Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UOTP Results of Legal Outcome Practices and Policies in California Presentation


Identify one U.S. Supreme Court decision relating to public safety and privacy issues. (WADE v. BYLES)

Create a 14- to 16-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, including speaker notes, in which you discuss the following:

  • What is the case history and background? 
  • What is the legal outcome and decision of the court? 
  • What are the implications of the legal outcome on public safety and privacy? 
  • What are the results of the legal outcome on practices, procedures, and policies in your state or agency/organization?  (CALIFORNIA IS MY STATE)
  • How may this decision have impacted an organization where you have worked?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Miami Dade College Correctional Officer Criminal Justice Discussion Post


I don’t know how to handle this Criminal Justice question and need guidance.

magine that you work in a prison as a correctional officer

  1. Which officer personality would you display and why?
  2. Which types of power would you utilize as an officer and why?
  3. Which correctional officer job assignment would you want and why?
  4. Which correctional staff issues would most affect you and why?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Taft College Superhero Worship Film Analysis


We are starting to work on our Analysis of a Film paper. We will be going through the writing process for this paper very, very slowly. This week, only an outline (with a thesis statement) is due. Why? I want to know that you understand the paper topic, I want to give you feedback on your working thesis, and I want to see your thought process in the form of prewriting. As you can see, this is an important assignment. Allergic to outlines? Skipping this assignment isn’t a good option – email me instead.

1. Read through the instructions for the Analysis of a Film paper. Choose one essay topic.

2. Create an short outline for the Analysis of a Film paper.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJ 3300 University of Texas Different Ranks in the Security Sector Questions


Using the topic: (Causes of Police Suicide)

1) who you would survey and why;

2) how you would select respondents and why did you chose this selection process; (sampling strategy)

3) Design a demographic question that gathers information that would be essential for your study.

4) What does it mean when I say that survey responses are mutually exclusive? Provide an Example.

5) design one contingency question that helps address your social problem

6) design one open-ended and one closed-ended question that attempts to understand where your participants perception of your topic is. What is the problem associated with this kind of question?

7) design one additional question that uses a likert scale response system.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. SEU The Principle of First Come First Served Nature of Domain Names Discussion


I’m trying to learn for my Law class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Explain the principle of the “first come, first served” nature of domain names. 

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Project – Subpoenas and Discovery Requests



  1. Your supervising attorney has asked you to formulate a set of interrogatory questions and requests for production of documents for his review, which could be served on the opposing party in a car accident case between Cain and Abel. Abel, our client, was sued by his brother. He also will need a subpoena for a third-party witness, Ms. Bunny Rabbit. Templates for each document are provided for you. The facts of the case are as follows:
    Abel Abrahamson is a client of your firm (Sinclaire and Sinclaire, 464 Main St., Blackacre, Hometown, 37373). He recently received a Summons and Complaint from the Blackacre Circuit Court in your home state, informing him that his brother, Cain, is suing him. The complaint is attached here.
    Your supervising attorney, Jake Smalls, has already served an Answer and Counterclaim on behalf of Abel, based off of a conversation with Abel, who has given him the following information:

    • He got into an accident with his brother, but his brother turned out into the lane in front of him, causing the accident.
    • He believes his brother was intoxicated at the time and was speeding.
    • He knows his brother went to the hospital, but is unsure of the extent of his injuries or medical bills. He is sure, however, that his brother is faking some of his injuries—he saw him moving furniture shortly after the accident. This also leads him to believe he could still perform his job.
    • He is furious with his brother, and wants to sue him for defamation. His brother has been going around town telling “everyone” that he intentionally ran him over because he thought Cain was going to tell Abel’s wife about an affair Abel was engaged in.
    • Abel adamantly denies hitting his brother on purpose, and is furious, as he has never engaged in an affair. Regardless, news of his brother’s statements about him have spread amongst the town, and Abel recently lost an election whereby he was running for the Blackacre School Board. Polling showed he lost the election due to the public’s concern over his moral fitness.

    Your supervising attorney has advised you that a claim for defamation requires allegations of a false statement, published (or spread to other people) causing damages.Mr. Smalls would like 10 interrogatory questions included in the interrogatories to be served on Cain. He has provided a template the firm uses for interrogatories for formatting purposes.
    You need to draft the appropriate questions, paying particular attention to the facts of the case, but feel free to look at more sample questions from the internet or on court websites, such as the Hawai’i State Judiciary’s website, located here:
    Mr. Smalls would like 10 requests for production of various documents which may be helpful or shed light on this case, which are to be served on Cain. He has provided a template the firm uses for requests for production for formatting purposes. You need to draft the appropriate requests, paying particular attention to the facts of the case.
    Your supervising attorney also would like to depose a witness to the accident, Ms. Bunny Rabbit. Ms. Rabbit lives at 123 Looney Tunes Dr., in Whiteacre. Using the template provided by your firm, prepare a subpoena for Ms. Rabbit.
    Your supervising attorney has asked you to schedule the deposition with the opposing attorney, so the dates and times are up to you.

    • Your assignment should be formatted according to the templates provided.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. The United States Legal System Discussion


I need support with this Criminal Justice question so I can learn better.

It is often stated that the United States does not have two systems of courts (i.e. State and Federal), rather, we have 51, because each State has its own system and then there is the Federal system.  Discuss two pros and two cons of our current court system and then detail how having 51 “systems” may impact the idea of equality under the court of law in your opinion. Be sure to use resources to back up your opinion.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CRJ 105 SU Wk 4 Crime & Criminal Behavior the Containment Theory Discussion


Week 4 Discussion

Criminal Theories:

One of the theories presented in the course text this week is the Containment theory. How does this theory relate to the social control theory? Further, what are some of the ‘pressures’ that can lead to criminal behavior? Do you agree with this theory as a way to explain the causes of crime? Why or why not?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Addressing Challenges in the Disaster Response Phase Research Paper


Each student will complete a research paper that will be due no later than the end of the
13 th
week of the semester. A draft of the research paper will be due no later than the 10 th
week of the class. Students are required to write an 8-page paper (minimum) which
addresses a specific problem of the response phase in an in-depth manner. Specific
questions to be answered include: What is a major challenge government officials will
confront during the response phase of disaster? Why is it a problem? Why is this issue
important to resolve? Finally, how can it be overcome by the emergency manager and
other related actors or agencies?
The Research Paper must adhere to the APA writing format. The course BLACKBOARD
shell includes a folder that is complete with information on the APA format and includes
sample papers. General APA formatting guidelines include:
1) Submit your papers in the following font: New Times Roman, 12 point.
2) Set your margins as follows: top and bottom = 1”; left and right = 1”
3) All pages should be numbered at the top right hand of the page.
4) Line spacing should be double spaced.
5) Make sure your paper is properly cited using APA guidelines.
6) Be sure to include a cover page with your work. Place the following information on

Law Homework Help