Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. LAVC Racial Disparity in Policing System Police Department in The US Memorandum


Professional-style memo must be (400-600 words No more than 600 words will get marked down!)

Memo must be on a problem facing a hypothetical police department, and your proposed solutions.

Using proper formatting.

No plagiarism, cite all sources using footnotes (citations are not included in the word count)

Follow an outline of a professional memo.

Thank you!

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJA 355 UP Increase Pupils Enrolment in Victory Private High School Essay


  1. Imagine that you are employed by one of the following:
    • The social services division of a state or city government
    • A citizen action committee made up of community members
    • A police or fire department
    • A school or educational organization (public or private)
    • Develop a 1,050- to 1,400-word needs statement and management plan that will be part of a proposal for a fictitious, grant-funded project of your choosing on behalf of your agency or organization. Include the following sections in your submission:
    • Paragraph One: Describe the characteristics of your fictitious agency or organization.
    • Paragraph Two: Discuss the possible funding sources you might contact for this grant proposal.
    • Needs Statement: Establish the specific problem the proposed project will address.
    • Management Plan: Describe the responsibilities of the project director (you) and any staff you will employ to implement the grant.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. University of Phoenix Security Levels Within Jails Discussion


These are 2 different student post… you must respond to it in full sentences.. whether you agree or disagree or even add ons.and make sure you number the response

1)Some differences when it comes to security levels within the jails, state, and federal systems are costs, inmate/worker ratio, building security upgrades, inmate privilege’s. The cost of housing an inmate in prison goes up depending on the level of security prison they are in being minimum/low/maximum. This applies to the inmate to guard ratio as well being that more guard to inmate ratio is increased the higher level security it goes up. The prison building is also upgraded more on security depending on if its minimum/low/maximum, for example a maximum prison can have non-lethal shock fences as well as gun towers, compared to a minimum prison which does not. And last the inmate privilege’s go down the higher the level of security the prison is, for example in a max. prison they have less freedom and time to do stuff compared to a min. prison who have quit a bit of free space and extra activities to help them return to a normal life.

Some of the factors that have a leading cause in population growth in jails, state, and federal prisons are drug crime enforcement, slowing down on inmate processing, and an increase in women inmates. Drug crime enforcement is a direct stem from the 1980’s War on Drugs, this hasn’t help the viewpoint that America has on small drug crimes. For example marijuana is one of the basics if not common type of drug found everywhere, and its slowly catching on with some states legalizing it or others decriminalizing it. Still this drug in particular doesn’t need to be a crime that constantly fills the jails. Another issue is inmate processing is slowing down, this means that pretrial criminals are in jail awaiting trial for far to long. And the last issue that has increase jail population is an increase in women inmates. This means that society is starting to show equal punishment’s as well as not being bias when it comes to arresting a man over a woman.


county (local), state, and federal are all provided money by tax payers. these facilities are housing both females and male. county jail is usually all under one roof with separate units for men and women. they provide options for education, drug addiction classes and many other resources for those looking to have some chance at a successful reentry to society. some of the differences are the number of facilities. there are less federal prison then state and local. another one is what offenders are housed in the facility. county is usually used for small offences, holding for local court dates, and housing people for a other prisons.

state prisons come with 3 security levels minimum security is for those who are non-violent and usually are charged with embezzlement and other white collar crimes. medium security is for those who have minor assault charges and other non-life threatening crimes. maximum security is for those who have committed heinous crime against the community and or individuals. these places have units and sub units, solitary confinement, and protective custody. federal prison tends to have a higher security then state prison. this facility is for those who commit crimes that violate our federal law. one of the most common law violation is drug trafficking and other drug offences along with treason.

outside of lengthy prison sentencing another reason jails and prisons are over crowded are from parole violations. the number of people out on parole is about twice the amount that are imprisoned and with about 22% who violate and are sent back to prison. what the leading cause of most crimes comes down to demographics and education options. it is more likely for lower income families to commit crimes then upper class according to the statics. meaning you will more then likely see people who have suffered in poverty be ones who end up in federal jail vs one who has committed a white-collar crime like stilling a lager amount of money from company and hiding it in illegal companies or in fake accounts

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. University of Phoenix El Chapo Criminal Justice Presentation


Scenario: Imagine you are a corrections professional and have been asked to select a case study and present it to a high school class to explain the different types of correctional facilities in the United States.

