Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Florida National University Criminal Justice Project


  • Choose your argument:
  1. Prosecutors are abusing the use of plea bargains to bypass the Sixth Amendment’s right to confront witnesses, while inflating their conviction rates.
  2. Prosecutors are not abusing the use of plea bargains or violating the Sixth Amendment as a means of increasing their conviction rates.
  • Support your position by (1) referencing scholarly sources (LexisNexis law review articles or academic scholarly articles from LIRN) and (2) referencing one current news event (less than five years old).
  • Draft a response that adheres to this four-paragraph essay format:
  1. Introduction (brief introduction of your argument and support).
  2. Summary of scholarly articles and how its findings support your argument.
  3. Summary of current news event (less than three years old) and a thorough analysis on how it supports the arguments drafted in the previous paragraph.
  4. Conclusion (summarize findings to support argument).


  • Properly formatted citations are required through-out the essay.
  • This essay must flow coherently, connecting the “dots” coherently and logically. Transitions between paragraphs are crucial in maintaining that flow.
  • Draft your response in a doc file, preferably Google Docs to ensure that it does not get lost. Submit the doc file as an attachment.
  • Review the materials used from sources. Did you copy the content? Is it paraphrased? Basically, this entire essay must come from sources. None of it can possibly come from your personal, first-hand, empirical study. Therefore, each paragraph will require several citations.
  • Legal studies students follow Bluebook Practitioner Rules (fully embedded citations). All other students follow APA rules (embedded in-text cites linked to an alphabetical “references” list of all sources). Refer to the CITATION files in the Student Success Folder.
  • Formatting: Double-space. One-inch margins: top, bottom, left, and right. Font: Times New Roman, black, size 12.
  • Proofread before final submission. Refer to WRITING files in the Student Success Folder.


  • Content (40%): Response must be thorough and original; the analysis must come from the sources researched in Week Three. If sources cited are not from the FNU Library or LexisNexis, or if no sources are provided at all, there will be a 20-point deduction from the “Content” grade.
  • Sources (30%): All sources used must be primary authority or secondary scholarly from the FNU Library or LexisNexis. Sources obtained from any other search engine are unacceptable and will result in zero-points for the “Sources” grade.
  • Citations (20%): All citations must be properly formatted to meet APA, Bluebook Practitioner Rules, or Bluebook Law Review Rules. Pay close attention to the in-text and References Page requirements of APA, or, the total embedding of citations within content when following Bluebook (remember, Bluebook does NOT allow for a “references” list to be submitted; they are not placed at the bottom of a response, at the bottom of a page, or at the end of the document).
  • Grammar & Professionalism (10%): Response must be proofread and edited to meet college-level writing expectations. The overall presentation of your document must be professional (remove hyperlinks, change fonts to Times New Roman, 12, black font, create a cover page, format the entire file to one-inch margins all-around.
  • Do not use I, you, we, or us.
  • Do not use contractions.
  • Do not submit a response without credible sources & properly formatted citations.
  • The scholarly source for paragraph ii must come from LexisNexis or FNU’s LIRN Database. The current news event for paragraph iii must come from a reputable news website, for example, CNN, NBC, ABC.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. California Coast University Terrorism The Schengen Agreement Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

I’m working on a criminal justice writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn. I need an original essay to this question. Must be 350-500 words and in APA format.

Question #2 – The Schengen Agreement currently allows for the free movement across European borders – if this becomes curtailed, will this likely prevent terrorist attacks in the future (bearing in mind that Europe has been home to numerous terrorist organizations prior to the Schengen Agreement)?

The essay must use/list book as a reference at the end of the essay.

