Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Grand Canyon University Individual Freedom and the Public Interest Worksheet


Read Chapter 3 of the text “Individual Freedom and the Public Interest” paying particular attention to the opening case-study and the concept of “Personal Liberty” and complete the following using the template.

  1. The candidate is to provide a case summary, in a paragraph of between 150 – 200 words, describing the problem or dilemma of the opening case on pages 30 and 31?
  2. The concept of Personal Liberty
    1. Describe the primary purpose of chapter 3 of the text and specifically as evidenced by what two questions posed by the author? (See paragraph 2, page 33)
    2. One of the critical distinctions, in this case, is the teacher’s public and private life. How does the author first suggest these terms, “public” and “private,” be defined? (Page 34; 4th paragraph.)
    3. One of the key concerns here is the effect the teacher’s dancing as a stripper on her performance as a teacher (Job performance mentioned in 2nd paragraph on page 34 and 3 times in 2nd paragraph, page 35). Discuss this matter as to the “scope of her job,” not in terms of her preparation and presentation during and in class, but as to her influence on students. Also, is it part of her job to be a “good” influence on her students? (The word “influence” is mentioned eight times in the section of the text CONCEPT: PERSONAL LIBERTY. Look there. pp 34 – 37)
    4. In paragraph 2 on page 34 and again on page 36, the author says, “. . . there are areas of a person’s life that should be held to be private even if they have an effect on the interests or welfare of others.” Explain this! (Privacy is mentioned in paragraphs 2 3,4, and 5, p. 34, and several mentions on pages 36 and 37.)
  3. Analysis, The Nature of Moral Judgments – p. 37. On page 37 the author indicates, “One set of ideas that is important to the discussion of many moral issues is the difference between what we shall call facts, moral principles, and preferences (values).”
    1. Explain and provide an example for the differences in these three terms; facts, moral principles, and preferences.
    2. Of the three terms facts, moral principles, and preferences, how would you rank them in order of importance in making decisions about ethical cases and why?
    3. Respond briefly (couple-three sentences each) to each of these “potentially relevant” issues or questions: These questions or prompts (3a – 3b) serve only to prompt the student’s thinking on this matter. There will be many varied responses to these questions/prompts. There will not be one particular correct answer for any of them.
      1. Is there anything wrong with Miss Loring’s working as a topless dancer? (If so or if not, explain.)
      2. Does her second profession as a topless dancer somehow make her unfit to teach? (If so, how and why?) (Expect many points of view here.)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. OCC History Essay


A 4-6 page typed, double-spaced summary of what you found to be some of the most important points covered in the period from 1976 to 1989 and the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre. This is not a research paper, since you are only using the resources readings from Making China Modern Textbook.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ENGL 1302 Lone Star College Police Reforms Research Essay


For my research essay, I would like to write about police reform. Police reform is an ongoing controversial topic that is in the news almost daily. I believe in what the police are here to do, and that is to protect the American people. However, we have seen many instances on where that is not the case, police are killing the very people they swore in to protect. Thus, leading to the police reform. A transformation of the values, and practices of police and such entities is imperative for the continuing respect of the America’s values.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ARTH 200 American Military University Week 7 Italian Baroque Art Discussion


The great Italian Baroque artist, Caravaggio, did not follow all of the rules of proper Italian Baroque art. He chose to depict holy events with people as being rather ordinary, in ordinary settings. Believing that ordinary people could be called to holy service, he shunned using the obvious religious figures and bombastic theater in his works. He gives the viewer a dramatic quietude. The great Flemish artist Peter Paul Rubens also worked in the same time period, but in a different country. His works are more like Italian Baroque art and its sense of grand theater. Conduct internet research, and carefully examine and discuss the following images from Caravaggio and Rubens:

  • Caravaggio, The Entombment of Christ
  • Peter Paul Rubens, The Raising of the Cross
  • In your post, answer the following questions:
  • What are the similarities and differences between the two paintings? Consider subject matter, light, backgrounds, and figures.
  • Where do these paintings reside/where are they located?
  • How do they (or did they) function?
  • What meaning does each one express?
  • What techniques did the artists use, and how did they fit into their respective cultures?
  • What is your personal reaction/response to these figures, and how (if at all) do they apply to your life and past experiences?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UCLA Microtiming and Rhythmic Flow Music Discussion


This assignment builds on the ideas about music and cultural difference elaborated at the end of the “microtiming and rhythmic flow” video lecture this week, and gives you another chance to work on close listening skills. It is a kind of experiment: You will reflect on musical examples by listening to the sounds alone, without having any information or knowledge about the traditions and their context.

To start, review the tracks on this Spotify “WA3 playlist.”  (Links to an external site.)Pick 2 tracks from the playlist and listen carefully to each several times. Try to choose tracks that are unfamiliar to you, i.e. if you know the style well, choose a different one instead. The tracks with singing may be in languages you cannot understand, but again, you are not expected to seek out lyrics or translations, and should focus your attention on the sounds alone.

Next, write 2 paragraphs that address the following sets of questions:

  • Summarize the features of each track that especially stand out: What qualities do you hear as the most important characteristics of each track? You can discuss any aspect of the music you consider important, including rhythm, melody, harmony, the way the music changes over time, or other qualities. But rather than only describing the overall feeling or emotion, you should also connect that aspect to specific sounds and details that you notice through careful listening.
  • Compare the 2 tracks you selected: In what ways are they similar, and in what ways are they different? Here again, try to focus on the kinds of sonic details that you are noticing, and how you think they impact the way the music feels.

