Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. University of South Florida International Political Economy Questions


After reading the assigned chapters (Chapters 14-16 & 19), answer two of the following questions. Then, reply to three classmates’ discussion threads.  


  1. Which definition of war do you find most useful?  Why? How does globalization challenge traditional understandings of war? Does globalization make war more or less likely? Does it depend on the type of war?
  2. Is the security dilemma always with us, or can it be mitigated? Explain your answer, referring to at least two international relations theories of your choice. Also, are relative gains more important than absolute gains in the security field? Why?
  3. What is IPE? Explain how the introduction of new theories has changed its conceptualization? 
  4. What is different about the Marxian and mercantilist depictions of power in the international economy? Also, in what way(s) do the neo-Gramscians invoke structure in their explanation of international political economy? 
  5. How and why do institutionalists argue that institutions change the behavior of states? Do the realists agree with this arguments? Why or why not? 
  6. Describe the history of international law. Why is it important? Which IR theory is the most compelling in its account of international law? Why?
  7. What major factors have contributed in the rise of modern international law in the last two centuries and how do the fours major theories of international relations explain the importance of international law?

Threaded Discussion Requirements:

  • You are required to answer two of my questions, thus starting two new discussion threads for other students to reply. 
  • Each answer to my questions should be in at least 300 words, totaling 600 words for both answers.
    • Greetings or compliments will not be counted toward the length requirement of each thread. 
  • Each answer should be posted separately.
    • Thus, you should have two separate threads for each discussion.
  • Both answers to my questions should be posted by no later than Friday of the discussion week.
    • This is done to provide you sufficient time to reply to your classmates’ answers.
  • You are required to use the textbook as the primary course of information.
  • External source may be used to enrich your responses; however, such use should be secondary.
  • Your answers should demonstrate to me that you have both engaged and critically thought about the readings.
  • You are required to reply to at least three other students’ discussion threads.
  • Each reply to your classmates’ threads should be in at least 100 words, totaling at least 300 words for all three replies.
    • Each reply should be substantial and discuss related ideas or concepts
    • Greetings or compliments will not be counted toward the length requirement of each thread or reply.  
  • You are required to provide in-text citations and references in the 6th edition of the APA writing format. 
  • In-text citations for the textbooks or any other source of information should include (1) the author last name(s), (2) publication year, and (3) page number (s)., i.e. (Baylis, Smith, & Owens, 2014, p. 37).
  • See the videos below for additional help with the 6th edition of the APA format.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. HLS 470 Colorado Technical Evaluating Risk in Critical Infrastructure Research Paper


Running head:  Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resource Allocation

Assignment Details

Key Assignment Draft

You are the critical infrastructure protection (CIP) specialist in the plans directorate of a public safety organization in one of the 100 largest metropolitan statistical areas in the United States.

Based on the total number of Critical Infrastructure (CI) in your jurisdiction (national, state, county, and local), you have been tasked by the director of public safety to develop some courses of action to inform a recommendation regarding the use of available resources for protection of CI.

The director understands the complexities associated with the many contributing factors and realizes that there will always exist a shortfall or deficiency between essential tasks and available resources. The director also understands there will never be one solution that captures everything that needs to be considered and accomplished. The director will make the final decision based on your assessment.


Keep the following in mind as you work on this assignment:

  • You should base your recommendations      by completing a risk analysis using the Federal Emergency Management      Association (FEMA)-approved risk analysis table (introduced in Phase 3),      the National Planning Scenarios, and the Joint National Priorities for      Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience.
  • This is a draft formal report.

Assignment Guidelines

Complete the following for this assignment:

  • Select a metropolitan area, (Dallas      metropolitan) is the area in the United States that I plan to analyze for      this assignment. 
    • What are 5–10 of the most       significant CI assets that exist within your metropolitan area? Explain       in detail.
    • Select 2 CI assets from your list above       and conduct a risk analysis on each using the National Planning       Scenarios. 
    • What are the most important       resources that the metropolitan area has available for the protection of       its CI? Explain in detail.
    • For each of the selected CI,       provide a detailed recommendation of how you would use the available       resources to protect these CI.
      • This should be the majority of        your submission.
    • What challenges exist for the       metropolitan area regarding CIP? Explain your response.
    • How will these challenges be       overcome? Explain in detail.
    • Provide recommendations and       justification of those recommendations to the director.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Tort Law Textbook Review Questions


Very simple assignment. your choice of 3 questions from each chapter’s review questions. The book will be provided. The answer is in each according chapter where the questions are from, should be easy to find with simple search function.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UNCC Reformation for Improved and Affordable Healthcare Memorandum


The topic I wrote on he first Memo on will continue to be your topic on the policy brief.(Reformation for Improved and Affordable Health Care .The word limit for your policy brief is 3,000 words or ten pages.

