Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. IND 503 Excelsior College Trends in Drinks Usage Among Family & Friends Responses


Please respond to each student discussion post.

Please see attachment with video and notes to get an understanding of what the student post is relating to. Do not do the assignment from the attachment. The attachment is only a guide to assist you in responding to student 1 and 2.

This is also apart of the student discussion question: Thinking about the video you just watched, create 3 different data sets with data of your choosing. You may wish to poll individuals on a topic related to the video or gather data associated with your research that is related to the video. Place the data in the appropriate graph.  Discuss how the graph you created visually communicates your data sets. Why did you select it?

Please also see the attachments with the student post. 150 words for response and you are not required to use a graph. Please separate each student response.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Excelsior College Criminal Justice DHS Risk Management Questions


A major responsibility of the DHS is to establish principles and processes for homeland security risk management. DHS has built an initial foundation through key documents:

It is the intent of DHS to apply consistent doctrine that promotes the understanding of sound risk management practices and to make progress towards creating a cohesive approach to homeland security. The two web links above will take you to these documents for review.

Read Chapter 8 in your textbook and review the key DHS documents mentioned before responding to the following:

  • Compare and contrast the documents that make up the DHS perspective on risk. How do these documents support a homeland security risk management approach?
  • In Risk Management Fundamentals, DHS states that the purpose of the document is to shape how one thinks about the issues that you are considering and should be applied based on the operating environment. What does this statement mean for risk management and the DHS perspective on how to conduct a risk assessment?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. University of the Potomac The Common Budget Pitfalls Discussion


Must make a constructive and professional response to a classmate. When replying to another classmate or in discussion areas, the minimum word count is 100 words and the response must be substantive in nature. Responses not meeting these requirements will not earn credit for participation purposes.

Discussion question for the week:

  • What are the common pitfalls one can anticipate in US public sector budget execution, and how can US public sector budget execution system design assist in minimizing these pitfalls?

Classmates discussion question response:

The Common budget pitfalls

When a budget in the making their are also plenty of mistakes that an individual may come across when trying to get there. Budgets that are a unrealistic coming from business owners that has created a budget difficult to deal with unplanned sources of income. There should be a plan when they are trying to create a budget so when you regard the plan then this can possibly lead to people overspending and people miscalculation. Another is depending on the futures earning without even accumulating the necessary number. You must have a balance to achieve in order to get proper funding that you are wanting to achieve.

US public sector budget execution system design assist in minimizing these pitfalls?

In order to help reduce and minimize any pitfalls you can help promote a budget while trying to outline the budget to the main set to help build a budget, and track the funds. you need to come up with a game and to know what you need in order to make a budget. There are many people who do not know what a budget is and don’t know where to start. When money starts to come in people start to think that they have a lot of money but to not prioritize the money in the correct way.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. University of London Three Strikes Law Case Study


In those states with the three strikes laws, any person who has 2 felony strikes and commits another felony, whether it be violent or not, can be required to serve a sentence of 25 years to life. 

Look at the case of Ewing v. California

Ewing v. California 

Click on the PDF link next to the case title. 

The defendant had his third strike when he committed grand theft at a golf course in Los Angeles County. This was not a violent crime but he was subject to the three strikes laws. He appealed this case up to the United States Supreme Court—and lost. 

  • The public has always been worried about violent crime, but just how worried are citizens about nonviolent crime? With mandatory sentencing, society will have many older inmates within the prison system. In the criminal justice community, it is known that inmates “age out of crime.” Can you imagine a 68-year-old man climbing in a window or jumping an 8-foot fence? By keeping these older inmates incarcerated, is this a disservice to society? 

State prosecutors have the discretion to lower the charge so that the third offense would not be considered a third strike. For this assignment, you are a policy maker in your ( Maryland) state legislature. You are concerned about the heavy tax burden on your constituents. The cost of the actual running of the prison and costs of personnel will rise. 

You are also up for re-election, and the feedback that you have received from your constituents has shown that they are dissatisfied with the law that now stands. They are afraid of violent crimes, not just felonies, and are very aware that the last crime committed by the perpetrator does not have to be a violent crime. They are also worried about the use of their tax dollars to incarcerate nonviolent offenders. 