Terrorism Today: The Past, The Players, The Future
Jeremy R. Spindlove & Clifford E. Simonsen, 2017
ISBN.13: 978-0-134-54916-3

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Rasmussen College Pros and Cons of Business Entities Memorandum


  1. Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to understand the various entity types for businesses.Course Competency: Distinguish between the various types of business entities.
  2. Instructions

    • Your client, Arthur Krupke, is back. He has approached your supervising attorney about his business, Krupke’s Consultants, and is ready to move forward with his business. The client will be hiring management consultants as employees to go into other businesses and advise them on how they can improve their operations. Arthur has been doing some of his own research about entity types, but would like assistance in forming his business. Arthur is concerned about his investment and his own personal assets should the business fail. He is also still worried about liability he may face for the actions of others. Arthur detests having decisions made for him. He likes to be involved in all business decisions. He is considering opening the business with a couple of friends, but his friends have the same concerns as Arthur about liability and control over business decisions. Your supervising attorney has asked you to draft a memo detailing all the pros and cons of the following entity types for Arthur:
    • Sole Proprietorship
    • General Partnership
    • Limited Partnership
    • Limited Liability Company
    • In addition to explaining the pros and cons, you should make a recommendation of which entity would work best for Arthur’s concerns, and describe the process for forming the business as that entity.
    • Format:
    • Your assignment should be formatted as a memorandum from your supervising attorney to the client. Your memorandum should be 2-3 pages in length, with proper formatting, spelling and grammar. You should use at least 3 primary legal sources formatted according to Bluebook Standards.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. HCM 550 CSUGC Global Health Policies and Rights to Health Report


The Changing Humanitarian Sector

Consider what you learned this week about the Human Rights Approach to Global Health Policy and the role of global health partnerships and policies (see the files attached).

Address the following requirements:

How does the establishment of global partnerships play an integral role in the development of policies for healthcare access? 

What are some of the issues concerning leadership within KSA and the Ministry of Health regarding establishing global health partnerships and policies?

Discuss some of the challenges associated with the KSA healthcare system and how that impacts the overall access to care.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. HRM 546 University of Phoenix Human Resource Law Advisory Memorandum


Assignment Content

As a first-year Human Resource Specialist at “State of Estates” estate planning firm, your boss (Will N. Trusts) presents you with the following two scenarios:

Scenario 1

Ned was hired six weeks ago by “State of Estates” to supervise the call center on weekends. At the time of hire, Ned did not disclose that he is a follower of the “Weekend Warriors” religion. In observance of his religious practices, Ned may not work Saturday mornings before noon. Ned called out of work three Saturday mornings in a row, costing the company extra overtime costs. The company looked to re-arrange the schedule, but to pull in a more senior supervisor on the weekend would require time-and-a-half pay. In addition, call-center statistics indicate a drop in productivity when there is a change of supervisor mid-day. The company would like to terminate Ned’s employment.

  • Would Ned have an argument for religious discrimination against “State of Estates?” Why or why not?
  • If yes, would the company be able to assert any defenses under these circumstances?
Scenario 2

Ella works in the accounting department in the northern satellite office of the company. She has been employed for four years, and performed her job well until recently, when she was caught sleeping on the job numerous times. Ella explained to her supervisor that she suffers from sleep apnea and has not been sleeping well at night. She requested a special caffeine supplement, at $200 daily, to keep her focused on the spreadsheets.

  • What factors would a court consider in determining whether Ella’s sleep apnea qualifies her for protection under the ADA?
  • Would “State of Estates” have to provide the requested accommodation of the caffeine pills in this instance? Why or why not?

Create two 350-word memos in one document based on these two scenarios.

Format your memos, including citations and references consistent with APA guidelines.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Liberty University Faith Based Prison Programs Discussion


I’m working on a law discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

please respond to the following discussion question with 450 words 3 references and a biblical viewpoint with a cited scripture.
Topic: Faith-based Prison Programs

Thread: There are few or no laws to protect individuals from the stigma of prison and the discrimination they face. What are the advantages and disadvantages of faith-based prison reentry programs?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Liberty University Testing HIV for Prisoners Discussion


I’m working on a law discussion question and need guidance to help me study.

biblical viewpoint with a cited scripture

Topic: HIV Testing Policy for Prisons

Thread: As a prison administrator (warden/superintendent), what would your recommendation be for HIV testing within the prison system? Why or why not? If so, when should it take place (e.g. during admission, anytime during incarceration, just prior to release)? Should the offenders who are HIV/AIDS positive be segregated? Would it be a violation of the offender’s rights to be segregated from the general population? 

