Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Mariam Ramzi Sharon Sampson Presentation


Former No. 2 in L.A. Sheriff’s office surrenders to prison to serve 5-year sentence

Paul Tanaka

*****In teams of 2-4 address all facets of the assignment (I, II & III) to earn maximum points.

The Eighth Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. Eighth Amendment lawsuits claim problems in medical care, the use of force by correctional officers, the failure of prison officials to protect inmates from attacks by other inmates, and improper conditions of confinement.


I. Summarize the facts of the case in the grand jury indictment.

II. Critically assess whether there were 8th Amendment violations of the rights of inmates in the men’s central jail?

III. Review the sentencing document on Paul Tanaka (Undersheriff) Tanaka Sentence Document (Links to an external site.) link

IV. Respond to the following questions:

  1. Q: Did the undersheriff deserve to go to jail for his role in the conduct of his deputies?
  2. Q: Did the Sheriff deserve to go to jail?

V. Research a case that involves the violation of the rights of prisoners. Summarize the facts of the case

Or you

  • Research one of the U.S. Supreme Court case decision noted below that addresses the rights of prisoners’. Is there a correlation between the conduct reported in the indictment, your independent researched case, and the issues addressed in the Supreme court case decisions? Discuss your findings.
  • Helling v. McKinney
  • Pell v. Procunier
  • Wolff v. McDonnell
  • Cooper v. Morin
  • Coffin v. Reichard
  • Farmer v. Brenna.
  • You may also research -Additional Categories: County Jail conditions; Disability Rights; Excessive Force; General Conditions; Overcrowding.


Develop a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that includes all three facets of the bullets noted above. **Include detailed explanations in the speaker notes section that correlate with each point.

Include videos, audio, photos, diagrams, or graphs as appropriate the paper and presentation consistent with APA guidelines format

*You will be graded on both your written and response to the presentations of your colleagues.

  • The written PowerPoint presentation is worth 20 points.

*Follow the 7X7 rule when completing your PowerPoint. No more seven bullets per slide. Note details/summary of the case in the speaker notes section at the bottom of the slide. Include a cover and reference page. Be sure to include graphics in your presentation slides. Brief video clips are allowed.

  • Review and respond to the PPT posts of at least two colleagues.

The link below is a youtube video on how to complete a PowerPoint presentation.…/Basic-tasks-for-creating-a-PowerPoint-presentation-efbbc

As a reminder, you are not sending out a text message or tweet, so when writing your post, use proper English, grammar, and writing mechanics.

Use the “Reply” icon to start your discussion. Once you type and spell-check your thread, use the “Post Reply” icon to submit your thoughts. Use can also review the Canvas video Links to an external site.on posting discussions.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJ 4990 CU Mental Illness, Antecedents, Consequences and Cultural Diversity Stigma Paper


Competencies Addressed in This Assignment

  • Competency 5: Assess the ethical, community-focused leadership skills required for successful criminal justice practitioners in a wide range of interactions.
  • Competency 6: Employ the professional communication skills expected of a criminal justice practitioner.

Assignment Description

In prior units, you refined your topic and prepared drafts for three competencies. You should be making revisions to your final deliverable, due in Unit 10, based on the feedback you have received.

You will continue drafting in this unit, focusing on Competency 5. Throughout the units, you will continue to build out project content specific to each competency.


In this unit, you will prepare your draft addressing the following based on your topic. Note: Use a library tool, such as RefWorks, to track your sources for the duration of your Criminal Justice Capstone Project.

Assess the ethical, community-focused leadership skills required for successful criminal justice practitioners in a wide range of interactions.

  1. Assess the leadership skills in ethics necessary for practitioner success in implementing your program or policy.
  2. Assess the community-focused leadership skills necessary for practitioner success in implementing your program or policy.


  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Number of References: 3–4 peer-reviewed references.
  • Length of paper: 4–5 typed double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. US Law Legal Issue Questions



The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will be 1000words long. It requires you to explain and
demonstrate appropriate principles of contract law based on scenario. Please see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all info after hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs-1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJ 231 Park University Structuring the Police After the Military Model Questions


This is a two part question in that the structure for policing in America was formulated on Sir Robert Peel’s (Metropolitan Police Act, 1829) perspective and an military model. 

Why do you think that he chose to structure after the military model? 

What effect do you think the political, reform and community eras have had on the fourth or, New Era, of policing?