My first memo was on Reformation for Improved and Affordable Health Care . I have attached my first memo. This will continue to be my topic for the policy brief.

In terms of the structure of the brief, please review the 3 files I have uploaded with my original memo.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. A T Still University Michigan Neighborhood Foot Patrol Program Questions


  • Provide an answer of at least 150 words for each essay question in this assignment.
  • You are also required to include an APA reference with each essay question, even if the reference is the textbook

Question 1 (5 points):

What was learned from the Flint, Michigan, Neighborhood Foot Patrol Program and what are its implications for today’s policing strategies?

Question 2 (10 points):

List and briefly describe the five underlying principles of CPTED.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CMRJ 303 APUS Subcultures and Social Control Theory Discussion


Discuss/debate with your classmates your position on which factors you feel play a greater role pertaining to middle-class delinquency and its relation to gangs: Criminal Subculture, Unspoken Alliance, or Delinquent Gang. 

-Post must be 500 word minimum with two sources.

– Must also respond to two peers of 150 word minimum and 1 source


They are two perspectives that have been adopted in parenting literature: a dimensional approach that focuses on individual dimensions of parental behaviors, like responsiveness (warmth) and demandingness like control, and a categorical approach that categorizes parents (Pinquart, 2017). About central parenting dimensions, high levels of parental responsiveness (warmth) can be defined as being accepting, nurturing, supportive, sensitive, and warm while low levels indicate insensitive, unresponsive, and rejecting parental behavior. While behavioral control has often been linked to positive outcomes for the child, harsh control for example like physical or verbal punishment and intrusiveness, has often been related to negative developmental outcomes. This kind of control is defined as parental attempts to manipulate their children’s psychological experiences, for example by using guilt induction, shaming, and conditional loving to pressure their children. Those youth join a delinquent gang for a sense of belonging, wishing to build social bonds. Other youths seek a means to achieve a sense of protection in that some inner-city neighborhoods are extremely violent and those who are not members of a gang may be victimized by gang members. This can also lead to youths to join a delinquent gang especially when both parents are rooted in the gang culture whereupon gang membership, becomes an expectation passed from parent to child. In some delinquent youth gang subcultures, a youth being sent to juvenile detention is considered a rite of passage to gang membership.

Subculture is about belonging and alliance building among peers within a larger group. A subculture’s members are usually expected to have more loyalty to its members than others within the larger society – even if it means being unethical or criminal. Those who subscribe to the values and beliefs of the subculture are expected to look out for each other’s welfare, best way to describe it as “have each other’s back”, no matter the consequence. They are typically described using various titles or terms that reflect an association to a larger society. As an example, terms such as brotherhood, chapter, or sets are a few of the terms that are used. A subculture does not necessarily denote a criminal connotation; however, subcultures, criminal or not, do signify a discontinuity of sorts or a difference in the norms, beliefs, and values of the larger group.

One of the assumptions about “subculture” is the lower, subordinate, or deviant status of social groups, being labelled as such. They are distinguished by their class, ethnicity, language, poor and working-class situations, age, or generation (Nwalozie, 2015). Delinquency is not about something individualistic but refers to gangs of boys doing things together, their actions deriving their meaning and flavor from the fact of togetherness and governed by a set of common understanding, common sentiments, and common loyalties. Street youths are motivated to commit crime by the desire to achieve ends, status, or conditions which are valued, and to avoid those that are disvalued within their most meaningful cultural milieu, through those culturally available avenues which appear as the most feasible means of achieving those ends (Pinquart, 2017).


Subculture is a subdivision within the dominant culture that has norms, beliefs, and values. Those who decide to partake in this subculture are usually seeking a way to belong or an alliance build among their peers within a larger group. In regards of this being true, this also relates to delinquents and would explain why they join gangs in correctional facilities. Those youth join a delinquent gang for a sense of belonging, wishing to build social bonds. Other youths seek a means to achieve a sense of protection. With the use of this information we can determine that delinquents might join these gangs to build a bond they’ve never experienced whether they never had with their family or friends. Those who joins a gang are expected to have more loyalty to its members than others within the larger society even if it means being unethical or criminal. Regardless of the situation gang members may stumble upon, they are expected to have each others back even if it means breaking the law. I believe gang members do this because it’s like a family. When you see a member of your family in a troublesome situation, you would do anything to assist them even if you have to do anything rational because it shows that you truly care for them. It’s the same with gang members. Those who subscribe to the values and beliefs of the subculture are expected to look out for each other’s welfare no matter the consequence.

