Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Northern Arizona University Decision of the Department of Justice Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

1.Locate ONE recent U.S. Supreme Court decision or criminal court case impacting the criminal justice or intelligence field. In this post, provide specific details about this decision/case.

2. Critically analyze this court decision/case by discussing how the political, social and/or economic systems impacted this court decision. Meaning, what is happening or did happen to make this decision relevant? For example, if we were looking at a court decision that legalized marijuana, we could discuss the political, social and/or economic factors that allowed marijuana to become legal (i.e., why has this law now changed?).

Think critically…I am not looking for a “right” answer, but for you to think about this question and offer a well developed and supported opinion.

Links to Supreme Court Decisions (this is not a comprehensive list; other links are available online):

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Capella University Federal and State Jurisdiction in Criminal Cases Essay


Write an essay of 750-1,000 words in which you:

  1. Address federal and state jurisdiction in criminal cases.
  2. Explain why we have so many different court jurisdictions for criminal offenses.
  3. Explain whether the plethora of jurisdictions enhance or detract from the imposition of justice throughout the country. Provide your reasoning.

locate three to five relevant, scholarly sources in support of your content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found the APA Style Guide.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. LSTD 301 APUS Week 3 Addressing Collision between Constitutional Rights Essay


This week you will be writing an essay, 2-3 pages double-spaced in length, on what happens when Constitutional rights collide. You can find an example from the news or caselaw, but here are some suggestions:

Religious rights (1st amendment) versus equal protection (14th amendment):

Freedom of speech (1st amendment) versus equal protection/protected classes (14th amendment)

Freedom from Search/seizure (4th amendment) versus right to carry a firearm (2nd amendment:,he%20is%20carrying%20a%20firearm%3F

If you find something that’s not technically a conflict, but is interesting to you, that’s fine! Here are some interesting Constitutional issues:

– Can cities impose mask mandates? Is this even a Constitutional issue, why or why not?

– Can a state make laws that put a greater burden on minority residents (think voting restrictions)?

– Should mandatory draft registration be imposed on both men and women?

Citing your sources. If you are not a Legal Studies student, you may use whatever citation system your major uses. If you are a Legal Studies student, you must use Bluebook and use footnotes. Everyone must make sure their sources are properly cited. Check Turnitin for help! If you copy a piece of text, it MUST be in quotation marks with a citation immediately after.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UArizona Global Campus Electronic Search Warrants Discussion


Identify at least two considerations that must be addressed when developing a search warrant application during an investigation of computer-related crime. How does a single crime scene or multiple crime scenes affect cyber investigations?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UArizona Global Campus Investigating Computer Crimes Discussion


Describe at least two reasons why local law enforcement and municipalities face challenges when investigating computer crimes. Identify at least one key component that local law enforcement agencies should have to improve their investigative response.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. College of Mount Saint Vincent CH1 to 3 Mandatory Counseling Questions


You are a juvenile court probation officer. You have a choice of programs including; mandatory counseling, family counseling, removal from the home and placing in foster care, diversion, incarceration in a youth home or mandatory participation in a 10 week boot camp. You must make recommendations to the judge for sentencing. You must use all the alternatives for the group and you can’t use more than one alternative twice. Make recommendations for each juvenile and explain your rationale. Note your difficulties and what further information you would have liked. Finally what is the overwhelming need for each person and how are you addressing that in your program.

Sally is 13 and lives in the suburbs of Fort Wayne. She was caught riding in a stolen car with two friends from high school. Sally has no record – her mother tells you that Sally was a model child until last year when her father died. Since then Sally’s grades have dropped and she has become unmanageable.

John is 16 and lives in Indianapolis. He has a long juvenile record dating back to when he was 10. John’s prior offenses include arson, disorderly conduct, larceny and assault (3). John was arrested for stealing lawn ornaments worth $23.00. John is unsupervised (no parental control) and missed his last probation meeting.

  • Don is 14 and lives in the inner-city of Gary, Indiana. Don has no father and his mother is a crack addict. Don lives by himself for long periods of time. In the past Don was arrested for stealing food from a local bakery. Don admitted to the theft, but noted he hadn’t eaten in two days. Don was removed from home – but was returned to his mother one year later. Don was arrested for possession of crack cocaine – it was believed he was selling.
  • Darlene is 12 and lives in the suburbs with her mother, step-father and new baby sister. Darlene has been in juvenile court a number of times in the past year for being a runaway. She was petitioned last month by her step-father for being incorrigible. Darlene refused to follow the family rules and is defiant to her step-father. Darlene is very intelligent and is openly disrespectful to her mother and step-father.
  • Stephen Holmes is 16 and lives in Noblesville. His father is a salesman and his mother is an executive with General Advertising Inc. Stephen has a prior record for larceny. Last month Stephen got into a fight with his brother who is 17. After the fight was over Stephen took his father’s gun and shot his brother in the head instantly killing him.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Rasmussen University Ethical Issues Calendaring Errors Malpractice Discussion


I’m working on a law discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Imagine you are a paralegal in a large law firm. You are constantly being given scheduling orders and deadlines for cases. One Friday you receive a call from the Court alerting you to the fact that your attorney has missed a pretrial conference, and the judge is considering dismissing the client’s case. Alarmed, you check the attorney’s calendar and realize you calendared the date of the pretrial for the next month in error. In your initial discussion post you should discuss this situation. How might calendaring errors such as this impact the client, the attorney, and you as the paralegal? What ethical issues are implicated in this situation?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. University of Phoenix University The Jury System Questions


I need help with a Criminal Justice question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • What impact does the jury system have on the rest of the criminal justice system?
  • How would criminal justice function differently if defendants had no right to a trial by a jury of their peers, which is the situation in virtually all the non-common-law nations of the world?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CRJ 306 UAGC Wk 1 Beyond A Reasonable Doubt Discussion


Law Homework Help