Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJ 230 Umpqua Community College Week 5 Juvenile Justice System Paper



This report will be due during Week 5, but I recommend you get started thinking about what you want to write now. You will submit a two-part analysis paper via Canvas file upload.


In this portion of your paper, describe the following roles as they pertain to the juvenile justice system. Each should be their own section and should fully and accurately describe the role of each:

  • Police
  • Juvenile Court
  • The Prosecutor
  • The Defense Attorney
  • Juvenile Probation/Parole Officer


After you have fully defined the roles of each of the above, write 2-3 paragraphs of what you think is the most effective role and the has the ability to have the most significant impact on the youth offender. Support your claim with definitional and historical evidence and provide your reasoning. Try to think about what someone arguing against your claim might say and work your own counter-arguments into your paper.

Paper Requirements

  • 3-5 pages, not including the title or reference pages
  • APA formatting (for help, see this page)
  • Double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins
  • 2 references from reputable sources, one of which can be your textbook
  • You do NOT need an abstract.
  • Submission files will be in .doc, .docx, or PDF format

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Purdue University Global Bachelors in Criminal Justice Analysis Paper


Short Paper: International Comparison

Write a 3 to 4 page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) that addresses the following:

  • Compare and contrast the justice system of a foreign country with that of the United States.
  • Be sure to address at least four (or more) of the following issues in your essay:
  1. Substantive Law
  2. Procedural Law
  3. Judicial Review
  4. Policing Systems
  5. International Police Cooperation

You should consult outside sources to ensure that you thoroughly address each issue.

(PLEASE NOTE: This assignment will require outside research. Use  at least four or more discrete academically reliable sources other than  the provided material.) You may consult the Library, the internet,  and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper  citations in APA style.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Post Software Development Productivity Using Total Factor Productivity Responses


topic: gun policy’s issues1.I am for and against a parent being criminally liable if their child take a gun from them and injuries another person. I feel if a child under the age of eight gets a gun then the parents should be held liable because  guns should be locked away and stored away safely and out of the reach of toddlers. On the other hand, if a child that knows right from wrong locates the safe and steals the gun and harms someone, then the juvenile should be held responsible  because they had a chance to do the right thing and they chose not to.2.In my opinion parents should be liable if their kids takes weapons and harms another person. I own weapons myself and i keep them locked up all the time and i keep the key hidden so my kids have no idea where it is. The easiest thing to do is grab a weapon that is out in the open and not locked away. Under the CAP ( Child Access Prevention) law holds gun owners liable for the safe and storage of firearms. It is a simple step to protect the ones you love safe and from harm.Topic: unit 8 Ondrej, Jiri & Jan article1.The article provided for this weeks reading covered the importance of how a reliable estimation of productivity is an important part of software engineering. During the software development phase for a new organization, there is often little to base success off of. With a scientific approach to formulate productivity, a baseline is created to work from in future adjustments. While the total factor productivity approach is used heavily in economics, it can also be used in many other business processes. An interesting part of this article was the discussion of money and how both input and output prices are not directly observable.Instead, expert estimations are often used. An overwheling amount of information in this article shows how estimations in productivity can enhance the start of an organization. It also shows how important each segment of development is in terms of future efficiency. What downsides, if any, can these types of estimations have on development or timelines?2.Discussing the reading of “Estimating Productivity of Software Development Using the Total Factor Productivity Approach”, first is abstract which is the design, control and optimization of software engineering.  It explains how economic theories are a great tool for measuring productivity. When calculating productivity, input and output is taken into consideration and evaluated using TFP (Total Factor Productivity). When using TFP any changes are measured by using productivity indexes or indicators. One challenging task is measuring outputs, as the outputs represents the complete basket of services as well as products that are provided during the trasformation processes. Basically the whole process is to look at productivity using equations to measure data as well as TFP, according to Machek,O(2012 July,02 Pg.5) says “Traditionally, the outputs of software development are measured by lines of code (LOC) or function points (FP). These two measures are highly correlated, but additionally, the TFP approach takes into account the

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. LAW 101 SEU Legal Environment of Business Making Ethical Decisions Discussion


I’m working on a law discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

When making ethical decisions on behalf of your employer, should you consider the impact on others outside your employer? If so, who and why?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CTC Courts Interrogation of Resident Assistants Actions Discussion


Chapter 7 – State v. Ellis

  1. List all the actions taken by the resident assistants and the Central State Police Department officers
  2. that invaded Ellis’s Fourth Amendment right of privacy in his dorm room.
  3. Explain why the court’s interrogation of resident assistants’ actions was consistent with reasonable Fourth Amendment searches but the police officers’ actions were unreasonable. Do you agree? Defend your answer.
  4. Interrogate Ellis’s Fourth Amendment privacy ideal from his standpoint. Back up your answer.
  5. As they relate to the special needs/privacy ideal, should it matter whether the resident assistants, campus police, or city police conducted the search? Defend your answer.

