Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CMRJ 303 APUS Use of Deadly Force and Police Brutality Discussion


Discuss with your classmates about the areas in which you submit police departments have been found to be defective or deficient concentrating on i.e., constitutional due process, civil rights, use of deadly force and police brutality, abuse of discretion, corruption and police-community relations. In doing so, generalize about any possible solutions to these problems and reforming the criminal justice system. ( 

Peer 1:For this week’s forum I would like to focus on police-community relations. A lot of the departments that I have been in have had a community police office. For the most part their focus there was to shake hands and kiss babies to keep it short. The officers that worked there did a lot of work in the schools and would go out to a lot of the local community events to show face and talk to the people there. I have always felt like this kind of community policing is a waste of money to have a sworn officer not doing law enforcement and really provides nothing of substance back to the tax payers of the area. In my opinion every officer who works can do “that” kind of community policing, and should since, for the most part, that is what is expected. This is not to say that officers should not make time do conduct these type of interactions but it is to say what are we getting out of it to have someone who’s soul job it is to do that.            While in the military I was exposed to a practice called Counterinsurgency Operations (COIN). To me the operation was not a bad idea though in practice I did not think it would work with US forces since we were never there long enough. The more I read about COIN during my time in I thought it could be a good practice for community policing. COIN was designed to be done from the bottom up, which is to say starting from the individual and family level through to the community level (Zambri, 2014). Putting the right people in the right places to affect that area. The way that I have seen it used in law enforcement has been the same way except for those agency’s will have officers who can investigate crimes and are experienced enough to pass information to the proper department. The main point to me is that you must have dedicated people who are experienced so that they can push information received from the local community to the right areas.            One thing that I have found while working in law enforcement has been that what works for one department might not work for the other. Though COIN might be good for some it might not be good for all, though I do not think that the shaking hands and kissing babies idea is a good use of time. There are a lot of issues within law enforcement as you can see with the topics in the forum instructions. This is just the one that mostly has stood out to me during my time as an officer. Thank you all for reading this if you do and I hope that you all have a good rest of the week and good luck on your papers for this week.

Peer 2:The idea of community policing is to be a proactive problem-solving individual whom in a systematic and routine fashion gets things done. Instead of responding to a crime, only after it occurs, community policing wants agencies to make proactive solutions to the immediate up-front conditions contributing to public safety problems. Problem solving must be built into police operations and thrust decision-making efforts. Police agencies are encouraged to think on their feet and fast about their responses and view making arrests. These are only one of a wide variety of potential responses. According to (Broken, n.d.) the broken windows theory of policing was introduced in 1982 in an article by Wilson and Kelling. Briefly, the model focuses on the importance of disruption in creating and sustaining serious crime. The disruption is not directly correlated to serious crime, but disorder leads to increased fear and withdrawal from residents. This allows the serious crime to move in because of decreased levels of informal social control. The police have a major role in breaking this process. If the police focus in on disorder and the less serious crime in a neighborhood then they have not yet been overtaken by serious crime, and they can help mitigate that fear and resident withdrawal. Promoting the higher levels of informal social control can help the residents take control of their own neighborhood and prevent serious crime from happening. There has been a concern on how to measure the usage of the broken window model. Police help mitigate these issues by being present. When police are present it allows for the citizens to have a sense of protection and the fear dissipates. When that fear goes away then confidence rises and citizens can help themselves thus, broken window model has worked. Officers have shown to arrest less and give out less tickets in the broken window model areas. There is also the concern that in areas where the broken window model is implemented, that there is citizen dissatisfaction due to the aggressiveness of the model when in use. This model is usually only used in high crime areas and serious crime areas. Sometimes fighting fire with fire is what’s needed to combat bad situations. In cities where the Broken Windows model  has taken root, there’s little evidence that it has worked as it was intended too. This theory has resulted in what people say is aggressive over-policing of minority communities, which often creates more problems than it solves. It could be said that this model is flawed due to the focus it places on disorder. Disorder and crime change the way officers perceive residents, by creating the assumption that those committing minor offenses may do something worse if they’re not allowed. Leaders play an important role in implementing this model making sure that it works and is being used how it is meant to be and not abused in anyway. Leaders are there to teach the young new guys because they will one day be the leaders. This is the start to making a newer and better police structure. 

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UMBC International Law Deterrence Theory Reflection


  • 1. Read M. D. Nalapat, “Defeating Terrorism-Why the Tamil Tigers Lost Eelam…And How Sri Lanka Won the War,” as well as other sources on this case such as Cronin’s, for example, and analyse the case and its evolution using the deterrence concepts we developed in the class this semester
  • 2.
    Scholars in the “Deterring Terrorism” volume (Wenger and Wilner) find it
    difficult to wrestle with the ‘action-outcome’ link. What is the causal
    mechanism they advance and compare it to the solution advanced in this course? Give
    empirical evidence
    from the cases we analyzed in class.

