Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. El Centro College Legal Analysis of Various Underpinning Issues Case Study MEMO


IRAC Method

Legal Memorandum of Law, Case Review and Citations and references. Cases of some new and old cases of current law facts that must be applied to case study. Questions are included in attachment.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. National Juris College Law Appliance Liability Case Study


I’m working on a Law exercise and need support.

The Steeles went to Clayton’s Appliances store to purchase a clothes dryer. The clothes dryer was purchased brand new and was manufactured by Grey Enterprises. After purchasing the dryer, the Steeles read the instruction manual and followed all of its guidelines. The dryer worked perfectly for the first 6 months. Then one day Mrs. Steele was drying clothes when the dryer suddenly caught on fire and burned the house down. Mrs. Steele was burned significantly in the fire as well. It was determined that a defect in the dryer, specifically a faulty wire, was the cause of the fire. An expert testified that the wire should have been sheathed in blue-7 coating but it was sheathed in blue-6 coating instead. After obtaining documents from Clayton’s and Grey Enterprises, it was discovered that the dryer left Grey’s facilities in perfect condition with the proper wiring in place. During the shipment to Clayton’s, the dryer was damaged a little and Clayton had to make some minor repairs, including replacing the wire at issue. If Mrs. Steele sues Clayton’s and Grey Enterprises for negligence under strict products liability, what will the likely outcome be? Please prepare an IRAC essay addressing this issue.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Excelsior College Lone Wolves Versus the Pack Terrorists Discussion


Do not combine Part A & Part B- Also separate references

Part A

Lone Wolves Versus the Pack: Who Poses a Greater Threat

Terrorists operating alone are referred to as “lone wolves.” Ted Kaczynski-The Unabomber, the 1996 Olympic Park bombing, and the 2010 IRS attack are all textbook examples of lone wolf-style terrorist attacks. Compare these to the Oklahoma City Bombing or the DC sniper attacks, both carried out by organizations, albeit small ones. Which style of domestic terrorism do you feel possess a greater threat to the nation?

Respond to the following:

For this discussion, write a 300-400 word posting, covering the following:

  • Whether you think lone wolf terrorism or domestic organization terrorism poses a greater threat to the United States.
  • Have both types been relatively stable over the last century, or are we seeing a shift in trends towards one style or another?

In your response, be sure to cover what you mean by “threat” (casualties, frequency of attacks, difficulty of detection, etc.) and cite specific examples that support your opinion.

Your original post should cover each of the topics above. One large post is sufficient to cover these topics, as opposed to multiple posts for each. Try to provide the reasoning behind your opinions and statements so that we can see the flow of your thinking. Also, please reference and cite the ideas from at least one of the four articles you read for this module. Please use APA citation style.

Part B

There are many websites and books that promote hate and anarchy, providing instructions to individuals on how to create bombs, break the law, or engage in other criminal or even terrorist activities. The Anarchist Cookbook and Rex Ferral’s “Hit Man: A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors” are perhaps the most notorious among these.

Respond to the following:

In this discussion, write a 300-400 word posting that addresses what steps the government should take, keeping the laws of the US in mind, to either limit the distribution of the following documents or change the public’s perception and acceptance of them:

  1. Online hate speech or rhetoric that calls for violence against another organization or the government itself.
  2. Sources of information about operational techniques, such as how to create bombs, develop poisons or to carry out effective violent attacks. Part B

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJ 340 Ashworth College Policing Theory Project


CJ340 Graded Project

Your project must be submitted as a Word document (.docx, .doc). Your project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore may take up to five to seven days to grade.

Be sure that each of your files contains the following information:

    • Your name Dena Tedesco
  • Your student ID number
    • AC0906949
  • The exam number


  • Your email address

To submit your graded project, follow these steps:

  • Follow the instructions provided to complete your exam.
  • Upload your exam in the required file format for grading.

Be sure to keep a backup copy of any files you submit to the school!


You’ll apply the concepts you’ve studied in this course to research and write a 1,000-word essay concerning law enforcement policies.


During the 1990s, New York City adopted a method of policing based on the broken windows theory. Subsequently, crime decreased.

In regard to the policy change, your essay will respond to the following questions:

  • What is the broken windows theory of policing?
  • How did the New York Police Department implement its new theory of policing?
  • How has the number of stops in New York City changed during the past couple of decades?
  • What civil rights issues are raised by New York City’s method of policing?

In order to answer those questions, you’ll need to

  • Research law enforcement policies
  • Relate law enforcement policies to crime rates
  • Relate law enforcement policies to criminological theory

For assistance with resources for this project, please use resources in the library.