Chapter 8 – Miranda v. Arizona

  1. According to SCOTUS, what do the words “custody” and “interrogation” mean?
  2. Why is custodial interrogation “inherently coercive,” according to the majority?
  3. Identify and explain the criteria for waiving the right against self-incrimination in custodial interrogation.
  4. On what grounds do the dissenters disagree with the majority’s decision? What interests are in conflict, according to the Court?
  5. How do the majority and the dissent explain the balance of interests established by the Constitution?
  6. Which is more consistent with the relevant criminal procedures ideals regarding the law of police interrogation, the majority’s bright-line rule, requiring warnings, or the dissent’s due process test, weighing the totality of circumstances on a case-by-case basis? Defend your answer.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Central Texas College Correctional Professionals Misconduct Discussion


I’m studying for my Criminal Justice class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Present some suggestions to decrease misconduct by correctional professionals

Compare the crime control approach to the human rights model of policing.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Central Texas College Court Systems Discussion


Nothing to declare: Why U.S. border agency’s vast stop and search powers undermine press freedom

Recommendations: The Committee to Protect Journalists offers the following recommendations

Watch the video and read the article from the Committee to Protect Journalists. A link to the CPJ’s recommendations is also available. The infographic chart provided is helpful in providing an overview of rulings on border searches. The CPJ discusses border searches of electronic devices. The CPJ points out that President Obama prosecuted eight individuals under the Espionage Act and A.G. Jeff Sessions has filed indictments in four leak investigations. The CPJ is concerned about border searches for those reasons.

  1. Is there any evidence provided in the article to suggest that searches of electronic devices at the border have been used to specifically target journalists?
  2. Of the investigations related to leaks under Obama and Trump, were any of those investigations involving border searches?
  3. Have searches of electronic devices increased in the past few years? By how much?
  4. Do you believe searching electronic devices at the border is necessary for national security? If you were in charge of adopting a policy to be used at all international borders would you restrict the warrantless searches of devices altogether, or require some suspicion for a warrantless search, or allow all devices to be searched without any individualized suspicion? Justify your decision.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. PA 301 San Diego State University Concepts and Issues in Public Administration MEMO


You will be required to create a 10-minute “podcast” interview with the public employee at the local, federal, or state agencies. To produce this audio and video podcast interview, you will need to:

(1) identify the public employee professional

(2) develop two PA-related questions that are connected to the course material covered + the assigned question (What is the greatest challenge for public administration or public service over the next 10 years?)

(3) arrange and record your video interview with the professional.

Your final product will include you introducing the professional (name, title, organization, brief background — ask the professional for a brief bio before the interview, the questions and answers with the professional, you thanking the professional for their time. You should use Zoom to prepare this recording.

In addition to the interview, you will write a brief (no more than two pages) memo responding to the comments made by the professional. Your comments will be based on the material covered in class over the semester and referenced as such.

Be sure to include the following in your interview:

  • Name of the professional
  • Name of the workplace of the professional
  • Phone number of the professional
  • Email address of the professional
  • What are the primary responsibilities of the professional

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. New York Institute of Technology WFLA Law Discussion


Question I – Claire is severely injured in a car accident.  The local hospital cannot treat Claire’s injuries.  In order to survive, Claire must be flown via Helicopter to a hospital in a bordering state.  Prior to boarding the helicopter, Claire signs a contract obligating her to pay for the helicopter flight and all of its expenses.  Claire lives and fully recovers.  However, she is being sued by the helicopter company in the amount of $50,000 for the helicopter transportation and its accompanying expenses.  What is argument Claire could make in order to rescind the agreement?  Does it matter that the helicopter company performed its obligation under the contract?

Question II – Bono is a musician.  He sells his neighbor a gently used lawn mower at a deeply discounted price.  The neighbor is dissatisfied with the performance of the lawn mower.  Can the neighbor sue Bono under the UCC §2-314, the implied warranty of merchantability?  Why or why not?

Question III – If cigarette companies want to work with one another for a common interest, what is one example that would allow the cigarette companies to do so without violating the Sherman Act?  What source of law protects the cigarette companies’ actions?

Question IV – The year is 2012 and the light bulb has not yet been invented.  Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla are in a bitter feud to see who can bring electricity to the masses first.  In this alternative history, it is indisputable that Tesla invented the lightbulb first.  However, Edison filed his lightbulb patent prior to Tesla.  According to the law in 2012, who holds the patent to the lightbulb?

Law Homework Help