Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJ 420 San Diego State University Right to Counsel for Juvenile Defendants Report


This assignment requires students to examine a contemporary, real-life criminal justice practice through the lens of constitutional law. All aspects of the criminal justice system must comply with the U.S. Constitution. This assignment requires students to explain why a particular practice is (or is not) constitutional.

DESCRIPTION:Students will write a 3-5 page paper that discusses and evaluates the legal and/or constitutional issues relating to a specific criminal justice practice. Students may write about any topic – so long as it relates to a contemporary, real-life criminal justice practice.

I have already chosen a topic which is the right to counsel (RtC) for defendants during a criminal justice process in particular for juvenile defendants. I have uploaded my draft paper on the topic so you have to do the ½-page “draft” or the constructive feedback.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. PH 450 Grossmont College Public Health Policy Discussion


attached are the instructions and questions.

You may use your textbook, notes, and internet resources to complete this exam. You are not allowed to work with your classmates. Please answer all questions and follow instructions on the length of each response. Frame your responses clearly, be as specific as possible, and use full sentences unless otherwise indicated. Please type your responses. Point values for each question are shown below.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Central Texas College Negotiation Success & Negotiator Effectiveness Discussion


1. Getting to Yes and your Manual readings suggest that “there can be no negotiation without communication.” Assuming that this is more than a cliché, what does this mean? Discuss communication variables and barriers that are important to understanding negotiation success and negotiator effectiveness.

2. In negotiations, truthfulness (honesty, veracity, etc.) seems to be a low priority or get lost entirely. How do determine what is ethical conduct in negotiation? Other than our own sense of ethics, what constraints or reasons do you see to avoid questionable conduct?

3. What is your definition of negotiation? Distinguish it from other dispute resolution processes. Is negotiation involved in and/or part of those processes?

4. What is your understanding of integrative bargaining? What is the contrasting type of bargaining? Describe the essential differences. Do people need to select one mode or the other as their style? Why or why not?

5. What are the “Top Ten” characteristics of a good negotiator? Prioritize them and indicate why you rank them this way? Which are you working on and how?

6. Describe the importance of non-verbal behavior in understanding negotiation? How do you recognize, use, and/or respond to it?

7. If you are faced with a negotiation “opponent” who appears to have more power resources than you do, what are some steps or approached you can take to improve your chances?

8. Emotions and/or personal involvement can both help and/or hinder a negotiation. Discuss how “feelings” can have a positive or negative impact and can be “used” by a negotiator.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. ISS 3130 FIU Fundamentals of National Security & Climate Change Discussion


Climate change is a growing concern for countries around the world because it may spark resource wars, spread disease, and force large populations living along major coastlines to move inland. Regardless of why you think it’s happening, climate change is here. Great powers like the United States, Russia, and others are competing to cement their presence in the Arctic and take advantage of new shipping lanes. 

Student outline for posting:

  • Watch this week’s video: 
  • Explain WHY Russia is taking advantage of climate change
    • First paragraph
  • Assess HOW Russia using climate change to its benefit, impacts U.S. National Security
    • Second paragraph

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Sullivan College Preference of Moral Law Over Legal Positivism Discussion


After having read Chapter 1, recall the idea that law is the “moral minimum” in a democratic society. Why is the law considered a moral minimum? Is this definition dependent on whether we are looking at the law from the perspective of legal positivism or from that of natural law? Explain in a way that demonstrates your understanding of the difference between these different perspectives. If you had to pick one perspective or the other, which do you prefer? Why?

This is my answer;

Law is defined as the body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by controlling authority and having binding legal force according to the Black’s Law Dictionary. The reason why the law is referred to as the moral minimum is because it suggests for society the bare minimum that is construed as ethical behavior. The law does not police citizens on their every action nor does it prosecute them for all their wrongdoings, however it prohibits behavior that contravenes“moral minimums” (Kubasek, et. al., 2012).

The definition of the law being a moral minimum is dependent on looking at the law from a perspective of natural law. This is because the natural law ideology reiterates that the law should be based on a universal moral order and that it exceeds human laws. It takes into consideration morality and that is what “moral minimum” also speaks about. In contrast, legal positivism focuses on the law as it is with no consideration of what is moral or immoral (Mayer, et al.,2014). Natural law is a concept that human beings instinctively follow and is the moral fibre that defines our actions. How a human being acts is typically in response to his conscience and perhaps what is deemed as correct by their religion. However, this might be seen as going against the laws of the state which is where legal positivism and natural law clash. The difference between these two theories can be simply explained as that legal positivism is ‘what the rules are’ and natural law is ‘what is suitable for us as humans’ (OpinionFront, n.d.)