Writing Guidelines

Keep the following guidelines in mind when writing your essay:

  • Ensure your paper has the following components:
    • A title page
    • An introduction
    • A body containing several paragraphs
    • A conclusion
    • A reference page that lists all the sources you used to write your paper
  • Include the following information on your title page:
    • Course number and title (CJ340 Criminology)
    • Student name and number
    • Project number (80220400)
    • Date
  • Type your submission, double-spaced, in a standard print font, size 12.
  • Use a standard document format with 1-inch margins. (Do not use any fancy or cursive fonts.)
  • Ensure your project is a minimum of 1,000 words in length and answers all the questions.
  • Proofread your work carefully. Check for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.
  • Use APA style throughout your paper, including formatting and in-text citations.

Review Purdue OWL’s information on APA style for guidance.

Grading Rubric

The following rubric will be used to grade your project.

CJ340 Criminology Graded Project
70–53 points 52–34 points 33–16 points 15–0 points
The student’s essay provided clear, focused, and thorough answers to the given questions. The student’s essay provided mostly clear, focused answers to the given questions. The student’s essay provided answers to the given questions, although they may not be clear, focused, or thorough. The student’s essay didn’t provide answers to the given questions.
Written Communication
30–23 points 22–15 points 14–8 points 7–0 points
The project is clearly and neatly organized and free of typographical errors. Each sentence is complete and uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The paper is in APA format and a minimum of 1,000 words in length. It includes all of the following: a title page, introduction, body with in-text citations, concluding paragraph, and reference page. The project is mostly organized, with few typographical errors. Most sentences are complete and/or use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The paper is in APA format and at least 1,000 words in length. It includes most of the following: a title page, introduction, body with in-text citations, concluding paragraph, and reference page. The project is disorganized with few typographical errors. Several sentences are incomplete and/or use incorrect grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The paper is not in APA format and/or less than 1,000 words in length. It includes some of the following: a title page, introduction, body with in-text citations, concluding paragraph, and reference page. The project is disorganized with multiple typographical errors. Many sentences are incomplete and use incorrect grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The paper is not in APA format and less than 1,000 words in length. It’s missing all or most of the following: a title page, introduction, body with in-text citations, concluding paragraph, and reference page.

Hide Rubrics

Rubric Name: Criminology Graded Project

This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.Criteria70–53 points

52–34 points

33–16 points

15–0 points

Criterion Score


70 points

The student’s essay provided clear, focused, and thorough answers to the given questions.

34 points

The student’s essay provided mostly clear, focused answers to the given questions.

33 points

The student’s essay provided answers to the given questions, although they may not be clear, focused, or thorough.

15 points

The student’s essay didn’t provide answers to the given questions.

Score of Content,/ 70

Written Communication

30 points

The project is clearly and neatly organized and free of typographical errors. Each sentence is complete and uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The paper is in APA format and a minimum of 1,000 words in length. It includes all of the following: a title page, introduction, body with in-text citations, concluding paragraph, and reference page.

15 points

The project is mostly organized, with few typographical errors. Most sentences are complete and/or use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The paper is in APA format and at least 1,000 words in length. It includes most of the following: a title page, introduction, body with in-text citations, concluding paragraph, and reference page.

14 points

The project is disorganized with few typographical errors. Several sentences are incomplete and/or use incorrect grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The paper is not in APA format and/or less than 1,000 words in length. It includes some of the following: a title page, introduction, body with in-text citations, concluding paragraph, and reference page.

7 points

The project is disorganized with multiple typographical errors. Many sentences are incomplete and use incorrect grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The paper is not in APA format and less than 1,000 words in length. It’s missing all or most of the following: a title page, introduction, body with in-text citations, concluding paragraph, and reference page.

Score of Written Communication,/ 30

Rubric Total ScoreTotalScore of Criminology Graded Project,/ 100

Overall Score

Overall Score

Level 411 points minimum

Level 38 points minimum

Level 25 points minimum

Level 10 points minimum

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Kean University Alternatives to Incarceration Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

In prison, the inmate population is typically controlled by strict rules, which are intended to prohibit certain kinds of behavior. However, some inmates argue that the rules and regulations are an infringement on their right to privacy. Construct an argument, which supports this position. Be sure to review the lecture, readings and available resources to help enhance your understanding before entering into the discussions.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UOM The SIM Framework Sequential Intercept Model & Its Purpose Discussion


n the context of this chapter and having discussed these issues in class, please review this screening instrument:…

Noting the questions asked by the instrument and the likely answers in a variety of situations (especially in a stressful environment like a jail), and then take a look at the video hosted on this website:

1) What is the purpose of the Sequential Intercept Model and how does it relate to diversion decisions?

2) What do you feel are likely to be more effective – prebooking or postbooking diversion programs and why? (Please include some analysis of the differences between the two.)