Choose 1 of the following people to research:

  • El Chapo
  • Felicity Huffman
  • Andrea Yates
  • Mike Tyson

Create an 8- to 10-slide presentation that covers the following:

  • Explain the individual’s crimes. In what type of correctional institution did they serve or are they serving their sentence? Which factors about their specific crimes determined what type of facility they were sent to?
  • Based on your textbook readings, discuss the effectiveness of the type of correctional institution in this case.
  • Compare and contrast the correctional facility with another type of correctional facility, for example, the difference between a jail and a prison.
  • Explain a hypothetical situation where this individual’s crimes would send them to an alternative type of correctional institution. Provide details to support your assertion.

Include detailed speaker notes.

Cite any references to support your assignment.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Diversity Human Rights & Social Justice Discussion


What do you think is the most pressing social problem facing America throughout the term of the last five presidents and today? What do you feel is the role of the government in the process of dealing with the social problems of their time on the micro and macro levels? What do you think has shaped your views?

Please cite sources

Minimumm 250 words

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. SNHU Human Rights and Social Justice Failing Healthcare System Discussion


There are many arguments and much research that demonstrates the failing healthcare system for urban America. Researching the issue of failing healthcare, develop a list of historic as well as contemporary healthcare inequalities and consider how you agree/disagree. Provide support to your arguments. Historically, what has been done to help alleviate this social problem? What are some effective modern day solutions being proposed? Explain why they are effective.

Please cite sources

Minimum 250 words

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. INR 4335 SDSU Strategic Studies and National Security Cuban Missile Crisis Q&As



Which theory should we use to explain/understand Premier Khrushchev’s strategic goals during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Which policy would you suggest to President Kennedy if you were a member of the ExComm during the crisis? Acquiescence, diplomacy, blockade, surgical strike on the missile bases, or extensive air attack?


  1. *Huth, Paul K. 1999. “Deterrence and International Conflict: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Debates.” Annual Review of Political Science 2 (1): 25-48.

*Schelling, Thomas C. 2015. “Deterrence and Compellence.” In The Use of Force: Military Power and International Politics edited by Robert J. Art and Kelly M. Greenhill, 20-27. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

  1. *George, Alexander. 2015. “Coercive Diplomacy.” In The Use of Force: Military Power and International Politics edited by Robert J. Art and Kelly M. Greenhill, 106-111. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

*George, Alexander and William E. Simons. 1994. The Limits of Coercive Diplomacy. Westview Press. Conclusion.

Kim, Yang Gyu and Félix E. Martín. 2021. “At the Brink of Nuclear War: Feasibility of Retaliation and the U.S. Policy Decisions During the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.” All Azimuth 10(2): 125-147.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UPU Agency Admission Requirements Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need support to help me learn.

To become an officer there are tests and requirements which may vary depending on the level at which you seek employment.

Research the requirements to enter an agency at the local, state, and federal level, and share your findings. Is there a big difference? Do your findings make you consider one agency over another? Why? the state im from is Newyork city,and im located in brooklyn so you can research based on that for this answer.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Liberty University Prison Based and Community Intervention Research Paper


I’m working on a law report and need an explanation to help me understand better.


The purpose of this assignment is for the student to conduct research and to focus upon your own personal analysis of prison-based and community interventions.Please discuss your thoughts and perceptions regarding these topics prior to and following the research phase. Did the research impact your view or personal analysis if current prison-based and community interventions? If so, how? While you are asked to discuss your personal analysis of these topics, please be sure to support your thoughts with your research. 


Please submit a 3-to-4-page, research-based paper. Again, you are slated with providing your own personal analysis of prison-based and community intervention efforts. While this paper provides your own personal analysis, please be sure to support all positions or suppositions with academic research.

Law Homework Help