Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Shaw High School Drive a Car While Blindfolded Law Case Discussion


Visit the link below and read some of the weird laws that can found around the United States. Select 5 of them to research.…

Find out:

1. Are they still enforced?

2. What is/was the official code section for the law?

3. What is/was the penalty (infraction, misdemeanor, felony) for committing the offense?

4. Submit your findings.

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJ 315 SNHU The Criminal Justice System & Victimology Victim Types Worksheet


In this assignment, you will analyze the interactions between victims of crime and criminal justice professionals. You will also describe the experience of the victim in the criminal justice system.


In Module Two, you learned how to analyze the interactions between victims of crime and criminal justice professionals. You focused on interactions between victims of crime and allied professionals in rehabilitation. In this module, you learned how to describe the experiences of the victim in the criminal justice system. You will now apply this knowledge to explain the experiences of and interactions with two victim types: a child victim and a domestic violence victim. This application of knowledge will help you prepare for the submission of Project One in Module Five.

  • First, review the Project One Guidelines and Rubric document.
  • Next, using the Module Three Assignment template, address the following for both a child victim and a domestic violence victim:
    • In 100–150 words, explain the interactions that should occur between the victim and criminal justice professionals.
      • What communications or interactions should occur between the victim and criminal justice professionals?
      • What are the roles of allied professions in working with the victim and rehabilitation?
    • In 100–150 words, describe the experiences of the victim in the criminal justice system.
      • What legal parameters are in place in the state in which you reside that may affect the victim’s experience in the criminal justice system?
      • What is the victim’s experience immediately after the initial incident regarding the investigative process and victim assistance?
      • What is the victim’s experience with processing in the criminal justice system?
        • What happens to the victim regarding courts, corrections, parole, and victim assistance?
        • What is the process for the victim being notified of the offender being released from parole?

Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:

  • Explain the interactions that should occur between a child victim of crime and criminal justice professionals.
  • Describe the experiences of a child victim in the criminal justice system.
  • Explain the interactions that should occur between a domestic violence victim of crime and criminal justice professionals.
  • Describe the experiences of a domestic violence victim in the criminal justice system.


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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. IND 503 Excelsior College Linking the People Arrested for Opioid Abuse Question


Please see attachment labeled “IND 503 M2.2 The Scientific Method NOTES” to assist with part one assignment


As you have discovered, hypotheses are statements that can be proven to be true or false. A hypothesis allows you to center your work specifically and to create a foundation for your case to support decisions made for improving the situation in Dayton.


For this assignment, create an alternative and null hypothesis for your specific solution to the opioid crisis from your assigned role (Criminal Justice) Be sure to follow the guidelines on hypotheses creation from the activity notes above.

PART 2: Locating Scholarly Material

Please see attachment labeled “IND 503 M2.4 Digesting Scientific Research” for PART 2 assignment

Find three articles from three different scholarly journals or valid and reliable publications in your field-specific to your role and solution to the opioid crisis. Your articles should contain data that you need to support your solution for your magazine article. The articles should not only contain descriptive data but should manipulate data (perform a test with a p-value), showing the success of a solution similar to yours. Do not review articles that describe the opioid crisis. Instead, focus on your solution.


  • Discuss why the performance and data in the article are appropriate.
  • Describe the data presented in each article in detail.
  • Provide an interpretation of the results of the articles that is digestible by the average adult.

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. BCJ 245 CCU Cyber Crime Software Pirating Discussion


Describe the average “virtual pirate” and the various motivations for pirating material. Give examples of “pirates” or pirating activity that you have been aware of in your own experience.

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. IND 503 Excelsior College Independent T Test for Montgomery Accidental Overdose


Time: 2:51 mins
Auto-Generated Closed Captio

You have been working in Excel to find descriptive statistics, now let’s explore how to compare means. You will need to utilize the Excel spreadsheet with your descriptives from your M1.5 assignment.

When comparing means, we would like to know if they are significantly different. Keeping in mind that your data in your spreadsheet gives three different groups of data, one for 2017, 2018, and 2019, simple comparisons of means procedures typically only cover two means. Running multiple tests is not ideal, but for our purposes, let’s examine the independent-t procedure. Simply put, in this case we have the following:

Research Question and Hypotheses
Research Question Is there a significant difference in the number of accidental overdose deaths in Montgomery County in 2017 and 2018?
Research/Alternative Hypothesis There is a significant difference in the number of accidental overdose deaths in Montgomery County for 2017 and 2018.
Null Hypothesis There is no significant difference in the number of accidental overdose deaths in Montgomery County for 2017 and 2018.