The perspective that I would choose between the two is natural law. This is because we do not live in an ideal world where rules can be followed to the letter without taking into consideration the concept of morality and the underlying merits of the law. Natural law considers social context and I believe it is the cornerstone of any democratic society.



Kubasekundefined, N.K.undefined, Brennan, B.A ., Brownne , M., (2 012 ) . Legal Environment of Business , 6 th Edition . Pearson .

2. Mayer, D. , Warner, D., Siedel , G., Lieberman. J.K., (2014). Business Law and the Legal Environment: Executive MBA Edition (Version 1.0). Washington: Flat World Knowledge.

3. Understanding ‘Legal Positivism’ is Now Easy WithThese Examples – Opinion Front

4. Garner, B.A., (1999). Black’s Law Dictionary : 7 th Edition : West (Thomson Reuters) Publishers .

Respond to 5 people. Write if you agree and why. Please provide details. Make it relatable to my original post.


In my opinion, “moral minimum” is referring to how people are expected to act in society. With this, the law is considered a “moral minimum” because it is supposed to be something that everyone in society can follow as a guide. This way we know what is right and what is wrong. I feel that this definition is dependent on whether we are looking at the law from the perspective of legal positivism or natural law. Legal positivism focuses on the law it’s self which is more so a Rule made by a person in a position of power. Natural law is the opposite because it stresses the laws are created through experiences. This is very similar to the way that I explained “moral minimum” because I feel that it is would make more sense to create laws organically rather than being told how to act. “Moral minimum” would be based on following directions you are given by the person in a position of power with the prescriptive of legal positivism. This is a different kind of moral, so I think natural law is better since it’s based on more so being an overall good person that makes moral decisions.


The law is considered to be the moral minimum in a democratic society because it can not correct every wrong that occues in society. Its aim is to address the worst kind of wrongs in a society. The difference in ethical behavior and law abiding behavior can be currently seen in our current covid system. Currently anyone that has been vaccinated can go out in public without a mask. While a person that has not been vaccinated may be deceitful and not wear a mask that would be unethical but currently not breaking the law mainly because no lawsuits have been filed to set a precedent. Lets think back to biblical times when the commandments were first written these commandments were basically moral minimums. Thou shall not kill may seem to be pretty cut and dry but what about justifiable homicide, whenever a person feels their life it threatened it is seen to be okay to take a life.

This is not dependent on whether you are looking at the perspective of positivism which would say if a law is decreed it must be followed regardless of its fairness to all groups. However it is linked to the natural law perspective in that our laws have broadened and improved as we learned so what started out as a moral minimum has been honed to a more inclusive set of laws with finer points that don’t cut such a wide swath of impact.

I would prefer the natural law approach as it has specific statutes regarding the laws, with newer technology it is imperative that we continue to develop laws to address situations that until now were unknown. With upcoming future developments we have no way of knowing what the law will be but have to develop the network to prevent against unethical behavior that could result in unfair treatment to someone.


Moral minimum is a standard or principal upheld as being essential for moral conduct. A specific rule that one should due no intentional harm – which is often considered to be the bare minimum of ethical behavior. The law does not correct every wrong in society. At minimum it curves worst wrongs; the wrongs that violate the moral minimum the community demands of its members (Mayer et al., 2014).

After reading the content the force of good and evil is how I define positive law. Natural law gives one a way to point out what is wrong with positive law or the dangers of positivism. One example in our history that supports this point of view are the ancient laws of slavery. Positive law in this case was a force of evil because allowed unvoluntary transactions and did not take into consideration the rights of those impacted. Natural law points out the dangers of positivism.

Because of this I choose the natural law perspective, it allows us to point out laws that impact the rights of others and is a powerful way of pointing out when the worst wrongs are immoral and violate the basic moral minimum of human rights.


Mayer, D., Warner, D.M., Siedel, G. J., & Lieberman, J.K. (2014). Business law and the legal environment version 1.0. Flatworld Knowledge.


The moral minimum is a standard or principle that is upheld and viewed as indispensable for moral conduct. It is the “bare minimum” that is required for ethical behavior. The law is considered a moral minimum because it does not aim to correct every wrong thing that occurs in society but at a minimum, aims to address the worse kind of wrongs. Legal positivism states that “Law is the command of a sovereign.” In other words, law is only law if it comes from a recognized authority and can be enforced by that authroirity. Natural law emphasizes that law should be based on a universal moral order.

