Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJUS 702 Bethel University MOD1 Chapter 4 WK1 Juvenile Criminal System Paper


Juvenile Justice 9TH 18
by: Cox, Steven M.

ISBN-13: 978-1-5063-4900-8

In this assignment you will apply the readings and presentations in the Reading & Study folder of Module 1: Week 1 in a meaningful way to clarify your understanding of the juvenile justice system. Choose a historical event that happened and the impact it had on contemporary juvenile justice in the United States. Further clarify what you believe the long-term effect of these event will be on the system? The purpose of this assignment will give you the opportunity to apply weeks activities in a meaningful essay application. Your essay discusses a historical event that has had an impact on the contemporary juvenile justice system in the United States. What do you think the long-term effects of these events will be on the system?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Leeds Metropolitan University Smileylanders International Public Law Discussion


I’m working on a law discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.

This question required to discuss statehood, secession and self-determination with reference among others to the ICJ Advisory Opinion on Kosovo. The answer must take a very systematic with the Montevideo criteria mentioning examples and introduced a wide range of other rules, real examples and literature references to deliver a convincing response. The use of case law, international law and critical analyse is critical.

Description: The State of Merriland consisted of two ethnic groups, the Happilanders who represented the majority, and the Smileylanders who represented 20% of the entire population. The Smileylanders lived concentrated in the North West part of the country where they were able to run autonomously their affairs which allowed them to adopt their own laws in areas such as healthcare and education. However, the Smileylanders were reliant on economic support from the government of Merriland. Amidst growing dissatisfaction as a result of Merriland’s decision to withdraw from the Treaty of the World Union, the Smileylanders made a claim towards establishing their own independent state.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. GCU Community Oriented Policing & Problem Oriented Policing Questions


Write an essay of 1,250-1,500 words that thoroughly explores the following questions:

  1. Is community-oriented policing possible? Is it successful? Is it feasible in a community whose interpersonal bonds are weak, nonexistent, or where fear has a high impact on the citizens? Why or why not?
  2. Compare and contrast COP and problem-oriented policing (POP). Is one type of community patrolling more appropriate than another? Does the community affect which type of method is more effective?
  3. Identify where you would initiate each form of policing, and explain the advantages your choice brings to the impacted community.
  4. Research current police relations initiatives. Document at least two examples of the type of relationships that exist between law enforcement officials and various members of the community. Were the relationships positive or negative? What changes could be made to improve relations? What additional programs could be added or developed to strengthen relationships between law enforcement and the community?

Use the GCU Library to locate four to six peer-reviewed sources in support of your content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. University of Phoenix Prisons Security Levels Question & Explanation


I don’t understand this Criminal Justice question and need help to study.

  • What are some of the similarities and differences between security levels in jails, state prisons, and federal prisons? Provide an explanation of factors leading to population growth in jails, state prisons, and federal prisons. 

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Knowledge of Medical Terminology and Current Health Issue Report


this assignment provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of medical terminology as it relates to a current health issue.

  1. First select one (1) of the following health issues:
    • Asthma
    • Crohn’s Disease
    • Coronary Heart Disease
    • Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus
    • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
    • Influenza Immunization
    • Lyme Disease
    • Type 1 Diabetes
    • Hypertension
    • Osteoporosis
    • Smoking
    • Stroke
    • Type 2 Diabetes
    • Vaping
    • West Nile Virus
    • Zika Virus
  2. Find a peer review article in the Excelsior Library that describes the health issue you chose and uses various medical terms in its description. 
  3. Use the TRAAP method (Links to an external site.) to evaluate the article you chose. 
  4. Write a 1-page report in which you discuss how the health issue you chose is affecting your community today. 
  5. Find 6 medical terms in the article and use those terms correctly in your report.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Rasmussen College Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act Discussion



Initial Post

Using legal articles or blog posts, find an example of legal complexity that is very hard to simplify. Be sure to cite your reference.

  1. Provide the example.
  2. Explain what makes the example complex and difficult to simplify.

Here are a couple of exaggerated starter examples to assist you. You will be able to find your own examples on the web that are not as obviously wrong but are still hard to untangle.

“In the event that the contingency of the failure to promptly fulfill the order for 1,000 widgets occurs, the buyer may, at buyer’s option, obtain cover, substitute goods, goods from another supplier, or otherwise act so as to obtain the aforementioned goods that were not delivered.”

“Whereas, the buyer has failed to promptly notify the seller of the intention of buyer to refuse to either pay the price or to explain failure to pay, and has failed to indicate nonacceptance of the aforesaid goods, and the reasons thereof for said failure to so indicate, seller shall refuse to stop deliveries and shall continue to invoice for them until further notice.”