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. LU Active Shooter Threatening Learners and Teachers Safety Discussion


I’m working on a law discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Topic: Active Shooter

The Columbine (Colorado) High School shooting in 1999 changed the active school shooter response forever. Fifteen people, including the perpetrators died in that event. The shooters, students at the school, committed suicide after killing 12 students and a teacher. Previous to that incident law enforcement typically assembled the available personnel and made a tactical entry of some sort. As we have studied school shootings since then, it has become apparent that shooters often attack until stopped with the intent of killing and terrorizing as many people as possible. Our tactical response must consider these realities and adjust the law enforcement response accordingly.

What is the future of school safety?  Many have suggested “hardening the target” by installing shatterproof glass, metal detectors, arming teachers, and banning backpacks. Still others want the focus on gun control measures and mental health considerations. School safety has morphed into a $2.7 billion industry in 2019. While school officials admit that simple measures such as lockdown drills, evacuation strategies, and easily secured doors are the most effective measures, fear often drives the school safety process. Without a doubt, we need to provide a safe environment for our children to learn and prepare for their lives, but there is little agreement on how that will be accomplished. Ultimately, the law enforcement response must support the goals of school administrators and promote safety for responders as well as students.

In a 2014 report, the Police Response to Active Shooter Incidents, the authors examined 84 active shooter incidents between 2000-2014. In roughly half of the incidents, the police response ended the crisis. The attacker committed suicide in just under half of all other events. In the wake of recent school shootings, notably in Parkland, Florida, the law enforcement response is often scrutinized closely. Discuss the idea that solo entries should be initiated in all school shootings. Over 50% of the time when an officer makes a solo entry, the scene is still active. Further, nearly one-third of the officers who made solo entries during an incident were shot. Consider whether this is a viable option to mitigate injury and loss of life or if it is madness and needs to be avoided at all costs.

  • What are the critical issues related to the law enforcement and EMS response to active shooters?
  • Should officers be trained in triage and immediate lifesaving techniques to avoid the necessity to clear a scene prior to permitting EMS to respond?
  • Should academy training be revamped to include more specific actions related to active shooter situations in schools, including solo entries?
  • Justify and support your positions and arguments from the literature. 

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Criminal Justice Roles of Empathy Question



In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Describe the role that empathy plays in the decision-making processes used across criminal justice professions


You are a correctional counselor for a youthful offender program. You are to create a written report to your supervisor about the case you are working on and the role empathy may play in the decisions made by criminal justice professionals regarding the offender and victim. Using the case details linked in the Supporting Materials section, create a written report that focuses on an explanation of empathy, empathy and interactions, responses to the victim, empathy and the restorative justice process, and media and empathy.


Using the provided case details, create a written report to your supervisor regarding the role that empathy played in the decision-making processes across criminal justice professions specific to this case. Include the following required elements:

  1. Explain what empathy is and how it can be applied in the criminal justice system (50–100 words). Include the following in your explanation:
    1. What is empathy?
    2. In which areas of criminal justice can empathy be applied?
    3. How can it be applied?
  2. Describe how empathy influenced interactions between the victim of the robbery and criminal justice professionals (100–150 words). Include the following in your description:
    1. Which criminal justice professional(s) interacted with the victim?
    2. How did empathy (or lack thereof) affect the interactions between criminal justice professional(s) and the victim?
  3. Analyze responses to a victim of robbery (100–150 words). Include the following in your analysis:
    1. What were the responses to the victim?
    2. How did the responses affect the victim?
    3. Were the responses appropriate or not? If not, how could they be changed to be appropriate?
  4. Explain how empathy influenced the restorative justice process (50–100 words). Include the following in your explanation:
    1. Which criminal justice professional(s) displayed empathy to the offender?
    2. How did empathy affect the offender and the restorative justice process?
  5. Analyze how the media influenced empathy in the criminal justice process (100–150 words). Include the following in your analysis:
    1. What was the role of the media in the case?
    2. Who did the media affect and how?

Law Homework Help