Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. HLS 4320 Columbia Southern University Homeland Security Plan for WD Essay


For this assignment create a comprehensive homeland security plan from the topic you selected in the Unit 3 assignment. 

Discuss the following areas:

  • threats or hazards associated with the topic;
  • core capabilities, such as information sharing and intelligence gathering associated with the topic;
  • historical incidents and lessons learned;
  • regulations and policies regarding the topic;
  • psychological affects of terrorism on individuals or groups;
  • intervention strategies to mitigate psychological distress for a threat or hazard, and
  • suggested improvements to the topic area
  • Include the three sources that were used in researching your topic in the Unit 3 and two additional scholarly resources for a total of five minimum resources
  • Include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
  • Conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph

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Law Homework Help. CRJU 323 MSU Correctional Agency Budget Inmate Violence Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Now that you have had an opportunity to review the chapter, make Your response

List and discuss an unexpected incident that may impact a correctional agency’s budget whether it be short-term or long-term, identify who may be impacted, and give one potential solution to address any operational budget changes

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Law Homework Help. University of Phoenix Federal Courts and State Courts Powerpoint


There are different actors in the courtroom, and each has a specific role in how a trial or session will progress. There are also differences between federal and state courts that are important to understand. In this assignment, you will outline details about the actors in the courtroom and federal and state courts. You will gain an understanding of the courts that will prepare you to participate in the courtroom process.

Imagine you are a court administrator for the local superior court. You have been asked to speak to a high-school civics class. Specifically, the teacher would like you to provide a general overview of federal and state courts and discuss the primary actors in each court system.

Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you:

  • Identify actors in the courtroom.
  • Who are the actors in federal courts and state courts? (Include actors that the two courts have in common and any actors who are different.)
  • What are their responsibilities?
  • Why is it important for these responsibilities to be fulfilled adequately? (Consider the effect of overzealousness compared to the effect of underperformance.)
  • Identify what is different between these actors in federal courts from the same actors in the state courts.
  • Judges
  • Defense attorneys
  • Prosecutors
  • Juries
  • Contrast federal and state (your state or the state you are from) courts (consider creating a diagram/chart/table).
  • Structure
  • Jurisdiction
  • Roles of each court
  • Case types

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Law Homework Help. California Southern University Data Mining and Privacy Concerns PPT


Choose an article that is a peer-reviewed, scholarly article and a minimum of five pages in length that relates to one of the topics below. You may include other sources, but the majority of the presentation should concentrate on the article you have chosen.

Create a PowerPoint presentation on one of the following security measure topics:

  • airport security,
  • data mining, or
  • civil liberties racial profiling

Your presentation must include the information below.

  • Identify the main topic/question.
  • Discuss the impact of the topic (security related) on civil rights.
  • Discuss unintended consequences of the main topic (security related) on civil liberties.
  • Discuss balancing civil liberties with the main topic (security related).
  • Summarize the article.
  • Provide a reference slide.

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Law Homework Help. Prairie View A&M University IRAC IRAC IRAC How to Brief Any Legal Issue Summary


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Law Homework Help. Humber College Law Questions


I’m working on a law question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Trans Pulse Canada Research

Over a 10-week period in 2019, the Trans PULSE Canada research team collected survey data from 2,873 trans and non-binary people aged 14 years or older and living in Canada. Participants were able to complete the full survey, or a 10-minute short form containing key items, in English or French online, on paper, via telephone (with or without a language interpreter), or on a tablet with a Peer Research Associate in major cities.

Data from respondents who completed the full survey has been weighted to more accurately represent those who completed the short form. The Trans PULSE Canada survey included questions from the Ontario’s Trans PULSE project, questions from Statistics Canada surveys to allow for comparisons to the general population, and questions developed by trans, and non-binary people based on community priorities.

Snapshot of Findings:

Among racialized trans and non-binary respondents:

  • 72% had experienced verbal harassment in the past 5 years
  • 45% had ever been harassed at work or school
  • 73% worried about being stopped or harassed by police or security because of who they are


Transgender (trans) and non-binary people in Canada are a population that experiences discrimination and challenges in accessing health care. To date, there has been no all-ages data on the health and well-being of racialized trans and non-binary people in Canada.