  • Initial Post

    60% of total gradeExcellentSatisfactory

  • The student competently responds to the discussion, but there may be a lack of focus regarding the topic or integration of the course material into the response. • The required post is made by the deadline (Tuesday by 11:59 pm CST), contains no spelling errors, and is grammatically correct. • The post meets word requirement (200 words) and includes supporting citation.
  • Poor

  • Poorly written, late post (after Tuesday at 11:59 pm CST) • The post makes little or no effort to engage in the discussion question.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UCSB Race and Discrimination in Jury Selection Memorandum


2 page analytical memo on attached reading

First part is to identify a topic

Second is to identify something about that topic from the reading that is not common knowledge

Third is to do an analysis or try extrapolating to predict how the idea would apply to a current event. This should not be a summary but should instead use that information in some novel fashion.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. INDS 400 Liberty University Potential Impacts of COVID 19 School Closures Paper


Literature Review Instructions

Prompt: In 1,000-1,500 words and using at least seven scholarly sources, create a literature review of the scholarship and research gap around the topic of your research proposal.


  • A literature review accomplishes two main things: it summarizes the context of other scholar’s work related to your topic, and it identifies the research gap that you propose to fill.
  • You must include an introduction paragraph with a literature review purpose statement, body paragraphs that each center around a sub-topic related to your research proposal, and a conclusion paragraph that summarizes your literature review and emphasizes the presence of the research gap you have identified.
  • You must use third person
  • Your grammar, spelling, and punctuation should be flawless. Visit the Liberty University writing centers if you want extra help:
  • APA formatting is required, but do not include a title page or abstract.

Additional Suggestions:

  • The research gap is the lack of knowledge surrounding the research question you have chosen. You should definitely mention this in the conclusion but can also mention it in your purpose statement and in your body paragraphs.
  • A literature review purpose statement is just like a thesis statement in some ways. It belongs at the end of your introduction paragraph, and it gives the focus of the lit review, but in a lit review, you are not arguing to make a point. You are summarizing relevant research and identifying your research gap, so your purpose statement should reflect that. Here is an example of what one may sound like: While much research has been done on (broader topic), a research gap remains surrounding (your specific question).
  • If you cannot find a source that is a perfect fit for your topic, that is actually a good thing! It means your research question is original and has not already been studied. Find sources that are mostly or at least partially related, but if you find a source that is a perfect fit, that is a red flag.
  • To choose topics for your lit review body paragraphs, break your research question down into key sub-topics. For example: if you are studying whether listening to classical music makes kindergarteners run faster, you might pick the following sub-topics: influence of music on exercise intensity, studies on running training for young children, classical music effects on kindergarteners, etc. In each case, you can look up relevant studies, report those results and why they are relevant, and then identify where the research gap still remains.
  • A key aspect of a literature review is synthesis! There may be times where it makes sense to discuss just one source in a paragraph, but generally your paragraphs should be focused on a sub-topic and pull from multiple sources to illustrate where the scholarly literature is in studying that sub-topic.
  • When you summarize sources, use lots of citations! Citation density is a powerful way to show that you are not just giving a shallow or basic overview of a topic.
  • Remember that your hypothetical readers are scholars who already know the basics. Get detailed with your sources and avoid explaining basic things that scholars in the field would already know.
  • Do not argue for a point or show bias! It will be VERY tempting to argue for your point, but you should not argue in your literature review, only observe. Remember that the whole point of a research proposal (which your literature review is part of) is just to propose that a question be asked, not to argue that you know the answer. If you already know the answer, why even bother proposing asking it?
  • Identify the most up-to-date research on your topic. Find the newest sources you can!
  • Do not use your introduction to introduce your topic; instead, introduce the idea of the research on it. When you finish your Research Proposal in Week 7, you will have to write an overall introduction paragraph, and that one will introduce the topic itself. So, for now, introduce the literature review specifically. Introduce the idea of reviewing scholarship and the sub-topics you will be studying, include your statement of purpose, and keep it short!
  • Refer to the textbook and journal articles for information on and examples of literature reviews. Reading other, professional lit reviews is the best way to get better at writing yours.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Boston University Market and Product Diversification Case Study


you will complete this last portion and then submit it via attaching this to the assignment. This is the final portion of this project. Once you have entered into this assignment, you will submit your completed Course Project which should include all of your responses from Parts 1 thru 5.

Law Homework Help