Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. PLA 2763 Rasmussen University Global Communication Email Writing Practice




This module we focused on communication. At times you might be asked to communicate with someone from a different country or from a different culture. As you’ve read about in your lessons this week, email communication can increase miscommunication, as can communicating with a person with different cultural norms. For your initial post this week, format your post as an email to a client (Mr. Hansen) located in a different country. You had requested documents from the client a month ago, and have only received 20% of what was requested. The documents that were produced are missing pages. You are displeased with the client’s lack of response and need to communicate that the documents need to be provided to the firm by the end of the module, with all pages intact. You should ensure that your email is formatted with proper formatting, grammar and spelling and that the communication will be clear to all readers, regardless of their background. You should use your readings and additional research this week to format and create your email.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Columbia Southern University Week 8 Roles of the Government and the Department of Homeland Security Essay


In the fourth stage of your research paper, you will submit your final draft. Recall that your paper should consist of the following five sections:

Introduction of your topic that will be a homeland security program chosen by you at either the local, state, tribal, or federal levels:

  1. U.S. government’s role in homeland security programs at the specific level chosen;
  2. motivation of terrorist group activities against Americans;
  3. strengths and weaknesses of American homeland security’s counterterrorism policies at the chosen level;
  4. tactical response options to terrorism at the chosen level using available resources and jurisdictional procedures; and
  5. conclusion of your paper.

When composing Section V of your paper, be sure to include the following information:

  • the role of the National Response Framework and the National Incident Management System in the development of tactical response options to terrorism within a homeland security program at your chosen level,
  • the resources available at your chosen jurisdictional level when determining tactical response options to terrorism, and
  • how these resources can be used to form a homeland security strategy for your chosen jurisdictional level.

The research paper will need to be at least six pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Your paper must be in APA style format and include five scholarly references to support your position surrounding your topic, to answer your research questions, or to support your points about the need for further research on this topic.

If I need to upload my prior answers to help support this question please feel free to request them from me.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. LS 501 University of Purdue Global The NCAA Has Many Balls in the Air Case Study


Write a 3- to 4-page analysis that addresses the following:

  1. Structure your paper to address each of the four below elements. Make each of them a separate heading in your paper.
    • Causes of the events in the case
    • Ethical issues involved
    • Consequences of the actors’ behaviors in the case
    • Potential solutions
  2. Apply the concepts of normative ethics and morality that you have studied to the facts of the case.
  3. State your personal opinion concerning the optimum (best) outcome that can be achieved. Support your opinion with the ethical and moral principles you have studied.

Paper Format:

  • Use Times New Roman or Arial size 11 or 12 font.
  • Double-space the paper.
  • The paper should be approximately 3–4 pages in length.
  • Include your name, date, and assignment title on each page of the paper. You may use the header function of Microsoft Word to do that.

Cases to choose from for this assignment are the following:

  1. Case #6, “Starbucks Venti Social Responsibility and Brand Strategy,” pages 387–397
  2. Case #8, “New Belgium Brewing: Crafting a Fresh Social Responsibility and Sustainability Initiative,” pages 416–425
  3. Case #9, “The NCAA Has Many Balls in the Air,” pages 426–438

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CRM 123 Saint Leo University Criminal Justice Hypothetical Fact Patterns Case Analysis


In this assignment, you will prepare 3 case analyses based on hypothetical fact patterns. These fact patterns all deal with the topic of due process.


Step 1: Download and thoroughly read the Case Analysis instructions.


Step 2: Download the Case Analysis Fact Patterns. Prepare your responses to each fact pattern based on the instructions.


The Case Analysis Instructions and the 3 Case Analysis Fact Patterns are attached.


Please be sure to use APA format w/double spacing and include references.


Thank you!

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. San Diego State University Session 5 Perils of Perception Activity Reflection Questions


Then, reflect on this experience thinking of concepts from the class. For the Perils of Perception activity, I have an expectation that the assignment be about 1500 words, as stated in the syllabus. You may write it as a formal essay using the questions in the prompt as a guide, or you may write mini-essay responses to the prompts, whichever you prefer. I am not so strict about word length or format, as long as you show a strong familiarity with the course concepts. “””””

I will provide the powerpoint slides/videos/ class materials

Perils of Perception Activity reflection

Take Perils of Perception Quiz online at: (Links to an external site.)

While completing the Perils of Perception activity, pay careful attention to how the average respondent answered these questions. After completing the activity, write a reflection that considers the following:

How did your perceptions align (or not) with evidence?

How did the public’s opinion align with evidence?

If a substantial portion of the general public holds an opinion that is not accurate, how might that affect which policies are passed, and how policies are designed?

What policy typologies might be used?

  • Give specific examples from the quiz. 
  • Rubric
  • Analytical Essay Rubric- 25 pts
  • CriteriaRatingsPts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting and GrammarFew, if any, errors of punctuation, spelling, capitalization (mechanics). Few if any grammatical errors (agreement, tense, case, number, pronoun use). Sentences are well-phrased and varied in length and structure. They flow smoothly from one to another.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Police Personnel and Criminal Law Questions


Book called Criminal Justice Today An Introductory Text for the 21st Century Fifteenth Edition

This assignment for this week is clustered, as it correlates to the objectives for (Chapters: 5-8 Policing). Submit your response in the Unit 5 Module.

You must address ALL facets in both bullet points to earn 20 points.