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 3–7 pages:  

  • Develop a policy regarding the three strikes laws in the State of California. Address the following in your policy:  

What alternatives would be placed in the law to give the state prosecutor more freedom to manipulate the third strike?  

Many prosecutors “load up” charges against defendants to force a plea bargain. What can be done to limit or prevent this practice?  

Will your policy allow multiple counts arising from the same incident to count as multiple strikes? (For instance, a man arrested for aggravated robbery because of the use of a weapon is charged with aggravated robbery and a felony gun possession charge. Should that count as 1 strike or 2?)  

If one of the alternatives was supervised probation, how would you convince the public that it would be more cost-effective for the person to be supervised than incarcerated?  

Show the public where you would be saving money by not incarcerating the perpetrator.  

If brought up in the legislature to be an amendment to the law, could this be grandfathered in to help older inmates?  

Could this have a backlash from the public, or would they approve? How? Why? 

Once you are finished with the policy, draft an executive summary of the policy to be used for political decision making. 

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Suppression Hearings Criminal Law Questions


I’m working on a law discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

In criminal law we have proceedings called suppression hearings, what is their purpose? 

What are the suppression hearings used to accomplish? 

What are discovery laws?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CBC 601 Excelsior College Complexities of Cannabis as Commerce Memorandums


mMemo #1:

Choose a local jurisdiction (Louisiana) in which CannaBuy Co. (CBC) may want to do business. Research the existing tax scheme, as well as those of neighboring jurisdictions and markets. Write a memo to the local governing body suggesting changes to the existing tax scheme that will help fulfill the goals of the governing ordinance or program.

Memo #2:

CannaBuy Co. (CBC) intends to be a multi-state cannabis operator and may consider moving their headquarters to your state(Georgia). Write a memo to the executive team outlining a plan for meeting shifting tax burdens.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. University of Phoenix Criminal Justice Policy Ethics Discussion


I’m working on a Criminal Justice question and need guidance to help me study.

All aspects of criminal justice have ethical guidelines, and policing is no exception. Research an ethical issue related to policy procedures, use of force, or investigations. Share your example and provide recommended methods on how you might reduce corruption and unethical procedures. 

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. BL Fact Pattern Discussion Questions


BL Fact Pattern

Part A.

Tired of the lack of quality chocolates at international music festivals, Paul, John, George and Ringo decide to form a business specializing in the manufacture of delicious dark chocolate truffles. Paul, John, George and Ringo, each want to participate inthe management and control of the business but also wants to limit his personal liability for any wrongdoing of the business.

What type of business should they form and why?

What filings, if any, should they make to form this business?

What liabilities,if any, will each of them have if the company’s dark chocolate truffles cause anyone to become seriously ill?

If Paul, John, George and Ringo wanted to legally protect their recipe for the company’s dark chocolate truffles, what should they do and why? What else can they do to protect their intellectual property assets? Give examples.

Part B.

Assume that Paul, John, George and Ringo chose a business corporation as their choice of entity after consultation with their outside counsel. Their dark chocolate truffles business takes off and has become very successful. Paul, John, George and Ringo serve as the officers and directors of the corporation and each own 25% of the outstanding equity stock of the corporation. Assume you have been hired as a paralegal for their new legal department. The corporation currently has 275,000 shares of authorized capital stock and has issued all 275,000 shares to investors. You learn that the Paul, John, George and Ringo have decided to sell additional shares of stock to a group of private investors to raise money for the corporation to expand their truffle production. The General Counsel of the corporation comes to you and asks for your help with certain matters:

What steps will the corporation have to do to enable the corporation to sell shares of stock to the new private investors?

What characteristics or attributes should these new private investors have?

If the corporation decides to “go public” (i.e., sells shares of stock to public investors) what federal and state securities laws will the company have to comply with and why?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. ABC 123 UOTP Forensic Science in The 21st Century Criminal Justice Paper


Prepare a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper on your perception and concept of forensic science in 21st-century criminal justice.

Include a discussion of the following questions:

  • How important is forensic science to policing and criminal investigations, court processes, and security efforts at various levels? Explain your rationale in a historical approach.
  • How accurate is the popular media representation of forensic science? How does this influence popular opinion on justice-related issues?
  • What possible influence does the “CSI” effect have on the judicial process?

Law Homework Help