Why might we want to explore this? Perhaps we have implemented a solution to the problem and want to see if it was effective. Maybe we just want to see if there is a difference so we can begin to look for variables that might have impacted the change. Regardless, an independent-t test can tell us if two means are significantly different.

Please review the video above on how to run an independent-t test in Excel. The Excel website in your Lifeline can help as well.


Following the video instructions, perform an independent-t test on your data sets for 2017 – 2018 and 2018 – 2019. Be sure to review the p value of the tests.

  • Are there significant differences between these years?
  • Be sure to label your output statistics on your worksheet so your instructor can identify the years you are comparing.
  • In a separate Word document, explain the results of your two t-tests in a short paragraph.

Submit your completed Excel worksheet and Word document

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. HUM321 EC People Living with Disabilities Essay


Choose a minority group in our dominant North American culture that is discriminated against and write about their particular obstacles or challenges in obtaining appropriate health care. There are healthdisparities and health care disparities. Health disparities refer to a higher burden of illness, injury, or disability. Health care disparities refer to differences between groups in health coverage, access to care, and quality of care. For example, a health disparity for people living in poverty is chronic illnesses such as obesity and high cholesterol, and a health care disparity for this group would be lack of access to quality care.

For this assignment please select one of the following:

  • African-Americans
  • Hispanics
  • Asian Americans
  • Muslims
  • American Indians
  • Inuit Indians (Alaska natives who were once called “Eskimos”)
  • People living in poverty
  • The disabled (those with different abilities)

For example, you can investigate end-of-life decision making for African-Americans and why they tend not to choose hospice; the obstacles found in hospitals and doctors’ offices for people with disabilities (that can range from being blind to being wheelchair bound); the rate of alcohol use among American Indians and their access to good health care when living on a reservation; chronic illnesses among those living in poverty; or, whether or not our current climate of intolerance toward Muslims is increasing their health issues and decreasing their access to good care. This assignment helps meet module outcome 4.

This course uses the American Psychological Association (APA) format for scholarly writing. References and citations must adhere to the proper format for all written work presented including essays, discussion postings, and essay exams. Online tips for using APA style may be found at the Purdue Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.). Your research should be documented by citing one or more credible sources such as the course readings and videos, scholarly articles and books, or educational websites. Wikipedia and any similar online reference sites where the content may be authored by anyone are not considered credible sources for scholarly writing.

To assist you in your research, the library has the following tutorials and links for you to use:

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Excelsior College Healthcare Disparities Among the Muslim Community Discussion


Choose a minority group in our dominant North American culture that is discriminated against and write about their particular obstacles or challenges in obtaining appropriate health care. There are healthdisparities and health care disparities. Health disparities refer to a higher burden of illness, injury, or disability. Health care disparities refer to differences between groups in health coverage, access to care, and quality of care. For example, a health disparity for people living in poverty is chronic illnesses such as obesity and high cholesterol, and a health care disparity for this group would be lack of access to quality care.

For this assignment please select one of the following:

  • African-Americans
  • Hispanics
  • Asian Americans
  • Muslims
  • American Indians
  • Inuit Indians (Alaska natives who were once called “Eskimos”)
  • People living in poverty
  • The disabled (those with different abilities)

For example, you can investigate end-of-life decision making for African-Americans and why they tend not to choose hospice; the obstacles found in hospitals and doctors’ offices for people with disabilities (that can range from being blind to being wheelchair bound); the rate of alcohol use among American Indians and their access to good health care when living on a reservation; chronic illnesses among those living in poverty; or, whether or not our current climate of intolerance toward Muslims is increasing their health issues and decreasing their access to good care. This assignment helps meet module outcome 4.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Excelsior College Security Vulnerability Assessment in Banks Questions


  • Why would a Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) be especially useful for an international bank? List some of the special issues that would arise with respect to an SVA with such a bank.
  • Select an Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) that you are familiar with that efficiently presents relevant information about its industry to the public at large. What do they do well? What could they do better?
  • Given what you have learned about the ease or difficulty of discovering critical infrastructure information, do you think the government has made it too hard or too easy to get this information? What would you change? Support your answer with examples.
  • Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of prescriptive government regulations and performance-based regulations. Use at least one actual example of each type of regulation.
  • There are numerous ways that control systems are vulnerable to attack. Select one way this can be attempted and detail what the perpetrator might attempt to do to conduct such an attack. Detail at least three ways that this type of attack could be protected against in advance.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Uxon Police Officers Are Given Too Much Discretion in Using Force Discussion


Do you feel police officers are given too much discretion in the use of force, not enough, or about the right amount? Explain and support your position.

Law Homework Help