Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of Central Florida Creative Talents Reflective Essay


  1. In Echoes of Eden (2013), Barrs claims that the Christian artist “holds up the mirror to what God has made”. In this sense, we have the opportunity to express our creativity in ways that highlight things that God has created, sustained, redeemed and rebuilt. In two to three-pages (formatted per APA standards), reflect on your own specific creative talents by addressing these questions:
    • What are your two most significant creative talents, and how do you currently use them?
    • What is one creative talent that you would like to develop (or one that that admire in others)?
    • How do you, in your daily life, work to show the world what is true, beautiful, inspiring, and/or worthy of celebration within God’s Kingdom?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CSU Northridge African American & Hispanic Political Relations Essay


As more political power has shifted toward African Americans and Hispanics in our urban centers in the late 20th and early 21st century, the relationship between the two racial groups has gotten more complex. Can you please examine the current political relationship of African Americans and Hispanics in our urban cities?

3 sources must be from the book plus 3 outside sources

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SPD 500 Grand Canyon University Classroom Environment Essay


Take on the role of a first-year special education teacher who has been assigned to the resource room to work with students who are working at the ninth grade level for both English and math. You have about 10 students during this class period and an aide to assist you. Students meet with you for 50 minutes each day to get help with homework, finish their classwork, study for tests, and get extra support in each subject area. You will need to structure the class so that student needs in both subject areas will have time to be addressed.

Provide a rationale for each inquiry. Cite both the attached “Class Profile” and an additional minimum of two outside scholarly resources in your responses.

Part 2: Classroom Environment HELP NEEDED

In 750 – 1000 words compose a response for the following:

  • Provide a minimum of three possible ways to structure the classroom setting.
  • Provide a minimum of two possible ways to structure a class period.
  • Provide a minimum of three instructional strategies, to include accommodations and/or assistive technology, to meet the curricular content needs of your students in both the English language arts and math classes.
  • Provide two collaboration strategies to use when working with the classroom aide assisting you in meeting the needs of the students in the resource room setting.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. GCU Personal Code of Ethics and Core Personal Values Presentation


I’m working on a social science multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

A couple of SAMPLES of what could be included in our Personal Code of Ethics PowerPoint will include the following topics.  The samples are indicating to you that your topics may be different but we want to have similar evidence of what we have learned using our resources of what should be in our Personal Code of Ethics. Add pictures as well


  • Title – communicate the contents and scope clearly,
  • Introduction Statement – explains its rationale
  • Description of expected conduct: core part and describes expected behavior standards and unacceptable practices on a general level, examples should be provided.
  • Standards/Core Values: a list of core values, (for example excellence, safety, diversity, integrity) that as an ethical leader you believe in and wish to embody in your functioning as a leader.
  • Closing Summary/Pledge: Description of expected conduct: this is usually the core part and describes expected behavior standards and unacceptable practices on a general level, it can be supplemented by examples;

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ARTH 200 Wk 7 Art the Great Italian Baroque Artist Caravaggio Discussion


The great Italian Baroque artist, Caravaggio, did not follow all of the rules of proper Italian Baroque art. He chose to depict holy events with people as being rather ordinary, in ordinary settings. Believing that ordinary people could be called to holy service, he shunned using the obvious religious figures and bombastic theater in his works. He gives the viewer a dramatic quietude. The great Flemish artist Peter Paul Rubens also worked in the same time period, but in a different country. His works are more like Italian Baroque art and its sense of grand theater. Conduct internet research, and carefully examine and discuss the following images from Caravaggio and Rubens:

Caravaggio, The Entombment of Christ
Peter Paul Rubens, The Raising of the Cross
In your post, answer the following questions:
What are the similarities and differences between the two paintings? Consider subject matter, light, backgrounds, and figures.
Where do these paintings reside/where are they located?
How do they (or did they) function?
What meaning does each one express?
What techniques did the artists use, and how did they fit into their respective cultures?
What is your personal reaction/response to these figures, and how (if at all) do they apply to your life and past experiences?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Grand Canyon University Individual Freedom and the Public Interest Worksheet


Read Chapter 3 of the text “Individual Freedom and the Public Interest” paying particular attention to the opening case-study and the concept of “Personal Liberty” and complete the following using the template.

  1. The candidate is to provide a case summary, in a paragraph of between 150 – 200 words, describing the problem or dilemma of the opening case on pages 30 and 31?
  2. The concept of Personal Liberty
    1. Describe the primary purpose of chapter 3 of the text and specifically as evidenced by what two questions posed by the author? (See paragraph 2, page 33)
    2. One of the critical distinctions, in this case, is the teacher’s public and private life. How does the author first suggest these terms, “public” and “private,” be defined? (Page 34; 4th paragraph.)
    3. One of the key concerns here is the effect the teacher’s dancing as a stripper on her performance as a teacher (Job performance mentioned in 2nd paragraph on page 34 and 3 times in 2nd paragraph, page 35). Discuss this matter as to the “scope of her job,” not in terms of her preparation and presentation during and in class, but as to her influence on students. Also, is it part of her job to be a “good” influence on her students? (The word “influence” is mentioned eight times in the section of the text CONCEPT: PERSONAL LIBERTY. Look there. pp 34 – 37)
    4. In paragraph 2 on page 34 and again on page 36, the author says, “. . . there are areas of a person’s life that should be held to be private even if they have an effect on the interests or welfare of others.” Explain this! (Privacy is mentioned in paragraphs 2 3,4, and 5, p. 34, and several mentions on pages 36 and 37.)
  3. Analysis, The Nature of Moral Judgments – p. 37. On page 37 the author indicates, “One set of ideas that is important to the discussion of many moral issues is the difference between what we shall call facts, moral principles, and preferences (values).”
    1. Explain and provide an example for the differences in these three terms; facts, moral principles, and preferences.
    2. Of the three terms facts, moral principles, and preferences, how would you rank them in order of importance in making decisions about ethical cases and why?
    3. Respond briefly (couple-three sentences each) to each of these “potentially relevant” issues or questions: These questions or prompts (3a – 3b) serve only to prompt the student’s thinking on this matter. There will be many varied responses to these questions/prompts. There will not be one particular correct answer for any of them.
      1. Is there anything wrong with Miss Loring’s working as a topless dancer? (If so or if not, explain.)
      2. Does her second profession as a topless dancer somehow make her unfit to teach? (If so, how and why?) (Expect many points of view here.)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. OCC History Essay


A 4-6 page typed, double-spaced summary of what you found to be some of the most important points covered in the period from 1976 to 1989 and the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre. This is not a research paper, since you are only using the resources readings from Making China Modern Textbook.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ENGL 1302 Lone Star College Police Reforms Research Essay


For my research essay, I would like to write about police reform. Police reform is an ongoing controversial topic that is in the news almost daily. I believe in what the police are here to do, and that is to protect the American people. However, we have seen many instances on where that is not the case, police are killing the very people they swore in to protect. Thus, leading to the police reform. A transformation of the values, and practices of police and such entities is imperative for the continuing respect of the America’s values.

Humanities Homework Help