I believe that the moral minimum can definitely be percieved through Natural Law because it relates to a set of unchanging moral principles that are seen as the basis for all human conduct. One of the most common examples of natural law is the universally accepted and understood notion that killing someone is wrong. This is one of the moral minimums that our law addresses. Legal Positivism on the other hand recognizes the law makers command as legitimate and doesn’t question the laws morality.

If I had to pick between the two, I would chose natural law. The examples the text book gave of legal positivism being played out just didn’t sit well with me. lol I would have to be like my girl Rosa Parks and participate in a little civil disobedience if I felt like a law was issued that violated the moral minium or natural law.


These moral minimums are in reference to the most general acceptable forms of behavior from society and its members. Therefore the law is what can dictate, uphold and sustain these moral minimums to a standard that can support justice in all the many forms be it intrinsic or far less obvious or substantiative. The schools of thought which encapsulate both legal positivism and natural law assign possible meaning or a principled base (or lack thereof in the case of legal positivism). Legal Positivism suggests that law derive its authority from either science and/or a dictator, king, or otherwise very flawed man. Not only is this kind of abhorrent thinking disasterous historically in cultures and societies that have tried it (in this instance, I would exclude the monarchies that were subject to religious principles although those are not without their noticeable faults and disasters) but thinkers like Niche for example warn of this cultural relativism where man is responsible for cultivating their own values. These bleed into what law would lean on for standards and principles. Naturla law however like natural rights provide a divine bedrock to which prinples and values are firmly built upon. However we know that in the hands on man, we’ve been able to twist and distort justice and truth so terribly that on any given day depending on the county, state, or country (and judge) who hears your case, you can walk out wealthy or strapped to a chair with a bag over your head and a paralyzing agent running through your veins. By this point I think it’s terribly obvious that there is a preference here to natural law. This perference relies on the rationality of a moral value to divine or natural principles. It appears however that in the absence of societal support of this, unmoral individuals game the system and find it easily manipulated over time. Still in any case, natural law in my estimation is the system that allows the most amount of oppoertunity (justice) to prevail successfully, honestly, and fairly.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJA 385 CUNY Kingsborough Community Alternative Solution for Drug Policy Discussion


Reform often leads to the creation an alternative solutions. In this assignment you will research a policy that has been revised and provide information about the policy and the steps that were taken to plan and implement the change.

Write a 1200-word paper analyzing how a current criminal justice policy was developed as an alternative solution to its predecessor. Be sure to include the following:

Identify the policy.

Describe how it was developed as an alternative solution to its predecessor.

  • Analyze the factors that contributed to the policy’s development.
  • Explain the importance of developing an alternative.

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CSU Criminal Justice Systems Comparative Essay


I’m working on a criminal justice writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Compare and contrast the four types of criminal justice systems (process, network, nonsystem, and true system). Be sure to include descriptions and functions of each. Identify the type in which you would be most comfortable working in, and explain why.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Texas Teachers Lesson Plan


Lesson Plans can be of any subject within the TEKS for Texas Criminal justice classes. This is a single day lesson plan not a unit lesson plan so each lesson plan should be written for a single day.  There must be 2 different plans for 2 different classes (Different TEKs). Must be completed in the plan template provided. Rubrics and example plan provided for guide.

This project evaluates your knowledge and skills in the following areas:

Using the state standard to write learning objectives

Aligning the rigor of the state standard to the rigor of the learning objective

Developing a performance measure that is aligned to the state standard and is included in the learning objective

Recognizing the basic elements of lesson planning

Be sure your learning objective includes the assessment. You must include how you will measure student learning in the learning objective. People fail this project because they do not include this in their learning objective.

Instructional strategies

The inclusion of effective literacy strategies

The inclusion of effective student use of technology (Every lesson must include the active use of student technology. Without this, you will not pass this project.)

The extent to which you have differentiated each lesson (This is evaluated through the reteach activities and extension activities. Extension activities are for students who already know the content you will be teaching. You must include activities for both students who don’t understand the content, and those who already do and need to extend their learning.)

Questioning strategies and feedback – Be sure you identify the level of Bloom’s taxonomy for each question.

Accommodations and modifications – You must have at least one of each. Do not write “follow the IEP”


Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Saudi Electronic University Ethical Decision Making Discussion Question


I need an explanation for this Law question to help me study.

Discussion Question:

When making ethical decisions on behalf of your employer, should you consider the impact on others outside your employer? If so, who and why?

Law Homework Help