Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UTC Criminal Justice Questions


1) You represent a famous journalist who has been incarcerated for failure to disclose a confidential source to a prosecutor working on a murder case in your town. The prosecutor insists she needs all available information to convict a loathsome murderer. How would you argue to the judge that your client should not be imprisoned?

2) Discuss how protestors are protected and restricted by the First Amendment.

3) Your governor is getting ready to sign a new law in your state, called the “Constitutional Right to Carry Act,” that will eliminate the state’s permit and training requirements for citizens who want to carry guns. This means that a resident of your state who wants to carry a weapon, concealed or otherwise, can do so without a background check or a gun safety test. Balancing the right to bear arms against the need to control gun violence, tell the pros and cons of such a law.

4) Explain the law of stop and frisk, and why it is needed.

5) You are a senior police officer in the department, and you have been tasked by the chief of police to draft a policy on the way that police officers should deal with high-speed chases. There have been several complaints and newspaper articles about recent car chases that ended in the death or serious injury of the drivers. Additionally, some citizens are concerned that high-speed chases in residential neighborhoods are a danger to children and others. You know that many important arrests have been made as a result of such chases. Write a short policy on high-speed chases, explaining the guidelines for police officers, and justify your policy.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. South University Online Ordinary Prudence Negligence Case Internal Memorandum


Assignment: Negligence Case — Analysis

Familiarity with the elements of negligence is crucial to the personal injury paralegal’s knowledge base. Also important to any paralegal’s tool box of skills are legal research and writing. The following scenario will help you exercise those skills by applying what you have learned in this week’s lectures and materials.

A state statute allows handgun owners to carry concealed handguns on the condition that the handgun owners obtain a permit from the county sheriff for the county in which they reside. The sheriff is prohibited from issuing a permit for a period of three days after receiving the application. Sheriffs cannot issue a permit to a minor, a felon, or a person who is or has undergone treatment for any psychiatric condition.

Alan Allen, aged 32, applies to the sheriff for a permit. He and the sheriff are friends, so the sheriff issues the permit without waiting three days or asking Allen if he has or is undergoing treatment for any psychiatric condition. In fact, Allen has been treated for severe depression and currently is taking medication for the same. Allen goes to a local tavern for a drink, gets into a fight with Chuck Charles, and pulls his gun, intending to frighten him. The gun fires, hits and shatters a bottle behind the bar, sending shards of glass flying. A piece of glass lodges in Chuck Charles’ eye, blinding him in one eye.

Draft an internal memorandum on the case to your attorney. Make sure to find primary sources of law, such as cases and statutes on point. You can use the law of your state, even if it differs somewhat from the fictitious state statute mentioned in the fact pattern. CITE ALL SOURCES using the BLUEBOOK format. Address in the memo the following questions:

  • Are the sheriff’s actions negligent?
  • If so, is that negligence the proximate cause of Charles’ injury?
  • Was it foreseeable that the sheriff’s failure to question Allen on his psychiatric history would result in the injury to Charles?
  • What is sovereign immunity, and will it offer any protection to the sheriff?

Name your file SUO_LGS1004_W2_A2_Freres_J

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Brigham Young University Independent Study Criminal justice Article Critique


I’m working on a law writing question and need support to help me learn.

In your own words Critically analyze and discuss the findings and conclusions of the article.

Do not summarize but respond to them. One page singles spaced doesn’t not have to apa unless outside sources are used.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. USF Global Common Policy the Montreal Protocol Analysis Paper


Pick one of the following policies to analyze in greater detail (using the guidelines attached in this and the remaining modules). Make it short and sweet, a page works of text and max two pages. One page is fine!

  1. Montreal Protocol (Links to an external site.)
  2. Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health Act of 2000 (Links to an external site.)
  3. United Nations Fish Agreement (Links to an external site.)
  4. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Links to an external site.)
  5. Kyoto Protocol

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. MMHA 6300 Walden University Policymaker Project


I’m working on a policy project and need a sample draft to help me study.

For the Final Project Part 1, you will conduct extensive research that is focused, current, and most important, accurate. Select a policy that has been enacted into law within the last year or a current Bill that is in the policy development process. The aim of this project is for you to explore the legal, ethical, and policy implications of your selected health care policy issue.

1 page

  • Identify a policymaker in your area. This could be a member of the U.S. Congress from your state of residence, a state represented or other elected official or an equivalent legislative person that you identify if you are from a territory. If you are an international student, you may choose any policymaker in your area who is responsible for enacting health care policy or laws. Provide the name, title, contact information, and web page if available. Also, explain why you selected this policymaker.
  • Select a health care policy issue of interest that the policymaker you selected supports or opposes. This will be the topic of your Final Project. Feel free to use media resources regarding the issue in order to increase your understanding of how a policy or law can impact the health care issue. Provide a short summary of the health care policy issue you selected.
  • Must include a references section and be in APA style.
  • In-text citations must be listed in the references.

Congressman Dusty Johnson

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJSA 1317 Central Texas College Community based Correction Programs Discussion



In three to five pages (at least 3, but no more than 5 pages) not including the cover sheet and reference page, research and discuss a topic relevant to this course.

You are to research the topic using either traditional methods (books, journals, articles, etc.), by using the Internet, or a combination of both. All works referenced, from either source, must be documented and credit given to the author or web site.

It will be up to you to narrow the topic down to the specific research you want to do. For example: if your topic is “alternatives to the incarceration of juveniles,” you may choose to research diversion programs, survival programs, community-based corrections, etc.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Albany State University Comparative Criminal Justice Discussion


I’m studying and need help with a Criminal Justice question to help me learn.

1. Which international crime data do you believe provide the most helpful information? Explain

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Northeastern University Law Racial Injustice Paper


I’m working on a law writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Write a 4 page paper talking about racial injustice as an example of a current movement in activism.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. USF Population Growth and Environmental Sustainability Discussion


Video #1: (my paraphrasing the video theme) What, perhaps the next 40 or so years could bring us…

Video #2:  Ben Zuckerman – UCLA Professor (13 minutes)

Watch the two videos above and answer the following questions in the discussion forum. You can combine your response into one well thought out paragraph or you can answer each one separately (your choice).  Respond to two other students with a counterargument.  That is find something you don’t agree with and explain why.  20 points for your post and 5 points each for your response (2 total responses for 10 points).

1. Ben Zuckerman states that he believes that our projected population will likely be governed more from catastrophic events rather than by a rational decision. Do you agree with this or do you think we can “plan” our way to a sustainable population?

2. Do you think that we will need to build an entirely new global society to sustain our population or is this all overblown and we don’t have a problem? Is it an elitist conspiracy?  Do you think that we have enough resources to sustain our current population? Do you think we have reached “Peak Civilization?”

3. Do you think the government should decide how many children each of us have and what are you thoughts about using food as a weapon to control population?

4. Any other critiques or comments you wish to discuss?

Law Homework Help