Both general population data in Canada, and trans-specific data from the United States has found that racialized populations were more likely to be living in low-income households, and to have experienced discrimination, among other inequalities.

In 2009-2010, Ontario’s Trans PULSE Project found that three quarters of racialized trans people had experienced racism or ethnicity related discrimination, and one quarter had been harassed by police because of their race or ethnicity.

This report expands on the Ontario data to provide a national snapshot of socio-demographics, health, access to health care, and experiences of discrimination among racialized trans and non-binary people.

Read the full report by following this link:


Source: C. Chih, J. Q. Wilson-Yang, K. Dhaliwal, M. Khatoon, N. Redman, R. Malone, S. Islam, & Y. Persad on behalf of the Trans PULSE Canada Team. Health and well-being among racialized trans and non-binary people in Canada. 2020-11-02.


Your task is to develop an action plan that strives to build community trust between members of the trans and non-binary community and the TPS by using the 4 steps of Appreciative Inquiry (Discover, Dream, Design, and Deliver, pg. 167 textbook).

Resources (Students are invited to use any of the following resources and/or any of their own):

A Guide to Police Services in Toronto dedicated to our Trans Communities

Toronto Police Service: Gender Diversity and Trans Inclusion Project

Toronto Police Service :: To Serve and Protect

Summary: Waterman v. Toronto Police | Ontario Human Rights Commission ( | Stories | Pride in LGBTQ2S+ Communities

Why we’re still fighting for LGBTQ2S+ rights in 2021 | The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (

Friends of Ruby Home | Friends of Ruby

Best Practices in Policing and LGTBQ Communities in Ontario

Humber’s 2SLGBTQ+ Education Guide

Final Product Requirements

  • Includes each step of Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
  • The action plan must be realistic and incorporate the current literature and authentic efforts being taken or proposed by the Toronto Police Service. For example, for the “Dream” step, students can include activities, programs, policies, etc. that are currently being utilized by the police or in the process of being amended based on the recommendations of formal reports and or equity seeking groups etc.
  • Incorporates principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
  • Includes testimonies and case scenarios as applicable (so perhaps you can reference a specific case study, program or policy that is working and feature it within your final product)


  • the paper must be no more than 2 pages
  • A proper APA reference list must be provided

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Bethel University Juvenile Importance of Justice System Response


History of the Courts Regarding Juvenile Justice

Juvenile justice system is not an aspect that came to be what it is today overnight. In fact, it took a lot more time to develop due to the complexities of the young and developing minds. Traumatic childhoods, poor quality of life, and neglect are some of the main causes for juvenile delinquency. Since children are the future of any country, it is important to establish a solid base to help them prosper. Several historical events attempted to do just that and had a lot of impact on the juvenile justice using various interventions to better the quality of life of children. One of those historical events was the creation of Chancery Courts by the King of England in the fifteenth century. The development of the Chancery Courts has been of high significance because it was one of the first major reforms that began to shape the juvenile justice system not only in England but in the United States as well.

There have been numerous criminological studies and theories developed that examined factors such as the psychological, biological, and criminal behaviors displayed during various developmental stages. Theories that even involved neighborhoods, peers and family members have been proven to have an effect on criminality. “Tarde’s theory was essentially a cognitive theory in which the individual was said to learn ideas through the association with other ideas, and behavior was said to follow from those ideas” (Snipes, Bernard, & Gerould, 2019, p. 211). Social learning theory has a lot to do with the environment that the children are brought up in and the parents have a large impact on that. All the basic behaviors and a sense of morale are learned from the parents. It is a known fact that children imitate their parents’ behavior. I have seen firsthand how many parents do not provide an adequate example of right and wrong since they themselves cannot follow the basic laws.

As previously stated, the Chancery courts have been created in the fifteenth century to help cover portions of the law that were not found in the common law. “Chancery courts, under the guidance of the king’s chancellor, were created to consider petitions of those who were in need of special aid or intervention, such as women and children left in need of protection and aid by reason of divorce, death of a spouse, or abandonment, and to grant relief to such persons” (Cox, Allen, Hanser & Conrad, 2018, p. 4-5). Chancery courts deal with a lot more disputes than child custody, such as wills, mentally incapable adults, and many others. When it came to child custody, what the Chancery court lacked was a more thorough structure that would treat every case uniformly, therefore, making it somewhat ineffective. Some women were willing to pay to get their children back and other mothers asked for courts to “repay the money laid out on him when he was a minor” (Capern, 2019, p. 704). Although, it may not have been the perfect system, it did create a starting point for other programs to take care of those who cannot care for themselves.

