Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Looking Back and Looking Ahead



Corrections in the United States has many angles and dimensions. Throughout this course, different facets of the corrections system have been explored, focusing on components, roles, responsibilities, purposes, and functions. The dilemmas of corrections include mission, methods, structure, personnel, and costs. In looking ahead, the challenges for U.S. corrections include reinvigorating a new correctional leadership, refocusing investments on what works, and reclaiming the moral and ethical high road.

To better understand the different dimensions of corrections and related potential societal impacts, suppose you have been tasked with addressing the following.

In your initial discussion post:

  • Explore one corrections dilemma in the context of the corrections-related process.
  • Predict the future direction of reform in corrections, based on a current challenge in corrections.
  • Explain how the future of corrections can impact a criminal justice career.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJA 385 UOP Wk 4 Criminal Justice Policy Analysis Research Paper


Wk 4 – Alternative Solution Proposal 

Assignment Content

  1. Reform often leads to the creation an alternative solutions. In this assignment you will research a policy that has been revised and provide information about the policy and the steps that were taken to plan and implement the change.
    Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper analyzing how a current criminal justice policy was developed as an alternative solution to its predecessor. Be sure to include the following:

    • Identify the policy.
    • Describe how it was developed as an alternative solution to its predecessor.
    • Analyze the factors that contributed to the policy’s development.
    • Explain the importance of developing an alternative.
    • Format your paper in accordance with APA guidelines.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. The Colombian National Liberation Army Discussion Paper


Choose one transnational crime group (historic or current) and describe its:

  • History
  • Location
  • Geopolitics
  • Economy
  • Organization
  • Logistics
  • Effect on the host state and cooperation with terror groups (if applicable)

Be sure to cite sources/facts/statistics/information.

Technical Requirements

  • Your paper must be at a minimum of 6 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
  • Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
  • Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
  • Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
  • Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
  • All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.

The transnational crime group of choice is “Colombia’s National Army” or (ELN)


International Narcotics Control Strategy Report



War Making and State Making as Organized Crime


Article TitleBringing the State Back In

Author Tilly, Charles

Journal TitleCambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press

Publication Date1985


Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CRJ 101 All American Career College Due Process of Law Discussion


Prior to posting your primary response to this discussion, watch the six-minute Due Process of Law – Quick Lessons – Episode # 4 video, the six minute Bill of Rights for Real Life: Criminal Procedure video, read the Due Process article, and The Constitutional Rights of Non-citizens article.

What is due process? Create a definition in your own words; provide specific, constitutional foundations for due process and create your own assessment of its significance in the criminal justice process today. Make sure that your primary response explains the notion of ethics and fairness, as these terms relate to criminal due process. Be sure to support your answer with scholarly sources and appellate court opinions. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Ashford University Policy The Human Side of Privatization Case Study Memorandum


In the Case “The human side of privatization”, Jim Stuckey is the director of the Support Services Division in Blaze County.  He faces a decision problem regarding the privatization of janitorial services for the county.  You are an administrative assistant to Stuckey and are familiar with all the issues presented in the case.  Stuckey asks you to write a memo (no more than five to six pages, single-spaced) that analyzes the issue and proposes a course of action for him. 

Before you write the memo, you should read the article, “Tradecraft: Writing and Analysis for Public Policy and Management,” written by Juliet Musso, Bob Biller, and Bob Myrtle.  You should prepare your memo according to the guidelines and principles discussed in the article. The sample student memo also available will be useful. You may adopt the format used in that memo to prepare your issue memo for this assignment.  

You may assume all the information and data reported in the case as publicly available information. You may also use the information for your memo without specifically citing the case as your source. But you must avoid plagiarizing sentences and paragraphs directly from the case.  

The memo will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  1. whether it adopts a professional and consistent format;
  2. whether it provides clear and thoughtful analyses of various alternatives;
  3. whether your recommendation is reasonable and clearly explained; and
  4. whether the writing is concise, coherent, and free of grammatical mistakes.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJUS 630 Liberty University Police Ethics in Crime Investigation Analysis Paper


Topic: Ethics

One communication technique that is seldom included in a police training program, but one that is often employed, is for an officer to simply lie to achieve a desired goal. For example, consider the officer who tells a potential combative suspect that he needs to place him in handcuffs only temporarily while completing some necessary paperwork, and that he will release him when he’s finished. Once the cuffs are secure however, the officer advises the suspect he is in fact under arrest. He lies to avoid a potentially dangerous situation. Another example is the officer who advises an abusive husband that his wife does not wish to file a complaint, a lie, and then attempts to get him to admit that he struck her. Of course, once he does, then the husband is placed under arrest. And finally, consider the hostage-taker who gives up after he is informed by the responding officers that the prosecuting attorney has agreed to charge him only with a minor infraction, again, a lie intended to de-escalate the crisis and effect the safe release of the hostage.