As with Chapter 2, for even-numbered chapters, I’m giving us all a break – NO APA format required. There is a maximum page requirement – answer the questions adequately in NO MORE than three pages.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. SNHU Countering the Changing Threat of Counterterrorism Journal


Overview: This journal assignment is an outline of the response section of the SARA report in the final project. Throughout the course, you will use the journal tool as a place where you can reflect on your plan for different sections of the final project in an outline form and then receive feedback from your instructor. Journal assignments are private between you and your instructor. Use this tool to begin organizing your thoughts about the different sections of the final project, and to ask your instructor any questions you may have about the assignment. You will use the journal outlines to create the related elements of the final project, and you will need to build on your work in the journal assignments and integrate feedback as you complete your milestones and final project. 

Prompt: This outline will help you build the response section of the SARA report in the final project. Therefore, you will focus on your selected terrorist organization in this assignment. In this section, you will review a strategy currently being used to respond to the threats presented by the terrorist organization, and propose changes or enhancements to the strategy for your regional fusion center. 

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 

? Strategy 

o State the short- and long-term goals of a current counterterrorism strategy used in the United States for addressing your selected terrorist organization 

o List the strengths and weaknesses of the counterterrorism strategy in mitigating the organization’s actions based on what you have learned about the terrorist organization’s methods and motivation

o Indicate how effective the current counterterrorism strategy has been in addressing and mitigating the threats posed by the terrorist organization 

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. BCC Criminal Justice Discussion


The difference between a misdemeanor and a felony is not always clear-cut from state to state. For example, a traffic violation, domestic violence, simple assault, drug possession, prostitution, theft, tress pass and vandalism are all crimes that could be considered a misdemeanor offense in one state and a felony in another.

In general, it is fair to say that a misdemeanor can be defined by the maximum length of time a person can be incarcerated for the crime, usually no more than one year. Crimes with a minimum jail time of over a year are usually felonies. Moreover, one can say that any crime not a felony, is by nature a misdemeanor. Of course, a felony conviction causes more serious long term consequences for an offender.

The reason states vary is because the author’s of the U.S. Constitution had to permit states to retain significant authority over their own affairs in order to insure that the citizens of the various states would agree to ratify the new constitution. Because the fragmentation within the system serves certain political interests, there is always resistance to reform efforts that may unify organizations within the justice system. That said should the federal government insist that states become more uniform with regard to the definition and enforcement of laws? Would states resist efforts to take away their local control? Why or why not?


Megan Showler

No, the federal government should not insist that states become more uniform to the definition and enforcement of laws. The reason why each of the states has different laws is that those laws fit the specific needs of that particular state, they all have different geography and different people. For example, a particular state like Rhode Island would not have the same farming laws as a state like Texas or Alabama. A state that has big air pollution issues such as California has certain laws that regulate this problem but a state like Kansas does not need thing kind of laws. A big issue that comes about is how the laws are different from driving in each state, but again the laws fit the needs of each state, the geography, and the people. Yes, states would resist efforts to take away their local control because these states are given power or authority over their state. According to The Tenth Amendment- “The powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, no prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”. which protects the rights of the states.


Joshua Gordon

Someone can say that any crime not a felony, is by nature a misdemeanor. That crimes with a consequence of a minimum sentence of over one year are felonies and a crime with a sentence of no more than one year If that is the case then, the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor is just simply time. The U.S. Constitution states that Congress shall have the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations as well as, among the various states. The Tenth Amendment states that “powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” The lines of authority between states and the federal government are defined by the United States Constitution and case law. “The Constitution assigned to Congress responsibility for organizing the executive and judicial branches, raising revenue, declaring war, and making all laws necessary for executing these powers.” – U.S Senate, Constitution of the United States.

Another significant source is the Fourteenth Amendment, specifically the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses. In many cases this causes a requirement that there must be a “congruence and proportionality” between the injury to be remedied and the law adopted to that end. The state governments should be given more powers to control the crimes in the society. It requires a longer process to be continued for any case to reach the central government so state government should be authorized to take certain immediate and necessary actions in their hand to prevent crimes. The purpose of local government is to provide an organized system where councils exercise their power and responsibilities to work together for peace, order, and good control of their districts. Local governments provide overall quality of life for the people who live in their communities.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Grand Canyon University Police Community Relations Programs Discussion


Utilize the GCU Library for scholarly articles and government websites to research at least two examples of currently used police-community relations programs.  In an essay of 1,000-1,250 words, address the following:

  1. Describe both programs as well as research findings on the efficacy of each. 
  2. Do you believe such programs would work in your own community?  Why or why not?  
  3. Recommend some changes to one of these programs, or come up with a new approach that you feel would be an effective police-community relations program for your community. Cite sources to support your recommendations.  

Law Homework Help