Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CTC Entomology Kirstin Blaise Lobato False Murder Charge Case Study


I’m trying to learn for my Criminal Justice class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

  1. Search for an actual case on one of the topics covered in this lesson.  Research the case and then respond to these questions.  
    • Identify the case you selected.
    • Give a summary of the situation.
    • Explain how you would sketch the crime scene.
    • Describe how the evidence was identified, collected, preserved, and analyzed to solve the crime.
    • Discuss any false leads and why they occurred.
    • Summarize the outcome.
    • Forensic entomology | The crime scene
      Forensic Entomologist
      Blood Stain Pattern Analysis Demo
      Crime Scene ReconstructionCrime Scene Reconstruction

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Arizona State University Five Phases to Effectual Performance Management Discussion Responses


Please respond to theses discussion boards with 150 words each and followed by 2 references each.

1- According to More, Vito and Walsh, there are five stages to effective performance management. Step one defines the organizational mission and strategic performance objective. This is where you create your organizations mission statement, vision statement and values statements. In other words, this is where an organization strategically plans. Step two establishes an integrated performance measurement system. It is said this stage is the heart and soul performance-based management. In this stage we use the SARA model to scan, analyze, respond and assessment problems that need to be addressed. Step three establishes accountability for performance. There are five levels of accountability, stakeholders, the organization, the team, the individual and the personal. For an organization to truly work, accountability must be shared by managers and employees alike. The fourth step is collecting data to assess performance. The data collected must be analyzed for accuracy and viability. Inaccurate data can overthrow the best strategic plans. The last step is analyzing, reviewing, and reporting performance findings. At this, final stage, managers can adjust objectives and goals according to what they find. Adjustments to performance measurements can also be done (More, Vito & Walsh, 2012).

Another view on performance-based management comes from HR Solutions. They also have five stages to effective performance-based management, albeit simpler to understand. Stage one is connecting performance management to position descriptions. Step two is treating performance management like a daily responsibility. Step three engage your employees. Step four, help your employee understand the bigger picture and lastly, provide honest, constructive feedback to the employees (HR Solutions, 2017).

Each example has its merits, but both accentuate the need for positive, effective communication of performance objectives and effective, measurable ways to evaluate organizational performance


More, H. W., Vito, G. F., & Walsh, W. F. (2012). Organizational Behavior and Management in Law Enforcement (Third ed., pp. 392-393). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Retrieved from

Principles of Effective Performance Management. (2017). In HR solutions. Retrieved from

2- A performance management is the process of communicating between a supervisor and an employee that should happen throughout the year to focus on planning, coaching and reviewing employee performance. The performance management helps supervisors when it comes to supporting employees in accomplishing the organizations strategic objectives. Any performance management should be able to be measured, understood, verified, fair, and achievable. The guiding principle of a performance management are planning, developing, monitoring and performing, reviewing, and rewarding. According to Bititci et al. (2015), The implementation cases demonstrate that visual management systems serve to support ongoing strategy development and implementation, facilitate performance measurement and review, enable people engagement, improve internal and external communication, enhance collaboration and integration, support the development of a continuous improvement culture and foster innovation. Having an ongoing performance management process for an organization can be vital towards the growth of the organization because it can help keep all the employees on the same track. Performance management can enforce the acceptable boundaries of performance, promote staff recognition, effective communication, and motivate individuals to do their best at all time to help achieve the goals of the organization. According to Paterson et al. (2013), Employees who are engaged and thriving are more likely to maintain strong work performance, even during difficult times. Overall, a performance management is suppose to help fix problems in the workplace by setting employees up for success when it comes to achieving both their personal goals and the organizations objectives.


Bititci, U., Cocca, P., & Ates, A. (2015). Impact of visual performance management systems on the performance management practices of organizations. International Journal of Production Research, 54(6), 1571-1593.

Paterson, T. A., Luthans, F., & Jeung, W. (2013). Thriving at work: Impact of psychological capital and supervisor support. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35(3), 434-466.

3- According to More, Vito and Walsh, accountability is an “obligation”. When considering accountability, you can see it is an obligation that demands accomplishment (More, Vito & Walsh, 2012). When managers and supervisors consider accountability, it should be through the five levels that exist in law enforcement. The levels form a pyramid with the person, being the foundation of that pyramid. Above the person is the individual. This sounds confusing, but the individual refers to the individual relationship between the supervisor and the employee. Next is the team, followed by the organization and topped off by the stakeholder.