The youth may also join gangs for a sense of purpose or for a sense of class. Once the youth are exposed to gangs wearing expensive clothing and criminal lifestyles, they will view this as the only means to obtain status and acquire similar material wealth. People would do anything to get known by the world even if it means taking the criminal route as a last resort. There are gangs that will convince and recruit new members by informing them that by joining them, they are a member of their family. They will protect them even if it means with their own life as well as give them what they desire, all they have to do is join. It’s very persuasive because it’s what anyone would want, their desires, a family and a sense of protection. This is what the middle-class would want in their lives especially those who’s been having hard times.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UAGC Preparedness Response & Recovery, Katrina Research Paper


Over the last couple years it seems the number and severity of natural disasters has markedly increased. Since the low point of the response to Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent legislation to fix the federal response to disasters, is the Department of Homeland Security doing better in its coordinated responses? Is the current National Response Framework working? How do we balance the response and the need for controlling budget costs? In this assignment select one national level response to a hurricane, wild fire, or other natural hazard to evaluate the preparedness, response, and recovery efforts to the event. Your response should be written from a local, state, or federal perspective. Or you may examine the response from the perspective of a not-for-profit such as the International Red Cross of the Salvation Army.

To begin your research for this assignment, go to the UAGC Library and conduct a search with the keywords “Federal Response to Disasters.” It is recommended that you do not use quotation marks for this search.

In your paper,

  • Summarize the natural disaster.
  • Evaluate the response from a local, state, or federal perspective.
  • Identify the core issues that delayed or hindered the response.
  • Identify what went right with the disaster response.
  • Analyze the current Department of Homeland Security processes and procedures to determine their effectiveness for similar future disasters.

The Preparation, Response, and Recovery paper

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. AU Discover New Cyber Attack in The USA Daily Essay


It seems that every day we hear of another cyber-attack on the United States. Some of these attacks are targeting databases of corporations, others are against the government or our critical infrastructure, some are in retaliation and are designed to be destructive, and others are designed to hold information or computers hostage until people or corporations pay ransom to get control of their computers and get their information back. Some of these attacks are by States and others by criminal elements. All of these come under the purview of the Department of Homeland Security.

Prior to posting your initial post go to the UAGC Library to conduct your initial research. Identify a credible source (this is a step down from a “scholarly source” and includes editorials from reputable news sources and TV documentaries). Use the Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) document for guidance. Identify issues that are applicable to cyber security. Please ensure your references are less than 5 years old. Then go to the Department of Homeland Security website to review the Safeguard and Secure Cyberspace mission.

Initial Post. 1st Post Due by Day 3. As you analyze the types of cyber-attacks, current science and technology, and the mission of the Department of Homeland Security do you believe the Department of Homeland Security is up to the task of defending and securing the nation’s cyberspace? Does the Department of Homeland Security have the tools, tactics, and techniques available to defend and secure the cyberspace? 

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Purdue University Law Type of Defense Discussion


In the news recently there have been multiple stories about the January 6th insurrection incident in Washington D.C. and the hundreds of arrests that have followed. I want you to discuss; what type of defense (only one) that you think would be the most effective to argue if you were the defense attorney to one of the people charged in this incident (Defense that Negates Mens Rea; mistake of fact, necessity excused conduct, Defense of Justification, Procedural Defense, Defenses of excuse, Insanity Defense, etc.)(Chapter 1, pgs. 27-29). In your first paragraph demonstrate your knowledge of the defense you choose and explain it. In your second paragraph explain why this defense is the best for the people charged in this incident, you can also explain why the other options wouldn’t be effective.

Cite sources using APA. Discussion will consist of two paragraph in length however you can write as much as needed to completely respond to the prompt. The first paragraph will be a demonstration of knowledge proving you have read the textbook material associated with this topic. The second paragraph will be opinion based,

Textbook being used: America’s Courts and the Criminal Justice System 13th edition by David W. Neubauer, & Henry F. Fradella

Law Homework Help