You can address each of the question groups above in a paragraph, or write a 2-paragraph response that is organized in some other way, as long as it addresses all of these questions overall.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SO 310 Temple University Race and Ethnicity Discussion


Choose option A OR B

Using cultural relativism, consider what it means to become an immigrant to the United States from a non-Western country of origin;

What cultural differences would you expect?

What challenges would you expect?

What do you think would be most difficult to leave behind?

Make a list of what you think would be the most difficult aspects of changing countries and changing culture.

Choose one of the options below for your assignment this week:

Option A (750-1250 words)

1.If “race” doesn’t exist, why is racism still such a pervasive problem today?

2.In human societies, is it possible for peoples to be different and yet equal?

3.Can you recall social situations in which you (or people around you) changed their accents or manner of speaking? Do you think this was conscious or unconscious? What was the context for this shift in language? What meaning did it have for you and others?

4.Did this language shift symbolize certain relationships among the people involved?

Option B (750-1250 words)

1.Ethnic group conflict and violence—and understanding their causes and consequences—are central concerns for contemporary anthropologists. What ethnic conflicts are you aware of being waged today?

2.Identify a specific area in the world in which violence or warfare is defined as rooted in ethnic group conflict.

3.On the basis of brief research, describe which ethnic groups are engaged in this conflict.

4.How is the conflict explained by the different groups involved: Which group(s) did what?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PSYCH 3360 Ashford University Personal Feminine Analogy Infographic





For this assignment, you will create a personal is political themed photo essay. You will present 5 photos with captions and brief descriptions that tell a story about a particular class idea or concept. Your photos must address how the intersectional power structure of gender is reflected in individual lives, such as your own, although it does not have to be your own.


More specifically, a photo essay is a set of photographs selected to tell a story and/or make the viewer feel certain emotions. This photo essay takes the same story telling techniques as a normal essay, translated into visual images. Think of this assignment as a visual essay about the psychology of gender. Tell a visual story about something we have learned in the class.


Photo essays can be designed to be viewed in a particular order. They can also be unsequenced. The viewer can then decide how to examine the photographs and accompanying text.


The photo essay should tell the story of a person or people, place, an object or collections of things, an event, or an issue. The photo essay, then, includes images that thoroughly explore aspects of your chosen topic. A good photo essay will hold you on each image but also make you want to explore the next image as the story unfolds.


The photographs can be of any style (landscape, portrait, objects, and so on), as long as there is a unifying theme or subject.




What class theme or concept do I want to structure my photo essay around?


What thoughts, emotions, and conversations do I want people to have when viewing my photo essay? What photos can I use to create those thoughts, emotions, and conversations?


In my photos, do I want people and portraits?

Do I want blank and white photos, color, sepia, or a mixture?

Do I want to use props or objects to help make my point clear in my photos?

Do I want to tell a story about my family, friends, loved one, and/or myself?

Do I want to tell a story about my neighborhood, my school, or another place?


What argument do I want to make about how the personal is political using my photos?




You need to take your own photos for this assignment. Please feel free to use the camera on your phone or another device to take your photographs.


Your photo essay should consist of 5 photos. Each photo should have a caption and a brief description between 3 and 6 sentences. The description should explicitly discuss core class ideas and concepts. If you have a description that is not mentioning core class ideas and concepts, something is not right.


You will use to make your photo essay. You can sign up for a free account. Padlet has a variety of ways of adding your photos, captions, and descriptions to create a photo essay. Be creative and create the format and story that you want.


Once you have created your photo essay on Padlet, you will need to upload the link to your photo essay on Blackboard Coursesites. To do so, click on “Assignemnts” and then the “Final Project: Photo Essay.”


Once there, in the submission text box, copy and paste the link to your Padlet website. That’s all you need to do.



I sure do. Please see this students’ photo essay called “Intersectional Me.” They did a great job at illustrating the story of their own intersectional identity, and how the concept of intersectionality is very personal to them.


Link here:





The idea for this project, and the text on the specific instructions, is from Dr. Brandon Andrew Robinson. I would like to thank them for designing such a beautiful project, and for their student, Litzy Guzman, for allowing their work to be shared.


May 19th, 6:30pm. That’s the firm deadline.


Please enjoy this creative project—if you have questions, you can reach me at the Slack Office Hours channel. If your question is private, feel free to send me a private message on Slack.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of California Movement of Various Western Instrumental Genres Response


Listening Response 2:

Responses to each prompt should be 2 to 3 paragraphs in length. Provide Musical examples as needed

1. Sonata Form: What is it? Why do you think structure is a relevant element in music? How does it impact the listener?

2. What are some characteristic traits of the Romantic understanding of the world. How did it manifest in music and literature of the 19th century?

3. In the Romantic period, music was deemed a vehicle for ecstatic and even “mystical” experiences. Can you speak about an experience you’ve had, in which music (or more broadly sound) played an important role? (For example, a concert you attended/ performed, a sonic experience you’ve had). How did music/sound contribute to the experience?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PCN 644 Grand Canyon University Screening and Assessment Questions


In a Word document, provide short answers to the statements below. Each answer should be 250-300 words in length.

  1. A screening is a type of assessment tool. Describe how and when a screening is used.
  2. Describe the legal and ethical parameters related to administering and interpreting assessment tools.
  3. Identify the sanctions and educational requirements for a professional to administer and interpret assessments as governed by your state as well as the guidelines of the American Counseling Association (ACA).

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide.

Humanities Homework Help