Let’s look a little deeper. According to More, Vito and Walsh some of the aspects of the personal level are honesty, integrity, ethics, morality, and dependability (More, Vito & Walsh, 2012). A supervisor understanding these aspects can use them to motivate their subordinates effectively. The next step up the pyramid is the individual relationship between subordinate and supervisor. These terms, even though I used them, do not fit in this level of accountability because this relationship should be viewed in that context. Instead, according to More, Vito and Walsh, the individual level is a joint effort between the manager and the employee, where the manager provides guidance, direction, and resource so the employee can accomplish their goal (More, Vito & Walsh, 2012). The third level is the team level. In this level we acknowledge the teams or groups that exist within the organization. According to More, Vito and Walsh, teams and groups exist because officers work together to accomplish goals through shared ownership and accountability. The fourth level is the organization. Organizational accountability consists of two distinct entities. First is the internal accountability which refers to the up and down movement of communication between managers and employees and managers and groups. External accountability refers to the organizations requirement to report to stakeholders on performance and management topics. Lastly, on top of the pyramid sits the stakeholders. This refers to the political body that oversees the organization. The stakeholder can also be identified as the customer. The stakeholder, or customer isn’t involved in the day-to-day operation of the organization but must be informed of the organization’s achievement of goals and objectives (More, Vito & Walsh, 2012)

According to the National Institute of Justice, accountability is vital to the successful police organization. Effective accountability enables the organization to achieve its two most important goals, lawfulness, and legitimacy. Lawfulness refers to an organizations adherence to governing laws, while legitimacy refers to the perception of the customer, or stakeholder that the organization is both lawful and consistent with public expectations (National Institute of Justice, 2007).


More, H. W., Vito, G. F., & Walsh, W. F. (2012). Organizational Behavior and Management in Law Enforcement (Third ed., pp. 392-393). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Retrieved from

Walker, S. (2007, May). Police Accountability: Current Issues and Research Needs . In National Institute of Justice. Retrieved from

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Columbia Southern University Criminal Justice Corporal Punishment Paper


I’m studying for my Criminal Justice class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?


For your final submission, you are to submit the research paper you have been working on throughout the course. 

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. WSSU Appointment of Justices to The Supreme Court Summary


An issue brief is a short summary, usually two- three pages, of the knowledge surrounding an issue or problem. To write an issue brief, the writer should assume that the audience knows little or nothing about the topic. State the issue for consideration. Briefly state why this issue is important to you in the context of a current public policy issue and the relevance of the issue in Criminal Justice or to the general public. State the action you would seek in connection with the stated issue. Responses to these issue briefs should be thorough and well thought out

This issue brief is regarding the Appointment of Justices to the Supreme Court. You will submit a two page brief explaining the issue. The Constitution requires the president to submit nominations to the Senate for its advice and consent. Since the Supreme Court was established in 1789, presidents have submitted 163 nominations for the Court, including those for chief justice.  The country went into a whirlwind due to the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg six weeks before the Presidential election. 

Answer the following questions below:

EXPLAIN the history of the court and why this last nomination and appointment was so historic. EXPLAIN  the landmark cases and current policy issues that the current Supreme Court decision will decide and how the outcomes will impact the country.

Briefly state why this issue is important to you in the context of a current public policy issue and the relevance of the issue in Criminal Justice or to the general public. State the action you would seek in connection with the stated issue.

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. San Diego Miramar College Mock Trial Video Law Discussion



Below are questions about a 2-hour mock trial video.

  1. As a whole, how do you think the trial process went?
  2. Did District Attorney’s do a good job presenting their case and why?
  3. Did the Defense Attorney’s do a good job presenting their case and why?
  4. Which witness do you think provided the biggest impact for each side of the case, and why?
  5. What verdict would you give the defendant if you were a juror and why?
  6. Do you think the video was helpful on how a mock trial is to be presented?

Link for the video:

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Rasmussen College Logical Fallacies in Advertising Discussion


One of the many problems with fallacious reasoning is that it often seems reasonable. Politicians and advertisers can often take advantage of that to get us to agree with them when they are using (intentionally or otherwise) fallacious reasoning.

Consider the old piece of advertising above.

Consider the old piece of advertising above. When this ad was used, doctors were among the most highly-respected professionals in a community. Their opinions were often held as being more important or better than those of other people, even in subjects for which they were not experts. This is an example of an argument from authority fallacy, suggesting that because doctors are respected professionals, their opinion on cigarette brands should be respected as well.

Initial Post:
  1. Find an example of a logical fallacy in an advertisement. Print ads or video ads can be used, and either the ad itself or a link to a video ad should be included in your discussion.
  2. What fallacy (or fallacies) is being used in the advertisement? Explain specifically how the fallacy is being used and what effect this might have on a viewer.
  3. How could the advertiser make the same argument without using fallacious reasoning?
  4. Is this advertising technique dishonest?