  • II. Discuss police discretionary powers when deciding whether to use force and the amount of force to use. Include in the following in your response:
  1. A high profile case scenario involving a police officer’s discretionary powers to use lethal force.
  2. Summarize the facts of the case.
  3. Define probable cause. Did officers have clear probable cause to initiate contact with the individual?
  4. Was the use of force warranted in that case? If yes, explain your thought process. If no, articulate alternative solutions to the use of force.
  5. In this case scenario did the community respond to the use of lethal force? What was the overall sense of the community’s response? Did they make any demands of the police department?
  6. What was the final outcome? (Were charges filed against the officers in the use of lethal force? If yes what was the outcome? If no, do you support the decision, not the charge the officers? Explain your reasoning.
  7. Is AB392 necessary?

Grading Rubric


Rubric: Chapter Review Assignment (3) (1)

Rubric: Chapter Review Assignment (3) (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent/Conceptualization

12 to >11.0 pts

Response displays a full understanding of the complexity of the issue addressed and multiple points of view. Recognizes varied interpretations and implications. excellent exposition, clearly and concisely written, well argued, and displaying good original input from the student.

Author directly addresses main question or issue, and adds new insight to the subject not provided in lectures, readings, or class discussions. The author has retained nearly all of the knowledge presented in class. He/She is able to synthesize this knowledge in new ways and relate to material not covered in the course. Provides compelling and accurate evidence that convinces reader to accept main argument. The importance/relevance of all pieces of evidence is clearly stated. There are no gaps in reasoning—i.e., the reader does not need to assume anything or do additional research to accept main argument. Conclusion-Elegantly synthesizes and reframes key points from the paper. Suggests new perspectives or questions relevant to the central argument, and brings closure

11 to >9.0 pts

Good exposition, but lacks clarity and concision, or doesn’t have much original input, or offers poor support for important claims.

Author competently addresses main question or issue, but does not add much new insight into the subject. That said, it is clear that the author has learned a great deal in class and is able to communicate this knowledge to others. Provides necessary evidence to convince reader of most aspects of the main argument but not all. The importance/ relevance of some evidence presented may not be totally clear. Reader must make a few mental leaps or do some additional research to fully accept all aspects of main argument. Conclusion-Synthesizes and brings closure but does not examine new perspectives or questions

9 to >7.0 pts

No Description

Response does not address some aspects of the assignment. (and/or…) Response demonstrates a somewhat shaky grasp of criminological principles. The response represents the authors’ arguments, evidence and conclusions accurately though not sufficiently clearly. (and/or…) Conclusion-Restates the same points as the topic paragraph without reframing them. (and/or…) Introduces new material rather than new perspectives.

7 to >5.0 pts

No Description

Author attempts to address main question or issue, but fails. The author has retained some information from the course, but does not fully understand its meaning or context and cannot clearly convey it to others. Not enough evidence is provided to support author’s argument, or evidence is incomplete, incorrect, or oversimplified. Information from lectures and readings is not effectively used. Conclusion-Is missing or cursory. (and/or…) Repeats the topic paragraph more-or-less verbatim.

5 to >4.0 pts

No Description

Fails to understand some aspects of the material, and/or is very unclearly written. Main points lack detailed development. Ideas are vague with little evidence of critical thinking. Shows some thinking and reasoning but most ideas are underdeveloped and unoriginal.

4 to >1.0 pts

No Description

Response does not address the assignment. Fails to follow format and assignment requirements; incorrect margins, spacing and indentation; neatness of essay needs attention.

1 to >0 pts

Did not submit a paper; plagiarized material; made no effort to understand the material or shows no sign of having read it.

12 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization/Structure/Mechanics

4 to >3.0 pts

Full Marks

Essay contains an intro, main body, and conclusion. Introduction lays out main argument and gives an outline of what the reader can expect in the essay. The conclusion brings everything together, acknowledges potential shortcomings of the paper, and gives the reader a sense of what further work might be done to advance the subject matter described in the paper.

3 to >2.0 pts

No Description

The introduction gives the reader an idea of what to expect in the paper, but does not effectively lay out the main argument. It may begin with a set of rhetorical questions, or an anecdote that is never fully explained. The conclusion does little more than restate the problematic introduction. Intro and/or conclusion may be too wordy or short.

2 to >0 pts

No Marks

Essay has no clear organizational pattern.

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling/Grammar/APA

4 to >3.0 pts

Full Marks

All sentences are grammatically correct and clearly written. No words are misused or unnecessarily fancy. Technical terms, words from other languages, and words from other historical periods are always explained. All information is accurate and up-to-date. Paper has been spell-checked AND proofread (ideally by you and somebody else), and contains no errors

3 to >2.0 pts

No Description

A few sentences are grammatically incorrect or not clearly written. Several words are misused. Technical terms, words from other languages, and words from other historical periods are rarely explained. Not all information is accurate and up-to-date. Paper has been spell-checked AND proofread, but still contains several errors. Reader’s ability to understand essay may be compromised by these errors.

2 to >0 pts

No Marks

Paper is full of grammatical errors and bad writing. Several words are misused. Technical terms, words from other languages, and words from other historical periods are rarely explained. Not all information is accurate and up-to-date. Paper has not been spell-checked or proofread, and contains numerous errors. Reader has a difficult time understanding essay because of errors.

4 pts

Total Points: 20


Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. University of Miami Intellectual Property Rights Ari Saal v Nike & Lorillard MEMO


Attached you will see one document with the topic I decided to do my Memo on. (Memo rubric)
Also one example of memorandum to see and understand the exercise. (SEC v. Siemens)

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. GCU What Factors Contribute to Crime Social Disorganization Theory Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

According to social disorganization theory, what factors contribute
to crime and what initiates them? How might this process be reversed or

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. GCU Theories of Crime Discussion Questions


I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Social process Theories, like social learning theory, differential association, and labeling Theory links interpersonal relationships and learning with crime. Social Structure theories emphasize poverty, lack of education, and lack of conformity to traditional values, as the primary causes of crime. Which do you think more Accurately explains crime and why?  

Law Homework Help