Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. FIU Multiple Roles & Relationships Involved in Supervision Discussion


There are multiple roles and relationships involved in supervision. As a human service professional, understanding those multiple roles requires appropriate communication skills. Supervision is an integral part of training human service professionals, and is one of the ways in which you can acquire the competence needed to fulfill your professional responsibilities. Supervision is perhaps the most important component in the professional development of a competent practitioner. It is within the context of supervision that human service professionals begin to develop a sense of their own professional identity. As you embark in the human service profession, issues may arise between you, the professional, and the client. As previously discussed, these issues may include transference and countertransference. It is during such times that supervision will be of tremendous benefit in helping you navigate the situation.

Please respond to the following:

  • How might you identify the skills required for successful job performance?
  • Identify the qualities of an effective supervisor. What would you do if your supervision was less than expected?
  • Discuss the implications your style as a human service professional may have for the style you will develop when you work for some institution or agency?

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Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CCC Combined Antimicrobial Dentifrice & Rinse Hygiene Regimens Summary


I’m trying to study for my Literature course and I need some help to understand this question.

Write a two-page summary and comparison of two research articles. 

Introduction: purpose of the research 

Design Comparison: how the studies were organized

Discussion of Results: evaluation of the study results 

Conclusion: how can the information gathered be used in a future study or studies   

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Florida International Laws and Their Impact on African Americans Discussion


I’m trying to study for my Psychology course and I need some help to understand this question.

In the journal articles for your reading, several historical and current laws were discussed that have negatively impacted African Americans. For this Discussion, you will share your thoughts on legislations you consider are harmful for African American equality.

Please respond to the following:

  • Identify a historical or current law that you feel has positively impacted African Americans. Support your reasoning.
  • Identify a historical or current law that you feel has negatively impacted African Americans. Support your reasoning.
  • How does knowing about the different laws you identified above help in your cross-cultural work with African Americans?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SPE 512 Phoenix Week 6 Evaluation & Reporting Progress Presentation


SPE 512: Week 6- Evaluation and Reporting Progress PPT

Assignment Content

Your learning team is the special education department for a large school and your school district has decided to host more on-site professional development opportunities for staff. The teachers of the school have asked for a refresher on the requirements for evaluating and reporting student progress and the timeline regarding reviews for students with IEPs. The principal has asked your team to conduct a training session on these topics for your school’s professional development day.

  • 5 slides
  • Progress monitoring
  • Definition
  • Importance of consistency
  • 2 to 3 systems or programs available for use
  • Strategies for monitoring accommodations and modifications in class and their effectiveness

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ECH 301 Meridian Community College Week 5 Early Childhood Setting Reflection


Many children spend a large portion of their day in early childhood settings. Because of this, early childhood settings should be positive learning environments where children can explore a variety of learning materials in a number of settings (e.g., small group, large group, inside, outside).

Select an early childhood setting, such as a childcare center, a preschool, or a K–3 classroom, and schedule time to observe a teacher there.

Consider the following when arranging your classroom observation site: 

  • The school’s policies on observations (if any) 
  • The school and age/grade level you’d like to observe (This typically aligns with what grade you wish to teach.) 
  • The method of contacting the teacher (e.g., phone call, visit, email, etc.)  
  • The best time of day for teacher and students to factor into scheduling observation time

    Write a 350- to 700-word reflection in which you:

    • Summarize each area of observation.
    • Justify whether or not the classroom schedule and learning experiences observed were developmentally appropriate.
    • Explain whether this conformed to your personal philosophy of early childhood education.
    • Explain the use of self-reflection by teachers and how it improves teaching and learning.
    • Describe what you learned from this field experience and how you will apply it to your future role as a teacher.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Current Affairs


Choose one item that addresses a current issue and makes connections to class concepts. The item may be print or video—for example, an article from the current edition of a newspaper or magazine, a segment from a news or talk show, a YouTube video, vlog, or any program that features current affairs.

  • Items cannot be more than 90 days old.
  • Your ability to identify arguments made about relevant issues in our world today
  • How well you identify class concepts. Accuracy and a clear explanation are required
  • Your use of terminology from the textbook/class lectures
  • Your ability to showcase your critical thinking skills

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Need answers


(5 sentences or more in each question)

1. Pick one of the following composers and discuss anything you can remember about their life, music and/or influence.

Chopin Tchaikovsky

Berlioz Puccini

Brahms Mahler

2. Discuss any details you can remember about the life of any composer we have studied from the classical or romantic period.

3. What made Beethoven’s symphonies different and generally more significant pieces compared to those of Haydn and Mozart?

4. Discuss the difference in mood between Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 5 and Symphony No. 6 “Pathetique”

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Can Chronic Use of Synthetic Cannabinoids Impact Memory Function Blog Post


Blog Examples

For students who will be writing a blog article, I’d like to suggest you check out for inspiration. Many of the articles are similar in structure to what I have asked you to complete for the term project, in that they highlight the findings of empirical research studies in an engaging way. Here are some specific examples of individual articles that are similar to what you’ll want to do for the project: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SOCW 6070 TTCH Workplace Violence Situation Essay


Assignment: Safety and Agency Responsibility

When you walk into a human services organization, do you think about your safety? What about when you prepare to make a home visit or attend a meeting in the community? As a social worker, you may find yourself in situations in which your personal safety is at risk. Although you, as an administrator, cannot prepare for every situation, you should be proactive and put a plan into place to address issues related to workplace violence in the event that it occurs.

For this Assignment, focus on the Zelnick et al. article on workplace violence and consider what plan you might want to have in place if you were an administrator having to address a similar workplace violence situation.

Assignment (2–3 pages in APA format):

Draft a plan for a human services organization explaining how to address traumatic emergency situations. Include both how to respond to the emergency and how to address any long-term effects. Finally, based on this week?s resources and your personal experiences, explain your greatest concern about the safety of mental health professionals working in a human services organization.

Humanities Homework Help