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. AIU Tort Claims and Dispute Resolution Question


Week 5 Assignment – Tort Claims and Dispute Resolution


In this assignment, you will need to decide whether there are any legal claims arising from a series of events. Choose one (1) of the options below. After reading the scenario, answer the questions that follow, making sure to fully explain the basis of your decision.


1. Paula Plaintiff owns Paula’s Boutique, one of the most popular stores in town. William Wicked owns the store next to Paula’s Boutique. William has been jealous of Paula’s success. William, in an effort to increase his own business, begins to tell his customers that Paula is dishonest and unethical. William even puts a sign in his front window warning potential customers not to shop at Paula’s Boutique because of her deceitful and unethical practices.

Paula is upset when she finds out what William has been doing. Paula has always been honest and ethical with her customers and now her business is suffering because of William’s dishonesty. Paula decides that something must be done about this situation.

What advice would you give Paula?

  • Discuss the possible tort claim Paula might have against William. Be sure to include the elements of the tort and relate those elements to the scenario.
  • If Paula decides to pursue a claim against William, should she consider a lawsuit, mediation, or arbitration? Be sure to explain why your choice is the best option.

2. Parker Plaintiff is in a hurry and stops by a convenience store for a drink. The store is out of her favorite brand of soda, so Parker decides to go elsewhere. Before Parker can leave, she is stopped by a store employee that accuses her of shoplifting. The employee escorts Parker to a small room in the back of the store and tells Parker that if she attempts to leave the room, she will be arrested and sent to jail. Parker waits for over an hour before the manager tells her that she is free to go.

What advice would you give Parker? 

  • Discuss the possible tort claim Parker might have against the store. Be sure to include the elements of the tort and relate those elements to the scenario. 
  • If Parker decides to pursue a claim against the store, should she consider a lawsuit, mediation, or arbitration? Be sure to explain why your choice is the best option. 

3. Barry Bossly makes it a point every day to embarrass Abby Normal during their morning huddle at work. He says extreme comments about Abby. Abby is embarrassed so badly that she has developed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result.

What advice would you give Abby?

  • Discuss the possible tort claim Abby might have against Barry. Be sure to include the elements of the tort and relate those elements to the scenario. 
  • If Abby decides to pursue a claim against the Barry, should she consider a lawsuit, mediation, or arbitration? Be sure to explain why your choice is the best option. 

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. AU Criminal Justice Risk Need Responsivity Model Capstone Outline


Capstone Paper Outline

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 2, 7, and 9 from the text. Additionally, watch Bryan Stevenson at TED2012: We Need to Talk About an Injustice. Looking ahead at your Capstone Paper in Week 5, provide an outline highlighting the major points of your paper for review and discussion among your classmates and instructor. In your outline, include all major ideas your Capstone Paper will address, with brief two to three sentence explanations for each.

In your paper, outline the following:

  • Revise your thesis statement that you created in Week 1, which identifies your social and criminal justice issue.
    • Incorporate any feedback that you received regarding your thesis statement from your instructor.
  • Summarize your chosen social and criminal justice issue.
    • Describe what makes this an issue.
    • Provide data to show how this issue has made an impact on society.
    • Explain which social justice principles need to be addressed and why.
    • List the cultural and diversity issues present in your chosen social and criminal justice problem.
    • Evaluate how addressing your chosen issue contributes to the goal of a more just society.
  • Analyze the empirical research on your chosen topic.
    • You may use your Week 1 Annotated Bibliography to complete this section of the paper.
  • Propose a possible resolution to your chosen social and criminal justice issue.
    • Evaluate which branches of the criminal justice system are impacted/involved and how they either help or hinder the issue.
    • Analyze how the criminal and social justice theories (in relation to the United States Constitution) and landmark U.S. Supreme Court decisions impact your chosen issue and support your resolution.
    • Examine how the judiciary, corrections, and law enforcement systems address social equality, solidarity, human rights, and overall fairness for all and how these essential concepts impact your issue and resolution.
    • Evaluate how poverty, racism, religion and other sociocultural variables may apply to contemporary social and criminal justice by drawing information among the fields of, but not limited to, criminology, law, philosophy, psychology, science, and sociology.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. AIU WK 6 Fulfill Another Obligation in Exchange for Remuneration Discussion


I’m working on a law discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

In some ways, contracts can be very easy to enter into. In fact, we often enter into agreements simply by our actions.

For example, many businesses place small notices near their entryways warning that by entering the building you consent to video recording or by parking in a specific lot you agree that the lot owner is not liable should anything happen to your car (even if you paid to park there).

Are these agreements valid?

Should individuals be held to agreements even if they did not know about them?

Law Homework Help