Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. YU First Officer Responder Discussion


I’m working on a criminal justice multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Discuss the role of the first responding officer to a crime scene

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Collateral Consequences of Criminal Records Criminal Justice Question


See attachments for further instructions.

To what extent do you agree with the policy of nonintervention? In particular, do you feel that the criminal justice system sometimes goes “too far” in trying to control crime and thereby make matters worse (or not)? What specific practices do you think policy makers should adopt to mitigate the mark of a criminal label? How do you think these policies would affect crime?

In answering these questions, please support your response with (1) at least 3 relevant points from Dr. Uggen’s talk, (2) material from the lecture notes, and (3) material from the Barkan textbook. Your response is expected to be approximately 3-5 paragraphs, but the most important issue will be content—your response should answer the questions that are posed, cite relevant material, and be clear, organized, professional, and well-written. To receive credit for your assignment, you must submit it by the deadline. Points will be assigned based on whether the response is excellent (40 points), very good (36 points), good (32 points), acceptable (28 points), poor (24 points), or not submitted (0 points).

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Rasmussen College Crime Control & Due Process Racism in Criminal Justice Paper


Primary Discussion Posts:

After viewing the video, and completing additional research about the Crime Control and Due Process models, please offer a 900 words primary response in which you address each of the following

  • What, according to Herbert Parker, does the Crime Control Model emphasize as goals?  Contrast this with the goals of the Due Process model.
  • Complete the Due Process or Crime Control Poll. How does this personal perspective about crime and justice shape what you know, and believe, about the justice system?
  • Which perspective is dominant in the media? Provide examples of this perspective in action.

Assignment 2 

Watch the following youtube link

Also, please review the following websites and complete additional research.

Policy Choice Examples:

I. Arrests

  • Policy: Police should collect data on the race and release records of every person they arrest.
  • Pros: This will enable departments to track officers who arrest minorities without sufficient cause.
  • Cons: Police have too much paperwork already and the statistics collected will be meaningless.

II. Plea Bargaining

  • Policy: Plea bargaining should be abolished.
  • Pros: It will do away with an informal process subject to abuse because the courts do not review it. It will ensure that all defendants have their day in court.
  • Cons: Doing away with plea bargaining will clog the courts with cases awaiting trial, resulting in increased court costs.

III. Sentencing

  • Policy: Federal law should not make first-time drug offenders face mandatory sentences. Judges should be allowed more discretion in sentencing these drug offenders.
  • Pros: Mandatory-minimum sentences cause first-time offenders, mostly minorities, to go into an already overcrowded prison system.
  • Cons: Mandatory-minimum sentences are needed to show we are serious in our war on drugs.

Your assignment:

1. Is systemic discrimination a serious problem in the criminal justice system?

  • At this point in our history, is this even a subject for honest debate?

2. Select one of the three policy choice examples above. Evaluate the policy by answering each of the following questions about that policy:

  • What problem is the policy designed to address? Does it address the problem? Why or why not?
  • Who might support the policy? Who might oppose it? Why?
  • What benefits might come from the policy?
  • What costs might result from the policy?
  • Does this policy have the potential to systematically increase or decrease discrimination?
  • What other policies might address the problem? Are they better? Why?

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Suffolk County Community College Criminal Justice Search and Seizure Essay


Students will create a source-based essay of at least 1500 words (5 pages, double spaced) that will be submitted by the student on BlackBoard (see rubric below). The essay must be sourced from at least 3 locations that include the Criminal Procedure Law, a scholarly journal, and a news article. The citation style is APA. Topic choices are up to the student, except must be related to criminal procedure. Potential topic areas may be located in the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments as they relate to criminal procedure in America (or Canada). Examples of topics could include search and seizure, interrogation, and due process issues.


Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Taft College America is a Prison State Discussion


Please complete viewing FRONTLINE: Prison State @ and write a two-page paper (single-spaced) on your reaction to the fact that incarceration has become America’s solution to every social problem, ranging from juveniles having difficulty getting along with their parents to adults committing non-violent offenses such as being in possession of very small amount of narcotics. It almost seems like we are putting individuals in jails and prisons not because they are so dangerous that we need to keep them away from us but because we simply don’t like them. Yet, studies have shown that incarceration has almost never been proven effective in solving any social ill. In some states like California, the prison budget is near the budget for high education. What do you think we should do to get out of this fallacy while at the same time, making our society a place of opportunities and harmony for all of us irrespective of one’s social-economic status? The purpose of this assignment to help students gain a clear understanding of how over-criminalization has resulted in costly mass incarceration and turned prison into a revolving door for those incarcerated. It also provides an opportunity for students to offer suggestions to improve or change the current condition.

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. O Bannon v NCAA and Solid Oak Sketches LLC v 2K Games Inc Cases Questions


finish two essay in 1 hour, please do it correctly .finish two essay in 1 hour, please do it correctly .finish two essay in 1 hour, please do it correctly .

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Restorative Justice Discussion


In 500-750 words, evaluate the merits of restorative justice programs by doing the following:

Locate a restorative justice program that is currently in use by a justice agency.

  1. Use research sources to explain how effective this type of program is.
  2. Explain if you feel the benefits outweigh the costs, and why.

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Boston College How Effective Police Patrol & Discretion Can Help in Protecting Communities Paper


  1. Module 3: Law Enforcement Approaches: Spotlight on Traditional Policing
  2. read Chapter 3 of Worrall’s text book in preparation for the week’s assignments.: Crime Control in America: What Works? (4th or 5th Edition) by John L. Worrall.
  3. Given that the research suggests that spending more, and adding more police officers does not have a notable impact on crime rates; should we continue to pursue this approach or are there other important outcomes that an enhanced patrol presence could affect?

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Barstow Community College Prison Overcrowding Discussion Responses


After you finish the readings for Week 6, post a message (here) in the conference in which you complete the following: “What do you see as effective solutions to problems of overcrowding in correctional institutions? Is building more prisons the answer? What about privatization?” Be Specific.


Tony Whitaker

I think the most effective way to solve the overcrowding in prisons if to find a more effective way of punishment for nonviolent offenders such as someone being convicted for petty offensives of nonviolent drug offenders, the prisons are so overcrowded because of this I think this solution will allow violent offenders to serve out their time and nonviolent offenders to be punish in a more sustainable and effective way. Building more prisons would just make the overcrowding worst because then it will feel like they must fill the prisons because it is too empty and they risk the prison being closed. although there are some good pros to privatization in prisons there are also a lot of cons as well such as it creates corruption because without prisoners the prison has no profit which may cause the prisoners to serve a longer sentence then intended.


Edward Chavez

Although building more prisons would seem to be the answer to prison overcrowding, it really is not the solution for the problem. If the state were to build more prisons, then you’ll need to hire more guards to watch over them and run the place. Being a prison guard is not the easiest job in the world to have, it comes with a lot of stress. Not to mention what it costs to run the place. But there are a few things that can be done that would help. One thing would be to give the judges some flexability on any convictions and replace all mandatory sentencing laws. Leave it up to the judge to make the sentence to fit the crime. Another thing that can and should be done is to get rid of the, “Three Strikes Law”, for all non-violent convictions. In California, those who get convicted for non-violent crimes will still get 25 to life sentencing. According to the web page, “Insider”, “Nearly 4000 prisoners in California are now serving life sentences for a third strike offense that was neither violent nor serious”. This number makes up more than 40 percent of the 8500 third-strike population. One more thing I think would help with overcrowding would to have an earlier release time for prisoners who show they trying to stay the course and not make them do their minimum time before being released back out.


Christopher Petrella, Insider, 2012, Ten Ways To Reduce The Prison Population In America, ( (Links to an external site.))

Michael Mitchell, 2014, 4 Ways States Can Reduce Incarceration Rates ( (Links to an external site.))

Law Homework Help