Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. HSM 320 TUAGC Wk 3 Chemical Scenario Analysis Chemical Attack on The Super Bowl Report


The New England Patriots are taking on the New Orleans Saints in the Super Bowl, located in the Louisiana Superdome. The Superdome’s capacity for a football game is approximately 72,000; and the stadium is packed to capacity with excited football fans.

At the beginning of the second quarter fans report a bitter almond smell coming from both the men and women’s bathrooms. Hydrogen cyanide (HCN), a colorless gas form of cyanide, has been released into the stadium via the vents in the Stadium bathrooms. Fans that have visited the bathrooms are experiencing the worst symptoms, while all fans and players are beginning to display symptoms of cyanide poisoning.

Create a recovery plan based on this scenario, which is specific to a chemical attack. Address all of the necessary criteria for the Recovery Plan as it relates to this chemical scenario.

  1. Explain the specific agent used in the attack and the effects of the agent on the victims and surrounding areas.
    • Explain symptoms victims will experience and display.
  2. Identify which government agencies (local, state, and federal) will need to be involved in the response to the terrorist attack.
  3. Explain the appropriate role and responsibility for all agencies involved.
    • List communication methods between first responders and involved agencies; and identify necessary information that will need to be communicated to the public.
  4. Explain the unique challenges first responders will face when responding to the attack.
    • Identify the proper Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) that will be needed when responding to the attack.
    • Address how first responders should establish a perimeter and how large the containment effort should be.
  5. Explain what sort of decontamination procedures and equipment will be necessary to treat victims.
    • Identify the appropriate decontamination stage for the attack, and explain initial decontamination considerations.
  6. Explain the type of evidence first responders should be looking for, and how first responders can preserve any evidence.
  7. Discuss the effect the attack will have on the area.
  8. This paper must be a minimum of 12 pages (exclusive of APA title and reference pages).

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. SSU Criminal Behavior Discussion


I need an explanation for this Criminal Justice question to help me study.

Answer the following in 5-7 sentence paragraphs using complete sentences with proper subject/verb agreement…Do not plagiarize from the book, book(s), the internet, etc. Use your own verbiage/wording. Opinion based.
1.Explain your two best methods of gauging/assessing/judging/determining the extent of crime. 2.Explain your two best theories/reasons of why crime occurs.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CRJS 240 NCA&T The Scientific Basis of Criminology Article Summary


I’m stuck on a Criminal Justice question and need an explanation.

Please choose one (1) of the given articles and summarize it. You must only use one of the given articles. 

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. HLSS 498 American Military University Smart Contract Hacking Discussion


Discussion Questions: 

As we complete our overarching study on the realm of Homeland Security, we would be remiss if we failed to consider not only the current, but also the future. Consider next year, five years from now, and a decade to the future and share your thoughts. For each, at a minimum, individually discuss What issue might occur? Why would it be an issue? How could it affect the security of our nation? What can we do about it? 

Do not include direct quotations in your posting; instead, as necessary, paraphrase. Formulating your own thoughts from analyzing new information and studying established work is what we need for successful experts of the future.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJA 475 University of Phoenix Wk 2 Strategic Plan Outline


I don’t understand this Criminal Justice question and need help to study.


Your Learning Team is a task force comprised of department leaders and strategy sponsors. The task force is responsible for developing a strategic plan for your selected department or system. As the task force, you must identify the problematic areas of the department or system and provide an outline of the strategic plan’s development process that you will use to write the strategic plan. *CREATE A SMALL OUTLINE USING THE TWO BULLETS*
The police task is the Los Angeles Police Department

  • Identification of resources
  • Communication strategies

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. BCC Rehabilitation Way of Punishment to Apply Training Discussion


Some desert theorists and others, argue that rehabilitation is highly punitive and overly intrusive.  Overly intrusive, in fact, to the point that many rehabilitative sentences are disproportionately harsh.  Do you agree with this?  Discuss some examples to help support and clarify your view.

Return to the board and read over the posts of your fellow classmates. Choose at least one classmate and create a post responding to his/her initial post on the Discussion Board.  Be thoughtful in your response, indicating your agreement/disagreement with their posting and give a careful reasoning of your position. Please note: in all of your postings/replies, you must demonstrate careful reasoning and logic to bolster your position.  

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. BCC Rehabilitation Assist Inmates Grow and Change Discussion


Does rehabilitation treat offenders as moral agents?  Does it violate their freedom of being an individual?  Aren’t we, in essence, telling them that they’re “broken” and we can fix them?

Return to the board and read over the posts of your fellow classmates. Choose at least one classmate and create a post responding to his/her initial post on the Discussion Board.  Be thoughtful in your response, indicating your agreement/disagreement with their posting and give a careful reasoning of your position. Please note: in all of your postings/replies, you must demonstrate careful reasoning and logic to bolster your position.  

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. NU Personal Experience with Law Discussion


In teaching this class, I find that, more often than not, many of you or “your friend” – have your own experience, either good or bad, that parallels subjects/topics we have been discussing. write about your experience(s).

This paper should be no longer than 2 pages MAXIMUM, double spaced, 12 pt font and regular margins.

YOUR GOAL IS TO MAKE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD. Also, to the extent you’ve learned something in class you didn’t know that you could’ve applied to your situation, make mention of that, too. You DO NOT have to apply any lecture/class material. If you have no examples or experiences or “friends” like that, make a story up.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Nairobi University Law Enforcement Recruitment and Hiring Essay


I don’t understand this Criminal Justice question and need help to study.

Discuss some of the
legislative actions that have impacted law enforcement recruitment and hiring.

Law Homework Help