The idea of the police lying seems repulsive to some, but to others, especially the police, it is a legitimate method for containing and de-escalating a crisis at times. Is it legal? Absolutely; however, there are limitations on the extent to which the police can lie. The courts have essentially ruled that intrinsic lies, or those lies that misrepresent a person’s connection to a crime in order to gain a confession, are acceptable. For example, telling a suspect that his car was observed by a witness at the scene of the crime, even if not true, is an acceptable intrinsic lie. Extrinsic lies, or those lies that may potentially distort a person’s ability to make a rational choice about confessing to a crime, are mostly not acceptable. For example, threatening to take a mother’s children from her unless she confesses to a crime would likely render the confession inadmissible due to its coercive nature. Some of the relevant court cases on police lying are as follows:

Frazier v. Cupp, 394 U.S. 731 (1969). Holland v. McGinnis, 963 F.2d 1044, 1050-51 (7th Cir. 1992). Lynumn v. Illinois, 372 U.S. 528 (1963). Spano v. New York, 360 U.S. 315 (1959). State v. Kelekolio, 849 P.2d 58, 73 (Haw. 1993). United States v. Flemmi, 225 F.3d 78, 84 (1st Cir. 2000). United States v. Rodman, 519 F.2d 1058; 1975 U.S. App. LEXIS 13204 (1st Cir. 1975).

Discussion Questions (select one of the following questions and draft a response according to the directions outlined in the Assignments folder and Syllabus located in the Course Content section)

1. Should the police ever resort to the use of lies with vulnerable or mentally ill persons, even if legal and used for the purpose of saving lives?

2. Discuss some ways in which the use of lies by the police could potentially be misused when applied to situations involving the mentally ill or other persons in crisis.

3. Do some basic Internet research on the concept of police “entrapment,” and discuss the differences between entrapment and the legitimate use of lies by the police.

please include 1 biblical viewpoint and 3 references to complete the question. answer needs to be at least 400 words

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. RC Critical Moment a Car Accident Discussion


Activity Time:

2 hours; Additional Time for Study, Research, and Reflection: 1 hour


You are employed as a paralegal at Smith, Johnson and Anderson in the corporate legal department. You are part of the legal team defending against a serious crossing accident in which the plaintiff entered the railroad tracks because the required whistles were not given to signify that a train was approaching. The plaintiff, Bill Larson, testified that he was wide awake and that even though the accident occurred at 10 p.m. by Joe’s Bar and Grill that he had not been at the bar drinking.

Bill received a minor injury to his neck and his left leg was broken. In his lawsuit, he is seeking damages for the five months he could not work, medical expenses, past pain and suffering and future pain and suffering as his left leg has never been the same since the accident.

As you are working on the case, you sent for and received his medical records which included the emergency room records. In the records you read that he had odor of alcohol on his breath. He stated to the nurse that he did hear the whistles of the train, but thought he could beat the train.

Also, included in the records was a report that was written at his last visit to the doctor. The doctor said that the strength of his leg was normal. Bill told the doctor that the pain was gone and his leg “feels better than before the accident.” The doctor concluded that the leg was completely healed and there was not any permanent damage to the leg.

Discuss if there are any potential problems Bill might have with proving any of the four elements of negligence in the case against the railroad.


Jeffries, R. (2014). Torts and personal injury law for the paralegal. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Difference Between Comparative Negligence and Contributory Negligence

Comparative Negligence

When looking at defense tactics, comparative negligence is often used. With comparative negligence, we are looking at the percentages of fault in a case. An example of the “pure” form of comparative negligence is in a car accident when the plaintiff was 20% at fault, the plaintiff would recover 80% of the damages awarded. Even if the plaintiff was 80% at fault, the plaintiff would still receive 20% of the damages awarded.