It is a social responsibility to make sure that children grow up to be law abiding citizens. Therefore, the United Stated Social Services have adopted the concept of caring for children and elderly and those who cannot help themselves. Not only did I come to the United States as an immigrant, but I also lost my late husband to a tragic accident and was left with a two-year old daughter and I can testify to the fact that the program works. Other countries do not have the same programs to benefit the welfare of others and it reflects in their criminal statistics. Although the Chancery courts were established in the fifteenth century, the effects from those are still represented in the social services programs today and will continue on for years to come. The benefits outweigh everything else because we as a nation are investing in the country’s future.

The Bible supports the concept of social services and promotes the development of the young generations. In Proverbs 22:6 the Bible teaches us, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” What families instill in their children will last a lifetime. When children are brought up believing in God, serving God, and worshiping God, their chances of avoiding sin increase drastically. This applies not only to the parents but the whole community since in Ephesians 2:19-22 the Bible teaches us,

Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saint and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit (p. 1621).

Every person was born into this world with a sinful nature by simply existing. As each person gets older, they develop personalities and various unique traits. However, what the righteous people have in common is the love for Christ. The further one moves away from God, the more vulnerable they are to commit sinful acts. Sinful nature in turn has a strenuous effect on the person’s spirit, soul and even body. Therefore, careful precautions have to be taken to alleviate and eliminate sin and grow closer to God through family, community and government.

As a law enforcement officer on the front lines, I had to call social services for various reasons and ask for help plenty of times. Although the concept began with the Chancery courts, the structure that social services have are better and more diverse in nature. The resources they have and the services they provide are simply non-comparative to any other country. As the Bible described the goal to success is not simply for the program or a concept to exist, but all of the people working together for the greater good and to improve juvenile justice from the ground up.

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Law Homework Help. Bethel University Cruel and Unusual Punishment in the Eighth Amendment Discussion


In the United States, the juvenile justice system began in New York and Massachusetts and subsequently spread to Illinois and California. “The history of the juvenile justice system is reviewed tracing the development of the rehabilitation model that presumes that behavioral problems in youth will lessen as they grow older and their brain and nervous system mature.” (Akl et al., 2020, p. 261-276). The primary route for dealing with adolescents convicted of criminal charges in the United States is the juvenile justice system. The system comprises federal and state governments and local jurisdictions that share sovereign police power under the United States Constitution’s joint authority. To rehabilitate juveniles intervening in delinquent conduct via police, judicial, and correctional intervention. The juvenile justice system is based on the premise that acting early in delinquent behavior would prevent teenagers from becoming criminals as adults.

Roper v. Simmons (2005) was a crucial case in which the United States Supreme Court declared that death punishment for offenses committed while under 18 is unconstitutional. The 5-4 judgment reversed Stanford v. Kentucky, in which the court affirmed the death penalty for criminals aged 16 or older and invalidated legislation in 25 states. In 1993, Christopher Simmons, a 17-year-old, and two younger colleagues, Charles Benjamin and John Tessmer, concocted a plan to assassinate Shirley Nite Crook in Missouri. The goal was to break in, commit burglary, and murder while tying up a victim. When the three met in the middle of the night, Tessmer dropped out of the arrangement. Simmons and Benjamin broke into Mrs. Nite Crook’s house, tied her wrists, and covered her eyes. They drove her to a state park and threw her off a bridge. She was later found drowned.

When the case went to trial, the evidence was overwhelming. Simmons confessed to the murder, prepared a videotaped recreation at the crime scene, and Tessmer testified against him, demonstrating that the murder was planned. Simmons discussed the strategy ahead of time and later bragged about the crime. The defendant was found guilty by the jury. Despite his lack of a criminal record and elderly age, the jury recommended that he be executed, which the trial court did. Simmons petitioned the trial court to reverse the conviction and sentence, citing ineffective assistance of counsel as one of the reasons. Simmons claimed that his age, and thus impulsiveness, as well as a troubled past, should have been discussed at the sentencing phase. After the trial court dismissed his request, Simmons filed an appeal.