3. Read article. Reflect which is the issue in deterrence theory on which this article sheds light. Clue: it’s the cardinal issue of deterrence.…

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Cypress College The Importance of International Organization in World Project Paper


I need an article with the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion part (IMRAD format) 1. The texts submitted shall be clear and understandable, and be in line with scientific criteria in terms of language and expression. 2. The article submitted shall have 4000 words and a maximum of 5000 words including abstract, summary, bibliography, and footnotes. The article shall be submitted with the abstract no longer than 250 words and five keywords. The abstract and introduction shall include the purpose, method, hypothesis/question, and findings of the article and present the conclusion reached in the article shortly. 4. You may use APA or Chicago reference style.

I also attached a copy of the article that my professor shared with me. You should do exactly the same as the attached article. For your references, you have to use 15 to 20 references. You can write a comparison contrast essay. You can compare the UN with African Organization. Or you can compare the two big organization for this paper.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. PGCC W3 Physical Evidence in A Crime Scene Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Consider the following scenario: A body is found in an apartment. The body is laying on the bed. The air conditioner is set at a room temperature of 68 degrees. Based on the required unit resources, as a crime scene investigator, how can you determine a time of death? Do you believe this would be an accurate time of death or an estimation? What do you believe is the strongest evidence to assess your findings? Explain.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJA 475 UOP Week 3 Strategic Planning Process Discussion


Can you help me understand this Public Service question?

  • What are some of the internet-based tools available to support a strategic planning process? Which do you believe would work best with a criminal justice organization? Are there any industry-specific databases?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UT Transformative Leadership for South African Universities Essay


Need help with my Law question – I’m studying for my class.

write a real or fictitious 300-word case study scenario representing a challenge in higher education. Include the setting, the people involved, the events, and also how the scenario exemplifies the complexity of the organization. Describe how you would approach the situation using one of the leadership theories below:

Leadership Theories:







Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. HSCI 414 Win on A Claim of Breach of Contract Questions


Please answer the following question (and don’t just recite the power point contents or materials from the book or the internet):

You are an “A” student at CSUN and an excellent writer. You can turn out high-quality research papers at a remarkable pace. One of your classmates comes to you and explains that they have a term paper due in two weeks. They agree to pay you the sum of $200 if you will research and write their paper for them. You indicate that two weeks is short notice so you will do it for $300. They agree and the money is to be due when you deliver the completed paper. Having taken healthcare law you make a note outlining these terms which is dated and signed by each of you. This note also states that the paper produced will only be used for ethically and legally permissible purposes and that you will do your best but make no representations as to the grade the student might receive.

You research, write, and timely deliver the paper which your classmate turns in as their own work. You request payment per your agreement and your classmate says they will have the money in about two weeks. You trust them.

One week later your classmate contacts you and tells you that they have been accused of an honor violation for turning your work as their own. They even say, “It’s all your fault.” Most likely they will fail the class if not be expelled from the University. As such they refuse to pay you for your work.

You are really angry and decide to sue your classmate in small claims court for the money due you. Please answer the following questions:

  1. What must you show in small claims court to win on a claim of breach of contract?
  2. What defenses could your classmate raise to your claim of breach of contract?
  3. If you succeed in your claim to what remedies would you be entitled?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UT Is GDP Still Accurate in The Digital Age Discussion


I’m trying to learn for my Law class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

What the GDP measures, if anything, has become quite the issue in the digital age. Consider this data:

In 2012, U.S. Real GDP was $15,345.63 billion and Real Per Capita GDP was $48,842 billion. 

Five years later, at the end of 2017, U.S. Real GDP was $17,096.18 billion and Real Per Capita GDP was $52,446 billion. (All data was extracted May 20, 2018, from FRED

Read this blog, GDP: Falling Short, to help you answer this week’s discussion questions.

Reply to these questions in your response:

Considering the data above, did the U.S. make progress? Explain your answer.

  • Given what you know now about economics, should the measure of GDP be changed? Why or why not?  

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UT The History of Daoism and The Teachings of Confucius Summary


I’m trying to learn for my Law class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Part 1 Daoism

Write a 175- to 350-word summary of Daoism that includes a brief overview of significant events in the history of Daoism, and a description of the basic origins and teachings of Daoism.

Part 2 Confucianism

Write a 175- to 350-word summary of Confucianism that includes an explanation of how the teachings of Confucius relate to relationships and an ideal society.

Law Homework Help