If there are multiple defendants, each defendant would pay their percentage of fault in damages. You will need to look at your state’s rules regarding comparative negligence as some states may not allow recovery from a certain defendant if the plaintiff’s percentage is not greater than the defendant’s fault. An example would be where: 1. Plaintiff is 20 percent at fault. 2. Defendant 1 is 20 percent at fault. 3. Defendant 2 is 50 percent at fault. 3. Defendant 3 is 10 percent at fault. Plaintiff could not recover damages from Defendant 3. However, if the liability is joint and several, the plaintiff could get recovery against either or both of the defendants for the full amount of damages.

Note: Some states have a “50 percent” rule where if the plaintiff is more than 50 percent at fault they cannot receive any of the damages awarded.

Contributory Negligence

Another defense tactic is the use of contributory negligence. When a plaintiff brings a case forward, they are using the reasonable person standard. In a reasonable person standard, the court is looking at the question of whether the behavior was at least as a reasonable person would use.

Under the contributory negligence, if the plaintiff is even a bit negligent, the plaintiff is barred from recovery.

An example would be a car accident in which the plaintiff was on his cell phone and listening to the radio; the defendant was drunk and ran a red light. In this case, under contributory negligence, the plaintiff would be barred from recovery.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CSU Preventive Detention and Interrogation Tactics Essay


Discuss the ethical implications of preventive detention and interrogation tactics with your classmates.

With policing (both military and civilian) and the War on Terrorism as a background, are and or should the ethical restrictions to law enforcement be different when dealing with suspected terrorists than that which is established when dealing with American citizens (such as the use of water-boarding) …or are the ethical considerations different.

When making your own decision/post on this week’s discussion, please fully explain and support your view. Use sources to backup your points.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UOTP Standards for Public and Private Agencies Discussion Question


I’m working on a law discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.

1st Reply:

  • Do public agencies have a higher standard of legal, ethical, and managerial behaviors than private agencies? 

I definitely believe that public agencies have a higher standard of legal, ethical and managerial behaviors than private agencies. Public agencies often take an oath to conduct themselves not only more ethically and within the scope of their duties under the law but also to do what is best for the public. The actions of public agencies are highly visible and also highly scrutinized. I think that while private agencies must be sure to follow laws and regulations in addition to company or agency policies, public organizations have more at stake if they make mistakes. A private agency could probably keep mistakes hidden and swept under a rug easier than a public agency could.

  • Do these behaviors and related actions play victim to economic issues and concerns? 

I think these behaviors and actions go hand in hand with economic issues and concerns. There can be severe fiscal repercussions for both public and private agencies violating standards pertaining to their work.

  • Do these economic factors affect public agencies or private agencies at a higher level? 

I think the economic factors affect private agencies at a higher level than public agencies because public agencies have access to more funding and do not risk closure or bankruptcy like a private agency would. A private agency could lose its operating licenses, insurance coverage. A public agency may face sanctions or fines but have more fiscal means to cover the costs than most private agencies would have access to.

2nd Reply:

Do public agencies have a higher standard of legal, ethical, and managerial behaviors than private agencies?

Public agencies have a higher standard of legal, ethical, and managerial behaviors because they are entities that involve the role of many actors; hence their performance should be well looked at. Private agencies, on the other hand, may be individual and do not involve the public; hence the standards set are lower. Public agencies require higher standards to govern the performance and the relationship of the different actors that are involved in the operations of the agencies. Those in leadership should have good managerial behaviors such as good decision making that helps the operations of the organization and its success (Dresang, 2017). Also, all the ethical requirements of the organization should be observed to ensure that misconduct is avoided in the organization. 

Do these behaviors and related actions play a victim to economic issues and concerns?

Legal, ethical, and managerial behaviors affect the performance of the organizations, which may lead to economic issues in the agencies. In the cases where ethical issues are not observed, there is a high possibility that the production of the agencies is affected, which leads to failures of the organization. Additionally, failure of having good managerial behaviors leads to poor decision making for example financial decisions that may lead to concerns such as debts. On the other hand, good legal, ethical and managerial behaviors lead to the maximization of profits in the agencies and the good use of resources hence leading to growth and development. 

Do these economic factors affect public agencies or private agencies at a higher level?

The economic factors affect the public agencies more because there are many shareholders that are affected by the failures of the organizations. Additionally, in the public agencies there are many entities involved hence hard to manage as compared to the private sector where there are few shareholders. 

Law Homework Help