The courts supported the death penalty as the case advanced through the legal system. On the other hand, Simmons filed a new petition for state post-conviction relief in light of the 2002 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Atkins v. Virginia, which outlawed the death penalty for intellectually challenged people. According to the Missouri Supreme Court, “a national consensus has emerged against the execution of young criminals,” and such punishment now violates the Eighth Amendment’s clause against cruel and unusual punishment. Simmons was condemned to life in prison with no chance of parole.

The state of Missouri petitioned the United States Supreme Court, which agreed to hear the case. On October 13, 2004, It was an Eighth Amendment appeal that questioned the legitimacy of capital punishment for teenagers in the context of their crimes. This case outlawed the execution of minors between the ages of 13 and 17. “Stanford v. Kentucky” previously allowed for the death penalty at the age of 16 or 17 in 1989 in the same day the Supreme Court held that it was okay to execute people with mental disabilities; However, in Atkins v. v. Virginia, the Supreme Court found that the execution of the mentally disabled was considered cruel and unusual punishment in 2002 the court declared that executing a person who was under the age of 18 at the time of the crime was an affront to modern morality The majority referred to a body of studies which showed that children are less mature and responsible than adults. Adolescents were found to be present in practically every category of hazard. In acknowledgment of the youthfulness and incapability of teenagers, every state barred anyone under the age of 18 from serving on juries or marrying without parental consent. Adolescents also appear to be more open to the impacts and external influences, such as peer pressure. They have less control or have had less experience with control over their surroundings.

According to the Court, executing perpetrators younger is supported by the national consensus. Before the judgment, 20 states allowed juveniles to be sentenced to death. Yet, just six of those states had executed juvenile offenders subsequently until now, five of the states that allowed the sentence had since abolished it.

Between 1976 and 2006, 22 people have been executed for crimes committed when they were under the age of 18 have been outlawed. All the executed men were male. Eleven of them were minors when they committed their respective crimes; Sean Sellers was 16 when he was executed in Oklahoma on February 4th, 1999. Because of the 38-year process, not one of the inmates was under 18 at execution. Although, in the Stanford v. Kentucky case, the Supreme Court agreed with this approach. Scalia criticized Justice Brennan’s dissent for the majority, referring to it as replacing jurists with philosopher-kings. Justice O’Connor was the only justice to agree.

Roper v. Simmons was recently reversed. Justice Kennedy agreed with Stanford as an associate justice but instead wrote the majority opinion in Roper. Justice O’Connor dissented. In 2005, 19 states (plus the federal government) mandated minimum age of 18; 5 states had established a minimum age of 17, and 14 states had either explicitly set a minimum age of 16 or were subject to the Supreme Court’s imposition of that minimum. In the case of Roper v. Simmons, at the time, there were 71 people on death row: thirteen in Alabama, five in Arizona, two in Florida, five in Georgia, five in Nevada, two in South Carolina, and six in Virginia.

The discussion is controversial because it is unusual. Traditionally, and historically, very few children have been put to death. “support for the death penalty, as evidenced by the number of juveniles sentenced to be executed, had been receding since 1999. For example, in 1999, 14 juveniles were sentenced to death. By contrast, two were sentenced to death in 2004.” (Benekos, & Merlo, 2019, p.102-127).

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. IND 503 Excelsior College Trends in Drinks Usage Among Family & Friends Responses


Please respond to each student discussion post.

Please see attachment with video and notes to get an understanding of what the student post is relating to. Do not do the assignment from the attachment. The attachment is only a guide to assist you in responding to student 1 and 2.

This is also apart of the student discussion question: Thinking about the video you just watched, create 3 different data sets with data of your choosing. You may wish to poll individuals on a topic related to the video or gather data associated with your research that is related to the video. Place the data in the appropriate graph.  Discuss how the graph you created visually communicates your data sets. Why did you select it?

Please also see the attachments with the student post. 150 words for response and you are not required to use a graph. Please separate each student response.

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