanks to advances in science and technology, such as LiDAR, archeologists also have a better understanding of the advanced methods employed by the Mayans in terms of agriculture, such as channeling water for hundreds of meters in order to irrigate huge systems of fields. We also know something of the warfare that took place between the states, thanks to the discovery of fortress and systems of interconnected watchtowers.

The Mayas were a fascinating people. In addition to giving the world the mathematical concept of zero, they created a written language of hieroglyphs, possessed a vast knowledge and understanding of mathematics and astronomy. They created not one or two, but three separate calendars. They were skilled agriculturists, builders, weavers, and potters. They understood the benefits of trade and built a series of trade routes.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PSYC 317 VCU W5 Openness Relationship & Quality and Satisfaction Research Paper


Need help on Psychology research paper that looks at the relationship of openness and relationship status. Must find atleast 3 peer reviewed journal articles from APA PsycInfo Database.

My hypothesis:The increase of openness between couples or partners leads to a better relationship. It entails that partners who exhibit openness in their relationship tend to have a happy marriage or coexistence compared to those who do not exhibit openness. Openness is the based communication that makes couples share their problems and find suitable solutions to arrive

Rubric for Introduction Paper

Opening Paragraph: Sets the stage for your literature review, broadly introduces your topic and your two variables, describes the research question.

3 pts

Body Paragraphs: Summarize the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions of at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles.

9 pts

Transitions: Do you use effective transitions, both within and between your paragraphs, so that your paper flows from one idea to the next?

1 pts

Conclusion Paragraph: Sums up your literature review, briefly introduces your study, and states your hypothesis.

3 pts

Writing Style: Clear, concise sentence structure and formal language and tone used. Very few or no spelling/grammar errors.

4 pts

APA Formatting: Title page, paper formatting (size 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced, 1 inch margins), reference page, and in-text citations are all in APA style.

5 pts

1. Title page

2. Opening paragraph that hooks in your reader, introduces your two variables, and presents your research question

3. 3-4 body paragraphs summarizing the purpose, hypotheses, methods, results, and conclusions of the articles you found

4. Concluding paragraphs that sums up the research on your topic, introduces your study (your independent research project), and states you hypothesis

5. Reference page


DO NOT USE DIRECT QUOTES – please paraphrase when you summarize information from your articles!

You may only use peer-reviewed articles from academic research journals for this paper!

Remember to use APA style throughout your paper! This includes formatting, in-text citations, title page and reference page, writing style, etc.

Proofread your paper before submitting it to make sure your writing is clear and concise and free of any spelling or grammar errors!

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Clinical Mental Health Career Counseling Discussion


Using Figure 18.2 on page 412 as a guide, Please choose two types of “Capital” and discuss how you could facilitate growth in these areas for a client struggling with career transition? What is the client population, how may they be deficit in capital, and how will you target an intervention to address this deficit. for example, is your client an older male who was recently released from prison, lacking a high school diploma or significant job history (human capital) and having only substance use based friends (social capital). Intervention could be discussing GED and certification tracks, job interest inventories, joining sober activities to increase peer group, and highlighting any experience or education gained in jail.

3-4 substantial paragraphs (5+ sentences each). APA. At least 2 scholarly references. Pg. 412 is attached. This is for a Clinical Mental Health Counseling Graduate course to be a licensed counselor/therapist.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Use of Sanitary Products by the Go Fund Me Website Discussion Paper


This assignment requires you to create your own action plan that incorporates a Social Justice perspective as an implicit theme underlying the Psychology of Women. Ask yourself “What could I do to help make this a more just and fair world for girls and/or women?” Considering such basic course concepts as gender, power/privilege, race, class, ethnicity, media impact, socialization, gender theory, etc., what might YOU realistically do to impact positive change for women or girls? We obviously cannot all sing melodiously for a benefit concert, or go to Africa as a volunteer, but each of us has the potential to make at least some level of positive difference. Previous ideas have included a prom dress drive to donate to local High Schools where students cannot afford to purchase new ones; old cell phones or clothing collected on a campus and at work and donated to a local battered women’s shelter; creation of a “Young Women’s Club” to inform and empower the girls at a local school, etc. In your personalized plan, do not use the examples provided-instead, introspect thoughtfully about who YOU are; you might consider your major and the expectations for your own future; think about your “sphere of influence” (friends & family, coworkers, and others with whom you interact), think about your values and the world you would like to shape for future females…Include the answers to the following questions in your essay.

  1. What resources and support will you need to do make this happen, and how/from whom specifically will you acquire them?
  2. What specific target group of women or girls will benefit from your action plan?
  3. How much time could you realistically commit to this project if you were to actually implement it?
  4. You may NOT propose creating a new business entity, corporation, partnership or non-profit. The associated legal process is too time-consuming for this small project…

Please write enough detail that if I wanted to, I could actually implement your plan from the description you have provided, without having to ask further questions or clarifications from you. Be realistic, be creative, be honest. Your written submission should be approximately 600-800 words (about 2 pages double spaced 12pt font). Vocabulary and grammar are important, so write carefully and please take the time to spellcheck and to proofread.

i attached an example to help you complete this assignment.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SOCW 6311WU Process Evaluation Sober Kings and Queens Essay


Assignment: Drafting a Process Evaluation


The steps for process evaluation outlined by
Bliss and Emshoff (2002) may seem very similar to those for conducting
other types of evaluation that you have learned about in this course; in
fact, it is the purpose and timing of a process evaluation that most
distinguish it from other types of evaluation. A process evaluation is
conducted during the implementation of the program to evaluate whether
the program has been implemented as intended and how the delivery of a
program can be improved. A process evaluation can also be useful in
supporting an outcome evaluation by helping to determine the reason
behind program outcomes.

There are several
reasons for conducting process evaluation throughout the implementation
of a program. Chief among them is to compare the program that is being
delivered to the original program plan, in order to identify gaps and
make improvements. Therefore, documentation from the planning stage may
prove useful when planning a process evaluation.

this Assignment, you either build on the work that you completed in
Weeks 6, 7, and 8 related to a support group for caregivers, or on your
knowledge about a program with which you are familiar. Review the
resource “Workbook for Designing a Process Evaluation”.

By Day 7

Submit a 4- to 5-page plan for a process evaluation. Include the following minimal information:

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. California State University Fresno Deborah Tannen Claims Discussion


I’m stuck on a Sociology question and need an explanation.

What do you think of Deborah Tannen’s claims about men and women? (Make sure your response shows that you know what her claims actually are.)

Deborah Tannen He Said,She Said video

Humanities Homework Help