Can elements from previous eras in history be found in today’s policing or is everything completely different?  Identify and provide examples.

required book: Policing (Justice Series), Student Value Edition 3rd Edition

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UP Criminal Justice Discussion


his is 2 different student post… you must respond with 45 words each whether you agree or disagree… state facts/opinions as well

1)I think the relationship between civilians and law enforcement will be or rather remain a big challenge. Not all but a lot people hate police officers. Hate is a strong word but its the truth. In my city its really uncanny how different precincts react to police presence. In the precinct I work in people hate us and they tell us regularly. However in another precinct EVERYBODY loves us. They come out and talk to us shake our hands and we start to know each other. I just know that its like that everywhere and its never going to change. People must learn to talk and listen to each other. Those that back police officers and those that disagree with law enforcement always have to one up each other. There is never room for common ground. Next is the courtroom you’re always going to have judges and prosecutors looking to get justice and looking to boost numbers. Moving on to prisons and jails, criminals are treated like animals. Their living conditions are terrible. There is assault, murder, rape and extortion. All of these conditions will only make a person worse. And worse than that if someone is wrongly convicted for something and they go into one of these facilities they will be eaten alive or they becoming monsters.

2)The most challenging ethical elements of criminal justice in the future I feel would be Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers. These two play a big role in the criminal justice system. And right now the world is seeing police brutality and racism between the communities and police. People dying in the hands of correctional officers as soon as they are being booked. This has been going on for awhile. Now that people are standing up and fighting for their fights as humans, and letting people know this is really happening in the world. To see a change, this will take time. Maybe years. One thing is that some police departments are saying they are providing better education on how to deal with certain situations. But, if they react too fast that situation can be deadly. The same goes with prison guards. In Texas, at the Collin detention center there has been way too many homicides. These were in the hands of correctional officers. The detention center stated they were going to come up with a plan to help train these officers to deal with situation like Marvin Scott III. Situation like this will take a lot of training, time and the officers are going to want to change.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CCJS 497 UMGC Inmate Mental Health Issues and Reentry Programs Essay


What impact do you believe that the prevalence of inmate mental health issues (in jails and prisons), may have upon efforts to establish successful individual reentry programs?

If you do not believe that inmate mental health issues impact such programs, articulate why.…

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. South University Acknowledgment of Witness Requirements Questions


Draft Interview Sheet

As a paralegal, you will be asked frequently to conduct or to sit in on client interviews, whether initial consultations or follow-up or phone-based interviews. Taking the time before client meetings to draft a list of questions will help you not only to be prepared to make the most efficient use of everyone’s time but also will provide a starting point for identifying some of the potential legal actions, issues, and defenses involved.

Keep in mind you probably will have more questions that need to be answered once the client has given you the information you requested, so you need to plan accordingly with your time and materials.

Your supervising attorney asks you to interview John regarding his potential lawsuit. Draft an interview sheet. It should include the questions you will ask him to determine whether your law firm should represent John in his case. Additionally, identify at least three (3) others you will want to interview.

On a separate page, cite all sources using the Bluebook.

Name your document SUO_LGS1004_W1_A3_Freres_J.doc

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Excelsior College Uncertainty for Local Ambulance Service Question


I’m working on a law multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.

The Dilemma 

There is a 300-bed nursing home in the path of the fire. There is also a county jail with nearly 800 residents currently incarcerated, mostly for non-violent crimes. You now have very limited capacity to assist residents in evacuating.  You can only evacuate one facility at a time, and you know that there is a real possibility that you may not be able to get to them both in time if the winds pick up and speed the fire along. Which facility will take priority?   


The Situation Room

Now that you know the situation, you realize that you need to reconvene in your task force and address this situation, even as you are finalizing your work. An extension is not possible, due to the looming possibility of a natural disaster occurring in your community.

Together, your task force must decide whether to evacuate the nursing home residents and staff, or the jail inmates and staff. Apply your leadership style and your disciplinary code of ethics in your decision-making. Discuss the ethical implications of either decision. What ethical code(s) are you applying? What strategies might you recommend to decrease risk factors? Consider, too, how you will handle the press, if the story gets picked up (which is highly likely in today’s 24/7 media cycle). 

Lastly, as emerging leaders in your field and in working with other disciplines, what strategies or tactics is your task force using to address this “curve ball” scenario, while still staying on your timeline to deliver a formal emergency plan?


In your task force collaboration area, collaborate on a short report that lays out the following:

  • The conversations you engaged in around ethical implications of each decision.
  • Your ultimate decision and why your task force arrived at that decision.
  • Any plan you came up with to try to mitigate potential for harm for the facility being evacuated second 
  • Any lessons learned about multi-tasking multiple urgent scenarios/projects.
  • Provide any in-text citations of references you used; you can then add the formal APA references to your ongoing reference page for your task force project.  

You may also share any lingering questions you have about how you handled this scenario. It is not easy to make these decisions, knowing that the outcome may be difficult or even tragic.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Criminal Justice System Discussion


Can you help me understand this Criminal Justice question?

In what ways do you believe that the criminal justice system can ensure fair and equal treatment for all? 

Law Homework Help